Lutheranism 101

Scot A. Kinnaman - 2010
    If you are a lifelong Lutheran searching for more information or new to Lutheranism looking to understand what we believe, this book will be your guide.

Grace Alone---Salvation as a Gift of God: What the Reformers Taughts...and Why It Still Matters

Carl R. Trueman - 2017
    These five solas do not merely summarize what the Reformation was all about but have served to distinguish Protestantism ever since. They set Protestants apart in a unique way as those who place ultimate and final authority in the Scriptures, acknowledge the work of Christ alone as sufficient for redemption, recognize that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone, and seek to not only give God all of the glory but to do all things vocationally for his glory. 2017 will mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. And yet, even in the twenty-first century we need the Reformation more than ever. As James Montgomery Boice said not long ago, while the Puritans sought to carry on the Reformation, today “we barely have one to carry on, and many have even forgotten what that great spiritual revolution was all about.” Therefore, we “need to go back and start again at the very beginning. We need another Reformation.”[1] In short, it is crucial not only to remember what the solas of the Reformation were all about, but also to apply these solas in a fresh way in light of many contemporary challenges.[1]James Montgomery Boice, “Preface,” in Here We Stand: A Call from Confessing Evangelicals (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1996), 12.

Calvin vs. Wesley: Bringing Belief in Line with Practice

Don Thorsen - 2013
    Pastor Mike Slaughter even says that these can stand in the way of the church's mission of social and personal holiness. But most people do not adopt a theology on purpose, mostly they merely breathe in the prevailing cultural air. The theology "de jour" seems to be Calvinist, with its emphasis on "the elect" and "other worldly salvation." In fact, there is so much Calvinism saturating the culture, that some do not even know there is an alternative way of thinking about their faith. They don't know where to go to find a viable option; they don't even know the key words to search Google. So people are left thinking like Calvinists but living with a desire to change the world, offering grace and hope to hurting people in mission and ministry--loving the least, the last, and the lost. In other words, they are living like Wesleyans. This book shows what Calvinist and Wesleyans actually believe about human responsibility, salvation, the universality of God's grace, holy living through service, and the benefits of small group accountability--and how that connects to how people can live. Calvinists and Wesleyans are different, and by knowing the difference, people will not only see the other benefits of Wesleyan theology but will be inspired to learn more. By knowing who they are as faithful people of God, they will be motivated to reach out in mission with renewed vigor. And they won't be obstacles to grace and holiness, but they can be better disciples and advocates for Christ through service in this world.

Crisis, Opportunity, and The Christian Future

James B. Jordan - 1994
    The present crisis in our culture is the greatest since the first century. Many commentators on the present scene believe that the entire world is moving into a period of neo-tribalism. In this striking book, theologian James B. Jordan argues that this cultural change is part of God's ongoing plan for humanity, the plan by which the Holy Spirit grows God's daughter, humanity, into a bride for His Son. The present crisis provides a tremendous opportunity for the Christian Church to challenge and transform the world as never before. Here, Jordan points to how this can be done. While many view the present crisis with dismay, and are looking backwards to older traditions, Jordan argues that God is calling us forward, and that the Bible points the way.

Mere Fundamentalism: The Apostles' Creed and the Romance of Orthodoxy

Douglas Wilson - 2018
    This is the romance of orthodoxy." In this book, Douglas Wilson combines G.K. Chesterton-like prose with the Apostles' Creed, and explains such doctrines as the Trinity, creation, fall, salvation, Scripture, and the church with clarity and imagination. Rather than seeing fundamentalist doctrines as a narrow and confining straightjacket, Wilson sees them as the only way for people to find true freedom and joy.

The Daring Heart of David Livingstone: Exile, African Slavery, and the Publicity Stunt That Saved Millions

Jay Milbrandt - 2014
    In view of the confessions in his ownjournals, saint is out of the question. Even missionary is tenuous,considering he made only one convert. And despite his fame as a scientist andexplorer, Livingstone left his most indelible mark on Africa in an arena fewhave previously examined: slavery.His impact on abolishing what he called “this awful slave-trade” has beenshockingly overlooked as the centerpiece of his African mission.Until now.The Daring Heart of David Livingstone tells his story from the beginning of his time in Africa to the publicity stunt that saved millions after his death.

An Ocean of Grace: A Journey to Easter with Great Voices From the Past

Tim Chester - 2021
    They will help you reflect on Jesus in the run-up to Easter. Ideal to start at the beginning of Lent.

Whatever Happened to the Gospel of Grace?: Recovering the Doctrines That Shook the World

James Montgomery Boice - 2001
    We've achieved success, but in a worldly sort of way--big numbers, big budgets, and big outreaches. Yet church attendance is actually down and alleged born again believers do not differ significantly in their worldview from their neighbors. Why? We have forgotten our theology and, consciously or not, have pursued the wisdom of the world, accepted its doctrines, and utilized its methods. Pastor James Montgomery Boice believed that our ignorance of God and neglect of the gospel of grace is the root of the problem. Here he identifies what's happening within the church and explains how the five doctrinal truths that transformed the world during the Reformation not only offer the solution but can shape a renewal today. By offering people what they desperately lack--the Word of God and salvation through Christ--rather than giving them an imitation of what they already have, we will see Christianity thrive once again. And in holding fervently to the foundational truths of the gospel, we will know the power of spiritual renewal in our churches. Without these five confessional statements--Scripture alone, Christ alone, grace alone, faith alone, and glory to God alone--we do not have a true church, and certainly not one that will survive for very long. For how can any church be a true and faithful church if it does not stand for Scripture alone, is not committed to a biblical gospel, and does not exist for God's glory? A church without these convictions has ceased to be a true church, whatever else it may be. --JamesMontgomery Boice

We Don’t Know What’s Going to Happen and That’s Okay: Living in Holy Uncertainty

John Mark Comer - 2020

I Really Want to Change...So, Help Me God

James MacDonald - 2000
    Change is difficult, but it's made even harder without practical guidance on how to do it. You will find that guidance in Lord, Change Me. James MacDonald is serious about the business of change according to God's Word. While many tell us that we should change and be more like Christ, MacDonald actually teaches us how to do it.  Lord, Change Me is split into three sections as the model for approaching change:The Preparation for Change: choosing the right method and partnering with God to select the areas in need of change in your life.The Process of Change: exploring the biblical method of saying 'no' to sinful patterns and 'yes' to the things God desires for you.The Power to Change: explaining how to experience the power of God personally and continuously.This is a book about a different you. There are no warm fuzzies within these pages. Rather, MacDonald is a direct, to-the-point pastor with a heart for seeing lives completely transformed by the truth of the Gospel. If you're serious about changing your life, this book is just what you need.

What is an Evangelical?

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1992
    His three addresses at the I.F.E.S. Conference in 1971 drew attention to this.

Rooted: Connect with God, The Church, Your Purpose

Mariners Church - 2016

The Cost

Steven J. Lawson - 2017
    He did not try to save people's feelings. This was because the things He was saying were too important and His love for people too strong to allow Him room to tread softly. Steven Lawson unpacks these few verses, looking at the unashamed honesty, passion, and urgency with which Jesus explains the incredible cost involved in following Him. It is undoubtedly the biggest sacrifice any person ever makes - but it is for the most abundantly glorious prize imaginable.

Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners

John Bunyan - 1666
    Augustine to Corrie Ten Boom's The Hiding Place. In Grace Abounding, John Bunyan (1628?1688), the author of Pilgrim's Progress, describes his conviction of sin, his struggles against unbelief, his entrance into the meaning and comfort of the Holy Scriptures, and much more.

Is Christmas Unbelievable?: Four Questions Everyone Should Ask about the World's Most Famous Story

Rebecca McLaughlin - 2021
    In this concise book, respected apologist Rebecca McLaughlin outlines the evidence that Jesus was a real person, explaining the reliability of the Bible's accounts of his life and why believing in a virgin birth is not as ridiculous as it might sound.This book shows that there is a rational basis for the belief that the world's most famous story is fact, not fantasy--and how those events in history can infuse our lives today with meaning and joy.