Reiki: The Ultimate Guide: Learn Sacred Symbols and Attunements Plus Reiki Secrets You Should Know

Steve Murray - 2003
    It includes: 150 photos and illustrations with symbols, hand positions and easy step-by-step directions showing how to give - a Reiki 1st Level Attunement; a Reiki 2nd Level Attunement; a Reiki Master Level Attunement; a Reiki Psychic Attunement; and, a Reiki Healing Attunement.

Immoderate Greatness: Why Civilizations Fail

William Ophuls - 2012
    Civilizations are hard-wired for self-destruction. They travel an arc from initial success to terminal decay and ultimate collapse due to intrinsic, inescapable biophysical limits combined with an inexorable trend toward moral decay and practical failure. Because our own civilization is global, its collapse will also be global, as well as uniquely devastating owing to the immensity of its population, complexity, and consumption. To avoid the common fate of all past civilizations will require a radical change in our ethos—to wit, the deliberate renunciation of greatness—lest we precipitate a dark age in which the arts and adornments of civilization are partially or completely lost.

The Cambridge Medieval History, Vols 1-5

John Bagnell Bury - 1957
    Planned by one of the most renowned Byzantinists and Medievalists of the day, John B. Bury, it became the de facto standard by which all comprehensive period histories would be measured. Its impact on the field of medieval scholarship is every bit as great as Gibbon’s “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”.Volume One – The Christian Roman Empire and the Foundation of the Teutonic Kingdoms begins with the accession of Constantine to the Imperium and ends roughly with reign of Justinian in the East. It covers the migration of Germanic tribes into Roman territories. Significant attention is given the ecumenical church councils of the 4th Century, with particular emphasis on the Arian controversies.Volume Two – The Rise of the Saracens and the Foundation of the Western Empire covers the time period from roughly 500 CE to 814 CE. Beginning with Justinian, it also looks at the Frankish Merovingian dynasty, the Lombard Kingdom in Italy, the Restoration of the Imperium in Italy, and ends with the transition of power from the Merovingians to the Carolingians through Charlemagne’s reign. Chapters covering England and English institution and the conversion of the Celts. Finally, attention is given to the birth and spread of Islam and the growth of the Islamic Caliphate.Volume Three – Germany and the Western Empire covers the period from roughly 814 CE through the end of the first millennium. Beginning with the reign of Louis the Pious, it traces the decline of the Carolingian Empire and the foundation of the Capetian Dynasty. Attention is paid to the Holy Roman Empire in Germany through Henry III. The impact of the Norse Vikings on the political landscape is examined as is the development of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of England through the death of Edward the Confessor. Throughout the volume development of feudalism as a primary labor, land-owning, and social way of life is highlighted. Finally, the continued growth of the Western Caliphate is looked at.Volume Four – The Eastern Roman Empire focuses primarily on the Byzantine East from roughly 700 CE through the end of the Empire in 1483. The different dynasties (Isaurian, Phrygian, and Macedonian) receive their own chapters, and in-depth attention is paid to the struggle with the emerging Islamic Caliphate. The religious and political relationship with the West is considered and significant attention is paid to the Comneni and Fourth Crusade.Volume Five – The Contest of Empire and Papacy is concerned primarily with the century and a half from 1050 CE to 1200 CE. It looks at the surging political power of the Church and the corresponding growth of nations of Western Europe. The Holy Roman Empire and the Norman Invasion of England, the establishment of the Plantagenet Dynasty in Norman Britain, and the emergence of Monasticism and Scholasticism in the period receive attention.Volumes 6-8 were published after 1923 and are therefore not in the public domain. Plantagenet Publishing will not be able to make them available in this format.

അയൽക്കാർ | Ayalkar

P. Kesavadev - 2017
    Kesavadev, one of the prolific writers of 20th century Kerala. In the “introduction” to this book, the author contemplates on the social progress to which Kerala was slowly waking up in the beginning of twentieth century. His analyses of these developments often give birth to his literary works, as what happened in this book too, the author says. Dev, as the writer has been popularly known in Kerala, recalls that there were three main aspects for the social progress witnessed by Kerala in the first half of twentieth century (the introduction written in 1963 takes into account half a century preceding it to make this inference). The destruction of matrilineal system (marumakkathayam), which had a tint of feudal character in it, the social mobility of Ezahvas, who had witnessed backwardness in a caste-ridden society, and the progress of Christian community in the economic and education front were the three aspects.

Eating in the Age of Dieting

Rujuta Diwekar - 2020

The Magic Weight-Loss Pill: 62 Lifestyle Changes

Luke Coutinho - 2019
    Luke Coutinho, co-author of The Great Indian Diet, shows us that nothing parallels the power and impact that simple sustained lifestyle changes can have on a person who's struggling to lose excess weight or suffering from a chronic disease.The first part of the book concentrates on the reason we get such diseases in the first place, while the second is filled with sixty-two astonishingly easy and extremely practicable changes that will have you feeling healthier and happier and achieving all your health goals without the rigour and hard work of a hardcore diet or fitness regime. The suggested habits, such as drinking lemon water every day or doing five breathing exercises to fall asleep, are accompanied by detailed explanations on how and why to adopt a habit. Together, these will become your magic weight-loss pill.

Eat Delete

Pooja Makhija - 2012
    The key to a hotter you is to take it easy, really listen to your body, and make measured and sustainable nutritional and lifestyle changes. The starting point of any weight-lossprogramme doesn’t begin with what’s on your plate, it begins with what’s in your mind.Nutritionist to the stars Pooja Makhija gives you a combined mind–body holistic solution, a convenient, easy-to-use reference. So you can be in the best shape of your life. Every day from now on.

നാടന്‍ പ്രേമം | Naadan Premam

S.K. Pottekkatt - 1941
    Naadan Premam was first published in 1941.

The Mental Equivalent

Emmet Fox - 2006
    How do you do it? You build in the mental equivalents by thinking quietly, constantly, and persistently of the kind of thing you want, and by thinking that has two qualities: clearness or definiteness, and interest. If you want to build anything into your life-if you want to bring health, right activity, your true place, inspiration; if you want to bring right companionship, and above all if you want understanding of God-form a mental equivalent of the thing which you want by thinking about it a great deal, by thinking clearly and with interest. Remember clarity and interest; those are the two poles. Wilder Publications is a green publisher. All of our books are printed to order. This reduces waste and helps us keep prices low while greatly reducing our impact on the environment.

The Four Temperaments: 1 Lecture, Berlin, March 4, 1909 (Cw 57)

Rudolf Steiner - 1985
    Rudolf Steiner describes how each person's combination of temperaments is shaped out of a particular kind of union between hereditary factors and the inner spiritual nature. Telling descriptions are provided for the inwardly comfortable phlegmatic, the fickle interest of the sanguine, the pained and gloomy melancholic, and the fiery, assertive choleric. Steiner also offers practical suggestions for guiding the temperaments educationally in childhood and for adult self-improvement.

DNA of the Gods: The Anunnaki Creation of Eve and the Alien Battle for Humanity

Chris H. Hardy - 2014
    Drawing upon multiple sacred texts, Hardy details the genetic engineering of humanity by Anunnaki scientist Ninmah, with the help of Enki and Hermes. She reveals how Ninmah’s first female human creation, Tiamat/Eve, contained more alien DNA than the earlier male one, Adamu, and how the biblical Noah represents the perfection of her work. Examining the war between Anunnaki brothers Enki and Enlil, Hardy reveals how the concepts of sin and the inferiority of women were born out of Enlil’s attempts to enslave and then wipe out humanity, repeatedly thwarted by Enki and Ninmah. The author further explains how the sacred sexuality taught to humans--still seen in Tantric practice--became suppressed millennia later by the patriarchal concept of original sin and how innocent Eve took the blame for the expulsion from Eden and fall from Grace. Showing that the god who created us was not the same god who expelled us from Eden, Hardy explains that there will be no apocalypse because the Good/Evil duality has never truly existed--it has been only enemy gods fighting and implicating humanity in the wake of their own competition for power. With a full psychological understanding of how the ancient “gods” have shaped humanity’s ongoing history of conflict, we can move beyond the framework of “(my) Good versus (your) Evil” imposed by Enlil and begin to steer our own planetary destiny.

Mark Antony's Heroes: How the Third Gallica Legion Saved an Apostle and Created an Emperor

Stephen Dando-Collins - 2006
    Named for their leader, Mark Antony, these common Roman soldiers, through their gallantry on the battlefield, reshaped the Roman Empire and aided the spread of Christianity throughout Europe.

Anna, The Voice Of The Magdalenes

Claire Heartsong - 2010
    You'll uncover the "lost"years after Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, meet the Magdalenes who witnessed and walked with the resurrected Jesus in France, Britain and India, and discover long-hidden secrets concerning Jesus' intimate life, relationships and children. You'll become aware of the vital importance of lifting the suppressed Divine Feminine voice in our time and be shown the importance of the "SEEDING OF LIGHT"; how the dispersion of Anna's, Mother Mary's, and Jesus' "bloodline" of enlightened descendants may be carried within YOU acting as a living catalyst for awakening your own Christ-Magdalene potential today and path of service today.

The Hittites: The Lost Empire of the Ancient World

Duncan Ryan - 2015
    This was the Hittite civilization, the great power that arose in central Anatolia and became as powerful as the kingdom of Egypt itself. This book is dedicated to the history of the Hittites, the great empire that was forgotten by the world for almost 3,000 years. The Hittites are a fascinating people both because of their unique origins and because of the great empire that they built. Unlike any of the other major powers of the ancient world, the Hittites were a people who spoke an Indo-European language, the first known in history. Migrating into Anatolia sometime before 2,000 BCE, the Hittites rose to dominate the indigenous populations and build an empire that encompassed much of modern day Turkey and Syria. In this brief and easy to understand, yet thorough, history, you will find a comprehensive history of the Hittite kingship, including an overview of every known ruler of the Hittite empire. You will also learn about the diplomatic relationships, military traditions, and laws that defined the way of life of the Hittites. Descriptions of archaeological sites, Hittite religious practices, and the history surrounding the rediscovery of the Hittite civilization are also included to give the reader a complete look at the world of the Hittites. "The Hittites: The Lost Empire of the Ancient World" is intended as an approachable work that any lay person with an active interest in the history of the ancient world can read and understand without the need for any specialized background in the subject. If you want to learn about the general history, customs, and life of the Hittites, this book is intended to give you the best overview that is possible in an interesting and engaging manner without requiring an extensive background in Near Eastern studies. The topics that you will find covered in the various sections of this work are as follows: The origin of the Hittites A complete history of the Hittite empire, from the first kings until its collapse in the Late Bronze Age The archaeological and linguistic discoveries that enabled us to learn what we now known about this amazing civilization A complete description of Hattusa, the Hittite capital city An overview of the military of the Hittites, both in terms of military tradition and its form and strategies An introduction to the religion and mythology practiced in the ancient Hittite empire A discussion of the legacy of the Hittites and of the Neo-Hittite kings that followed the collapse of the empire. In the appendices that follow, you will find select words translated from the first known Indo-European language in history into modern day English, a list of several important sites of research and excavation, a list of select Hittite laws with an analysis of their legal code, and a short selected bibliography for further reading. The Hittites are one of the most fascinating and enigmatic civilizations of the ancient world, and few works are available to the non-specialized general public that offer a comprehensive look at their world. In this book, you will learn the major aspects of Hittite history, life and culture.

The Great Shift: Co-Creating a New World for 2012 and Beyond

Martine Vallée - 2009
    The text is addressed in part to Lightworkers, for whom the energy shift now gearing up has been ongoing for at least the last twenty years. The time is getting closer. The Great Shift is a progress report from the field and the messages are positive. "You don't have to logically do anything but 'show up' with spiritual intent, and the DNA quantum field is activated in your body," Kryon says. He tells us to expect changes and peace we may have never thought to see in our lifetimes, even in the Middle East. He says, "God is not a controlling force. Look for the love." Tom Kenyon channeling the Hathors, a group consciousness entity, reminds us, "It is your attention to an event that makes it conscious." Kenyon also explains what channeled material is, which is important in understanding how we co-create our own world#58; "From the standpoint of neuropsychology, channeled information is just another expression of our brain/mind potential . . . a movement into the unknown territory of one's own psyche to see what emerges in terms of contact (with other intelligences) and information." The Hathors message for what is now and what is to come#58; "It is so simple, it is forgotten. . . . Find a way to live your life in joy and happiness." Mary Magdalen, through Tom Kenyon, makes it clear that restoring the balance between male and female energies will mean good things for men as well as women and will reignite our creative potency. Patricia Cori channeling the High Council of Sirius reminds usthat the future is never predetermined and the past is an illusion-different for each of us.