Book picks similar to
Oxford Cases in Medicine and Surgery by Hugo Farne
Goodman & Gilman's the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics
Laurence L. Brunton - 2005
Updated to reflect all critical new developments in drug action and drug-disease interaction. This is the desert island book of all medical pharmacology - if you can own just one pharmacology book, this is it.
Textbook of Ayurveda, Volume Two: A Complete Guide to Clinical Assessment
Vasant Dattatray Lad - 2006
This book presents principles and methods of assessment using a combination of the helpful Ayurvedic and modern techniques.
Bleed, Blister, and Purge: A History of Medicine on the American Frontier
Volney Steele - 2005
With the authority of a scholar and the sparkle of an old-time storyteller, Dr. Volney Steele takes the reader from rotgut whiskey to modern anesthetics, from castor oil to antibiotics, and from barroom surgery to modern hospital operations. Dr. Steele wrote Bleed, Blister, and Purge "to shed light on and celebrate the dedication and humanitarianism of those many physicians, nurses, shamans, and people of sound practical sense who saw their patients--often friends and family--through the adversities that bedeviled them."
Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary
Donald J. Venes - 1901
A reference for health care clinicians and students, that takes account of the integration of alternative and complementary approaches into standard western medical care, defining terms relating to herbal remedies and traditional cures from other cultures.
Textbook of Anatomy, Volume 3: Head, Neck and Brain
Vishram Singh - 2014
It covers in detail the anatomy of head and neck and deals with essential aspects of brain. Following recent trends of anatomy education, the book in addition to basic information provides knowledge on anatomical/embryological/histological basis of clinical conditions through its features - Clinical Correlation and Clinical Case Study. Written in simple and easy-to-understand language, this profusely illustrated book provides knowledge of anatomy without extraneous details - ideal for undergraduate medical and dental students. It is highly recommended for those preparing for various entrance examinations, like PG entrance, USMLE, PLAB, etc. Salient Features Detailed exposition on oral cavity and cranial nerves Chapters on osteology of the head and neck; side of the neck; infratemporal fossa, temporo-mandibular joint and pterygo-palatine fossa; thyroid and parathyroid glands, trachea and esophagus; oral cavity; pharynx and palate; nose and paranasal air sinuses; ear; orbit and eyeball have been revised thoroughly Clinical Correlations integrated in the text, highlighting practical application of anatomical facts, have been modified extensively Addition of new line diagrams and improvement in earlier diagrams Addition of halftone figures to enrich the understanding of clinical correlations Inclusion of new tables and flowcharts and revision in earlier tables Clinical Case Study at the end of each chapter to initiate interest of students in problem based learning (PBL) Additional information of higher academic value presented in a simple way in N.B. to make it more interesting for readers, especially the aspiring postgraduates Important facts useful for candidates appearing in various entrance examinations like PGME, USMLE, PLAB, listed under Golden Facts to Remember Multiple Choice Questions at the end of the book for self-assessment of the topics studied
Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine [with Student Consult Online Access]
Nicholas A. Boon - 1968
The award citation described the book as "Beautifully constructed with superb clarity of style - Davidson's continues to provide for students, doctors and other health professionals a sound basis for the practice of medicine."This internationally famous and best-selling textbook of general (or internal) medicine is renowned for providing a rational and easily understood basis for the practice of clinical medicine. Since it was first published this comprehensive text has met the requirements of several generations of medical students preparing for their examinations, while serving as a valuable reference for doctors in training. Rather than page after page of dense text, this reference makes finding information a snap by featuring lavish, colorful visual information. Extensive tables, crib boxes, MRI images, and x-ray films accompany each chapter's succinct discussions. The book's clear organization and color-coded chapters make it simple to find just the information you need, when you need it.
The Human Brain Book
Rita Carter - 2009
It combines the latest findings from the field of neuroscience with expert text and state-of-the-art illustrations and imaging techniques to provide an incomparable insight into every facet of the brain. Layer by layer, it reveals the fascinating details of this remarkable structure, covering all the key anatomy and delving into the inner workings of the mind, unlocking its many mysteries, and helping you to understand what's going on in those millions of little gray and white cells.Tricky concepts are illustrated and explained with clarity and precision, as The Human Brain Book looks at how the brain sends messages to the rest of the body, how we think and feel, how we perform unconscious actions (for example breathing), explores the nature of genius, asks why we behave the way we do, explains how we see and hear things, and how and why we dream. Physical and psychological disorders affecting the brain and nervous system are clearly illustrated and summarized in easy-to-understand terms.The unique DVD brings the subject to life with interactive elements. These include a clickable model of the brain's structure that allows the user to zoom in and discover deeper layers of detail, while complex processes, such as the journey of a nerve impulse, are broken down and simplified through intuitive animations.
The Primal Prescription: Surviving The "Sick Care" Sinkhole
Doug McGuff - 2015
health care system is in a state of disrepair, but the rabbit hole goes deeper than even the staunchest critics may realize. In Primal Prescription, authors Doug McGuff and Robert Murphy combine their expertise in economics and medicine to offer a shocking, disturbing, and ultimately enlightening view into America’s health care system. You’ll discover the real history of what went wrong with U.S. health care and insurance, and why current efforts to clean up the mess are only making things worse.But far from leaving you feeling helpless at the dismal—and sometimes deadly—state of affairs, Primal Prescription equips you with both the knowledge to understand the health care conundrum and the tools for navigating your way out of it. McGuff and Murphy offer an evidence-based “game plan” for taking control of your own medical care, protecting yourself and your loved ones regardless of what the future holds for the rest of the nation.Whether you’re currently tangled in America’s broken health care system or simply trying to avoid its clutches, Primal Prescription is a must-have resource for taking your health into your own hands.
Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity Of Form And Function
Kenneth S. Saladin - 1998
This distinctive text was developed to stand apart from all other A&P texts with unparalleled art, a writing style that has been acclaimed by both users and reviewers and clinical coverage that offers the perfect balance without being too much. Saladin's well-accepted organization of topics is based upon the most logical physiological ties between body systems. This text requires no prior knowledge of college chemistry or cell biology, and is designed for a two-semester A&P college course.
Critical: Science and stories from the brink of human life
Matt Morgan - 2019
Michael Mosley'This book is marvellous: buy it, share it, recommend it.... We are fortunate to have dedicated, caring and humble folks such as Doc Morgan on the Critical Care front line. We are even better off when a writer can capture all that this exciting, mad, glorious and even exasperating job means. If you work in healthcare, know somebody that does, or simply inhabit a body then this book is for you: in fact it's critical.' Peter Brindley, Professor of Critical Care Medicine, Anesthesiology, Medical Ethics University of Alberta'Just wonderful. I love the exploration of what it means to survive, at what cost and so on. Such an important factor and it's a real problem with what we do. An old surgeon once told me ‘just because we can, doesn’t mean we should. Operating is the easiest thing in the world, not doing so is incredibly challenging’. A lovely book.' Dr Nikki Stamp FRACS Cardiothoracic and Transplant Surgeon and author of Can You Die of a Broken Heart?‘An illuminating, compassionate insight into the fascinating world of intensive care.’ Leah Hazzard, author of Hard PushedCritical is an intelligent, compelling and profoundly insightful journey into the world of intensive care medicine and the lives of people who have forever been changed by it. Being critically ill means one or more of your vital organs have failed – this could be your lungs, your heart, your kidneys, gut or even your brain. Starting with the first recognised case in which a little girl was saved by intensive care in 1952 in Copenhagen, Matt writes brilliantly about the fascinating history, practices and technology in this newest of all the major medical specialties. Matt guides us around the ICU by guiding us around the body and the different organs, and in this way, we learn not only the stories of many of the patients he’s treated over the years, but also about the various functions different parts of the body. He draws on his time spent with real patients, on the brink of death, and explains how he and his colleagues fight against the odds to help them live. Happily many of his cases have happy endings, but Matt also writes movingly about those cases which will always remain with him – the cases where the mysteries of the body proved too hard to solve, or diagnoses came too late or made no difference to the outcome.
A Biblical Defense of Catholicism
Dave Armstrong - 2001
With a mastery of Scripture equal to that of the most committed Protestants, author David Armstrong shows that the Catholic Church is the "Bible Church par excellence," and that many common Protestant doctrines are in fact not biblical.
The Lucky Years: How to Thrive in the Brave New World of Health
David B. Agus - 2015
In this book, he builds on that theme by showing why this is the luckiest time yet to be alive, giving you the keys to the new kingdom of wellness.Medicine is undergoing rapid change. In the old world, you followed general principles and doctors treated you based on broad, one-size-fits all solutions. In this new golden age, you’ll be able to take full advantage of the latest scientific findings and leverage the power of technology to customize your care. Only those who know how to access and adapt to these breakthroughs—without being distracted by hyped ideas and bad medicine—will benefit. Imagine being able to get fit and lose weight without dieting, train your immune system to fight cancer, edit your DNA to avoid a certain fate, erase the risk of a heart attack, reverse aging, and know exactly which drugs to take to optimize health with zero side effects.That’s the picture of the future that you can enter starting today. Welcome to The Lucky Years.
Reimagining Global Health: An Introduction
Paul Farmer - 2013
Drawn from a Harvard course developed by their student Matthew Basilico, this work provides an accessible and engaging framework for the study of global health. Insisting on an approach that is historically deep and geographically broad, the authors underline the importance of a transdisciplinary approach, and offer a highly readable distillation of several historical and ethnographic perspectives of contemporary global health problems. The case studies presented throughout Reimagining Global Health bring together ethnographic, theoretical, and historical perspectives into a wholly new and exciting investigation of global health. The interdisciplinary approach outlined in this text should prove useful not only in schools of public health, nursing, and medicine, but also in undergraduate and graduate classes in anthropology, sociology, political economy, and history, among others.