The Hottest Summer Ever

Sai'jah St. James - 2017
    After finding out about a possible adultery between his wife and best friend, Big Nate goes into a violent rage, seeking answers from his supposedly loyal wife. One thing leads to another during the midst of the quarrel, Big Nate ends up murdering his wife in front of his two young daughters, Summer and Serena, and then eventually turns the gun on himself. Witnessing the bloody murder-suicide before their young eyes proves to be extremely traumatic to the girls, especially Summer, the eldest. She quickly realizes that after her parents’ death, her and sister will be going off into an unknown, dark future and they have no one else to support them other than themselves. Relying on each other for love and comfort, the girls suddenly are thrown into the complicated and unsympathetic Illinois foster care system, hoping perhaps someone would come and rescue them. After months of praying, finally a generous, loving white family comes to the girl’s rescue. Summer who is reluctant at first, eventually gives in to the idea of being reared by white people. Months pass, and the two sisters seem to be adjusting well to their new life until one day out of the blue, their mysterious grandfather, Granddaddy Rev. Luther Gaines, suddenly comes to take his granddaughters out of the foster care system and brings them back to the inner city where now the girls are forced to adjust to a completely new reality – Grand Boulevard Towers, the most dangerous housing project in the entire city of Chicago. Summer, who’s all out defiant, initially tries to fight against the abrupt change, but finds herself going up against a formidable, dark, oppressive foe – her strict, religious and overpowering grandfather. After using his brute force to discipline the girl into submission, Summer caves in and now is forced to adapt to this new hellish ghetto reality. She has to adjust to a new school, meet new friends and also deal with the tribulations of bullying, sexual harassment and other woes plaguing her surroundings. Summer, looking for a way out, eventually gets keen to her surroundings and has a plan to leave the projects. One event leads to another, Summer eventually discovers a deep and dark hidden secret about her so-called religious grandfather that eventually changes her perception about her life. This secret uproots everything she assumed to be true about her mother and father. Now armed with information regarding the bizarre circumstances surrounding her parents’ death, Summer goes on a mission to exact revenge. However, the mission will try her in so many ways that it even threatens to change her completely into a person she’d never thought she’d become -- a coldblooded, ruthless killer. Read more about Summer’s coming of age story in “The Hottest Summer Ever”.

Everybody Got A Secret

Princess Diamond - 2017
    Vanity is having serious martial problems with her husband Ivan. She planned this girl’s trip to the Bahamas to help her relax and clear her mind. Those plans changed when her cousins Karen and Natalia decided to invite their husbands Marcel and Cash along. Cash invited his younger brother Keystone aka Stoney, which just so happens to be Vanity’s old flame. It doesn’t take long for Vanity to find herself caught up in a steamy lust affair with Stoney. Being with him makes her question many things, including her marriage. Meanwhile, Pebbles wants to forget her cheating ex-boyfriend Chip. The man she planned on marrying and the brother to her sister’s husband Ivan. She plans on turning up during the whole vacation by hooking up with as many fine men as possible, including her sister’s ex Stoney. This will be a trip that no one will forget. Travel with them as they reveal secrets, push boundaries, fight, and bond all the while being on the sunny beaches of the Bahamas.

Lawlessly In Love

Mercy B. - 2018
    The lack of attachments to anything other than the money that he liked to spend, unapologetically, assisted him in reaching his pinnacle. Women were a commodity that he frequently indulged in, but he never stayed too long or afforded them with too much attention. With an empire under his fingertips, his money and time are valued more than any aspect of his hectic life. The lone night, the one that fate leads him to the shared location with lowered lids and an elevated state due to the influence of marijuana, begins to decompose his perspective on the forbidden emotion. Gauge Morrison is simply looking for her forever, impatiently waiting for Mr. Right to show face. She’s gotten his occupation, demeanor, and beliefs figured out in that pretty little head of hers, yet she never expected her knight to wear red religiously, find comfort in his lonesome, avoid attachment, run a lucrative drug empire, tote a gun or two, or be one willing to risk anything for both his freedom and paper. She hadn’t imagined him being so lawless. She hadn’t fathomed he’d be Sosa Law. Happiness is accompanied by pain, and joy is the next of kin to sorrow. The venture to acquiring love for Sosa and Gauge is unmatched, undeniable, and unlawful. Gauge is forced to accommodate Sosa’s ruthlessness, as it begins to affect her personal life, while Sosa questions her loyalty and everything they are trying to obtain.

Cherished By A Thug

Natisha Raynor - 2018
    Cherish loves her daughter, but she knew once she had a child, life would change for her. Gone were the days of traveling with Dion everywhere that he went and attending every party. He's suddenly finding reasons to leave her behind, calling less, and being photographed with Instagram thots more. Cherish loves him, but she's no fool. Packing all of her expensive material possessions, she takes her daughter and leaves Young God...headed back to a regular life. Cherish is devastated, but she hides the pain well. She missed being around genuine, regular people, and though she's not ready for another relationship, there's something about Kenyon 'Problem' Artis that has her intrigued. He's a regular guy with a regular job, and as handsome as he is, he's intimidated by Cherish. He thinks she would never take him seriously because he's broke, but he couldn't be more wrong. Cherish actually appreciates the fact that the things he has to offer can't be bought. When she suffers a devastating loss, and comes across something that could change Problem's life forever, she gives it to him with no hesitation. Problem becomes the man almost overnight. His mediocre life turns into a lavish one and he keeps Cherish by his side, the one that rode with him when he had nothing. It's impossible to become rich and remain the same, and Cherish starts to feel that Problem is turning into the very thing that she liked him for not being. The old saying is true, more money more problems and it may be the thing to ruin the love story that was once perfect.

Love and Betrayal 3

CoCo J. - 2013
    With lil Chris and Jiovanna missing what will Giovanni, Je'leese, Katherine, and Chritopher do to get their children back? Danielle, Jasmine, and Mike are trying to make sure those two couples see another happy day. How far will they go trying to make sure of it?

What It's Like To Love A Heartless Savage

Iisha Monet - 2017
    An intense feeling of deep affection. A four letter word that holds so much meaning. A word that we all crave. So what happens when two sisters embark on different journeys trying to find their own happiness? Shiloh and Sachua are two sisters just trying to find their way through this crazy thing called life. Both beautiful and intelligent lacking the one thing EVERY woman wants. Love. To feel wanted. To be adored. Shiloh Williamson is a 24 year old Human Resource manager for a local private doctor office. Living a simple yet quiet life, some would consider her boring. Poised and very reserved she meets Landon, self proclaimed ladies man and the local dope boy when she’s invited out for drinks thanks to her best friend Kirby. Instantly sparks fly when the two initially meet but is her good girl image strong enough to make him change ways? Sachua Williamson has an on and off again complicated relationship with her daughter's father Joey but when he starts dating someone close to her things take a change for the worst. Not wanting to be a single mother she’s torn between the battle with her mind and heart. Should she stay and deal with the pain and agony he continually cause or walk away while she has a chance. Completely capable of holding her own, what happens when big sister Shiloh steps in making a permanent decision that will change their lives forever? Loyalty would be questioned. Lines will be crossed. Relationships will be tested but will love conquer all?

A Boss Valentine In Atlanta: An Urban Fiction Novella

Tiece - 2019
    And is also one of the best African American Urban Fiction novellas available. And now it’s here for your reading satisfaction. In this short story you’ll take an unforgettable ride with the national bestselling author Tiece, another great storyteller under Cole Hart Signature. Her writing is smooth and she know's how to make her characters come to life. **Warning** This is not your typical Urban romance, dope boy, thug love, or kingpin savage book. Heart pounding. Edge of your seat. Women's Fiction. Street literature. Cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Jonas Garcia is living his best life. He’s one of the greatest in his field, along-side his first cousin Dr. Deshawn Diego. Unlike Deshawn who is a happily married man, Jonas is a certified bachelor with thoughts of never settling down. However, an unexpected incident causes him to pause for a moment when he comes face to face with the mysterious Peach Kingston. Will Cupid finally pierce one of his arrows through Jonas’s cold heart? Peach and Jonas have a lot in common, being that neither is willing to give their hearts to another. Peach has her own issues that she has managed to maintain, as much as possible. An unforeseen encounter with Jonas instantly touches something in her soul, which causes her to rethink everything she ever doubted about love. But, Peach has a huge secret that she’s trying to let go of. Will this be the one thing that Jonas isn’t prepared for? Deshawn has any and everything he wants and needs, including the love in his marriage. With a wife like KeeKee, he can’t go wrong. She’s everything he could possibly ever want in a woman, but when infidelity strikes in the worse way, will they be able to weather the storm? Find out if Love prevails or fails in this addictive short story that’s sure to have you all up in your feelings.

A Thug Valentine In Brooklyn: A Short Story

Quardeay - 2019
    It is a day meant for lovers and the lustful. No need for games or regrets, whatever it will be, will be. Harlem is a feisty chick with a heart as big as the city she’s named after. While she considers herself strong willed, even they can fall weak sometimes. Harlem’s weakness is Saynt Williams, a ruthless drug dealer that’s anything but what his name describes on the streets of Brooklyn. Despite the desperate pleas of her worrisome father, the rebellious Harlem finds herself head over heels and is seemingly willing to risk it all for Saynt. However, a mysterious thug enters the picture and begins vying for Harlem's attention. This may just be what Harlem needs to break free of the captivating hold that Saynt has on her. Seoul Harris is the opposite of Saynt in all the ways that matter and has Harlem questioning everything she thinks she knows. With Valentine’s Day approaching fast and her back against the wall, will Harlem find love with a Saynt? Or will she ultimately find herself 'Seoul' snatched in this gritty, yet sexy hood romance?

Bouquets & Berettas

Myiesha Mason - 2018
    After up and leaving Jersey eight years ago to pursue her education at Michigan State University, she’s back for one reason. She’s recently engaged to a professional boxer named Monty Green, but there’s one problem: she’s already married. Before leaving, eight years ago, Jersey married her childhood sweetheart, Raymond ‘Rated R’ White. After the two took a devastating loss, it drove a wedge between them that couldn’t be undone. With emotions heightened, Jersey picks up and leaves without saying goodbye, leaving Rated R confused and feeling abandoned. Now that she’s back, she’s demanding a divorce. But Rated R, who’s still in his feelings about the way she left, is refusing to jump at her will. Why should he aid in her happiness when she left him in misery?? After Jersey left him, Rated found a way to move on with his life. At thirty years old, now a father of a four-year-old little girl and the owner of his own construction company, making eight figures of legit money, Rated R is the ultimate bachelor. All the women want him, and all the niggas want to hate him. Moving on with his life, he meets the beautiful Nubia. Everything about her is perfect from her looks to her personality to the sex they share. She’s almost too perfect, so it seems. But Rated soon discovers that no one is perfect, not even Nubia. She has a deadly agenda that causes Rated to revert to the deadly savage that he once was. After finally getting what she wants, Jersey is headed back to Michigan to start planning her wedding, but something just doesn’t feel right. The few days she spends tormenting the man she once described as the love of her life causes old feelings to resurface. She realizes that she may have made a mistake in divorcing Rated R. When discovering the two people who she trusted the most back in Michigan have deceived her, she comes back home but not before showing them why they call her Dirty Jerz. Now back in Jersey, she’s ready to start a new life, but it’s not the life she wants if it’s not with the love of her life, Rated R. These two may fight like Ike and Tina in the limo, but they’ll go to war for each other, Berettas blasting.

Show Me Where Your Love Lies

Kelly Marie - 2018
     Meet Zion, Malik and Kaleef. Three men who all have different ideas of what love is and how they show it. Zion “Streetz” Hanks, who runs the streets of New York, loves Dream more than life, but he has a problem showing it. And after a while, she walks away. Eventually, Zion gets it together and shows Dream that she has his heart. But just as his home life comes together, his street life falls apart. Something that Dream knows nothing about. When it comes down to it, Zion will have to choose if his love lies with the streets or with Dream. Malik “Kid” Hanks is all about his money, and nothing comes before that but his daughter. With a chilled baby mother and all the women at his disposal, Kid is living his best single life. He soon realizes that being single doesn’t stop the drama with the women involved and he finds himself wanting a chilled happy life with one person, his baby mama Alianna. But just as he finally gives in to the love for her that he so desperately tried to hide, Alianna has found comfort in another man. Will Kid allow her to be with this other man, or will he show her that she’s always had his heart and he’s finally ready for something more than co-parenting? Kaleef “Slick” McVoy was in a drama filled relationship with his girl Bailey and things got so bad between them that they decided to take a break with promises of finding their way back together. Fast forward two years, and Kaleef is finally at a point in his life that he’s ready for a relationship and his thoughts go to Bailey. He knows she’s the best and only option, well he did until he meets Summer. She captures him in a way he didn’t expect and he finds himself falling head over heels for her. But there’s just one problem, Bailey and the promise he made to her. Will he do the right thing and follow through with the promise he made her, or will he follow his heart that points at Summer? These men all have different decisions to make and some are harder than they ever expected. Follow them and find out where their love really lies.

Reckless Disaster

Linette King - 2016
    She was willing to go to the ends of the earth for her man but he wasn’t willing to do the same. Ladarius left Brittany for another woman and her world came tumbling down. They say when trouble comes, it comes in three’s and they couldn’t have been more right. One devastating event after another sends Brittany spiraling out of control. Will she straighten up and fly right or self destruct? Jonathan has been in the streets all of his life. He truly believes the streets chose him but he’s ready to be free. Even though being a dog is an understatement for Jonathan, even he has a problem with completing the mission set before him in order to walk away from the game. Will he complete his mission and break an already broken woman or will he let the chance to finally be free slip through his grasp?

Mesmerized by A Certified Thug

Sephiri J - 2018
    For as long as she could remember, she’s relied only on herself after living through a devastating experience when she was only sixteen years old. She’s done everything she can in her adult life to fend for herself and run from the demons of her past. But late one night when she witnesses a horrible crime, she sees yet again how quickly life can be turned upside down at the hands of someone else. Her fearless instincts drive her to come to the aid of the unsuspecting victim, and from that point forward, her life will never be the same. Noah Briggz has run the streets with his three best friends all his life. The only thing he’s ever cared about was stacking his money, protecting his mother and sister, and being loyal to the friends around him who he sees as brothers. But on the night he finds out his sister has been the victim of a horrific crime, the only thing he has on his mind is revenge. When he meets Tiana, the only person who came to his sister's defense, Noah is immediately drawn to her compassion and courage. And Tiana can’t deny the attraction she feels for Noah’s rude-boy swagger and thuggish ways. But when secrets from the past that Tiana tried so hard to get away from rear their ugly head, will their love story end before it can even begin? And will Noah be able to find those responsible for hurting his sister without risking the lives of himself and everyone who he cares about the most?

That's The Way Love Goes 2

Unique . - 2020
    With the question of his baby’s paternity in the air, Suny and Kross are at a standstill in what we thought would be their happily ever after. In an attempt to learn what they’re really looking for, both agree to break away from each other in search of their own paths. But will it do more harm than good? 

We’ve heard that when someone returns, it means it was meant to be. But how long are you supposed to fight for? What happens when both sides return with baggage? Will they finally give up fighting against the connection they were meant to have from the start? Or will the fact that they belong together scare them away indefinitely?

Will You Catch Me If I Fall

Cherice Harris - 2017
    Between the constant rapes & beatings she had to endure from someone close to her and the issues she’s having at school; O’Shea doesn’t know if she wants to live or die. Trying to keep the words her grandmother once spoke to her but as the days go on she has no choice but to believe things won’t get better. Meet ZaCree “Cree” Helms or better known as New Jersey’s Finest. Not only is he’s handling business in the street world he got the business world on lock too. When he crosses paths with O’Shea, he notices that she’s dealing with a lot and he’s no sure if he wants to take on her baggage. They say three times the charm & and when ZaCree comes to her rescue for the third time he realizes she just might really need his help. Going against his better judgement & and the words of his stepsister, he decides to step out on a limb and help her. With more lies being told and secrets being revealed O’Shea is left with her back against the wall & just one burning question. Will you catch me if I fall?

Loving A Jamaican Boss

KB.Cole - 2016
    Forbidden love is exciting but when a baby's involved the secrets become too much for Moni to deal with. Being someone's little secret is only fun for so long and four years is too damn long. Tru is torn between love for the girl of his dreams and loyalty to his friend. Even though she understands his loyalty to her brother Moni feels like Tru should have her back and just tell Redd and be the man she needs. When she finds out she's pregnant again she's had enough, Tru has to decide. Dmitri is the youngest son of the head of the Jamaican Cartel, he's a boss in every sense of the word. He has everything he's ever wanted all he needs is someone to share it with. Love seemed elude him until a trip to the states to meet up with his friend leads him to love at first sight. But she's not ready to give love another try. Used to getting his way Dmitri knows that he’ll win her heart but things get complicated when he finds out who she really is. Will Moni stay in the shadows or move on? Will Tru man up or will his loyalty be stronger than love?