Ten-ager: What your daughter needs you to know about the transition from child to teen

Madonna King - 2021
    It raises the issues our girls might not be talking about publicly, and guides their parents on how experts believe we should deal with it.At ten, we know how girls are pigeonholing themselves into what they think they should be. Whether they see themselves as academic or not, whether they are interested in boys, puberty is a reality, friendship fights are underway, and the influence of social media is impacting.With heightened pressure from what they see in the media, in movies and on TV, our girls are leaving childhood behind well before they hit their teens. Not surprisingly, emotions can be heightened and relationships can be fraught. So many parents struggle to understand the pressures our girls are under and how to deal with their emotional volatility. Journalist and social commentator Madonna King has an extraordinary ability to connect with experts, schools and the girls themselves to deliver the answers parents need and the communication our girls want.TEN-AGER is the perfect guide to help parents understand how their daughter is feeling, what they need to know, what to say, and when to stay silent and listen., ,


Peter Adams - 2011
    Unlike other books on the law of attraction, the Author has successfully used the VisualFestation System to manifest miracles in his own life, and he shares them with you in VisualFestation. When you are finished with this book, you will have all the tools you need to create miracles in your life through practicing the VisualFestation System.

This Time Will Be Different: A Short Book on Making Permanent Changes

Martin Meadows - 2017
    Making one attempt after another, you fail and continue to fail, and it seems there’s no way to make the change stick for longer than a couple of weeks. Perhaps… except some people somehow manage to stick to their resolutions in the long term and their lives do get better — permanently. What makes the difference between those superheroes and “mere mortals”? More importantly, can the “mortals” acquire those superpowers, or should they accept that they’ll never be able to permanently change their lives? Written by bestselling author, Martin Meadows, This Time Will Be Different: A Short Book on Making Permanent Changes goes through a 4-step process called STAR that will take you on a journey, from the moment you introduce a new change, all the way to how to live your life after you’ve successfully implemented it. Designed to be a short read packed with practical advice, you can finish the entire book in just one or two sittings and quickly begin to implement it in your own life. Here are just some of the things you’ll learn from the book: - One motivator you might not have thought about that can mean the difference between failure and success. Don’t proceed any further until you learn about it… - What motivational links are and why they’re crucial if you want to introduce permanent changes. This unique concept alone can be enough to successfully implement a change in the long term. - How to gain traction when implementing new changes. Discover CCC, a 2-step process designed to help you undergo an identity shift that leads to a permanent change. - 5 tools to help you persevere when you’re struggling to stick to your new resolution. That’s when most people give up. Avoid their fate by applying the strategies discussed in this chapter. - 3 core principles to live your success. It’s not only about reaching success; it’s also about maintaining it, which is often trickier than achieving it. Learn how to ensure permanent, long-term success. If you’re tired of consistently unsuccessful attempts and itch for a permanent positive change in your life, buy this book now and learn how to finally make this time different!

Fully Human: A New Way of Using Your Mind

Steve Biddulph - 2021
    And the Four-storey Mansion, a way of using your mind that can be taught to a five-year-old, but can also help the most damaged adult. In Fully Human, Steve Biddulph draws on deeply personal stories from his own life, as well of those of his clients, and from the frontiers of thinking about how the brain works with the body and the wisdom of the `wild creature' inside all of us. At the peak of a lifetime's work, one of the world's best-known psychotherapists and educators shows how you can be more alive, more connected. More FULLY HUMAN.

Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World

Dave Braun - 2013
    Oola is a "state of awesomeness." When your life is balanced and growing in the 7 key areas of life (Fitness, Finance, Family, Field, Faith, Friends, and Fun).Oola reads more like a collection of kick-butt anecdotes and sincere stories that just happen to have meaningful messages. Co-authors Dave Braun (The OolaSeeker) and Troy Amdahl (The OolaGuru) have been there and done that.Kurt Warner, NFL MVP, wrote the foreword. "What I have been seeking, and what I believe everyone is seeking ... in an OolaLife." Mark Victor Hansen (the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" co-author) says, "Oola is happy inspiration!" Oola has received glowing reviews from top authors, pro athletes, musicians, industry leaders, and Olympians.Need 7 more reasons to read this book:1. Learn the three simple steps to balance and grow your life in an unbalanced world.2. Uncover what blocks you from the life of your dreams and what can get you there faster.3. Find out what you can learn from a drunken Thai monkey, a black Ninja, and zebra-striped underwear.4. Why no matter what you have done or have failed to do, you deserve a better life.5. Become inspired to take the steps, reach your milestones, and achieve your OolaLife.6. Discover the 7 key areas of life you must balance and grow.7. Unlock the secrets to taking your life to the next level.

Emotional Assault: Recognizing an Abusive Partner's Bag of Tricks

Leah E. Smith - 2013
    However, there is a much more subtle form of abuse that takes place in many marriages and intimate relationships today that also deserve recognition. Emotional abuse is difficult to overcome because it is often impossible to identify. While domestic abuse is tragic, there is no denying the bruises and broken bones that occur as a result. Emotional abuse, on the other hand, is often referred to as invisible abuse because there are no physical scars. This leaves the victim in a perpetual state of confusion and self-blame. In this book, author Lisa Kroulik identifies eight common tactics that emotionally abusive people use to control their partners, such as giving the silent treatment or playing the victim. Ms. Kroulik uses examples from her relationship with her former husband to help readers name abusive tactics in their own relationships. As she states in the introduction to this book, knowledge is power. After identifying a trait of emotionally abusive partners, Ms. Kroulik goes on to offer suggestions on how to confront it. She makes it clear that confronting the behavior may not make it stop and that each woman needs to decide for herself if her relationship is worth saving. The second section of Emotional Assault helps the reader assess her current relationship and provides resources should she decide to end it. It is a hopeful, engaging book that empowers emotionally abused women to change their lives. The author is living proof that it is possible to learn from the abusive relationship and make better choices the next time around. She has been happily remarried for three years to a man she refers to as the anti-narcissist.

The Abundance Mind-Set: Success Starts Here

Joel Osteen - 2020
    What does your picture look like? Do you see yourself rising higher, overcoming obstacles, and living an abundant life? Or do you have a picture of yourself struggling, defeated, addicted, overweight, and never getting good breaks? The pictures you allow in your mind will determine what kind of life you live.God's dream for your life is that you would be blessed in such a way that you could be a blessing to others. Dare to have a big vision for an abundant life, and trust God to bring it to pass. Through THE ABUNDANCE MIND-SET, Joel can help you change your defeatist mind-set so that one day soon, instead of just having a dream, you'll be living the dream. Your vision will become reality. <!--EndFragment-->

Speed Reading For Beginners: Learn How To Read 300% Faster in Less Than 24 Hours (FREE Video Bonus Included)

James T. Rose - 2014
    This a complete handbook that will, if you work seriously, consistently, and methodically, help you go very fast towards improving your reading skills. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn After Downloading This Speed Reading For Beginners book How Fast Do You Now Read? Six Rules for Faster Comprehension How to Develop a Sense of Urgency When You Read How to See and Interpret More Words in Less Time How to Do Away with Inner Speech,Vocalization, and Regressions How to Skim Much, much more! Take Action Right Away To Read 300% More Faster with this Speed Reading book!!

THE NARCISSIST'S SECRETS: (Know the things they don't want you to know!)

Leyla Loric - 2016
    Never, ever want to be drawn into a narcissistic relationship AGAIN! learn the secrets that narcissists play on to lure you in and BREAK THE CYCLE forever. 2. People who find themselves trapped in a narcissistically abusive relationship - if you simply knew the TRUTH of what was really going on in your relationship the narcissist knows very well you would be out of the door like a shot! they are praying you NEVER find out the secrets kept in this book that hold good hearted people in emotionally abusive relationships 3. People who want to WALK AWAY for ever and never look back! Isn't it an irritating burden to even after having gone through the drama and upheaval of a break up with a narcissist (not to mention the expense, emotional, financial and time-wise) to have to carry them around in your head and your heart every day? The narcissist would hate for you to be shown the mechanics of why and HOW the narcissist makes you feel this way so that you can undo it and walk away FOREVER. Looking for Revenge? Find out what makes you desire narcissistically abusive relationships, heal it, grow in self-awareness and strength and MOVE ON to a better life, leaving them in the dust. Nothing is more painful to a narcissist than to LOSE CONTROL over a victim and be discarded in the past by a victim who was not only "not crushed" by the break up but actually improved as a person as a result! This will have the narcissist frothing at the mouth with rage.

Fatherhood: The Truth

Marcus Berkmann - 2005
    But if you look closely most of them are about motherhood. Fathers get brief paragraphs about needing the odd cuddle themselves and being helpful for carrying the heavier elements of baby kit, but that's it. Fatherhood - The Truth, on the other hand, is a shed-friendly man's guide to the whole scary, life-changing business. One that looks beyond the happy-clappy cliches into the fiery hell of night feeds and projectile vomiting. 'Shit happens' will suddenly start to make sense as a phrase. Providing crucial information and insight on every aspect of parenting with pitch-perfect humour, it takes the dad-to-be on a white-knuckle ride from conception to the first birthday that also considers the emotional truths and selfish imperatives that fathers are usually asked to bury out of sight. A personally informed journey, Fatherhood - The Truth also touches all the crucial practical bases to make it a one-stop, know-it-all manual for the father-to-be.

Rediscover Your Sparkle: Revive the Real You and Be Rebelliously Happy Every Day

Julie Schooler - 2019
    and still feel something is missing? - When you look back, do you wonder where all that enthusiasm went? This short and engaging book has all the ingredients YOU need to create a delicious and simple recipe to rediscover your sparkle.It is brimming with wisdom from top personal development gurus, positive psychology researchers and intuitive ways of living from happy souls who naturally embrace these concepts every single day.'Rediscover Your Sparkle' shows how a few simple tweaks to your physiology, mindset and language have the power to take your daily life from tired, stressed and overwhelmed to being full of fun, love and energy.It distils an avalanche of advice into 'sparkle strategies' designed to help busy people just like you and me to uncover our inner sparkle and remember how to love our lives once again.This guide also cuts through the confusion around meditation, provides compelling reasons why a gratitude practice is a game changer and explains why being extraordinary is your birthright, something you are meant to be.Just think how great it will be when you rediscover your sparkle. There are so many benefits. You will:- Bounce out of bed each morning with a zest for life - Feel like you are in touch with your true self once again - Gain tools to use language in a more powerful and positive manner - Uncover how breathing the right way can change your life (yes, really!) - Create more happiness in your life without changing a thing on the outside - Improve relationships with those around you from your positive interactions - Reclaim all that fun, love and energy you know you still have deep inside you In less than a couple of hours, this book gives you dozens of no- or low-cost, simple and practical tips to rediscover your sparkle. In doing so, you will revive the real you - the joyful soul that you know is in there but has been suppressed by the seriousness that you have taken on just to get through each day.When you rediscover your sparkle, you become a lighthouse for those around you. You won't have to say anything directly. They will notice that your interactions are warmer. They will see that you laugh more readily and heartily. They will want to know the secret to your newfound happiness.Think of this book as a low-cost luxury, a simple way to rediscover that sparkle you once had. And know that with this tiny luxury comes a bonus: the wisdom in these pages will help you be aware of how meaningful and exciting life can be, right now and for the rest of your life.What's stopping you from being the happy person you want to be? Not when the 'time is right', but today.Read this book and you will immediately start to feel more light, energized and playful. Add some much-needed fun, love and energy back into your life and read this book today!

Do Fly: Find Your Way. Make a Living. Be Your Best Self

Gavin Strange - 2016
    Sounds simple, doesn't it? But the reality can be quite different. Whether you're just starting out or simply ready to head in a new direction, you're going to need some help turning your natural skills into success-seeking missiles of radness.On hand is Gavin Strange, a creative working by night under the name of JamFactory and, by day, at Aardman Animations – the Academy Award-winning studio behind Wallace & Gromit and Shaun the Sheep.With advice, encouragement and a reminder that life's too short to not pursue your passion, whatever your age or position – from school leaver or graduate just starting out to CEO ready to head in a new direction, Do Fly will inspire you to:Change your perspective and revamp your mindsetDevelop creative side projectsStay optimistic and resilientDiscover skills and passions you never knew you had!Do Fly is your all-in-one guide, ticket and passport to a new destination. Are you ready for take off?

9 Ways to a Resilient Child

Justin Coulson - 2019
    Even our home environment and the way that we parent can impact our children's potential to recover from difficulty.Dr Coulson explains the factors that help or hinder resilience and why common advice such as 'Toughen up, princess' just doesn't work. Learn the psychological secrets that will build your child's capacity to bounce back, stronger and more resilient than ever, including the ability to think flexibly, exercise self-control, and make safe and healthy choices. Discover the powerful impact of family, relationships, school and community, and the most effective ways to support your child.Dr Coulson aims to bolster resilience - not just in our children, but also in ourselves. Because it takes resilient parents to raise a resilient child.

The Nude Nutritionist: Stop obsessing about food and never diet again

Lyndi Cohen - 2019
    Learn how to listen to your hunger and calm your mind. Lyndi is one of Australia's most popular dietitians, known as The Nude Nutritionist of Channel 9's TODAY show. She started dieting as a young teenager, unhappy with her growing body, and gave up in misery, having steadily gained weight for more than a decade. Almost by accident she become a mindful and intuitive eater, and along the way she gently lost 20kg. With over 50 deliciously realistic recipes (no 'superfoods' required) you'll also be inspired to eat well to boost your mood and balance your hormones. Change starts today.

You Can Do It!

Paul Hanna - 1997
    Here in this easy-to-read manual for success, Australia's leading motivational expert shows you how to achieve more of your potential. In You Can Do It! you will discover: how to set goals and focus on them, how to boost your self-confidence, how winners come back from defeat, how to improve your kids' self-esteem, how to deal with negative people, how to maintain your momentum, how to avoid plateauing out, how to recharge your marriage, how to attract the good things in life and how to use your time off as a tool for success. When it comes to success, Paul Hanna is the man to learn from.