Book picks similar to
Fury of the Falcon (The Falcons Saga Book 5) by Court Ellyn


The Eight Walls of Rogar

William Woodward - 2006
    The story unfolds in the weeks following Andaris’ seventeenth name day: Desperate to escape a life of meaningless drudgery behind the plow, he leaves the safety of his secluded valley town and ventures alone into the uncharted depths of an ancient forest, the heart of which is said to be twisted and black. Choosing to ignore the counsel of his more sensible nature, he is drawn ever onward, lured by the tantalizing splendor of distant mountains, the sheer peaks of which purportedly stand sentinel over a land long steeped in mystery. What ensues is more remarkable than anything even he could have envisioned. Andaris goes looking for adventure.... What he finds is a world in the midst of tidal change, an extraordinary place where he encounters all manner of extraordinary things—vast landscapes teeming with flora and fauna capable of firing the most malnourished of imaginations. To be sure, danger lurks around every bend, a heady amalgam of sword and sorcery which threaten to bring his young life to an abrupt end. Indeed, if not for a very fortuitous encounter, namely the crossing of paths with a band of travelers who turn out to be much more than meets the eye, it surely would have. Gaven, Ashel, and Trilla seem fated to become fast friends, the sort of companions he’d always wanted, but never thought he’d have. The Lost One and his army of shapelings are preparing to march against Rogar’s western border—the only thing standing between them and the green, fertile lands to the East. The balance of power is shifting. Despite the debt of blood owed them by their Sokerran neighbors, the Alderi Shune fear they will be made to stand alone. No one speaks of defeat, but it is on the tip of every tongue. For the first time since they were erected, more than a thousand years ago, the impossible is about to happen: The Eight Walls of Rogar are about to fall. The scales could tip in either direction, depending, oddly enough, on the choices of a rather bookish young man named Andaris Rocaren. You will forgive me, intrepid reader, if I now take the opportunity to formally invite you to join in the fun, to accompany young Andaris and his fellows into and out of the kingdoms of Nelvin, Mindere, Sokerra, and Rogar. Over hill, dell, and stream you shall go, hiking through rugged mountain ranges heavy with snow, into subterranean catacombs whose unplumbed fathoms are illumined by naught but the guttering flames of your makeshift torch, until you reach, at long last, and in just the nick of time, the battered gates of a once great civilization on the brink of war.

Angel in a Fur Coat

Cynthia L. Enuton - 2009
    They learn about various dog breeds and different dog jobs and when they graduate they get their fur coat and are born on earth to find the person they were made for. Explore the wonderful world of dogs through the eyes of one special little angel whose everlasting dream is to be a person's best friend and the one who bares a specail mark of the legend of the pink toe.


L.D.P. Samways - 2015
    The mercenary ship is commissioned to run missions on dangerous planets. To reap great rewards from unsuspecting alien races. To take minerals, precious metals and invaluable resources for Earths galactic expansion. They do the work that no other ship in Earths fleet would dare consider. Why? Because if they get found out, then Earth abandons them. Leaves them to rot in the middle of the universe, unaided and unheard of until the very end of time itself. For Captain Flynn, he never imagined that day would come. He and his crew were more than happy with the way things were going. That’s until one day they wake up from stasis not knowing how they got there. One minute they’re back on earth, relaxing after another hair-raising, highly-illegal mission, and the next, they’re waking up from a six-year slumber, in the middle of a galaxy they don’t recognise. But not all is as it seems. They are not alone. Aliens are aboard their ship. And unfortunately for Captain Flynn and his rag-tag group, they don’t come in peace. Earth has sold them down the river. Banished them from the blue planet with no return ticket home. Now the aliens have them. And they plan on using them against their enemies. They take them prisoner on their home planet. Shackled and bound, the crew fear that their fates are sealed. But unfortunately, it is just the beginning for them. The aliens that hold them captive have far greater plans for them than death. Plans that will undoubtedly shake earth to its molten core. Prepare yourself for a journey that leaps from star system, to star system, in a space opera filled to the brim with nail biting suspense throughout. Warning: This book contains some strong language and violence. Reader discretion is advised. Destroyer of Worlds, book two in the Alpha Ship One series releases February 2016.


Mark Eller - 2009
    Two worlds. Last Chance. On the edge of a far frontier rests a place of gentle manners and common civility--Last Chance. Threats of war change all of that. A hero is needed. A Savior. Meet Aaron Turner, the unassuming man who runs the Last Chance General Store. He may not be all that they hoped for. The Turner Chronicles - Traitor - Betrayed - Pawn - Crusade

The Broken Scale (The Dragon Riders of Arvain)

Nicholas Clausen - 2012
    When Hayden sets out to become a Metallic Dragon Rider he discovers that his dreams are far from reality as he gets ready for the Trials that stand between him and a dragon egg. The Trials test Hayden in every way but he finds that it is what happens after the Trials that he could not have prepared for. War breaks out as the dwarves and their red dragons descend upon Celestial City, home of the Metallic Riders. Hayden and his friends find themselves at the center of the maelstrom and all of Arvain is resting on what they choose to do next.

Through the Valley

Stephanie Erickson - 2017
    But Lily has a secret: the very accident that stole her vision granted her a new kind of sight. Each human soul radiates a special light announcing the person’s moods and intentions—a light only Lily can see. Her ability has helped her navigate an otherwise dark world, but what use is such a talent to a simple waitress? Then Lily meets the frustrating yet appealing Asher Symonds, the one person whose soul she cannot see, and discovers her destiny is anything but simple. A centuries-old legend is playing out in real life, and if someone doesn’t put a stop to it, a series of horrors will unfold. Lily’s parents, both seers who worked for an organization called The Valley, predicted this disaster—and they believed Lily was the only one who could prevent it. After their deaths, she was hidden away, protected until she was needed. Until now. But Asher’s secret mission is compromised by how much his damaged soul is drawn to the beautiful, talented seer. If Lily trusts Asher, she must accept that her comfortable, uncomplicated life is over. But can one person really stop a disaster that’s been centuries in the making?

The Mountain and The City, Part I

Brian Martinez - 2011
    A solitary survivor hides in a mountain above the city, living in a trailer with the door and windows duct-taped shut. Outside, the air is poisoned with a virulent disease that has killed off most humans. Those who lived have become something else. Something that hunts and kills. Survival in this new world comes down to two, simple rules: stay quiet and protect the air. It's an obsessive and regimented life, but one day a visitor comes up the mountain that threatens everything.Part I of a serialized novel. Continued in Part II:

The F.L.U.B. Club: How the 'Future Fixer' Fixed My Future and Flubbed It Up Again

Richard Clark - 2017
     "I was hooked by the first page, and I didn't want to put the book down. The book was so good that I was sad to reach the end." Readers' Favorite 5★ review 15-year-old Marty Gundy has a dream: He wants to become an internet ultra-billionaire. And when his latest killer app, the ‘Future Fixer’, actually shows him five seconds of his very near future, he knows his dream will come true! But that five seconds is just enough to get him into big trouble, and it soon puts him at the business end of the school bully’s fist! Will Marty’s killer app end up killing him? If you like your Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Zac Power books with a twist of technology, you’ll love The F.L.U.B. Club! From the writer of My Best Friend Is a Secret Agent, this middle grade chapter book takes kids’ Silicon Valley dreams and gives them a magical twist. It’s a suspenseful ride for children, tweens and teens! This high school story is the first in a series, so if you like it, there's more to come! (Don't forget to look for the surprise after Chapter 1!)

Shifters of Anubis #1-5

Sabrina Hunt - 2017
    5 Books. No Cliffhangers. Enjoy! Not your average knight in shining armor. The muscled, rugged, rule-breaking Shifters of Anubis are secret for a reason... Book One No one would ever guess that Kai Weslark, a surfer boy living in paradise, could have a dark secret. Yet behind those crooked smiles, Kai has been trying to forget everything he left behind in California, especially his family and the Shifters of Anubis. Until he has no choice but to face it when a pretty brunette named Isla DeLuca needs his protection from the same organization that sent him into hiding. Isla awakes on a tropical island, baffled as to how she got there and even more baffled by her apparent kidnapper, who seems far too cavalier and full of jokes about it. And indifferent. Shouldn’t a kidnapper be a little more vested in the girl he brought across the ocean? But as Isla learns more about Kai and tries to find out what he’s keeping form her, she realizes she’s in danger from more than one quarter. And that there’s more to this surfer boy than meets the eye. Book Two Baltsaros Kazan was shipped away as a child from Greece to America. All of the lost hopes of his family were laid on him – to escape their cursed line, restore the family’s honor, and become a Shifter of Anubis. While Balt has proven his worth as a Lion Shifter, time is running out. The curse is not broken. A dark fate awaits him and he must leave. However, he keeps putting it off for Piper Weslark. As he pulls away, she fights to fix everything, but Balt knows there is no going back. Piper knows Balt has been keeping dark secrets from her. Yet she never thought anything could tear them apart. Book Three Roy Zima-Weslark cannot win. He’s been recruited to his cousin Piper Weslark’s team to lead an investigation into a warehouse in Sierra Mountains of Northern California. Oh yeah, and pull double-duty as a bodyguard and fake boyfriend for KesariIyer. The pretty, bubbly Doctor who hates his guts. Roy has long resigned himself to keeping up the dual legacy of his rival families. Not doing or getting what he wants. Ever. But now he has to live with the pretty, bubble doctor who hates his guts? To work with her as co-lead? All while keeping up appearances under cover? Book Four Desmond Devoy can’t quite place his finger on why the co-ed with the long braids and sparkling gray eyes intrigues him. She’s beautiful, yes, but there’s more. Something is shattered and wanting underneath her poise. Something that beckons at him. Something he can never indulge in yet is starting to crave. But he has secrets of his own, dangerous ones he has to keep under lock and key. Something happened when he helped the Shifters of Anubis in the Sierra Mountains. And he’s come too far and sacrificed too much to stop now. Book Five She’s not supposed to be alive. Andrei Zima is a perfect soldier in the ranks of the Shifters of Anubis. Takes orders without question. Always gets the job done. And he’s supposed to kill Faye Knight. He didn’t question it. Didn’t hesitate. Not until he laid eyes on her. Not until his gut told him she was innocent. She was the woman he’d once tried to save and believed until now that he’d failed her.

Darkness Revealed: In the World of the Federal Witch

T.S. Paul - 2017
     Everyone, including her two daughters, believes she was killed during the attack upon the Blackmore estate by the Missionaries of Death assassins. But she wasn't. Camilla was captured and transported to the headquarters of the Strega, evil Italian Witches who control the assassins as if they were puppets. Now comes the true purpose of who the Strega are and what role Camilla Blackmore is to play. Will Camilla be pawn or Queen?

The Boy on the Bridge: Extended Free Preview

M.R. Carey - 2017
    Once upon a time, in a land blighted by terror, there was a very clever boy.The people thought the boy could save them, so they opened their gates and sent him out into the world.To where the monsters lived.

The Fields of Durandor

Steven J. Shelley - 2016
    No job. No prospects. He lives in one of the most crime-ridden apartment blocks on the west coast. His girlfriend uses him for a place to stay. His father is on life support. Rent is due next week… Games are Nick’s passion. He's played them all - well, the old screen ones anyway. He's never been able to afford an Immersion tank and the amazing games that come with them, but he's seen the web casts. He knows the names of every superstar pixel runner. His heroes. So when he's picked out of the crowd to participate in a competitive, quest-driven dark fantasy RPG, his brain melts. Could this be his opportunity to get ahead? Or will he be chewed up by the machine, just another failed pixel runner by the side of the road? STRENGTH BUILD is a LitRPG serial. The Fields of Durandor is the first episode, with more to come in the coming weeks!

Hot Summer Love

Harmony RainesScarlett Grove - 2016
    Scorching hot passion jumps from the pages in these shifter stories featuring lions, bears, wolves, panthers and cougars. Fall in love with alpha men that strong heroines can’t wait to tame. Harmony Raines - Living a Lion (Shifters Prime #1) Kane has been lied to his whole life. As the nephew of Darius Reinier, he thought he knew his place in the world, rich, eligible, he had his whole future mapped out. And then he finds out he is one of them. A shifter!Does he still have a choice? Can’t he just hide from who he really is? Carry on as if the moon doesn’t call to him, doesn’t make him want to rip the flesh from his body and turn into… what? What is he?She has the answers. Amara. Beautiful, curvy, dangerous. She will turn his world upside down, and also make it whole. If he can only find the strength to let go of his past and embrace his future. To become who he is supposed to be...After a bitter war, the world is split, shifters live on one side of the border, humans on the other. Any shifter who enters the human world must wear a collar, silver threaded with copper, to stop the chemical reaction triggering the change. They can own no property, and can never be treated as equals.This is the world Amara finds herself in when she has to pay off her father’s debt. Despite having to wear the collar that keeps her lioness a shadow in her mind, she counts herself lucky, when her contract is bought by Darius Reinier. Her job working in his mansion is easy enough… until the moon beckons and she is thrust into the life of Kane Reinier.But as she learns about Kane, she knows she has to help him, not least because it means she will be able to go back home to Shifters Prime, but because he happens to be her mate. Although he has no idea.Can these two strangers learn to live together, will Kane master the beast that lives within him, and can he find the strength to avenge his past? Find out in Living a Lion. Contains scorching hot scenes meant for adults only. V. Vaughn - Called By The Bear (Called By The Bear #1 To #3) I’m Carly Cutler and my dreams predict the future. So why am I dreaming about a sexy beast of a guy, a bear, and a paw print design? I don’t know. A force I can’t fight wants me to find out, and I’m leaving the only life I’ve ever known. With a fresh tattoo of a bear paw and my best friend by my side, I’m on a quest to find a man I’ve never met.Sierra Steele here, and ready for adventure - We’ve been chosen. The moment I saw Carly’s first tattoo, I felt the undeniable attraction of the guy I’ve been dreaming about. My cautious friend can’t resist the pull either, and we’re off to the mountains to get answers. Something’s calling us, and I’m certain the hunky men are our exciting destiny. They’ll keep us safe from the bear, right? Kate Kent - Taming The Alphas: Complete Edition (Taming The Alphas #1 To #4) Are two Alphas better than one? Beverly Collingswood experiences an emotional roller coaster as she faces the hungry ache of the two hot blooded weremen who lust after her. And if that was not enough, evil forces lurk with nasty intentions.Beautiful, werewoman Beverly Collingswood has returned from Camp Vickers to start her life again at the University. But she experiences anger and loathing from a group that reviles her kind. And powerful desires runs rampant within her when she and her Alpha lover reunite with a sexy werewolf shifter from her past. Will she be able to come to grips with the werewolf haters and her strong feelings for the two smoking hot werewolves? Becca Fanning - Bearly Saints (Bearly Saints #1 To #5) The Complete Bearly Saints Series here just for you! Contains the following stories: Matthew - Bearly Saints (Bearly Saints #1) Melinda Darling has always dreamed of being at the center of the Nashville country music scene. She thought getting her Master's Degree in Music Business would be her ticket to the top, but it turns out managers are a dime a dozen in Music City. With no other prospects and student loan repayments on the horizon, she takes an internship position under the devious Kitty Konstantine. The job was simple: find talent, introduce talent to Konstantine Talent Agency, and keep it all professional. When she finds The 4 Saints, she can see the men ooze with talent, their stage presence commanding rapt attention. When she lays eyes on Matt Saint, she knows she has no hope of keeping it professional...Matthew Saint has a lot on his shoulders, and he's got the scars to prove it. As guitarist for The 4 Saints, he and his brothers have to live in two worlds. On the one hand, they're up and coming country music stars just trying to make it in Nashville. On the other hand, they're a clan of Bear Shifters that have to be careful who they let get close. Trouble is never far off, and since meeting Mel Darlin', he thinks maybe he's due for a little more trouble in his life. Mark - Bearly Saints (Bearly Saints #2) Adelaide Spencer has always had a natural talent for songwriting. She find herself humming a tune, then running around the house like a chicken with it's head cut off looking for a pen and scrap of paper. Receipts, index cards and magazines: nothing was safe from her scribbles. But these were songs she wrote for herself, not for anyone else. So when her Grandma sent her song to the Konstantine Talent Agency without her knowledge, Addison flipped her lid. Would these strangers even accept her, given her family secret?Mark Saint knows talent when he sees it. His Grandfather used to say "There ain't no fakin' talent,". So he drove across the state to the dilapidated house in the middle of nowhere to meet the woman who wrote this special song. When he first laid eyes on her, he knew she'd be his mate. Luke - Bearly Saints (Bearly Saints #3) Candace Chance was having the worst night of her life. Of course, with a name like that, did she ever have a shot? Yet another thing she could thank her mother for, but at this point she had other things on her mind. Like the freezing cold rain, the soggy cardboard that separated her from the alley asphalt. Oh, and the gangsters who are out hunting her, because she's someone else's property. Thanks again, Mom. Luke Saint knows how to move among people. As drummer in The Four Saints, he isn't quite in the spotlight that his brother Matthew is. Coming up on these thugs beating this poor helpless woman was one of those times. He tasted sour copper in his mouth and let out a roar as he charged the men. John - Bearly Saints (Bearly Saints #4) Meg Baker wanted for nothing growing up. The best schools: she attended them. The best instructors: she learned from them. The best talents as a violinist: she was born with them. A pampered life of chauffeurs and private jets. So why was she now on the run, trying to hide herself in the one place she knew her father would never look for her?John might have the last name of Saint, but his family swears he made a deal with the Devil. Not one person from Ozarks to the Appalachias could strum a mandolin like him. And while he loved the harmonies he helped his family achieve on stage, he always felt something was missing inside. Bartholomew - Bearly Saints (Bearly Saints #5) Kitty Konstantine is used to being called names. Cut throat. Demon. Bitch. But the title that always trips her up is "daughter." No matter what she achieved, her father was always ready to cut her down. Vivian Arend - Copper King (Takhini Shifters #1) Three things make billionaire Jim Halcyon’s to-do list: women, work…and more women. It’s a perfect agenda for a rich shifter who has no problem letting his inner grizzly out to play. From the bright lights of Vegas, to the sophisticated action of New York - he’s got the money and the power to do anything he wants.Anything, except resist the lure of Lady Luck, an ancient copper coin he gambles yearly to possess. Jim is determined to regain control of the pretty penny, and damn if he’ll let any bit of eye candy distract him from his goal. Not even the mesmerizing woman in the middle of the casino floor with the shimmering hair and enormous green eyes.With a life-changing move ahead of her, Lillie’s finagled a temporary layover en route to her future. She’s got five days to soak in new experiences, and while Vegas is too big and shiny and loud for her shy bear self, she’s eager to do this up right. It’s the last chance she’s got to let her hair down.Until his challenge begins, Jim is more than willing to oblige Lillie’s wish for a final fling. Only Lady Luck has some twists of fate planned for them both… Scarlett Grove - Commander Bear (Bear Patrol #1) Can a cop and a jewel thief find love on Fate Mountain? She’s on his radar... Jaguar shifter Zoe Bright knows trouble. Growing up, she was the “bad kid” who could never measure up to her bear-shifter brother Corey - and now she’s in debt to the mob. So the last thing she expects is for Corey’s matchmaking program to pair her up with Fate Mountain’s handsome, hunky chief of police! He’s on her tail... Grizzly shifter Rollo Morris can’t believe his fated mate is almost certainly a jewel thief. Still, he and his bear know that curvy, sassy Zoe belongs to them. Pursuing her is a must … and interrogating her is the naughtiest thing he’s ever done. And both of them are in the bulls-eye... When the mafia comes after Zoe, will she trust Rollo with her secrets? And even if she does, can he and the Bear Patrol find a way to solve the case and keep her safe? Bella Love-Wins - Alpha Fire Bear (Marked Bear #2) Brock wanted to protect his family. Sky wanted connection. Brock Moore Brock has enough on his hands as alpha bear shifter and Lieutenant of his firefighter rescue team, handling a serious case of dangerous fires around the Reno-Sparks, Nevada area. Family has always come first, and when his mother phones him with a cryptic message, he knows something's up. It's another reason he's hesitant to take the next step with Sky, the shapely, captivating and feisty bombshell he wishes he could one day call his one true mate... if only there weren't so many barriers and secrets standing in their way. Somehow, all those hurdles start to seem small when the competition comes sniffing around Sky. Sky Grayson Sky has been through the ringer, but refuses to let misfortune dictate how she leads her life. Ever since she met Brock she knew he was the one. Easy on the eye, strong, protective, yet broody, they fit together like bears to honey, so how did this love connection turn into a string of Brock booty calls with no sign of commitment at all? Frustrated, she briefly entertains the idea of letting go of Brock in favor of Rhys Dillon. He's the mysterious, sexy as sin, big tipper who shows up at the Steak and Ale Saloon wanting to sweep Sky off her feet and show her how much she's really worth. Now she has to choose. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a full-length, standalone, HEA romance. Contains mature topics and sexual content. Recommended for 18+ readers. All stories are full-length stand alones and can be read in any order. Michele Bardsley - Two Alphas And A Lady (The Pack Rules #3) Jack Harrison and Grantham Wells are co-alphas of the Earth Pack, and they're on the hunt for a suitable female mate. In the Earth Pack, the triad relationship between two alphas and their mate is sacred. It not only ensures the next generation of leadership, but also facilitates continuous harmony within the pack.Curvaceous Roxi Calabrese is werewolf without a pack. On purpose. As the only daughter of the Blood Pack alpha, she's expected to be the prize in the Suitor's Brawl. All eligible males battle each other until only one remains standing - and takes the prize, literally, right in front of the pack. Roxi's response to that bout of idiocy is to ditch her pack and take a job at the Drift Resort. Unfortunately, the heinous Sara, her mother's right-hand bitch, finds her and tries to convince Roxi to return - by blunt force. Then the very hot alpha werewolves Jack and Grant rescue her.The threesome's attraction is darn near combustible. But after the bed sheets are shredded and the furniture broken, one question remains: Can two Earth Pack alphas convince a feisty Blood Pack female to be their mate, in both body and soul? Earth Pack Rules: Her Alpha Lovers contains very hot sexual scenarios between two gorgeous alpha werewolf shifters and their curvaceous lady. These super sexy installments are meant for readers who are 18+. C.E. Black - Shifted Temptations (Alpha Division #1) Bringing her into their world, was not part of the plan. When Samantha (aka Sam) finds herself falling in love with not one, but two men she's been having a no-strings ménage relationship with, she decides splitting up is the right thing to do. Jordan and Alex refuse to commit, but Sam needs more stability in her life, especially when she finds out she is about to take on a whole lot more responsibility.Jordan and Alex grew up together in a small town of jaguar shifters, where being a half-blood was looked down upon, even by their own fathers. Once they became adults, they left their community and joined a secret military operation call the Alpha Division, a team of shifters keeping the peace with any means necessary, and their next mission comes close to home. Both men feel they have too many secrets for commitment, but at the same time cannot stand the thought of losing Sam.When Jordan and Alex's past comes back to haunt them, a possible traitor on the team threatens the woman they love and a future they have never dreamt. Once secrets are revealed, can the three of them forget the past and forgive the lies or will fear drive them further apart?

Project Atlantis

Brandon Ellis - 2017
    government has found pyramids on Callisto, a Jupiter moon. They are etched with ancient hieroglyphs that no one can understand -- no one but archaeologist Kaden Jaxx. What's more, the pyramids are giving off energy. Lots of energy. Enough to power half of the United States. But Jaxx discovers his Black Ops bosses are hiding an Earth-shattering truth -- an ancient civilization may still be on that moon. And a secret launch to that moon is imminent. Jaxx hires a brilliant but impulsive reporter who digs into the agency's mandate. When they learn too much, the hunt is on: they're on a government hit list and are now trapped in a race against time to blow the lid off the secret plans, save themselves, and maybe even mankind.

Getting Out Alive: The Autumn Veatch Story (True Stories of Survival Book 1)

Tara Ellis - 2015
    Injured, alone, and lost, she defies all odds to make it out alive. This short story is a true account of a brave young woman's survival. Not only was Autumn the sole survivor of the crash, but she then hiked for nearly three days through some of the most unforgiving terrain in the country. Find out what it takes to be a survivor.