Kane's Hell

Elizabeth Finn - 2015
    Eleven years later their lives are nothing like they once were. Time has changed them … and not for the better.Helene is smart, driven, and accomplished—her education and achievements a smoke screen hiding the frigid and fragile child wounded long ago. Kane is equally obsessed with his coping mechanisms—fighting … drinking … screwing … compulsively destroying himself one vice at a time.When their paths collide again, their past becomes an obstacle no coping mechanism in the world can protect them from. But confronting the past so they can heal in the present is no easy task. Can Kane reach Helene and recapture what used to burn so warmly between them, or will his own self destructive demons pull her into his hell?A woman determined to look forward. A man always looking back. A love desperate to be restored. “You’re the brightest, warmest star in my universe. You’ll never be less than everything to me.”WARNING: This book contains darker subject matter and violent content that may be difficult for some readers.


Aleatha Romig - 2011
    Claire has no understanding of why she's there, but it's been made abundantly clear--she is now his acquisition and every action has consequences.Learn the rules to survive.Facing incomprehensible circumstances, Claire must learn to survive her new reality--every aspect of her livelihood depends upon the tall, dark-eyed tycoon who is a true master of deception. Driven by unknown demons, he has no tolerance for imperfection, in any aspect of his life, including his recent acquisition. Anthony may appear to the world as a handsome, benevolent businessman, but in reality Claire knows firsthand that he's a menacing, controlling captor with very strict rules: do as you're told, public failure is not an option, and appearances are of the utmost importance.Captivate the captor.To fit together the pieces of the puzzle, Claire must follow his rules. Will her plan work, or will Anthony become enthralled by Claire's beauty, resilience, and determination, changing the game forever? If that happens, will either of them survive the consequences?Nobody ever did or ever will escape the consequences of his choices.--Alfred A. Montapert

Psychopath's Prey

V.F. Mason - 2018
    Mine to hunt. A criminal psychologist and a serial killer.The love between them shouldn’t exist.Or so the world thinks.Her mission is to find him.His single obsession is to catch her.The hunter and the prey.Let the games begin, and may the stronger one win.Warning: Dark Romance. 18+ due to sexual content, profanity, abuse, graphic violence, and adult subject matter.

Little Black Book

Tabatha Vargo - 2014
    I could have any woman I want, but I choose you. NO RELATIONSHIP, JUST SEX. Here’s my offer… I’ll put your name in my LITTLE BLACK BOOK, and when I want you, I’ll call you. When I call, you’re going to come, in more ways than one. It will be mutually pleasurable for both of us. There are only two rules: DON'T EVER DENY ME. DON'T FALL IN LOVE. If you do either, I’ll remove you from my book and payment stops. Do we have an understanding?


H.J. Bellus - 2014
    A broken family, an asshole husband and the loss of loved ones have left me crying Uncle, and declaring a serious case of the Fuck-Its! I had my heart broken, stomped on and shattered before I ever started on my journey to find my little piece of happiness. With a bucket list, a '66 Ford and wild dreams, I set out on an adventure that changed my life forever. I found Cree… A pirate with a little princess and they swept me off my ever lovin' feet, filling my world with sprinkles, mac n’ cheese and the courage to live again. They forced my fragile heart to trust and love without fear. But the truth is, nobody’s past stays hidden forever. It’s an invisible monster waiting to attack and destroy. It has the capability to ruin everything you’ve worked to set right. All it takes is one final blow to the gut to end everything… Mature Content Warning. Recommended for ages 17+ due to language and sexual content. Please note: this book was previously named My Now & Forever.


Sybil Bartel - 2016
    I fuck. I pretend to smile. Two years ago my life was perfect, until it wasn’t. I scattered my wife’s ashes then walked away from the Marines. I didn’t think I had anything left to lose. I was wrong. The blonde showed up on my doorstep beaten and stabbed. I did what I was trained to do — I stitched her up. I didn’t have a clue who she was and I told myself I didn’t care. Until they came looking for her. I swore I’d take my last breath before I let anyone else hurt her, except I didn’t know she was keeping a deadly secret. Now I had two choices, her life or mine. Marriage and combat taught me the same thing — I was no one’s hero. And I was about to prove it. Warning: This book contains offensive language, violence and sexual situations. Mature audiences only.


Nina G. Jones - 2014
    Maybe I was bored, or lonely, or there was a void so deep inside of me that I needed something explosive to fill it. It was supposed to be safe. A thrill. A way to break through the monotony of everyday life. It was an illusion of danger that I could walk away from as soon as it was over. Except that it wasn’t. Because I had been in danger long before I ever invited it into my life. ———————My mission is almost complete. The bubbling boil of vengeance that heats my blood might finally simmer. She is the last piece of the puzzle. Once I destroy her, everyone who ever hurt me will have paid their debt. It was supposed to be quick and easy, but as soon as I met her it got complicated. Very complicated.DEBT is a standalone novel. 118k words. Adult/graphic content that may be difficult for some readers.


Lana Grayson - 2015
    Imprisoned. Ravished.When tragedy stole my family, my father’s will mandated my future. I didn’t inherit Atwood Industries. I became the only one capable of protecting it. Atwood Industries belongs only to a male heir, my heir. And my enemies—my own step-brothers—will stop at nothing to create a shared bloodline.But they’ve made a mistake, and they’ll forever regret trying to control me.Nicholas: Damned. Destroyed. Enthralled.My family’s livelihood depended on acquiring the rival Atwood Industries and seizing the innocent woman bound within its terms of succession. I never expected such a challenge from my step-sister.I never thought I’d betray my own blood to protect her from the nightmare we began.But if I don’t stop her, the woman I’m forbidden to love will be responsible for tearing apart the empire my family spent generations building.

Porn Star

Laurelin Paige - 2016
    Maybe you clear your browser history religiously. Maybe you pretend to be aghast whenever someone even mentions the word porn in your presence.But the truth is that you do know me.Everybody knows Logan O'Toole, world famous porn star.Except then Devi Dare pops into my world, and pretty soon I'm doing things that aren't like me--like texting her with flirty banter and creating an entire web porn series just so I can get to star in her bed. Again. And again.With Devi, my entire universe shifts, and the more time I spend with her, the more I realize that Logan O'Toole isn't the guy I thought he was.So maybe I'm not the guy you thought I was either.

The Contract

Scarlett Edwards - 2014
    My imagination conjures up demons of the worst kind.Reality is much worse:A collar with no leash. A prison with no walls. And a life stripped of meaning.I am presented with a vile contract and asked to sign. It outlines the terms of my servitude. The only information I have about my captor are the two small letters inked at the bottom:J.S.Armed with only my memories, I must do everything I can to avoid becoming ensnared in his twisted mind games. But in the end, it all comes down to one choice: Resist and die.Or submit, and sign my life away.

My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Ep. 1 "Taken"

Marita A. Hansen - 2013
    I would fall in love with one man, I would kill another, and I would lose my body, my mind, my soul - my freedom to them. I was an operative, a strong woman, someone sent in to save others, but under these two men I became weak - or pretended to be. I didn't like being weak, it angered me. If I had free rein I could cut my masters in two. But I wasn't there for pride, I was there to free those women and to take down the two men who sold them as sex slaves.Those men needed to be punishedAnd I would do itNo matter the costOr how much I lostBecause I am Rita KovakMY MASTERS' NIGHTMARE#Dark EroticaPlease note: Like a television series, this book series is broken up into episodes. Each episode is approximately 20,000 words long. There are fifteen episodes in Season 1 with three collections containing five episodes each. There are no plans for a second season. Instead, the characters will be moving to the three spin off series: The Santini Brothers, The Five Families, and possibly Frano & Rita.Warning: This series is a soap opera, so has crazy plot twists. It also has M/F and M/M non-con and dub-con. It is very dark and violent, so if this isn't for you, don't read it. R18


Samantha Towle - 2016
     Daisy Smith has spent eighteen months of her life paying for a crime she didn’t commit. Now out of prison, she has only one focus—to get back custody of her younger brother, Jesse, who is deep in the foster care system. Desperate to rebuild her life and show the system that she is responsible enough to care for Jesse, she takes on the only job available to her—working as a maid at the Matis Estate. On day one of her new job, Daisy meets Kastor Matis, the only son of the owners and her new boss. An enigmatic, handsome Greek god of a man, Kas is closed off, cold, and…well, kind of a bastard. The more time Daisy spends around Kas, she starts to see there might be more to him than just his cold, bastard ways. He may actually have a heart beating in that frozen chest of his. But Kas has secrets, too. Secrets that he’s determined to keep. Secrets make Daisy curious. And you know what curiosity can do…


Trilina Pucci - 2019
    Sin. Depravity—-these are my virtues. My name is Dante Sovrano, head of the Chicago Mob.I run this city. Everyone bows down to me.With one exception—Sarah London.The first night we met, I knew we shared the same appetites. She never said “Mercy”—and all I said was “Good girl.”But the next time we met, Sarah stood up, looked me in the eye, and pulled the damn trigger.It’s funny, the moment I saw her, I knew she’d be trouble. And definitely my brand--fiery, cutthroat, wrapped up in a lickable package. If anyone was made for me, it’s this woman.But dark secrets are hiding behind those gorgeous blue eyes. Secrets she won’t tell, but I plan to know them all.Trouble’s found her. And now Sarah knows she has to deal with the devil to solve her problems.Too bad the devil always takes your soul.And I’ll be keeping it.Whoever wants to hurt this woman has to get through me. Because nobody ever touches what’s mine.Not if they want to keep their lives. This depraved King is keeping his feisty queen. And I'll take down an entire city to do it.


Jasinda Wilder - 2014
    Bills were piling up, adding up to more money than I could ever make. Mom's hospital bills. My baby brother's tuition. My tuition. Rent. Electricity. All of it on my shoulders. And I had just lost my job. There was no hope, no money in my account, no work to be found. And then, just when I thought all hope was lost, I found an envelope in the mail. No return address. My name on the front, my address. Inside was a check, made out to me, in the amount of ten thousand dollars. Enough to pay the bills and leave me some left over to live on until I found a job. Enough to let me focus on classes. There was no name on the check, just "VRI Inc.," and a post office box address for somewhere in the city. No hint of identity or reason for the check or anything. No mention of repayment, interest, nothing…except a single word, on the notes line: "You." Just those three letters.If you receive a mysterious check, for enough money to erase all your worries, would you cash it?I did.The next month, I received another check, again from VRI Incorporated. It too contained a single word: "belong."A third check, the next month. This time, two words. Four letters. "To me."The checks kept coming. The notes stopped. Ten thousand dollars, every month. A girl gets used to that, real quick. It let me pay the bills without going into debt. Let me keep my baby brother in school and Mom's hospice care paid for. How do you turn down what seems like free money, when you're desperate? You don't. I didn't.And then, after a year, there was a knock on my door. A sleek black limousine sat on the curb in front of my house. A driver stood in front of me, and he spoke six words: "It's time to pay your debt."Would you have gotten in?I did.It turns out $120,000 doesn't come free.


Cat Porter - 2017
     Prisoners in brutal darkness, Finger and Serena fall in love.  Free in the world, they’re desperate to put their scars behind them. They kill to be together. What could tear them apart? Ever the defiant biker, Finger’s craving for his forbidden woman drives him to build his own outlaw empire. But still, nothing and no one can satisfy his savage hunger for her. “Soul dark, Heart dense, Blood fierce, Purpose raw. Flame burning. Unrelenting. Brewed on vengeance, laced with tenderness, my fury for you.” For Finger and Serena, first love is forever No matter the sacrifice, the blood, or the fury. This romantic suspense novel is a standalone motorcycle club romance / second chance romance / coming of age romance full of anti-hero alpha hotness. This book is a spinoff of the Lock & Key series saga **Warning: This work of fiction contains graphic violence, language, sex, and disturbing material some readers may find objectionable.**