Love & Betrayal: A Pride & Prejudice Continuation

E. Bradshaw - 2020
    They are deeply in love and about to consummate their marriage vows – only they are abruptly interrupted by news of the most terrible kind.Georgiana has been kidnapped under the cover of darkness from Darcy’s carriage – and no one knows where she might be now, nor what harm might have befallen her. But who could be behind her kidnapping and what do they want?And how can Darcy and Elizabeth’s fledgling marriage survive through such terrible strain?‘Having no time to lose and feeling desperate to be off, Darcy quickly turned to Elizabeth then and briefly took her hand within his own to press a swift kiss on her knuckles. “Goodbye, Elizabeth,” he murmured quietly; “I’m so sorry to have to leave you like this. I’ll send word if I can.” And with these words, he abruptly departed, swiftly remounting his stallion before riding off into the night as if he were being pursued by the devil himself.’This story is a long read, at approximately 100,000 words long, and it contains scenes of a sexual nature and references to violence.

Secret Arrangement: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Deborah Ann Kauer - 2020
    Because of a death bed promise, he will only marry a lady who will unconditionally love the infant and whom he can love. However, in his past searches, Darcy found most society ladies saw only his wealth, connections, and property. How is he to find a lady who sees past what he has and loves who he is?Elizabeth Bennet wants to marry only for love, and of one thing she is absolutely sure, she loves Mr. Darcy’s infant ward. The question is, can she love the man as well. If she does choose to marry, she does not want her mother planning a lavish, overly embellished wedding, so how can she thwart her mother’s plans — through a secret arrangement.Besides the issue of love, what other problems could occur? A mother who will take control of the engagement and wedding arrangements, another lady's jealousy, and a grandmother who wants her infant granddaughter to disappear.Will Elizabeth and Darcy find love and happiness?

A Longbourn Entanglement

Monica Fairview - 2021
    If Darcy discovers it, will it spell the end of their fledgling romance?When Mrs. Bennet falls ill after the Netherfield Ball, Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley postpone their trip to London to offer their assistance. But things are never what they seem. Before long, Darcy is entangled in a chaotic situation at Longbourn, and Elizabeth is faced with a thorny dilemma that could drive Darcy away from her forever.Will Elizabeth and Darcy muddle their way through the mayhem, or is everything just too tangled for them to find love?If you are looking for a sweet, frolicsome Jane Austen short read, this romantic comedy is just what you need.

An Intolerable Situation: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sophie Lynbrook - 2019
    As spirited Elizabeth tries to accustom herself to the status of poor relation, she longs for her elder sister to have a better fate than marriage to the new master of Longbourn. Jane’s rescuer arrives in the nick of time, along with an unexpected romance for Elizabeth, but the path of true love is not without obstacles. Fortunately, the sisters have fortitude, resourcefulness, and the wisdom gained from reading novels.

Lost Souls: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Martin Hunnicutt - 2020
    Darcy does not arrive at Ramsgate until two days after Georgiana’s elopement with George Wickham. The servants sell their story to the newspapers, the couple vanish, and when the gossip columns run rampant with the news, Darcy’s relatives demand that Darcy disown his sister. When Wickham learns he cannot gain his wife’s dowry until she is thirty years, he deserts Georgiana and Darcy takes her back into their London home. With society turned against them, Darcy takes his sister to Pemberley but she dies during the winter.In the spring (1809), Darcy returns to London but he is unrecognizable with a full beard and long hair. The ever-faithful Charles Bingley, invites Darcy to use his new appearance as a disguise to hide and grieve in Hertfordshire. To the surprise of everyone in Meryton, Charles returns from London with a new secretary, one ‘Malcom McDuff’, a wild looking Scots with a full beard, long hair, and an eye patch over one eye. While there, McDuff meets Miss Elizabeth Bennet and they share many interesting conversations. But as the day for the wedding of Jane Bennet and Charles Bingley approaches, McDuff vanishes. There is scandal enough in Hertfordshire that summer when Lydia Bennet elopes with George Wickham from Brighton and the Bennet family is shocked by Lydia’s resolution to her problem.The next summer (1810), Elizabeth travels to Hunsford to aid Mrs. Collins with the impending birth of her first child. Upon arrival she is introduced to Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy from Derbyshire who is on business in Kent.There is something familiar about this Mr. Darcy, and Elizabeth Bennet sets her mind to discovering his secret.

Tall, Dark and Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Harriet Knowles - 2020
    Kidnap. Murder. Madness.And it all began at the Netherfield Ball…Ensnared in compromise; Elizabeth Bennet receives four offers of marriage.Not one is welcome.She could wish her life somewhat less eventful.Tall, dark, and impossibly handsome,Darcy strides into every drama where someone needs help or assistance.But why, in heaven’s name, did he have to embroil himself this time?He knows the answer. The thought of seeing Miss Elizabeth Bennet wed to his friend would torture him forever.But who would try and compromise her with another?And who will not accept their marriage must be the end of their plot?When Elizabeth vanishes, he must begin a desperate search to find her before it’s too late — for both of them.Tall, Dark and Darcy is a sweet and clean Regency novel of 84,000 words.

Mr. Darcy's Most Reckless Kiss: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

April Floyd - 2020
    Darcy's proposal at Kent but the gentleman will not be so easily spurned.Suddenly, she is the wife of Fitzwilliam Darcy. But before their wedding breakfast can commence, she is left to face the wrath of Lady Catherine when illness overcomes Mr. Darcy. With Colonel Fitzwilliam and Charlotte Lucas at her side, Elizabeth comes to know great love and loss at Rosings Park.

Another Point of View: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jaeza Rayleigh - 2021
    His eyes are opened to different possibilities, changing his story and the stories of those around him. As influenza spreads through the neighborhood, Darcy must decide how involved should be in the lives of his neighbors and what kind of man his choices make him. Opportunities still abound for misunderstandings, interference by family members and arrogant declarations at inopportune moments. As Darcy seeks his happily ever after, he learns to look at the people and events around him from another point of view.

A Most Alarming Report: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Novella

Atlee Rose - 2019
    Darcy's failed proposal at Hunsford, he delivers a letter to Elizabeth Bennet to explain himself. Except, she gets a papercut on the letter and faints at the sight of blood. Then, the brush catches fire, lightning strikes, and the local dam breaks. Darcy and Elizabeth must stick together to save themselves while further odd incidences – wild animals, jewel thieves, and rioters among them – thrust the couple into a most improbable adventure. As the pair navigate through the events of their unlucky day, it is up to them to settle their differences – and perhaps find themselves lucky in love in the end. In this humorous, action-packed variation on Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice, the fates conspire against Darcy and Elizabeth at every moment. Fans of all ages will appreciate this sweet, exciting adaptation of a beloved classic. This novella is 20,000 words in length and perfect for fast and fun journey into the world of Pride & Prejudice.

Fallen Woman: A Pride and Prejudice Vagary

Arthel Cake - 2019
    Darcy has already left Netherfield. Torn by his attraction to Elizabeth Bennet, a woman he cannot marry, he retreats to Scotland, unaware of the social disaster that overtakes the Bennet family. Shunned by friends and neighbors, Mrs. Bennet succumbs and Mr. Bennet moves what is left of his family to London. As Mary and Kitty find husbands, Elizabeth and Jane are left to care for their failing father with little money and less hope for the future. After Mr. Bennet’s death, the sisters continue to live on the bare edge of gentility with fading prospects for happiness in life. But then Elizabeth accidently encounters Mr. Bingley. Both young women are drawn back into his sphere, which includes Mr. Darcy. Once again Bingley is plagued by his sister Caroline, who is as determined as ever to prevent his marriage to Jane, and whose machinations may go farther back than anyone realizes. Darcy is assisting his friend in his renewed courtship of Jane and as Elizabeth finds herself in continual contact with him a friendship grows between them, one Elizabeth tries to believe is platonic, while Darcy knows he is still inescapably in love with her. Torn between a growing attraction to Darcy and the taint of Lydia’s sin, Elizabeth struggles to find a way forward. Darcy has problems of his own. His sister Georgiana has withdrawn from her first Season, refusing to choose a suitor in spite of family pressure. Lady Catherine deBourgh believes she can force Darcy to marry her daughter Anne, and will stop at nothing to achieve her goal. And a threat from the past by Darcy’s old enemy George Wickham arises once more with the potential to ruin not only the Darcys but the Fitzwilliam family as well. Now at a Twelfth Night ball, Darcy is no longer able to deny his love and offers Elizabeth his hand. But Elizabeth, deeply damaged by her experiences, believes herself unworthy of him and rejects him with consequences no one could have predicted, forcing Darcy to face a turning point that will decide his and Elizabeth’s future in one last encounter. Finally, just when matters seem to be settled, Darcy and Elizabeth’s happiness is jeopardized once again by a ghost from the past as Wickham finally seems ready to strike.

Love Unsought

Kay Bea - 2020
    But fate, with assistance from Darcy’s scheming cousins, contrives to keep them together.When Miss Darcy is summoned to Kent, the couple has a chance to begin anew, and their budding friendship carries them to London and Hertfordshire. Their feelings deepen but before their new understanding is made known, Elizabeth is sent to Brighton as chaperone to her youngest sister. Her stay there ends in ruin when Darcy’s past comes to call.Upon discovering the situation is worse than he feared, Darcy determines he must be the one to make things right. His departure leaves Elizabeth in doubt and their future in question. Was their love too new to withstand a scandal?A series of missed chances, misdirected letters, and miscommunications keeps the couple apart; it make require the intervention of their nearest relations to bring them back together.

In My Heart: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Madeline Kennet - 2017
    Darcy is frequently in her thoughts. She enters into Derbyshire half afraid of running into him and half wanting to see him again. When that meeting does occur, she learns how much she means to him and what is really in her heart. A novella of 27000 words

Barely Betrothed to Mr. Darcy: a Pride and Prejudice variation

Valerie Lennox - 2020
    She lives with her sister and her sister’s husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bingley, and she dotes on her niece and nephew. She doesn’t long for a husband or children of her own. To do so would only bring her misery.Then news reaches them which tears Elizabeth’s contentment to shreds.Mrs. Caroline Darcy is dead. She’s drowned herself.Everyone has long observed the late Mrs. Darcy’s dissatisfaction with her loveless, childless marriage, so the news, while tragic, is not entirely surprising. Elizabeth knows that Caroline trapped her husband into marrying her by falsely accusing him of a compromise that never occurred. Of course, that truth has never mattered, nor has the fact that Mr. Darcy is still in love with Elizabeth and that she is in love with him.Now, Mr. Darcy is free, but propriety dictates that he cannot remarry immediately. A quick marriage would court scandal and it would wound Caroline’s brother, Mr. Bingley, who is also Mr. Darcy’s dear friend. So, though Elizabeth knows that Mr. Darcy will be hers eventually, they cannot be officially engaged yet. Now, they must wait.For these two who have waited so long for each other, the waiting will prove to be the hardest part.Read this variation if you like our dear couple angsty and yearning, and if you’re amenable to a steamy culmination to all that tension.

A Fall at Longbourn: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Amelia Wood - 2020
    She is convinced he is the last man in the world she could ever marry. But when Mr. Darcy loses his memory in an accident and recognizes no one but Elizabeth Bennet, can love find its way after all?Fitzwilliam Darcy has made his contempt for Meryton plain for all to see. Even worse, he slights Miss Elizabeth Bennet in her hearing and declares her not handsome enough to dance with. So why does she fill his thoughts? When an accident almost claims his life, he finds he can remember no one except the bewitching woman who comes to his rescue.Elizabeth Bennet is relieved to hurry home as the storm breaks. But when she comes upon the man she dislikes more than any other lying on the path unconscious, she has no other option but to bring him to Longbourn until he recovers. But when Mr. Darcy wakes up, he recognizes no one but Elizabeth. Her presence is the one thing that brings him comfort, so she has no choice but to remain by his side and care for him, a task which becomes less odious as she realizes that without his arrogance, Darcy might just be the man she always hoped to find.But how can either of them trust in a love that might not last? Has Darcy really changed, or will his pride return with his memory and leave Elizabeth heartbroken?A Fall at Longbourn is a sweet Pride and Prejudice variation novella of approximately 33,000 words.

Lizzy's Curious Talent

Jessica L. Jackson - 2020
    However, she cannot control how her talent is revealed in her art. Lizzy is determined to live as an independent lady and needs her talent to provide the income for her dream. But, she has to be so very, very careful that no one discovers her secret.Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy wants Miss Bennet, a notable artiste, to paint a portrait of his beloved sister, Georgiana, and he is willing to pay handsomely. She, however, refuses to paint adults. He does not understand her reluctance. Darcy is determined to discover whatever it is that Miss Bennet is hiding.