The Power of Eye Contact: Your Secret for Success in Business, Love, and Life

Michael Ellsberg - 2010
    Ivan Misner, author of Masters of Networking “The Power of Eye Contact is a must-read book if you want a lasting relationship—or want to deepen the one you’re in.”—Marie Forleo, author Make Every Man Want You “Both mysterious and rewarding, the text reveals the powerful secrets of using the eyes to connect with others.”—Rom Brafman, co-author of Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior The secret to success in business, love, and life is The Power of Eye Contact. Author Michael Ellsberg provides an authoritative and extensive guide to mastering a potent force that can change your life.

The Old Farmer's Almanac 2013

Old Farmer's Almanac - 2012
    A reference book that reads like a magazine, the Almanac contains “everything under the Sun, including the Moon”—facts, feature articles, and advice that are “useful, with a pleasant degree of humor.”   The 2013 edition, which marks the publication’s 221st anniversary, will feature     • weather predictions for every day and climatic trends for each season, plus hints of how a low sunspot cycle could influence conditions in the coming years     • the most accurate astronomical data in the solar system, with best-viewing recommendations for every month     • safe and easy home remedies for each season’s most common—and uncomfortable—aches and ailments     • fail-safe gardening tips to ensure a hefty harvest, ideas for using vegetable plants as ornamentals, plus gardening by the Moon     • delicious recipes for homebaked cakes, cookies, and pies; plus readers’ best bacon dishes     • amusing and enlightening articles on raising children, kisses, and why pets bite (and how to stop them)and much, much more!   Added value this year:     • 80 full-color pages     • full-color national weather maps of winter and summer forecasts

Destroy Your Student Loan Debt: The Step-by-Step Plan to Pay Off Your Student Loans Faster

Anthony Oneal - 2020
    Debt sucks. Period. And that includes student loan debt. No matter what you believed—or were told—when you took out your loans, you need to get serious about getting rid of your debt fast, because it’s costing you more than you know. That’s why bestselling author Anthony ONeal wrote this motivating 64-page Quick Read—to show you why you need to dump your debt fast and how to do it.If you have student loan debt and have never heard of Ramsey Solutions or the 7 Baby Steps, this 64-page Quick Read is for you. Anthony will walk you step-by-step through Baby Steps 1 and 2 to show you how to dump your debt forever. You’ll learn:The ugly truth about how debt hurts youThe importance of an emergency fund and how to budget (Baby Step 1)The power of the debt snowball (Baby Step 2)Exactly what to do to pay off your student loans fasterHow to control your money so it doesn’t control youYou’ll also hear stories from real people about how they paid off their debt fastYou don’t need relief from your debt, you need to get mad at it. Because the truth is, when you get mad enough, you can pay off your loans faster than you ever thought possible—and take control of your money, and your life, for good! Don’t let anything stand in the way of your future. This plan has helped millions get out of debt and you’re next. You can do this!(Ramsey Press)

The No Contact Rule

Natalie Lue - 2007
    Grab back your power and move on to aNo Contact (NC) is ideal when someone just won't break up, but isn't prepared to commit to being and doing what is expected of them. It's also exactly what's needed when you keep chasing someone who doesn't want you or isn't prepared to give you what you want and need. NC teaches boundaries and imposes limits both on yourself and the other person. This detailed comprehensive survival guide provides all the info you need to understand what no contact is, why it's necessary and effective, what they're thinking, breaking your pattern and understanding your compulsion, dealing with NC with co-workers or the parent of your child, how to stay the course, and get onto rebuilding your life so that you can move on.Natalie Lue is the author of the Bagage Reclaim blog and the ebook, Mr Unavailable and the Fallback Girl, which is a no holds barred guide to understanding emotionally unavailable men, the women that love them, and modern day dysfunctional relationships and the impact of self-esteem. With well over a 100K readers a month, her blog and ebooks have become a much needed source of support for people who have previously felt alone and mystified by their relationship and self-esteem issues.

For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women

Shaunti Feldhahn - 2006
    Through hundreds of interviews and the results of a scientific national survey of women, this book demonstrates that women are actually not random and that they really can be systematized and "mapped." In fact, much to men's delight, this book shows that women are actually quite easy to understand and please--as long as you know what it is they need. This simple map will guide you to loving your wife or girlfriend in the way she needs to be loved. The bestselling author of "For Women Only"teams with her husband to offer men the key to unlocking the mysterious ways of women. Through Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn 's national scientific survey and hundreds of interviews, "For Men Only" reveals what you can do today to improve your relationship. And believe it or not, as Jeff assures men, "It's not splitting the atom." And for every guy who rarely reads a manual: Quick-Start Guide Included! "When we featured Shaunti's book "For Women Only" on "FamilyLife Today," ""the phone rang off the hook! When Shaunti and Jeff come back on our broadcast, I'm buying some more phones. This is fresh and relevant--good stuff for every marriage. Read it!" "-Dennis Rainey, President, FamilyLife "Story Behind the Book "As I was writing "For Women Only "to help women understand the inner lives of men, over and over I heard that men wished there was a way to understand their wives, but they felt it was probably impossible. I heard from them, 'You are writing this little slim volume about men, but if it was about understanding women, it would have to be the size of an encyclopedia! Women are random and complicated!' These men were surprised and encouraged when I assured them that women are neither random nor complicated, and we can be understood. Men just want to love their wives well, and "For Men Only "will help them do that." "--Shaunti Feldhahn"

Connect Instantly: 60 Seconds to Likability, Meaningful Connections, and Hitting It Off With Anyone

Patrick King - 2015
    click with others? It's something we never learn in school... a shame because Connecting Instantly with others just might be the most important skill you'll ever learn. The first 60 seconds of an interaction is the gatekeeper of friendship and relationships. It determines whether people will invest time and energy in you... and simply care about you. Nail it, and you'll be given the benefit of the doubt in any situation... fail to click instantly and you'll fall into the dreaded zone of apathy and "who cares about them?" We don't get second chances in a reality that deals largely in snap judgments. Connect Instantly was written specifically to deal with those crucial first moments of interaction, and make sure that you control 100% that you click and make a great impression, and reap the rewards of it. What about clicking instantly will you learn? * How outbound positivity always comes full circle and inbound - back to you. * What ignoring small details in favor of the main message can do for your conversational flow. * The small acts of service that require zero effort... but make people love you. As well as... * Telltale signs of genuineness and authenticity in your smile. * Why asking people's opinions makes them value your opinions more. * The bonding power of imperfections, flaws, and vulnerability. When you can master the first 60 seconds of an interaction, your world is simply opened up. If you can pass everyone's gatekeeper and leave them wanting to invest time and emotion into you, there's no more powerful emotion. You'll be first in line for every business opportunity because people will assume the best of you. You'll always be attractive to the opposite sex because of that impression. Old friends will want to see you more, and new friends will want to strengthen that bond quickly - are you ready for all the new friends you'll have? Don’t hesitate to pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page! P.S. Use snap judgments to your advantage!

Love Sense: The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic Relationships

Sue Johnson - 2013
    Love Sense presents new scientific evidence that tells us that humans are meant to mate for life. Dr. Johnson explains that romantic love is an attachment bond, just like that between mother and child, and shows us how to develop our "love sense" -- our ability to develop long-lasting relationships.Love is not the least bit illogical or random, but actually an ordered and wise recipe for survival. Love Sense covers the three stages of a relationship and how to best weather them; the intelligence of emotions and the logic of love; the physical and psychological benefits of secure love; and much more. Based on groundbreaking research, Love Sense will change the way we think about love.

Getting Naked: Five Steps to Finding the Love of Your Life (While Fully Clothed & Totally Sober)

Harlan Cohen - 2012
    With a simple 5-step approach to finding the love of your life, Harlan answers the most commonly asked questions from his syndicated advice column, his college tours, his website, and his newest book for Gen Y. He helped a generation make the most of college life, now he'll help them find the love of their lives.

101 Things I Wish I Knew When I Got Married: Simple Lessons to Make Love Last

Linda Bloom - 2004
    Charlie and Linda Bloom, psychotherapists with fifty-five years of combined experience in relationship counseling, are acutely aware of this. For the last fifteen years the Blooms have been leading seminars on improving life relationships through their organization, The Empowerment Network. They’ve helped thousands of couples improve their most cherished relationships.Each lesson is presented as a simple, one-line thought followed by an explanation using real life examples, from Charlie and Linda’s personal experiences and the experiences of other couples. The Blooms share a wealth of experience with their readers. They demonstrate the universality of relationship issues and how anyone can find ways out of the pain that can engulf a relationship. By working through these ordeals, couples will enrich their relationships. The book makes it clear that, regardless of past experience, anyone can develop the basic strengths, skills and capacities needed for a great relationship.

The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them

W. Anton - 2010
    This is why guys that read it don't read or recommend anything else. Because the few men who "get it" spend the rest of their lives enjoying sexy girls in abundance - and so can you.You can learn to get ANY girl you want, the same way that all men who are naturally good with women have. The only difference is that you may learn it much FASTER, instead of wasting tons of time and money on fruitless dates or a new car/haircut/shirt that you BELIEVE will make you more attractive - but really doesn't.You see; men LACK success with women because they either don't understand what women are attracted to, or because they THINK that they do know, but have the wrong ideas and hence waste a lot of time - sometimes their entire life - chasing things they don't need. You know you have to get this book if you believe women want men with money, cars, or anything else that is manmade, because that doesn't make any sense. If women really were attracted to something unnatural, how did men meet women before any of those things were invented?The approach you'll learn in The Manual is very different from conventional dating and the advice you find in the mainstream media because it focuses on natural attraction - on what women REALLY want - not what they CLAIM they want or what males in general BELIEVE women want. It incorporate men's and women's socialization and explains phenomenas such as why men think women are attracted to things such as money (yet money is a man-made invention that has not even EXISTED very long) and why women "play hard to get" (a well-known phrase which amusingly reveals that women ARE easy but only pretend not to be).This is why the beginning of the book addresses your basic beliefs and mindset, because if you learn to THINK correctly, you will automatically behave correctly around women. Even if they are so stunning they normally take your breath away, your mind goes blank, and you run out of words.You already have what it takes to seduce women. Like, if you never run out of words around your close friends or family, you should be able to talk to a hot girl without making a fool out of yourself. The reason you seem to be a different person in such situations is because you ARE - you are NOT being yourself! You act differently because you were socialized to sabotage yourself. The Manual teaches you how to unlock your true potential and to bring out the real you - not change you into someone you are not.The method presented to get girls works on all women, no matter what language they speak, how young they are, or what type of relationship you might be looking for. It's universal because it's based on natural attraction, what all women are hardwired to respond to, and attraction is an emotion, not a decision.You can use it to get a sexy girlfriend, one night stands or even long-term relationships. You can use it to find true love, a soul mate, or just casual sex without commitment. And one of its best benefits is that it will make women want to be with you and appreciate you. The girls you get will REMAIN attractive even after you have formed a sexual relationship with them, because they are so happy to be with you. While most other guys who do get (average) girls, often find themselves with an average female who becomes even less attractive over time as she stops taking care of herself completely.All other dating books simply repeat conventional wisdom that doesn't work very well in reality, and even the best ones are about ACTING like an attractive man, not on how to BECOME one. But the problem is if you go around acting like someone besides yourself, even if you do start getting girls, it's not really YOU who are getting them. The Manual will show you how to get laid like a rock star, without being one, and without pretending to be one e

In Sync with the Opposite Sex: Understand the Conflicts. End the Confusion. Make the Right Choices.

Alison A. Armstrong - 2006
    End the Confusion. Make the Right Choices.

How to Write a Book This Weekend, Even If You Flunked English Like I Did

Vic Johnson - 2013
    And he gives you step-by-step detail of everything he did, including the resources he uses to turn out content-rich books in no time at all. How To Write a Book This Weekend is a perfect strategy for first-time book writers who have been discouraged by the thought of pounding out words for months at a time. You'll learn:Where to find idea "factories" that allow you to "crowdsource" the hottest trending topics.Where to find idea "factories" that allow you to "crowdsource" the hottest trending topics.The little-known secrets used by a 19th century Russian immigrant to sell over 100 million print books.The "can't fail" method of choosing a title that makes your book irresistible to prospective buyers.A "backdoor" Google code that will instantly reveal a treasure trove of valuable research material for your book.The magic method that eliminates writers block and produces top quality content in a fraction of the time of other methods.Please note: This method has had proven success on many occasions when applied to non-fiction books. It may or may not be useful for fiction writers.

The Message Game: A Guide To Dating At The Touch Of A Button

Ice White - 2020
    It's not just a dating guide for men to get dates quickly and efficiently through dating apps like Tinder, or social media. It's about becoming a good communicator, knowing how to lead conversations and being able to set up genuinely fun activities that maximize your sexual results and relationships. With hundreds of analyzed screenshots collected from dedicated Message Game followers and Ice White himself, this is a visual guide with real stories of sex and adventures, and real conversations that have provided an understanding of successes and failures. All the learning has been done for you and compiled into a structured guide that can answer all your possible questions. From maximizing how many contacts and phone numbers you get to setting up dates quickly, from getting dates to getting laid, and from logistics to escalation. The book also features special sections that are especially useful, such as:The Situation Index - A table of common situations with references to every single page that has explained or showed the given situation. She isn't responding? She doesn't want anything serious? She says she is busy? She is only visiting your town or city? She thinks you just want sex? Whatever it is, we have the pages. Frequently Asked Questions - A summary of many common questions, such as how long you should wait to reply, how iften you should message someone, if you should use Tinder superlikes, if you should swipe a certain way on Tinder, and SO MUCH MORE. Without hesitation, this book is your own personal guide to getting the dates you want as frequently as possible.

Power Texting Men! The Best Texting Attraction Book to Get the Guy (Relationship and Dating Advice for Women 3)

Gregg Michaelsen - 2014
    We got that. But too many times ladies are texting like we are your boyfriends. We are NOT. At least not yet and maybe never if you don't FIX your texting. We are also not your girlfriend, we don't want to hear how your make-up session is going even though we benefit from it and say we do.Power Texting Men! will;Give you 21 jaw dropping seductive texts that you just gotta use!Make him respond when YOU want him toKeep him hooked on you all day and night until the next dateCrush ALL your texting blundersShow how timing, structure, intent and emoticons MATTERYour night game and your future man demand the complete package out of you. Any weak link in your armor could send him packing. What I am finding is that YOUR weak link is TEXTING MEN!This texting attraction guide will change this...don't push that guy away EVER againLadies, Do Not Pass Up this Book;Learn the power of less is moreHit him with wit and keep his senses arousedSay things that he has never heard from another womanLearn the secrets of "radio silence"Book a date without him even realizing that YOU just asked HIM outTEASE the crap out him with your thumbsIf you want to know what men WANT you to say when texting, ASK a man. You are lost when you text guys and I WILL fix this. I teach ladies how to get the reaction they want. They tell me what they text and it is often the polar opposite of what they SHOULD be texting. They then say, "Wow, he just asked me out!" Yes because you finally figured out his simple brain by listening to a ME...a MAN with a simple brain!Do you lack confidence? Comfortable in Your Own Shoes: The Building of a Confident Woman is LIVE! This is my confidence course JUST for women and WOW - does it work!

Radical Acceptance: The Secret to Happy, Lasting Love

Andrea Miller - 2017
    He's funny, charming, smart, successful, and kind. He’s perfect. Except for when he is not. Like when he is late. Or short-tempered. Or impatient. Or lazy. Or he has just loaded the dishwasher incorrectly (again). Maybe he suddenly feels like the most frustrating person on the planet. Or maybe you’re simply not feeling heard or seen. Or loved enough.It’s these proverbial unlovable parts that make loving all of him so tough. But imagine if you let go of your itch to fix, judge, improve, or control your partner. Imagine if you replaced judgment with compassion and empathy. Tremendous empowerment and liberation come from loving someone—and being loved—for who we really are. This is called Radical Acceptance. Whether you're looking for Mr. Right or are already with him, this is your powerful five-step guide to attaining life’s ultimate prize: unconditional love.Through Radical Acceptance, you’ll learn how to increase your emotional resilience, feel more confident, determine whether you’re settling, quiet those doubt-filled voices in your head, get out of that endless cycle of dead-end dates, reduce conflict, and build a deeply fulfilling, affirming relationship—all through highly actionable advice. Best of all, you will discover how amazing it feels to have your heart expanded by an abundance of love and compassion for your partner and yourself. Featuring compelling stories from real-life couples and insights from the foremost thought-leaders and researchers in brain science, sexuality, psychotherapy, and neurobiology, Radical Acceptance illustrates that embracing your partner for exactly who they are will lead to a more harmonious relationship—and provides an unexpected path to your own personal transformation.