When Hope Becomes Life: A Five Time Surrogate Mother Shares Her Truth About Surrogacy (Book Two)

Susan A. Ring - 2019
    Invited to share her story with the world, the photographer hands her a sign to hold in front of her body for the article. The sign: FOR RENT.What follows is a transformational story that is both heartbreaking and exhilarating. As Susan hurtles toward the confusion of what it means to be a surrogate mother, she looks for what might help her cope and throws herself back into the surrogacy world. She will end up spending the entire decade of her forties being a surrogate mother for other families. As with many love stories, things start to fall apart and she realizes surrogacy/pregnancy has become an obsession.Susan longs for a single why to her pregnancy past, but instead finds many complex reasons. She forges ahead to find answers deep within herself, and wants what is missing from her life. She finds what she never expected.

Hands of an Angel, Mind of a Demon, Heart of a Saint: True Stories from a 10 Year Paramedic

David Chase Stone - 2017
    This tell-all story will put you on the front line of the reality of street paramedicine. From gruesome and violent encounters to making split-second decisions which may have cost a life, experience the emotional struggle our responders have to deal with on a daily basis. Through the highs and lows of his career, ten-year Paramedic David Stone doesn't hold back as he tells of the circumstances which haunted him and eventually drove him out of the career... and why it was all worth it in the end. Ride front seat with this thrill-packed memoir encompassing over a decade of true stories from the medic who experienced it.

Mordiendo manzanas y besando sapos

Doly Mallet - 2010
    This book analyzes the psychological effects that Disney’s princesses have had on young girls and their emotional development. Every girl has grown up with Snow White or Cinderella and has carried around a part of that legend within her.

An Airline Pilot's Life

Chris Manno - 2020
    Here's the story: Who didn't want to be a jet pilot as a kid? Yet for most, life gets in the way and charts a different course. But what if? Here's your chance to live the dream, the true story of a childhood passion for airplanes and flight to the rigorous military college that lead to Air Force pilot wings, to years as a USAF pilot in the Pacific and Asia, then into the cockpits of the world's largest airline, and decades as a captain. Live the struggle, the adventures, the flying, the ups and downs of airline crew life from an insider perspective. An airline pilot's life: strap in, hang on--it's a wild ride.

Behind the Laughter

Sherrie Hewson - 2011
    From her dazzling performances in the Carry On films to Russ Abbott's Madhouse, to her favourite character Maureen Holdsworth in Coronation Street to the green hills of Emmerdale, Sherrie's warmth and good humour won her a place in the heart of the nation. And now an adored presenter on Loose Women, which she joined eight years ago, Sherrie has become a friend and confidante to the millions who tune in for her naughty sense of fun, openness and quick wit.But behind the laughter Sherrie has been hiding a secret heartache. After 30 years of marriage, she is finally divorcing the man who cheated on her and squandered all her money, leaving her bankrupt, on the brink of an alcohol problem and suicidal. It has taken her nine years to reach this point; but Sherrie is now ready to share her story – and it's one that at times seems more fitting to a soap opera than real life.From living in a brothel to being ditched at the altar, to living in fear of her stalker to nearly murdering her Corrie co-star (by accident, of course!), to the on- and off-screen lovers, friends and foe, to struggling to conceive her much-loved daughter,Sherrie – a natural storyteller – always manages to see the funny side and tells it like it is with warmth and a cheeky smile.Brimming with brilliantly funny anecdotes and larger-than-life characters, Sherrie’s story will delight, entertain and, above all, make you laugh.

I was somebody before this....

Kitti Jones - 2017
    I created S.P.Y ( stop protecting your abuser) after discovering I was apart of a growing community of women and young girls who had been victimized by the same famous and powerful man. I became infuriated when communicating with several of his past victims when I realized we were all dealing with the same fear and shame and we were all too afraid of the questions and the victim shaming that follows after you tell! Why are you telling now? Are you after money? She doesn't look like a victim, she isn't his type, she's not pretty, she's a groupie she deserved it, she's not crying in the interview she must be lying!! Watching past victims endure so much backlash it made many of us go into a deeper depression and pretend it never happened, this allowed our abuser to recruit and victimize more girls and women over the years to come. Inside, I take you on a journey, sharing my life and my career before Robert Kelly, and then sharing my life as it was living with him. Never before seen photos, and information never revealed.

Ambush in Dealey Plaza: How and Why They Killed President Kennedy

Robert Murdoch - 2014
    Why it's easy to demonstrate, the evidence given to the Warren Commission by members of the Dallas police, was all created. There are 44 photos and illustrations in, 'Ambush in Dealey Plaza'. Many prove Lee Oswald did not kill President Kennedy or Officer Tippit. LookBack Publications

Tragedies of Cañon Blanco: A Story of the Texas Panhandle (1919)

Robert Goldthwaite Carter - 1919
    Carter would participate in a number of expeditions against the Comanche and other tribes in the Texas-area. It was during one of these campaigns that he was brevetted first lieutenant and awarded the Medal of Honor for his "most distinguished gallantry" against the Comanche in Blanco Canyon on a tributary of the Brazos River on October 10, 1871. He became a successful author in his later years writing several books based on his military career, including On the Border with Mackenzie (1935), as well as a series of booklets detailing his years as an Indian fighter on the Texas frontier. Carter writes: "IT IS nearly fifty years since these tragedies occurred. There are few survivors. The writer is, perhaps, the only one. This is written in the vague hope that this chronicle of the events of that period may possibly prove of some lasting and, perhaps, historical value to posterity. "The country all about the scene of these tragical events—the Texas Panhandle—was then wild, unsettled, covered with sage brush, scrub oak and chaparral, and its only inhabitants were Indians, buffalo, lobo wolves, coyotes, jack-rabbits, prairie-dogs and rattlesnakes, with here and there a few scattered herds of antelope. The railroad, that great civilizing agency, the telegraph, the telephone, and the many other marvelous inventions of man, have wrought such a wonderful transformation in our great western country that the American Indian will, if he has not already, become a race of the past, and history alone will record the remarkable deeds and strange career of an almost extinct people. With these miraculous changes has come the total extermination of the buffalo—the Indians' migratory companion and source of living—and pretty much all of the wild game that in almost countless numbers freely roamed those vast prairies. Where now the railroads girdle that country the nomadic redman lived his free and careless life and the bison thrived and roamed undisturbed at that period— where are now the appliances of modern civilization, and prosperous communities, then nothing but desolation reigned for many miles around. "In the expansion and peopling of this vast country, our little Army was most closely identified. In fact, it was the pioneer of civilization. The life was full of danger, hardships, privations, and sacrifices, little known or appreciated by the present generation. "Where populous towns, ranches and well-tilled farms, grain fields, orchards, and oil "gushers" are now located, with railroads either running through or near them, we were making trails, upon which the main roads now run, in search of hostile savages, for the purpose of punishing them or compelling them to go into the Indian reservations, and to permit the settlers, then held back by the murderous acts of these redskins, to advance and spread the civilization of the white man throughout the western tiers of counties in that far-off western panhandle of Texas."

The Kindle Fire HDX User Guide (Beginner to Expert in 1 Hour)

Charles Tulley - 2013

So Big the Land

Sue Grocke - 2019
    With little prelude she is thrown into the deep end of a gritty farming life in a man's world. A life of hard work on untamed lands, a two year odyssey through the outback, and months spent in a remote Aboriginal community, reveal to Sue the very character of the Australian landscape. This is the story of one woman's metamorphosis, from timid, imaginative child to resilient, worldly woman - a profound journey of self discovery through tragedy, unfettered and often life-threatening adventure, and overwhelming joy.

The Complete Free Kindle Fire Apps (Free Kindle Fire Apps That Don't Suck Book 1)

The App Bible - 2012
    This is the one you want… Personally, I will check out any book this author writes about apps because, for some reason, maybe a bad case of OCD, he is obviously compelled to do the most thorough investigation into each and every aspect, good and bad of apps in a particular genre. My hat's off to him, and he has my thanks for saving me a ton of time and grief.” - Linda Abbott (Reviewer) Nearly 800 Pages of In-Depth Reviews, and Tips and Tricks to Help You Get The Most Out of Your Free Kindle Fire Apps Question: Why Do You Need This Book? Answer: Because you have better things to do with your time than to trudge through the Amazon App Store and test tons of apps until you find the best ones Question: OK. But Why Do You Need To Buy THIS Book? Answer: Because you need more than some random list of “Top Kindle Fire Apps.” You also need: To know which apps to download first Tips and tricks for how to get the most out of the apps How to find help if you’re having a problem with an app An in-depth review describing what is good and what is bad about each app Problem: Even if you have a list of the top free apps, how do you know which ones to install first? Solution: At the end of this book, all the apps are ranked from best to worst according to a UNIQUE RANKING SYSTEM FOUND ONLY IN MY BOOKS Question: How Else Is This Book Unique? Answer: In addition to its unique ranking system, it also offers in-depth reviews that provide the following: A summary of what the app does A summary of what is good and what is bad about each app When available: The app developer’s contact information, website information, as well as links to pertinent articles about the app Tips and tricks for many of the apps (how to get the most from the app) A brief summary of the positive and negative reviews of the app on Amazon PLUS: A list of 5 must-have free productivity apps that every Kindle Fire owner should install to have greater control over their Kindle Fire A list of 15 free productivity apps that most Kindle Fire owners will find useful since they provide a great deal of functionality Question: OK…But What Types Of Apps, Exactly, Does The Book Include? Answer: A dizzying variety… Game Apps Arcade and Board game apps Mind game apps: Card, logic, and word game apps Kids Apps Educational apps and Game apps for kids: Apps for toddlers, preschoolers, elementary schoolers, and high schoolers in the following categories: Art apps, Book apps, English apps, and Math apps Productivity Apps Art

The Man Who Defeated His Death

Mr. Vastav - 2020

DOUBT: The Madeleine McCann Mystery (Gone Girl Book 1)

Nick van der Leek - 2017
    We also know the original lead investigator, Goncalo Amaral’s, counter-narrative, now a legally defensible matter of public record. The questions that arise from these opposing narratives are dead simple: Which narrative is more credible? Which narrator is more credible? What was the motive behind all the publicity? Neither Madeleine nor her abductor ultimately benefited from the ongoing media barrage, so who did? True crime maestro, Nick van der Leek, plumbs quagmires of confusion and a thicket of thorny inconsistencies to probe what lies beneath: the psychologies. What is the significance of "doctors" as suspects? Did it matter or mean anything that the McCanns and their cabal of friends in the Algarve were mostly doctors? Peeling away the gossamer threads, over the course of just four days [April 29th – May 2nd], van der Leek intuits that very little was routine: not the weather, not where meals were eaten, not where or when they slept and not what they did as a family. But what were their routines when it came to other, murkier things, like sleeping patterns, cell phones and sedatives? Drawing intangibles out of the darkness, van der Leek sews the vexing loose ends from several conflicting stories into a definite - if not definitive - end-result.

Get Divorced, Be Happy: How becoming single turned out to be my happily ever after

Helen Thorn - 2021
    Helen shares her own roller coaster journey from the initial shock of a surprise separation, the messy months hanging out in her PJs through to the highs of rediscovering online dating, tiny pants, rock-solid female friendships and the glorious joy of just being by herself.With the help of relationship experts and an army of women "who know", Get Divorced, Be Happy will show you that going it alone isn't the end, it is just the beginning, and you will come out the other side, stronger, happier and goddamn sassier than ever before.

Live Fast, Lose Weight: Fat to Fit: 80 recipes for a healthy lifestyle

Charlotte Crosby - 2016
    When it comes to losing weight her mantra is: if she can do it, anyone can. In LIVE FAST LOSE WEIGHT she shares the recipes she cannot live without.