
Cheryl Gorman - 2015
     Devlin Morgan, the reclusive owner of Morgan’s Keep, coolly turns away her inquiries, and the villagers, who respect Devlin, refuse to cooperate, as well. Worse still is her own unwanted attraction to him. Especially once she begins to suspect he’s involved with her sister’s disappearance and the mysterious “Chiming Ghost.” In order to solve the mystery of her missing sister, she’ll also have to probe Devlin’s dark past, discover the truth about the “ghost.” and decide whether to trust the passion in her heart or play it safe and return to England. Whatever happens, she’ll never be the same when she leaves the island.

Submerged: Ryan Widmer, his drowned bride and the justice system

Janice Hisle - 2018
    Her husband of four months is accused of murder. What happened in their tiny suburban bathroom—and why—was never resolved. A compelling true-crime drama, based on exclusive new information, Submerged exposes hidden angles of a case that captivated and divided an ordinary American community, tore apart two families and tested the criminal justice system. Compelled by conscience and curiosity, former Cincinnati Enquirer reporter Janice (Morse) Hisle—who covered the saga of Ryan and Sarah Widmer from the start—returns 10 years later to dig deep to tell the untold story: dozens of interviews, 6,000 pages of trial transcripts and previously unrevealed records such as: • Ryan’s first written statement about Sarah’s death • attorneys’ notes and trial-preparation documents • Ryan’s personal journal, notes and correspondence • more than a thousand pages of police notes and reports Submerged will draw you into the depths of a stranger-than-fiction story that you will ponder long after turning the final page.

The Murders of Christopher Watts

Cheryln Cadle - 2020
    Cheryln Cadle contacted him and started visiting him in prison. Christopher started writing her letters from his prison cell in Wisconsin. These letters had his confessions of things he had never told anyone else. Now she shares the letters and the truth about what happened that fateful night in Frederick Colorado to Shanann, Nico, Bella and Celeste Watts at the hands of their father. Was he just a monster or was it truly his girlfriend that he wanted to start a life with the reason he was willing to kill his family?

Ouija Board Nightmares: Terrifying True Tales

John Harker - 2015
    Most of the time, those who dabble with the Ouija experience nothing out of the ordinary. But many times that's not the case. And many times that extraordinary experience isn't just strange but downright awful. Ouija Board Nightmares takes a look at some of those terrifying experiences, which range from nightmarish manifestations to actual physical assaults. The author’s intention is to inform and engage, but primarily to warn. While the Ouija board may be marketed as a harmless game, it is indeed neither. If the accounts in this book don't convince you of that, then nothing will.

100 Bigfoot Nights: A Chilling True Story

Christine Dela Parker - 2014
    Accompanied by video, photographs, and audio evidence, the story is written in Christine’s own words as it unfolds. According to the Bigfoot investigator they contacted, “They aren’t going anywhere.” As the world gets more crowded with us, “They” are left with less and less habitat. They have learned to live in the shadows and pass through the forests by our homes. After reading this book just ask yourself, what would you do if this happened to you? This story is not embellished or fictionalized. It is a series of true events interpreted and told from the author's point of view.

Donut Hole: A Marine’s Real-Life Battles in Vietnam During 1967 and 68 Marines, 1st Force Logistical Command Clutch Platoon

R.C. Lebeau - 2019
    Your very belief is tested in combat, you must kill your enemy, or your enemy will kill you – that is the simple, hard cold fact. Because in my humble opinion, War is hell on Earth. Evil roams freely in War, and it will kill you, one way or another, with its evil intent. Nightmares are common and, in their fantasy, never reflect the real horror and the reality that War can bring to your mind. No matter what your personal spiritual beliefs are, you will be tested. The conduct of your intent will be your judge for life. It is your second guessing that can be dangerous to you. A wise Philosopher once said in Greece, “If you want real peace, you must always prepare for War.” This book is about war. It tells my experiences of the paths I took as a United States Marine in Vietnam. The mouths of many soldiers will say the same – the same soldiers who had shared my paths with the experiences of my many paths in life. I have not shared these words or reflections with anyone, except in bits and pieces, and that too, with other veterans in the form of bunker talk.

Monster Exchange Program (MXP): A Choose All Fantasy Adventure

Mark Albany - 2019
     Well, definitely not ordinary... and totally not average. You see, Nate’s a Troman—a nearly seven-foot-tall guy who’s half war troll, half human—and he’s working undercover as part of a secret government project, the Monster Exchange Program, to investigate crimes that involve the occult. Once on campus, Nate tries to lay low, struggling to navigate college life while also unraveling a mystery involving the disappearance of several beautiful co-eds. If he misses a clue, it could threaten the entire planet. No pressure, right? All Nate has to do to defeat the bad guys and save the world is harness powers he never knew he possessed, kick the crap out of demons—and find a way to satisfy a small army of sorority chicks. Harem amazingness

Our Haunted Home in the Country: A True Story

Dale Scott - 2018
    This book is a true account of events the author and his family experienced in their rural Northern California home in the mid-1970's when he was young.

Beyond Time Travel - Exploring Our Parallel Worlds: Amazing Real Life Stories in the News (Time Travel Books Book 1)

Richard Bullivant - 2014
     The Many Worlds Interpretation The concept that our universe may not be the only universe, but that there are millions, billions, trillions - indeed an infinite amount - of other universes became a serious proposition for mainstream science in 1957 when the respected physicist Hugh Everett III came out with his Multiple Worlds Interpretation. In short, Everett suggested that the only way to explain certain strange phenomenon in quantum mechanics was that there had to be other universes existing parallel to our own. The ‘Many Worlds’ scenario in turn implies that all possible alternative histories are real, each representing an actual ‘world’ or ‘universe’. This means that everything that could possibly have happened in our past, but did not, has occurred in the past of some other universe or universes. The implications of ‘Many Worlds’ for each of us is astounding. It means that every one of us has not only a ‘twin’ existing right now in a parallel universe, but a countless number of twins in universes that expand in all directions infinitely, as well as backwards and forward in time! As astounding and outlandish as Hugh Everett’s Many Worlds Interpretation seems, a recent survey showed that the vast majority of physicists and scientists today accept it as ‘most likely true’ - in fact 83% of them, according to a recent survey of the world’s top 1,200 physicists. Stories The fact that parallel universes is most likely a reality can explain a lot of strange phenomenon, and a lot of bizarre experiences as reported by every day, ordinary people. A lot of these stories have ended up in the mainstream media - and more than a few in the so-called ‘alternative media’. These stories range from the UFO phenomena to reports of contacts with fairy folk, or creatures so strange there is no precedent or explanation for them. Parallel universes have been frequently cited as a way to explain the elusiveness of Bigfoot. It also plays a role in the practice of remote viewing - the psychic spying technique developed by both U.S. Military and Soviet Union intelligence operations. Parallel universe theory may also explain some strange occurrences that simply defy category. In this book, we are going to explore some of those stories - those that made it into the mainstream media and, almost certainly, a few you have never heard about anywhere else. Contents Include: * Unexpected Slips into Other Worlds * The Man from a Non-Existent Country * The Strange Tale of the Gadianton Canyon * Energy Sphere Transportation * Unexpected Slips from Other Worlds * Portals to Parallel Worlds * The Chocolate City * The Multiple Individual Experiencing a Multidimensional World

The Contender: Andrew Cuomo, a Biography

Michael Shnayerson - 2014
    In many ways, his rise, fall, and rise again is an iconic story: a young American politician of vaunting ambition, aiming for nothing less than the presidency. Building on his father's political success, a first run for governor in 2002 led to a stinging defeat, and a painful, public divorce from Kerry Kennedy, scion of another political dynasty, Cuomo had to come back from seeming political death and reinvent himself. He did so, brilliantly, by becoming New York's attorney general, and compiling a record that focused on public corruption. In winning the governorship in 2010, he promised to clean up America's most corrupt legislature. He is blunt and combative, the antithesis of the glad-handing, blow-dried senator or governor who tries to please one and all. He's also proven he can make his legislature work, alternately charming and arm-twisting his colleagues with a talent for political strategy reminiscent of President Lyndon Johnson. Political pundits tend to agree that for Cuomo, a run for the White House is not a question of whether, but when.

A New World

Whitley Strieber - 2020
    A New World details their powerful message: A new world is coming…if we can take it.In 2018, the US Navy admitted that videos taken off the carrier Nimitz by pilots using ultra-sophisticated cameras were of unknown objects with incredible flight characteristics. Add to this the past seventy years of UFO evidence, and it is now undeniable that something unknown is flying around in our skies. But why are they here? There are millions of close encounter witnesses who would say that they are here for us, and have already been in contact with us for two generations, while the official world and the media have been in denial. In 1987, author Whitley Strieber published Communion about his own close encounter. It was met with brutal skepticism…but not from other close encounter witnesses, who wrote him in the hundreds of thousands, telling of their own experiences. With these overwhelming accounts of alien encounters, Rice University in Houston, Texas, has archived these letters as a testimony that we are not alone. After thirty-three years of having them in his life, and an entirely new group of encounters starting in 2015, Whitley Strieber returns with a new vision of contact that will shatter all of our previous theories and beliefs and reveal the experience for what it is: the strangest, most powerful, and potentially most important thing that has ever happened to mankind.

Mirage Men: An Adventure into Paranoia, Espionage, Psychological Warfare, and UFOs

Mark Pilkington - 2010
    This is not your average UFO book. Mirage Men explores the strange and symbiotic relationship between the U.S. military and intelligence agencies and the community who believes strongly that UFOs have visited earth. Just how has the U.S. government manipulated the public’s belief in UFOs to hide military aircraft experimentation? Among the UFO believers are the “mirage men”—a close-knit group of men and women whose careers span science medicine, the military, and the intelligence services. They believe they have received parts of a flying saucer–shaped puzzle, whose final pieces lie tantalizingly out of reach. Dive into this comprehensive and astonishing exposition of exactly what these Mirage Men believe, and why. Interviews, anecdotes, and cold hard facts make this a persuasive book that’s hard to ignore. Many are sure that official disclosure—government announcement of extraterrestrial presence—is just around the corner.

Lost Sister

Ben Cheetham - 2018
    A trip to the cinema turns into a nightmare for Anna and her little sister Jessica, when two men throw thirteen-year-old Jessica into the back of a van and speed away.The years tick by... Tick, tick... The police fail to find Jessica and her name fades from the public consciousness... Tick, tick... But every time Anna closes her eyes she’s back in that terrible moment, lurching towards Jessica, grabbing for her. So close. So agonizingly close.... Tick, tick... Now in her thirties, Anna has no career, no relationship, no children. She’s consumed by one purpose – finding Jessica, dead or alive.Detective Jim Monahan has a little black book with forty-two names in it. Jim’s determined to put every one of those names behind bars, but his investigation is going nowhere fast. Then a twenty-year-old clue brings Jim and Anna together in search of a shadowy figure known as Spider. Who is Spider? Where is Spider? Does Spider have the answers they want? The only thing Jim and Anna know is that the victims Spider entices into his web have a habit of ending up missing or dead.

Lacey Luzzi Box Set: Books 1-6 (Lacey Luzzi Mafia Mysteries)

Gina LaManna - 2019
     Lacey Luzzi’s rollercoaster of a life has been filled with the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. She just never expected the lows to be so… sparkly. After falling on her face during an attempt to follow in her recently-deceased mother’s stripper-boots, Lacey realizes she’s not cut out for life on stage. She sets out on a year-long investigation to find her true family, never expecting she’ll find it with a capital “F.” With a rumbling stomach, a need for money (check engine lights don’t fix themselves!), and a conscience that operates at 78% on a good day, Lacey is sucked into a whirlwind of Family secrets, hard-as-cement cookies, and mysterious, sexy men who unfortunately shoot guns, sometimes aimed at her face. The long-lost-granddaughter of Carlos Luzzi, the Godfather of the Italian Mafia, Lacey accepts her first assignment for the mob: finding fifteen million dollars of ‘the good stuff.’ Even after she enlists the help of her mouthy best-friend and her cousin, a technical genius and social disaster, she finds that going toe-to-toe with the rival Russian mob is more dangerous than expected. No one chooses their Family, but Lacey Luzzi will be lucky if she can survive hers. ** ** Lacey Luzzi: Sprinkled, is a full-length, laugh-out-loud, humorous cozy mystery with a strong female protagonist in the spirit of Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum, albeit one working for the wrong side of the law… Note: Rated a strong PG-13 for sarcasm and mild language. No graphic gore or sex.

The Billionaires Box Set

Claire Adams - 2018
    Too bad she's not interested...yet. Can Maddox win her over without spilling too many of his secrets in the process, or will his desire for her have him baring all?Billionaire's Vegas NightHow does happily ever after begin? While you can no doubt think up a million romantic ways for it to get started, getting sloppy drunk and passing out probably isn't one of them. Which is why Luna is so mortified to find herself waking up in her boss' bed in Vegas, her memory of the night before little more than sporadic flashes.While she is embarrassed, her billionaire boss, Gabriel, is unfazed. Unlike Luna, he remembers the night before--including their wedding, officiated by Blues Brothers impersonators. No, for Gabriel, everything is just fine. Until the police come knocking at the door of his hotel suite.And why are they knocking on the door of his hotel suite? Because not one, but two of his ex-girlfriends are in the same hotel as him--and they are both dead. Strangled to death during the night. And he is their number one suspect.And his alibi can't remember a thing.Will Luna and Gabriel be able to carve a path together?Billionaire's Best WomanShe didn't expect to fall in love with her best friend...On paper, Parker's life is amazing. His tech company is worth billions, he works just a few hours a day, calls the Florida Keys home, and has a smoking hot girlfriend. Sounds pretty sweet.And that doesn't even take into account that his best friend, Sienna, helps him keep his life both fun and grounded. But it is with her that things go a little sideways. He has felt himself attracted to her for some time, and she has long carried a torch for him, but neither let each other know. Is it too late?Billionaire BeastAfter Billionaire Aiden Walker lost his entire family in a tragic plane crash, he wanted nothing more than to be left alone, so much that he fired his entire staff.He mourned his loss by drowning himself in booze at a small bar on the wrong side of town, where the local bartender became his only friend.So just when he thinks life couldn't get any worse, one of the families involved in the tragic accident is determined to ruin him with a lawsuit that could take his sprawling Savannah estate.The two fall into bed, but will her lies destroy any chance for love once Aiden learns who she is?Billionaire's ValentineDeclan needs a new assistant because of his poor behavior. But as luck would have it, Emmi has also recently been chased off by a badly behaved boss.