Spontaneous Manifestations From Zero: Tapping Into The Universal Flow

Richard Dotts - 2015
    Richard developed this process as an easy way for anyone to quickly integrate new spiritual teachings into their life and see fast results. Drawing on his own personal experiences and struggles with interpreting these esoteric teachings, the Magic Transformation Process bridges the gap between theory and practice by “transforming” any teaching into a form that is easily assimilated by our current belief system. The result is a high level of personal effectiveness and greatly improved success rates when learning any spiritual or self-help technique, such as those intended for instant manifestation or spiritual healing. Having laid this general groundwork for personal development, Richard moves on to explain why manifestations are not about taking a piecemeal approach. Many readers apply manifestation techniques in a piecemeal manner to fill up perceived voids in their lives. But as Richard explains, becoming an effective manifestor goes beyond just using these techniques when the need arises and neglecting them in other areas of your life. To become an effective manifestor, one needs to move towards an actual, holistic living of this material at all levels of their being instead of merely understanding it theoretically. To help readers do so, Richard expands upon the concept of timeless manifestations which he originally introduced in his book Playing In Time And Space. In this current book, Richard takes readers through a powerful series of inner exercises to “perceive our physical manifestations as the Universe sees it — at a single point in time.” Most readers have a difficult time understanding why time and space boundaries do not matter to the Universe and how time is only a convenient illusion when it comes to our manifestations. Through the steps described by Richard, readers are guided to see why instant spontaneous manifestations are not just a fantasy but a definite possibility in our everyday experience. Next, Richard shares the Quick Statement Process, a powerful technique that allows readers to cut through any negative feelings, emotions or thoughts arising from particular situations in their own life. These negative feelings often delay and hold our manifestations back, which is why it is important that we break free from them as soon as possible. The Quick Statement Process allows one to dissolve any negative feelings of doubt without the need for any logical rationalizations or psychoanalysis. Just drop it and be done with them! Readers are in for a treat as Richard rounds up the book by showing readers how to “collapse” their perceptions of time and space — such that they are both living in their current reality and also a “future” reality where their desires are already manifest. He shares his latest insights on why worrisome and fearful thoughts just cannot exist when we “collapse the future into the now” and live in a state of perpetual bliss.

Talking to Spirit: How to Become a Medium & Connect with the Afterlife

Emily Stroia - 2015
    Bonus FREE gift included with your purchase! What Signs & Signals Spirits Give Spirit loved ones have many ways of communicating with us. In this book you will learn the common signals and signs when a Spirit loved one is trying to communicate with you and how to identify them more easily so you can have faster and easier communication with the beyond. How to Successfully Communicate with Spirit Loved Ones Learn what makes mediumship successful including a method on communicating with Spirit loved ones and several exercises on making contact. You will also learn the importance of sitting with spirit and what to look for in your meditations. How to Become a Medium & Talk to a Spirit Loved One In this book, Emily will teach you all the various methods and details to look for when practicing mediumship and spirit communication. You will learn all the evidence and details to look for when doing mediumship and how to communicate these details to your sitter or receiver. In this book are all the keys to successful mediumship including how to tell the story of your spirit loved ones, interpreting symbols from Spirit, the importance of the message and how to find out what messages the Spirit wants to communicate. You will also learn how to create your own Spiritual Toolbox Kit and how to Set your Intention with the Spirit World. Emily believes we all have an intuition and use it more than we know or are aware of. Learn today how to become more in touch with your inner voice and develop your psychic awareness! About The AuthorEmily is a professional Intuitive & Evidential Medium based in the New York & New Jersey area. She teaches classes, has written several books on psychic & mediumship development available on Amazon for purchase and continues to have private sessions with clients. Visit her website, www.emilystroia.com for more information about her. Scroll up and grab your copy now! Free gift inside with purchase!

Ho'oponopono Secrets

Paul Jackson - 2014
    Its simple message of 100% responsibility, repentance, and gratitude has been changing the lives of all it touches. Originally practiced by the native Hawaiians Ho’oponopono was primarily a group based ceremony, used to solve community based problems, and disputes and it has ties and similarities to many indigenous shamanic practices found throughout the world.The Ancient Hawaiians understood the power of the mind. Centuries before mainstream science they identified the distinction between the Conscious, Subconscious, and Super-Conscious minds, and the part they play in forming our present day circumstances.This knowledge was considered so important that they built their whole belief system Huna (The Secret) around it..So what exactly is Ho’oponopono? Is it really so easy? Does it work? Why does it work? How do you do it? What can it do for me?This book will answer these questions and many more, examining its origins, development, and the philosophy that underpins it.It will provide you with all the knowledge and information you need, guiding you through the Ho’oponopono process step by step with sample mantras so you can begin practising right away.We’ll look at why this deceptively easy, but extremely powerful process, is changing the lives of all it touches.And show you how it can change yours too...

The Wheel Of Spirituality: A Joyful Journey to Siddhi

Vinay Bansal - 2020

تطبيق قانون الجذب

Deanna Davis - 2008
    But what if books like that seem a little too “out there” for you? Enter Deanna Davis, whose down-to-earth approach stems from her own change of heart (it happened at the Olive Garden). In this fun, quirky, and decidedly straightforward guide, Deanna shares the science, strategy, and stories of how to create your ideal life using a universal key to success called the Law of Attraction, whether you seek health, wealth, happiness, success, or anything else, large or small. The book blends cutting-edge research, practical techniques, and a conversational, light, funny tone to make the information both meaningful and memorable. Like a talk by your favorite college professor, it provides brilliant concepts in a downto- earth manner—an uncommon blend of wisdom, creativity, inspiration, and practical strategies that work.

Key Takeaways & Analysis of Michael A. Singer's The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself

The Unthered Soul - 2015
    By tapping into traditions of meditation and mindfulness, Singer shows how the development of consciousness can enable us all to dwell in the present moment and let go of painful thoughts and memories that keep us from achieving happiness and self-realization. PLEASE NOTE: This is key takeaways and analysis of the book and NOT the original book.  Inside this WiseMinds Key Takeaways & Analysis of The Untethered Soul  • Key Ideas from the Book • Analysis of Key Ideas • and much more! ###Keywords: Four Agreements, Gifts of Imperfection, Letting Go, Outrageous Openness, Book of Awakening, Three Pillars


Peter Adams - 2011
    Unlike other books on the law of attraction, the Author has successfully used the VisualFestation System to manifest miracles in his own life, and he shares them with you in VisualFestation. When you are finished with this book, you will have all the tools you need to create miracles in your life through practicing the VisualFestation System.

To Be Continued: Reincarnation and the Purpose of Our Lives

Karen Berg - 2012
    Life would make more sense and would be infinitely more fulfilling.Reincarnation is the soul’s journey back to the Light via multiple physical incarnations.In each lifetime, the soul returns to the physical world to correct a different aspect of itself. In one incarnation a soul may need to learn about being rich; another it may need to learn about being poor. Or it may need to experience strength and weakness, anger and compassion, beauty and unsightliness. It doesn’t matter if you were Cleopatra or a foot soldier, the point is to be conscious of the things we failed at, the damage we came to restore so we can make the correction this time around.Reading this book can help you understand some of the challenges and questions you have in this lifetime that may have come from another life. Part I discussses the process of reincarnation—how and why it happens. In Part II, you will learn about life challenges and why it’s important to embrace them as a necessary part of our soul’s work. In Part III, you can detect past life lessons by using kabbalistic tools of angels, astrology, palm and face reading.Awareness of our soul’s journey creates a context that helps us to guide our lives and appreciate what we were given. With this knowledge over many lifetimes our soul eventuality manages to understand all the lessons and puts all of these fragments together. As it does so, the soul gathers sparks of Light back to itself. Eventually it returns to the source of all Light—the Creator—complete.When we understand reincarnation, our mistakes in this life become devastating. We develop a level of spiritual maturity that helps us to perceive how everything is part of a bigger plan designed to help us to change and grow.Death is not the end of the game, but just a chance to do over. We have nothing to fear. Life will be continued . . .

Opening Doors Within

Eileen Caddy - 1987
    A diary of inspirational and practical messages offered in the hope that they will help others find faith, fulfilment and inner peace.

Girlosophy 2: The Love Survival Kit

Anthea Paul - 2002
    An essential handbook on a favorite topic—love—it will help women understand the wider meaning of love as a tool, a resource, and a force. It encourages girls to love themselves first and then reflect on the significance of love outside the common perceptions of romantic love and its role in their friendships and the world at large. It is a road map for every woman to navigate long-distance relationships, determine the real Prince Charmings, overcome icon infatuations, rediscover childhood dreams, and rule in all affairs of the heart.

The Kundalini Guide: A Companion For the Inward Journey (Companions For the Inward Journey Book 1)

Bonnie L. Greenwell - 2014
    It is a response of the life force to the longing for Truth, Liberation, Self-realization or God. Kundalini may awaken following spiritual or energy practices, trauma or near-death experience, a transmission by an awakened person, deep devotion, or even within a dream. It can arise spontaneously like a sudden explosive blessing, or gradually over many months. This guidebook, based on 30 years of research and dialogues with over 2000 people, describes the energetic, emotional and transpersonal phenomena that are triggered when kundalini arises, and provides direction that will help you understand this process, and live this life-altering journey more comfortably and joyously. The author is a non-dual teacher and a transpersonal psychologist, who previously published "Energies of Transformation: A Guide to the Kundalini Process", and has specialized for many years in consultations with people going through a spiritual awakening. She was a founder of the Kundalini Research Network and has taught therapists internationally to effectively help people in the kundalini process. This is the first of two companion volumes dedicated to the shifts in energy and consciousness that facilitate awakening and the embodiment of self-realization.

Voices A Doris Stokes Collection: Voices in My Ear, More Voices in My Ear

Doris Stokes - 1988
    VOICES IN MY EAR was originally published by Futura in 1980 and immediately became a bestseller. MORE VOICES IN MY EAR in 1981. We still get many telephone calls and letters asking where the books can be obtained. Doris Stokes was a celebrated medium who confounded sceptics by the uncanny accuracy of her readings. In Australia she filled the Sydney Opera House and was mobbed in the streets. In America 'Charlie's Angels' was moved from its primetime slot to make way for her. In Britain she filled the Albert Hall, and radio phone-ins caused blocked lines and an avalanche of mail. Doris Stokes possessed an amazing gift - exceptional psychic powers that over the years of her extraordinary life brought joy and comfort to thousands of people.

The Course in Manifesting 3 Book Box Set: (Becoming Magic, Doing Magic & Advanced Magic)

Genevieve Davis - 2015
    In this course, I outline the exact steps that enabled me to move my own life from one of poverty and drudgery, to one of previously unimaginable wealth, purpose, abundance and joy. ‘But Magic? I do hope you are joking!’ That’s what I would have said, five or ten years ago. I once despised all things ‘New-Age’, all these spiritual types and their airy-fairy views, their bad science and their irrational beliefs. I read all the New Thought and Law of Attraction greats, Wallace Wattles, Anthony Robbins, Rhonda Byrne, Napoleon Hill, Esther Hicks and Wayne Dyer. But no matter how many books I read, or how closely I followed their instructions for manifesting money or love, I couldn’t make it work. It was only when I recognized, accepted and finally embraced that what I was doing was actually some kind of Magic that suddenly things began to fall into place. Once I realized that the power came from within me, it was as if the light had suddenly been switched on and my manifestations began to work. I learned how to manifest money and love, but I also learned how to be happy, truly happy. If you’re jaded by New Age spirituality and the whole Law of Attraction idea, or have become bored by its failure to deliver… these books are for you. It is my intention to lead you by the hand through a marvellous journey of wonder and adventure. BECOMING MAGIC (Book 1) Part one of this course, Becoming Magic, lays the groundwork for becoming a magical person, reawakening the power that lies within you. From here, the plan is to build your knowledge slowly, gradually, building on what has gone before, moving on to more complex techniques only once the basics are mastered. DOING MAGIC (Book 2) Book two, Doing Magic, offers concrete techniques and instructions for bringing wonderful things into your life. So many people fail with Magic and the Law of Attraction because they rush headlong into using techniques, trying to create enormous manifestations, making very simple but crucial mistakes. When they are disappointed, they imagine they have been duped. The sceptics are right. This is all a load of scammy nonsense. And they give up, declaring it just doesn’t work. I am telling you that it does work. And you can make it work. And this book will show you how. ADVANCED MAGIC (Book 3) And finally, we complete the journey with Advanced Magic. It’s time to think a little deeper, feel a little keener, experience a little more intensely, and so consolidate and strengthen your knowledge. This book is designed to increase the fledgling power that you discovered from the first two books of the course. We now need to build on what has gone before, boosting your success, increasing your Magical power and making your manifestations more reliable… and more spectacular. Be warned: if you want a quick fix of positive thinking, to be told that using Magic and the Law of Attraction is fast and simple, and anyone can master it with ease, I suggest you buy a different book.

The Book of Kindness: How to Make Others Happy and Be Happy Yourself

Om Swami - 2019
    Even a word of encouragement, a compliment, a helping hand can be equally, if not more, profound. Make such acts a habit and Nature will reciprocate in kind.' In his latest book, bestselling author Om Swami suggests a definitive means to achieving true happiness: through kindness. In his signature candid style, he clarifies that the only way one can be successful in the quest to achieve happiness for oneself is to first spread happiness and show kindness to others. With real, inspiring, life-changing anecdotes, Om Swami goes on to illustrate how compassion and gentleness are intrinsically connected with humanity. The Book of Kindness will help you understand, practice and master kindness, the key to inner bliss and fulfilment, and the only means to attain the happiness that you seek.

The Neville Reader

Neville Goddard - 2005
    Contains 3 complete works by Neville Goddard, combined into one book: "Law and the Promise" "Seedtime and Harvest" "Resurrection"