Mr. Darcy & Elizabeth: The Tree on the Green

Alyssa Jefferson - 2018
    The girl is Miss Georgiana Darcy, and Elizabeth begins an acquaintance with her and her brother that leaves Elizabeth thoroughly charmed. She is even more delighted to find, upon her return to Hertfordshire, that Mr. Darcy is among the party now settled at Netherfield. Mr. Darcy’s regard for Elizabeth is obvious—but so, too, is his disgust toward her family. When he discovers that his attentions toward Elizabeth have given rise to a general expectation of their mutual attachment, he determines it best to create distance between himself and the captivating young lady he met in Lambton. But the arrival of an old adversary causes greater anxiety and distress, and Mr. Darcy must learn whom he can trust and what is truly important.

In My Heart: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Madeline Kennet - 2017
    Darcy is frequently in her thoughts. She enters into Derbyshire half afraid of running into him and half wanting to see him again. When that meeting does occur, she learns how much she means to him and what is really in her heart. A novella of 27000 words

A Very Meryton Christmas: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Olivia Kane - 2018
    But when Fitzwilliam Darcy stays on at Netherfield Park thru the New Year, she is convinced he will ruin her holiday with his rude comments and prideful ways. Yet when she learns a painful secret about his past, she resolves to spread a little Christmas cheer his way. Can Elizabeth melt Mr. Darcy’s frozen heart or will jealous forces ruin their budding romance? A Very Meryton Christmas is a lighthearted novella; in the spirit of the time frame, it is a genteel romance where only the tea is steamy.

Being Mrs Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Elizabeth M. Bridges - 2018
     Elizabeth Bennet takes her friend's words to heart and when Mr Darcy proposes to her in Hunsford, she doesn't reject his hand. She decides to put her feelings aside and responds in a more reasonable manner. Flattered at his affection and devotion, Elizabeth is drawn to Mr Darcy, realising that they are both well-matched in a sense, and their tempers are complementary to each other. Nevertheless, his condescending attitude and pride still trouble her. And the gentleman himself is indeed very proud of his excellent bride and the mistress of his home. And being very selfish in his love for Elizabeth and grateful to her for his happiness, Mr Darcy doesn't recognise her true sentiments. And he isn't aware that he is forcing his wife to acknowledge that she is depending on him for her finances, her social status, and even her name. Their marriage is just the beginning of getting to know one another. Therefore, the misunderstandings between the young couple increase and their felicity in marriage is soon to be threatened...

Mr. Darcy's Magpie

Kara Louise - 2018
    Darcy from realizing she is there. During those days she is successful in keeping her presence from his notice, she comes to learn more about him, his honorable character, and how well he is regarded by others. How long will she be able to keep her presence a secret from him, and what will happen when he finds out she is there? Mr. Darcy, meanwhile, is curious about the odd incidents taking place that he cannot explain. How will the reason he returned to Pemberley a day early affect him and those he cares about? Is the beautiful, accomplished, and admirable Miss Westerfield someone to whom he has already attached his affections? Does he truly intend to ask for her hand, as everyone believes? And how does the magpie play a role in the events of this story?

A Hasty Decision: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Wynne Mabry - 2019
    Darcy makes a hasty decision. After all, if he cannot have the lady he loves, it little matters whom he marries. Or so he thinks at the time. It is not long before he regrets his choice, but there is no turning back. As a miserable marriage threatens his own happiness and his sister’s, he finds comfort in friendships, including an unexpected one with Elizabeth. When the unthinkable happens, she remains a loyal and valued friend. But what will it take for them to have a second chance at happiness?

A Fortunate Alliance: A Pride and Prejudice Story

Beth Poppet - 2019
     Her sister, Elizabeth, is distraught over the engagement, and although aware of an unspoken attraction between Jane and Mr Bingley, she is powerless to alter her sister’s inevitable future without encouraging a scandal. Elizabeth’s displeasure is often manifest by way of general complaint to the even wealthier and more distinguished Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy, who confesses a propensity for offending wherever he goes. Despite assurances that Jane has made a most suitable match, Elizabeth is determined never to marry for mere security and familial obligations, but her sharp wit and biting tongue produce obstacles in making a fortunate alliance of her own. “My Dear Readers, If you have taken up the delightful chore of reading this novel, I hope that you are as fond of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and its author, Jane Austen, as I am. I make no claims of being her equal in writing, though I strive to preserve her style and characters in a way that will do justice to those presented to us in the original. I am under no delusion that my adaptation must appeal to every reader of Jane Austen fan-works. Yet I have done my utmost to deliver to you the sort of drama we might expect from a novel of this period; that of familial duty and regret, of sisterly quarrels and affection, enduring friendships, first impressions, and yes, now and then a runaway animal, and a bit of family scandal. For any inaccuracies written in ignorance, I apologise. For liberties taken for the sake of writerly whims, I can only request your indulgence. These liberties may be most apparent in the continuing stories compiled in Volume II, as this is where my novel expands into new territory and ‘Pride and Prejudice’ could not be consulted for material, leaving me to rely on speculation. My original design to end the story by Volume I was thwarted when I found it impossible to do some of our favourite couples and their endings justice under such limitations. My wise editor, fellow author, and eternal friend, Miss Catherine Miller, suggested I take a page from the illustrious Jane Austen herself and expand into a second volume, the better to tell everyone’s stories in the most satisfactory manner. A last word to those astonishing persons who have made it this far. Thank you ever so much for choosing to read this humble author’s adaptation of such a beloved and enduring novel. I know there are a multitude of fan-works to choose from in this sphere, and I am absolutely delighted that you would consider mine worthy of your time and attention. May it prove so! Your Little Scribbler, Madam Beth Poppet”

The Nunnery: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Anne Morris - 2018
     Colonel Fitzwilliam arrives. Mr. Collins invites Lady Catherine. And Bingley requests that Caroline keeps house, then she brings a friend. With the weather keeping everybody in the village, intrigues begin... With its neat blend of drama and humour, The Nunnery will have you transfixed and laughing simultaneously throughout. Anne Morris is popular on fan fiction sites for her unique blending of genres whilst penning solid variations of the famed Pride and Prejudice story.

A Longbourn Entanglement

Monica Fairview - 2021
    If Darcy discovers it, will it spell the end of their fledgling romance?When Mrs. Bennet falls ill after the Netherfield Ball, Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley postpone their trip to London to offer their assistance. But things are never what they seem. Before long, Darcy is entangled in a chaotic situation at Longbourn, and Elizabeth is faced with a thorny dilemma that could drive Darcy away from her forever.Will Elizabeth and Darcy muddle their way through the mayhem, or is everything just too tangled for them to find love?If you are looking for a sweet, frolicsome Jane Austen short read, this romantic comedy is just what you need.

There You Were: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Michelle Ray - 2021
    I cannot stop it, I cannot indulge it, so I must put distance between us and hope that time will heal this fever I have.”ABANDONED BY HER MOTHER and ignored by her father, it is hardly any wonder young Elizabeth Bennet’s curiosity soon brings about trouble and marriage to a man she does not love. Colonel Fitzwilliam’s family—save for his cousin Mr Darcy—despises her, and life is not what she dreamed of. As she matures and grows from an impetuous girl into a woman, Elizabeth’s most reliable source of friendship and comfort becomes Mr Darcy. When tragedy strikes leaving her a widow, she is free to find out [discover?] who has been in her heart all along. DARCY HAS ALWAYS BEEN INTRIGUED by the girl his beloved cousin married, and finds himself drawn into helping her after her husband’s death. Over time, admiration turns to love. Admitting his feelings to her – or even himself – could lead to ruin, but denying his passion could shatter him.

What Happened in Lambton: A Pride and Prejudice Short Story

Jennifer Kay - 2018
    Darcy's entrance just after Elizabeth receives news that Lydia has run away kicks off the string of events that leads to Lydia's salvation - and that of the entire Bennet family. But what if he did more than offer his condolences and leave? What if, touched by Elizabeth's distress or a moment of insanity, Mr. Darcy gave into his feelings and kissed her then and there? It is a moment neither Darcy nor Elizabeth ever expected, but the odds are still stacked against the couple. As the weeks go by and Darcy shows no sign of renewing his advances, Elizabeth begins to wonder if what happened in Lambton will be nothing more than a sweet memory. Will circumstances conspire to keep them apart forever? Or will Darcy and Elizabeth find their happily ever after? At roughly 12,000 words, What Happened in Lambton is an alternate ending to Pride and Prejudice beginning when Elizabeth receives news of Lydia's elopement.

Married in Haste: A Pride and Prejudice Reimagining

A.K. Madison - 2021
    . .” William CongreveA month after her wedding, Elizabeth Bennet Darcy had taught herself to be silent, watchful, careful. She moved through the house with eyes downcast, avoiding contact, speaking only when spoken to. She walked through the garden in much the same way, her face hidden from the sun—and from the direct gaze of any servant she might encounter—by the deep brims of the fashionable bonnets she wore.Just four short weeks after their marriage, the deep love between Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy is on the verge of collapsing forever. They must join forces to overcome whatever—or whoever—threatens to destroy their home, their love and their very lives.

The Gentlemen Are Detained: A Pride and Prejudice Short Story

Heather Moll - 2020
    Bennet kept Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy to supper after an evening party at Longbourn. Following the gentlemen's return to Hertfordshire after Lydia's marriage, both Elizabeth and Darcy wonder if they have reason to hope the other loves them.Elizabeth is eager to hint to Darcy that her feelings for him have changed, but how can they have a private conversation at a crowded party? Will Darcy learn if Elizabeth can ever love him or will he leave Meryton and return to London brokenhearted?

Fitzwilliam Darcy in His Own Words

Shannon Winslow - 2021
    Darcy’s life like before he met Elizabeth Bennet? – before he stepped onto the Pride and Prejudice stage at the Meryton assembly? More importantly, where is he and what is he doing all the time he’s absent from the page thereafter? And what is his relationship to a woman named Amelia?With "Fitzwilliam Darcy, in His Own Words," the iconic literary hero finally tells his own story, from the traumas of his early life to the consummation of his love for Elizabeth and everything in between.This is not a variation but a supplement to the original story, chronicled in Darcy’s point of view – a behind-the-scenes look at the things Jane Austen didn’t tell us. As it happens, Darcy’s journey was more tortuous than she let on, his happy ending with Elizabeth in jeopardy at every turn in his struggle between duty and his heart’s desire, between the suitable lady he has promised to marry and the woman he can't stop thinking about.

Proof of Love - A Pemberley Tale

Brenda J. Webb - 2018
    Not a simple retelling, it is an intriguing new story that does not follow canon. During his second year at Cambridge, a young Fitzwilliam Darcy accompanies a classmate to Lucas Lodge in Meryton for the holidays. Whilst there, he encounters a girl of sixteen who instantly captures his attention and soon after, his heart. Yet, because Elizabeth Bennet could never meet his relations’ expectations and he cannot abide her distasteful family, he returns to the university vowing to forget her. Two years later, they are thrown into each other’s company and forced to spend several days together unchaperoned. Once they are discovered, Darcy suppresses his reservations about marriage to Elizabeth and does his duty in order to save her from ruin. Will a young, headstrong and prejudiced Elizabeth realize how mistaken she has been about her husband’s character? Likewise, will a prideful, intractable but highly principled Fitzwilliam Darcy acknowledge his faults before their marriage is destroyed?