A Splendidly (Un)suitable Match

Jennifer Joy - 2021
    His cousin had his heart broken, his sister’s confidence was recently shattered, one of his closest friends has taken on more responsibility than he can possibly handle, and an overbearing social climber has decided to prove to Darcy that she is his perfect match. When all of them travel together to Netherfield Park, everything goes wrong. Darcy finds himself dancing when he would rather not, cavorting with mules, and laughing with an impertinent young miss who shows him the lighter side of life. Elizabeth Bennet’s sympathies often extend to the disadvantaged and mistreated. So, when she meets Fitzwilliam Darcy under less than flattering circumstances, her heart goes out to the unfortunate gentleman. Extending him her friendship and her humor, she tries to be content with her lot while helping her dearest sister and friend find love with their new neighbors at Netherfield Park. But the more she comes to know Mr. Darcy, the greater his danger to her heart. With the help of a troublesome Maltese puppy and the interference of a tenacious rival whose tactics backfire at every turn, Mr. Darcy discovers that to win Miss Elizabeth’s heart, he must become the gentleman she believes him to be. A Splendidly (Un)suitable Match is a light-hearted, low-angst, Regency Rom-Com inspired by Jane Austen's timeless classic, Pride and Prejudice. It is appropriate for all audiences.

The Unexpected Heiress: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Florence Gold - 2021
    A secret from the past sweeps away everything in its path, endangering the very heart of our beloved family—their love for each other.Intrigue and anger, suffering and resentment draws a new map where each family member has to find their new place.In amongst the turmoil, the love Elizabeth denied in Kent unexpectedly emerges even more powerfully, bringing new alliances inconceivable only a few months before.Elizabeth and Darcy cross this tempestuous period hand in hand. Is their love strong enough to restore the peace at Longbourn and drive the two of them towards marriage and happiness?

Comfort and Joy

Anngela Schroeder - 2021
    Bingley has vacated Netherfield Park, Elizabeth Bennet takes her two young cousins Victoria and Emily and their swooning friend Katie Joy Harris on a holiday ramble through the Derbyshire countryside. With Jane back at the Inn at Lambton, and her Aunt and Uncle on a day trip to Manchester, the girls' adventure becomes treacherous when a snow storm traps them unexpectedly. Taking shelter in an abandoned cottage, they have to face their fears of being stuck in the snow alone, or discovered by a highwayman.Choosing to surprise his sister Georgiana at Pemberley for Christmas, Fitzwilliam Darcy leaves his friend Charles Bingley in town to nurse a broken heart. Darcy's own heart has been captured by Elizabeth Bennet who is not only beneath him, but who he will never see again. Although a snow storm, abandoned cottage and three precocious girls do not fit into his equation, somehow he is trapped with the woman he loves and is forced to realize his arrogance might have ruined his future happiness.Join our dear couple as the journey through snow storms, Pemberley and their own feelings to find the Comfort and Joy they bring to one another this holiday season.

Schemes of Felicity: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Suzan Lauder - 2020
    Darcy desires marriage to Elizabeth Bennet, but he ruins any such prospect during his proposal at Hunsford. The resulting general sense of malaise interferes with his usually amicable yet stately demeanour, and his Fitzwilliam relatives resolve that Darcy is lonely-he must be in want of a wife. His cousins convince him to leap into the London Season for one month and partner every lady they select for his felicity.At Longbourn, chaos erupts as Mr. Bennet undergoes a transformation, and Jane and Elizabeth receive the gift of a month in town to enjoy the Season. Meanwhile, Elizabeth pores over Mr. Darcy's Hunsford letter and wonders about him, warmed by his words.It's only a matter of time before the two meet again in this Pride and Prejudice novella. But will their encounter be a repeat of the earlier disaster, or will they overcome their tenuous history? And can Elizabeth's credentials pass the stringent criteria of the scheming Fitzwilliam cousins who direct Darcy towards the single daughters of every peer of the realm?

Compromise & Consequence: a Pride & Prejudice Variation

Sue Barr - 2021
    Darcy are irretrievably compromised and forced to marry. Angered beyond reason, Mr. Darcy prepares the vilest marriage settlement known to man, forcing Mr. Bennet to accept his terms or suffer the consequences of ruined reputations and unwed daughters.The repercussions that follow show a determined young lady with keen intelligence and a prideful man who comes to realize that the consequences of their compromise are the best things that ever happened in his life.

A Fall at Longbourn: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Amelia Wood - 2020
    She is convinced he is the last man in the world she could ever marry. But when Mr. Darcy loses his memory in an accident and recognizes no one but Elizabeth Bennet, can love find its way after all?Fitzwilliam Darcy has made his contempt for Meryton plain for all to see. Even worse, he slights Miss Elizabeth Bennet in her hearing and declares her not handsome enough to dance with. So why does she fill his thoughts? When an accident almost claims his life, he finds he can remember no one except the bewitching woman who comes to his rescue.Elizabeth Bennet is relieved to hurry home as the storm breaks. But when she comes upon the man she dislikes more than any other lying on the path unconscious, she has no other option but to bring him to Longbourn until he recovers. But when Mr. Darcy wakes up, he recognizes no one but Elizabeth. Her presence is the one thing that brings him comfort, so she has no choice but to remain by his side and care for him, a task which becomes less odious as she realizes that without his arrogance, Darcy might just be the man she always hoped to find.But how can either of them trust in a love that might not last? Has Darcy really changed, or will his pride return with his memory and leave Elizabeth heartbroken?A Fall at Longbourn is a sweet Pride and Prejudice variation novella of approximately 33,000 words.

One Bride & Two Grooms: A Pride & Prejudice Novella

Christie Capps - 2019
    Fitzwilliam Darcy has competition for the hand of the only woman he will ever love. Making a poor first impression, he had no idea how far out of the hole he needed to dig himself until she could view him as anything other than arrogant and unworthy. Miss Elizabeth Bennet loathed Mr. Darcy. His selfish disdain for the feelings of others, including herself, made him the last man on earth she would ever marry. Of course, she felt the same about his competition. Based on Jane Austen's classic novel, Pride & Prejudice, will Darcy and Elizabeth ever obtain the happily-ever-after they desire? With each other? Enjoy Darcy's point-of-view as he tells a tale that might take you by surprise. It sure did the both of them. One Bride & Two Grooms is appropriate for all readers. This story can be read in just over an hour.

His Perfect Gift

L.L. Diamond - 2021
    Having fled Hertfordshire with the singular goal of separating himself from the fine eyes and pert opinions of Miss Elizabeth Bennet, he finds himself face to face with her in London through a connection he never would have expected. He would like to abandon his reservations and court Miss Elizabeth, but other considerations are holding him back, including his family and friends, who might consider him honour-bound to another.Following Mr. Bingley’s abrupt departure from Netherfield, Elizabeth Bennet accompanies her sister Jane to London to visit her aunt and uncle. A sudden reunion with the disagreeable Mr. Darcy is not in her plans, but the man she discovers is not the same one who insulted her so grievously at the Meryton Assembly. Instead, a doting brother and amiable gentleman calls upon her in Cheapside.A quiet Christmas at Gracechurch Street with her aunt and uncle seemed ideal, but the inclusion of Mr. Darcy brings old acquaintances and conflicts neither expected.Can Mr. Darcy convince his family and friends to choose Elizabeth? Could Elizabeth turn out to be his perfect gift?

Of a Sunday Evening

Amy D'Orazio - 2020
    Driven from his house, eager to escape the tedium and his own thoughts, he encounters Miss Lydia Bennet on the mean streets of London. An elopement is in progress but Darcy soon finds himself called upon to stop it. IN LAMBTON, Elizabeth Bennet is horrified to learn of her sister's escapade, and even more dismayed to learn that somehow, some way Mr Darcy has become involved in it all. Her feelings having already softened towards him, she finds herself returning to London to find a changed man has been her family's hero. ONE SUNDAY EVENING soon gives way to another, and sisters must conspire to give the pair the nudge they need to speak to one another. Sunday evenings prove to be not so disagreeable after all!This Pride & Prejudice short story is a sweet, romantic what-if with an earlier reconciliation of Jane Austen's most famous lovers.

Letter Interrupted

Elizabeth Adams - 2021
    Darcy came to see Elizabeth at the inn at Lambton, what was he there to say? This story explores what would have happened if Jane’s letters had been delayed and Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth had instead spent the day together. The path of the story diverges from there, and when Lydia’s elopement becomes known, Elizabeth must face the idea of losing the man she has come to care for.

Indisposed: A Pride and Prejudice Novella

Alix James - 2020
    Miserable and in an unsociable temper, she decides to attend the Meryton Assembly against her better judgment to support her beloved sister.Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, confident in the rightness of his own observations, unknowingly misjudges the condition of Miss Elizabeth Bennet’s health. What begins as complete disinterest soon develops into pity when an unknown surgeon offers an even more bleak outlook for the young woman’s future. He will see that her last days are worth living. Annoyed by her father’s apparent lack of concern and wishing to do something himself, he commits himself to be her champion… irrevocably.Elizabeth Bennet is confused. Except for her father and arrogant Mr. Darcy, everyone in her acquaintance either avoids her or bursts into tears when in her company. What tragedy are they withholding from her? She is baffled by Mr. Darcy’s insistence and assumes improper motives. When the truth comes out, will she see him differently? And will he discover his feelings are more than just pity on a dying woman? This delightful Regency tale filled with beloved characters from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice reveals what remains when layers of pity, confusion, and miscommunication are peeled away from literature’s most stubborn couple - a happily ever after for the ages.Indisposed is a sweet, clean Regency novella of approximately 20,000 words.

For Worse and For Better: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Alexa Douglas - 2021
    A miserable wife. How can their marriage survive when “for better, for worse” becomes worse… and worse… and worse?Elizabeth Bennet does not want to marry Fitzwilliam Darcy. He's rude, arrogant, and selfish. But her father's illness changes everything: if she holds out for love, her family may be destitute. Hoping Mr. Darcy's friends are right — that he is truly a better man than she knows — she accepts him. Afterward she begins to glimpse the generous, affectionate man she'd heard about. Until he learns what she really thinks of him.Furious and betrayed, ensnared by a fortune-hunter who hates him, Fitzwilliam Darcy is nevertheless a man of his word. He will marry Elizabeth Bennet, but he will never again trust her with his heart. Returning to Pemberley and his sham of a marriage, he can hardly bear to be in the same room with his wife. Then he falls, and the real troubles begin.Shakespeare wrote, “The course of true love never did run smooth,” but the Bard never scripted a path so perilous as Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy's. Join them as they face disasters both natural and man-made in search of their happy ending.

Plots, Ploys, and the Art of Matchmaking: A Humorous Pride and Prejudice variation

Sarah Courtney - 2020
    Bennet, nobody can escape their mischief. From locked doors to misdirected carriages, Matlock and Bennet wreak havoc on inhabitants of Longbourn and Netherfield alike.Darcy and Elizabeth fall prey to their relations' schemes more than once, but they firmly resist any matchmaking efforts. Darcy knows his value in the marriage market and has no intention of marrying beneath him. Elizabeth could never marry such a pompous bore. But their pride and prejudice become a lot harder to maintain when they find themselves trapped alone together.Will Matlock and Bennet succeed in making matches for all of Meryton—except the two stubborn fools they know belong together?This sweet comedic variation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is 73,000 words of mischief and matchmaking.

There You Were: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Michelle Ray - 2021
    I cannot stop it, I cannot indulge it, so I must put distance between us and hope that time will heal this fever I have.”ABANDONED BY HER MOTHER and ignored by her father, it is hardly any wonder young Elizabeth Bennet’s curiosity soon brings about trouble and marriage to a man she does not love. Colonel Fitzwilliam’s family—save for his cousin Mr Darcy—despises her, and life is not what she dreamed of. As she matures and grows from an impetuous girl into a woman, Elizabeth’s most reliable source of friendship and comfort becomes Mr Darcy. When tragedy strikes leaving her a widow, she is free to find out [discover?] who has been in her heart all along. DARCY HAS ALWAYS BEEN INTRIGUED by the girl his beloved cousin married, and finds himself drawn into helping her after her husband’s death. Over time, admiration turns to love. Admitting his feelings to her – or even himself – could lead to ruin, but denying his passion could shatter him.

Lover's Knot: A Mysterious Pride & Prejudice Variation

Jenetta James - 2018
    A perplexing murder. Netherfield Park — a house of secrets. Fitzwilliam Darcy is in a tangle. Captivated by Miss Elizabeth Bennet, a girl of no fortune and few connections. Embroiled in an infamous murder in the home of his friend, Charles Bingley. He is being tested in every way. Fearing for Elizabeth’s safety, Darcy moves to protect her in the only way he knows but is thwarted. Thus, he is forced to turn detective. Can he overcome his pride for the sake of Elizabeth? Can he, with a broken heart, fathom the villainy that has invaded their lives? Is there even a chance for love born of such strife?Lover’s Knot is a romantic Pride & Prejudice variation, with a bit of mystery thrown in.