My Partner the Wolf

Hollis Shiloh - 2014
    They're a great team, and they have fun together, too: joking and enjoying each other's company in a way that doesn't happen every day.Tom is also a married man. And his husband hates the wolf shifter with a passion. Tom tries to balance the sides of his life—one minute on a high-pressure chase with Sean, the next placating his husband Lowell.Then the unthinkable happens: his marriage ends. Heartbroken, he's not expecting to ever get over Lowell's betrayal or to be able to love again.Sean offers a solution: sex as friends. They have chemistry, and they trust each other.But can they change their partnership that much? And is Sean secretly harboring feelings for him—expecting more than just sex?Sean is a loveable, funny, strong, and protective. He's the best buddy a guy could have. But Tom might not be able to keep from breaking his heart—if Sean is in love with him, and Tom can't love him back.

Muscle and Bone

Mary Calmes - 2021
    In fact, Avery isn’t an average anything. Sure, as an omega he knows he’s at the bottom of the food chain, but that’s never slowed him down. He’s got a great life, complete with a loving family and a best friend who’d take a bullet for him, so what more could he possibly want or need? Except, maybe, for the world to change. And to find someone to spend more than one night with, but that isn’t high on his list of priorities. He’s never been one to believe in destiny or whatever else the fantasies sell about there being someone special out there meant just for him.Then a chance encounter at a party changes everything.Graeme Davenport has no delusions about finding his true mate. The consensus is that if an alpha doesn’t find their other half by the time they’re thirty, the chances of it ever happening go from slim to none. He’s not a mere alpha, though; Graeme is a cyne who sits at the pinnacle of lupine hierarchy, so he’s obligated by tradition and duty to choose an omega now, sign a contract, and bond with him. Love is not part of the equation.When Graeme and Avery meet, their fierce attraction to each other flies in the face of reason and logic. Avery’s intense physical reaction to the alpha is something he’s never experienced before, while Graeme, who has always been the soul of discretion, loses all his inhibitions to desire for the man he wants to possess. They are two very different men trying to navigate expectations, separate reason from innate primal drive, and do it while working together to solve a murder.It will take everything they are to find a middle ground, and to learn to trust in a fated kind of love.

Vampire Daycare

Sara York - 2013
    Now a new threat has emerged, and kids have been orphaned, leaving them in the care of the vampires. But vampires can’t stand the sun and the kids need to play in the daylight. They are forced to find help from mortals but Jet isn’t prepared for how Travis impacts him. Travis and his men bond with the kids, becoming more than just caretakers. Jet is drawn to Travis but just as their relationship takes off, Travis’s life is threatened. Being mortal has its drawbacks, and Jet isn’t prepared to lose his new lover.

Forever Broken

Evangeline Anderson - 2010
    He also has a dark secret, one he hides and won't admit even to himself-until the night he meets Laurent.Born to one of the oldest families of his kind, Laurent Montcrieve is vampire royalty. He stands to inherit massive wealth and the title Viscount of the Blood. But he would give it all up to find the one man who can complete him-his Coeur de Sang, or Heart's Blood.Two worlds collide when Laurent and Paul meet and form an accidental blood bond. But the instant spark between them ignites a raging bonfire of conflict. Their people are enemies who would rather see them dead than together and Paul refuses to admit his attraction to another man. Now the clock is ticking as they agree to explore what lies between them. Their search may end in true love or death. But they must be careful...for if they sever the tie that binds them, the bond they share will be forever broken.


Sean Michael - 2007
    That's all he's hoping for when he meets Greg, his new live-in chef. Flamboyant and confident, Greg attracts Anton immediately, and he finds himself wanting to know Greg better. Much better. It's not just a normal attraction for Anton. He's an unusual man, with unusual desires, and Greg seems to be filling a place in Anton's life that he's never explored. Anton prefers to be a civilized man and not let his werewolf self run free, but it?s the wolf that wants to claim Greg for a mate. Someone disapproves of Anton's relationship with Greg. Someone close to Anton, someone inside his carefully controlled household. As he and Greg come closer and closer to mating for life, the danger gets nearer, forcing them to depend on each other to stay safe, and for Greg to stay sane. Can Anton convince Greg that his wolf would never hurt him and keep Greg safe from the menace outside their relationship, too? Sexy, razor sharp and fast-paced, Bite will keep your heart racing!