Summary | The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

Dennis Braun - 2019
    It was a New York Times best seller for over eight years. These blinks explain how society raises people to conform to a strict set of rules and how, with a little effort and commitment, you can set your own guidelines for life. PLEASE NOTE: This is a summary and analysis of the book and NOT the original book. Our summaries aim to teach you important lessons in a time-efficient and cost-effective manner. They are coherent, concise, and comprehensive, highlighting the main ideas and concepts found in the original books. Unessential information is removed to save the reader hours of reading time. Save time and money while completing your reading list.

Law of Attraction: The 9 Most Important Secrets to Successfully Manifest Health, Wealth, Abundance, Happiness, and Love

Ryan James - 2017
    Becoming successful, happy, loved and healthy, could be just a simple step away. By following what this book teaches and using the Law of Attraction, your life could drastically change in no time. Imagine a life where you are more successful, happier, healthier, and more loved. Experiencing the abundance in life and overflowing with joy. That is possible with the Law of Attraction. Whether you are a beginner on this topic or an advanced practitioner of the Law of Attraction, this book will have something new for you.In this book you will learn: How the Law of Attraction works How to harness the power of the universe How to raise your frequency to attract what you want from the universe How to raise your vibration How to attract health How to attract wealth How to attract happiness How to attract love How to attract an abundant life Positive actions you can start taking today to harness the power of the law of attraction And much more… Grab your copy and start experiencing the power of the Law of Attraction today!

I Need To Stop Drinking!

Liz Hemingway - 2013
    She has experienced first-hand the devastation that alcohol can have on you. It takes over your mind and soul and takes everything it can from you, including your self- respect. Married, with three grown up daughters, Liz shares her escape from alcohol plan that has worked for her in the hope that it will help you to live the life that you always wanted for yourself and for the people that you love. Liz wants everyone who is being torn apart by alcohol to know that it is possible to finally escape from it and experience the joy and freedom for themselves. Do yourself a favour and read this book and act on it!Your life will change in so many ways for the better!You will get back your self-respect.Your friends and family will be amazed.You will save an absolute fortune.Losing weight will be so much easier!Find out how Liz managed to escape and is enjoying life so much more! You can find this freedom and happiness too. What people are saying about I Need to Stop Drinking!‘If you need to stop drinking this book will definitely give you the inspiration that will help you to become a non- drinker. Liz Hemingway describes her struggle to stop drinking in moving detail. It is quite a shocking book but ultimately uplifting and gives the problem drinker hope for a brighter future without alcohol. So if you need to stop drinking then I would highly recommend this book.’‘This book is the best hangover cure ever! I now wake up every morning feeling so happy and without that feeling of dread about how I am going to get through the day with feeling awful because I have drank too much the night before. I feel so much better mentally and physically.’‘If you need to quit drinking then this book will inspire you to do so!’Help yourself to the life that you know that you should be living. Read this book today!Connect with Liz Hemingway on Facebook. Find her page - 'I Need to Stop Drinking' for continued positive, daily support. For a free report on how to stop yourself from having a drink when you really want one please visit note you do not need a Kindle to buy this book you can download the Kindle app onto your phone or computer.


John Randolph Price - 1981
    They are people just like us, with one crucial difference--they have reached the point of mastery where they are no longer bound by the ills, limitations, and problems of this world. This book will demonstrate, step-by-step, how you, too, can be well--spiritually, mentally, emotional, physically and financially -- how you, too, can become one of the SUPERBEINGS.

The Existence Of God Is Self-Evident

Choa Kok Sui - 2012
    Such a straightforward book that has multiple layers of energy and helps develop spirituality just by daily reading. This treasure reveals: The path of knowledge & understanding Union of spirituality and science The I Am Spiritual Findings Spiritual evolution and its cyclical trends

Diagrams for Living

Emmet Fox - 1968
    " Fox has inspired millions of people over the past forty years through his simple, practical guidelines. In Diagrams for Living he presents valuable keys to living a more fulfilled life drawn from the eloquent spiritual wisdom of the Bible.If we read the Bible literally, cautions Fox, we miss the eternal power and personal relevance found in its symbols, allegories, and parables. "Whether you realize it or not," he writes, "you are on every page from Genesis to Revelation." Fox shows how to read dramatic biblical stories as symbolic diagrams for living that can "show you how to overcome difficulties and problems, and how to give expression to the deep aspirations that lie hidden in your soul." This power to reveal, inspire, and guide makes the Bible's teachings adaptable to everyone at every stage of spiritual development.Sensible, contemporary, and full of reassurance, Diagrams for Living offers sage counsel from a gifted teacher.

The Dreams Book: Technology for the Soul--Finding Your Way in the Dark: Kabbalah

Yehuda Berg - 2004
    In Kabbalah: The Dreams Book, Berg examines the meanings of dreams by using Kabbalistic principles. Dreams, he says, offer valuable messages and wisdom, and to ignore them is the same as leaving a potentially life-changing letter unopened. Berg shows readers how to interpret the directions in their dreams, from how to find a soul mate to ways to deflect negative energy and judgments.

Secrets The Secret Never Told You;Law of Attraction for Instant Manifestation Miracles: 5 Secrets Never Told on How to Use the Law of Attraction (Law of ... Instant Manifestation Miracles Book Book 2)

Linda West - 2014
    Direct your amazing mind power. Set your manifestation goals effectively. Attract the right people. And become more successful.You are already good at manifesting because your thoughts automatically attract what happens to you. So, the big issue with manifestation is the QUALITY of what you attract, and how you can achieve it.ANYONE CAN MANIFEST AND ATTRACT LOVE, SUCCESS and MORE OVER 20 POWERFUL TECHNIQUES AND STRATEGIES INCLUDING: What you need to know about vibrations and frequencies that may have been holding you back How to manifest in 5 easy step that won't fail! How to attract what you want within 24 hours or less How to manifest the career you love, simply by loving it How to draw you soulmate to you and keep them loving you How to become the most powerful and happy person you can be The trademarked process of THE TRIANGLE CHECK to eliminate blocks to your success. An inspirational technique that pulls your dream in from the astral realms today Why frequencies are the answer to all your problems and how to deal with them. How to stay in a high frequency and automatically attract what you want without affirmations or visualizations. Why vision boards only HALF work. Powerful step by step client studies working with the law of attraction to help you understand. The most simple book on mastering the law of attraction and making it work for you all the time. LOOK INSIDE!Download this book today and be on your way to having your dream tomorrow!Tags: Inspiration, law of attraction, frequency, manifest, soulmate, attract loveHave you struggled with making the Law of Attraction work for you? You can do it! I will show you how! Hundreds of clients have successfully used this method to produce the results they desire. Most likely you're reading this because there's something you really really want and you're wondering if you can use this book to get it. The answer is YES. After years of helping clients and attendees at my lectures learn to manifest their dreams, I developed a simple 5 step process to help you manifest right away. The secrets the Secret never told you. If I can do it, and they can do it, you can do it! Sometimes the process is just about getting out of the way. In any case can't wait to hear all your happy stories afterwards please do come back and share:)If you don't understand the science behind manifesting then you are leaving your life up for chance! Direct your destiny with frequency atttunment.Tags: Law of Attraction, Manifest Miracle, Attract Love How is this book different? I take you through step by step client stories from desiring something to manifesting it into their lives. You can easily see through their stories where you may be going awry in your own personal efforts.

The Course in Manifesting 3 Book Box Set: (Becoming Magic, Doing Magic & Advanced Magic)

Genevieve Davis - 2015
    In this course, I outline the exact steps that enabled me to move my own life from one of poverty and drudgery, to one of previously unimaginable wealth, purpose, abundance and joy. ‘But Magic? I do hope you are joking!’ That’s what I would have said, five or ten years ago. I once despised all things ‘New-Age’, all these spiritual types and their airy-fairy views, their bad science and their irrational beliefs. I read all the New Thought and Law of Attraction greats, Wallace Wattles, Anthony Robbins, Rhonda Byrne, Napoleon Hill, Esther Hicks and Wayne Dyer. But no matter how many books I read, or how closely I followed their instructions for manifesting money or love, I couldn’t make it work. It was only when I recognized, accepted and finally embraced that what I was doing was actually some kind of Magic that suddenly things began to fall into place. Once I realized that the power came from within me, it was as if the light had suddenly been switched on and my manifestations began to work. I learned how to manifest money and love, but I also learned how to be happy, truly happy. If you’re jaded by New Age spirituality and the whole Law of Attraction idea, or have become bored by its failure to deliver… these books are for you. It is my intention to lead you by the hand through a marvellous journey of wonder and adventure. BECOMING MAGIC (Book 1) Part one of this course, Becoming Magic, lays the groundwork for becoming a magical person, reawakening the power that lies within you. From here, the plan is to build your knowledge slowly, gradually, building on what has gone before, moving on to more complex techniques only once the basics are mastered. DOING MAGIC (Book 2) Book two, Doing Magic, offers concrete techniques and instructions for bringing wonderful things into your life. So many people fail with Magic and the Law of Attraction because they rush headlong into using techniques, trying to create enormous manifestations, making very simple but crucial mistakes. When they are disappointed, they imagine they have been duped. The sceptics are right. This is all a load of scammy nonsense. And they give up, declaring it just doesn’t work. I am telling you that it does work. And you can make it work. And this book will show you how. ADVANCED MAGIC (Book 3) And finally, we complete the journey with Advanced Magic. It’s time to think a little deeper, feel a little keener, experience a little more intensely, and so consolidate and strengthen your knowledge. This book is designed to increase the fledgling power that you discovered from the first two books of the course. We now need to build on what has gone before, boosting your success, increasing your Magical power and making your manifestations more reliable… and more spectacular. Be warned: if you want a quick fix of positive thinking, to be told that using Magic and the Law of Attraction is fast and simple, and anyone can master it with ease, I suggest you buy a different book.


Tapan Ghosh - 2021
    A hundred quotes from someone who’s lived life on the edge and come shining through. Quick to read and easy to grasp, this book will change your take on life.

Soap Making Business Startup: How to Start, Run & Grow a Million Dollar Success From Home!

Suzanne Carpenter - 2017
    You can find that information anywhere, don’t have to buy my book to learn that. Wait! Oh! I did that in this book. I did explain how to make soap, I also did give you a few simple recipes too. But I hope that is not why you bought this book.In this book my goal is to explain to you in simple terms how to CREATE great natural and organic soaps and not just MAKE soaps, there is a difference. You will get to see and understand that difference when you understand each ingredients and how they interact and react with each other.& You will not have a great business if you are just making carbon copy of few soaps of other people which your customers can go buy from any local stores. What will make you unique is when you create a blend or two of your own and people start liking your creation. That is when you can hit the home run in business.Imagine growing your soap company into a local, regional and ultimately a national brand, where your soaps will be sold at every Whole food, Body, Bath and Beyond, Home Goods and many other great retailers.&This is a Two Part Book. In the first part I show you how to get started with soap making, I show you every steps you need to take to make your first batch of soap. Then I show you how to test your creation and how to figure out what works and what does not.On the second part of the book, I teach you everything you need to know about turning your new found passion into a successful business. I share my own story and how I turned my passion into a 6 figure business. Though this book is not about my success but yours, but I think you may find it inspiring that an average housewife like myself was able to build the business and then was able to sell it for a good profit. In the First Part I will Show You: Why you should your own Soap Making Business What Soap Making Equipment you will need How to get Started in Under a 1K How & Where to Buy Soap Making Supplies for Cheap What makes a soap Natural and Organic? What is the Difference between Fragrance and Essential oil How to use Various Natural Botanicals in your Soap and Make them Unique How to be Creative with various Soap Molds What and how to Use 32 Various Oils in your Soap How to Scent Your Soap How to Color your Soap with 11 Natural Colorants All the Soap Making methods Step by Step Soap Making Safety Rules to Follow Best & Easiest Recipes to Start with In the Second Part of the Book I Will Show You: Startup Costs for your New Homemade Soap Business How to get started, Step by Step Expected Average Monthly Revenue Average Monthly Expenses How to Start from Home and Save Money How to Find and Develop a Niche for your Soap Business The New Market Trends in the Soap Industry How to Price your Soap for Sale How to Calculate

The Power of Being Rich: 10+ Essential Principles to Manifest What You Already Have

Roger L Brooks - 2019
    Brooks wrote "The Power of Being Rich" as a result of more than three decades of studying, practicing, and implementing universal law and the principles of positive thinking. Brooks applies lessons from prominent peacemakers such as Jesus, Saint Francis of Assisi, and Gandhi—combining their teachings with insights of several notable human development experts such as Earl Nightingale, Denis Waitley, and Napoleon Hill. Brooks’ guidance will provide you with the mentality and motivation to take your ordinary life and manifest what you already have into your desired riches. EVERYONE who reads this book will learn The Power of Being Rich. It will add a new dimension to the values of harmony, gratitude, awareness, and abundance.

Why Walk When You Can Fly: Soar Beyond Your Fears and Love Yourself and Others Unconditionally

Isha Judd - 2008
    At the core are four “facets” — simple, powerful statements of profound truths. As you use the facets, an abiding sense of well-being and present-moment awareness will permeate your life.Through parables, moving testimonials, and humor, Isha imparts the essential truths that we have nothing to fear and we are all one. This inviting, accessible book will help you live a life of unconditional love, happiness, fulfillment, and peace.

The Attraction Factor - 4 Simple Yet Powerful Principles That Will Melt Any Man's Heart

Bob Grant - 2012
    In this quick and yet powerful book you're going to learn the 4 factors (or secret ingredients) that when you practice them consistently touch a man's heart in a way that most women don't understand just how deeply they affect a man. Often when I share them with a client the first response is a surprised, "That's it?" Then I ask them what I'll ask you, "Do you want me to tell you something that sounds magical and gives you the impression that you can simply wave your magic wand and bewitch a man...or do you want me to tell you what works, even though you think you already know it?"I mention this because you've probably done some of these things and might even think you understand them already. But here's my bet. I doubt you consistently use these principles. Most likely you pull them out whenever you feel the need but you don't make them a habit. If you did, you'd soon realize that what makes them so powerful is how they flip an unconscious switch deep inside a man's brain that makes him look at you longingly and think of you long after you've left the room. These 4 simple principles have proven to be effective again and again and work on almost any man. Inside you'll discover the most powerful thing you can do to become more attractive to every man. In fact it's so simple that you won't believe me when I tell you. Research has shown that it has a greater appeal than your looks, social status or anything else yet so few women use it to their advantage.Inside I'll show you:* Why the being curious can make a man bond with you quicker than anything else. * The one question you should ask yourself that will show you how men really see you.* The difference between being just pretty and the ability to make a man intensely attracted to you. * Why you should focus on a great guy, not on making one particular guy great. When you follow these easy guidelines you'll notice how men begin to see you as softer and more feminine. Instead of having to focus on being "perfect" you'll soon see how being yourself is actually much more appealing. And much, much more.You get all of this for less than you'd pay for a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality

Ramtha - 1997
    This teaching covers the introduction given to students commencing their study and training at Ramtha s School of Enlightenment. Special Content: Foreword by JZ Knight, Introductory Essay to Ramtha s Teachings by Jaime Leal-Anaya, Diagrams, Workbook, Glossary and detailed Index.