Moment of Truth

Cheri J. Crane - 2005
    But while on vacation with her family in Mexico, she meets Ed, a seventeen-year-old Baptist from Illinois who is spending his vacation building houses for the homeless. Laurie returns to Utah determined to make a difference through her actions and weekly editorial in the student newspaper.Unfortunately, she finds her best friend, Roz, has also changed. Their strong-willed personalities collide as they stand on opposite sides of a heated battle involving popularity and Church standards. As Laurie writes impassioned pleas in the student newspaper for how things ought to be, she seems to further alienate herself from her peers, leaving her with only her new-found friend in Illinois. In the end, Laurie discovers how difficult and terrifying--and absolutely worthwhile--it is to truly stand for something.

The Plan of Salvation: Doctrinal Notes and Commentary

Matthew B. Brown - 2002
    This time Brown takes a "readable" takes an in-depth look at such topics as: How did the plan of slvation originate? Where did the premortal Grand Council take place? What was the premortal status of Lucifer? What actually happened to Adam's and Eve's bodies when they partook of the forbidden fruit? Why didn't the Lord create a fallen world to begin with? Why did we need to get physical bodies? Why do children need to be sealed to their parents? What gifts or abilities will we have in the Spirit World? What are the prerequisites for exaltation? Can a person progress between degrees of glory after resurrection has take place? What will happen to the sons of perdition once they are cast into outer darkness? And much more. AN opened minded and courageous study of [God] and His divine plan with respect to our salvation will be the most interesting and permanently rewarding of all ventures. Hugh Brown How much do we really know about the plan of salvation? What have ancient and modern prophets revealed about the great plan of deliverance? Matthew Brown discusses the doctrines associated with the creation, the fall, and the atonement. A thought-provoking, in-depth, and thoroughly readable book on the plan of salvation

The Power of Stillness: Mindful Living for Latter-day Saints

Jacob Z. Hess - 2019
    But for some, an over-emphasis on “doing” can cause us to go through the motions and miss the deep, rich spiritual power that can come from being still. Sometimes, we try to dig ourselves out of feeling spiritually drained by doing more. When that doesn’t work, we can feel stuck—and arrive at one of two conclusions: the Church “formula”’ isn’t working so it must have been wrong to begin with, or maybe something is wrong with us?There is a third alternative—that our spirituality could reignite by approaching it from a more “mindful” place. When it feels like we’re on a runaway train, mindfulness returns us to a peaceful place where we can observe our thoughts and feelings without jumping on board with them. Using Latter-day Saint vernacular and examples, The Power of Stillness explores the ways in which mindfulness can deepen testimonies of the gospel. Practicing mindful principles can reinvigorate the joy inherent in our faith and helps us feel calmer, more present and engaged in our lives, and more spiritually connected to our Savior.

Contentment: Inspiring Insights for LDS Mothers

Maria Covey Cole - 2009
    And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.” —D&C 64:33Caring for small children or keeping track of teenagers often leaves many women struggling to find contentment in their calling as mothers. In this inspirational text, Maria Covey Cole discusses the importance of gaining perspective on motherhood, shunning comparisons with others, and allowing our natures to be changed through the grace of Christ.This beautiful book provides a valuable perspective on the trials and joys of raising a family and the noble calling of motherhood by intertwining heartwarming stories, quotes from prophets and Apostles, and numerous scripture verses.

That All May Be Edified: Talks, Sermons & Commentary

Boyd K. Packer - 1982
    That All May Be Edified concentrates on building -- the building of souls.Exquisitely detailed illustrations of basic structural forms introduce the seven sections into which the book is divided: The foundation of the edifice is instruction. Walls of encouragement are lifted up. Comfort spreads a shelter against despair. Windows of enlightenment let in the light of faith. A closed door symbolizes a warning, for there are places that we must not enter if we are to be protected against danger. An exhortation is a buttress to correct error and strengthen the structure. Pure witness becomes the steeple, the capstone, the pinnacle.Each section begins with a specially written commentary and includes some of Elder Packer's most memorable addresses and writings on such timely tops as the plan of salvation, thought control, prayer, miracles, nonmember spouses, family life, marriage, morality, obedience, the arts, the Atonement, and many more. The author's clear expression, creative presentation, and powerful testimony ensure that every reader will indeed be edified.

The Spirit of Revelation

David A. Bednar - 2021
    As we seek to discern truth amidst the clamor of dissenting voices in order to worship, minister, and lead our families effectively, we rely on the Spirit’s help every day.”The roles of both the mind and the heart in personal revelation are crucial,” writes Elder David A. Bednar, “and no simple formulas or recommended action steps can guide us through this rigorous spiritual process. Indeed, this book is not an attempt to define how revelation works. Rather, it is a witness and a testimony that revelation does work―and in a multitude and variety of ways.”In this landmark book, Elder Bednar outlines several principles of revelation, then provides a host of examples in which we can observe these principles in action for ourselves. As we come to recognize the role of revelation in our lives, we can move forward in confidence that the Lord is guiding our steps. As Elder Bednar writes, “If we are striving to be and become good―not perfect right now, but gradually getting better, . . .then indeed we can have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. We are not ‘preparing to receive revelation’; we are ‘living in revelation.’”

Make Her Chase You: The Guide to Attracting Girls Who Are "out of Your League" Even If You're Not Rich or Handsome

Tynan - 2008
    What really attracts women? How do you ask for her phone number without getting rejected? Which first dates really work, and which are a one way ticket to rejection? What exactly is the friend zone, and how can you get out of it? Tynan, also known as Herbal, is one of the most well known pickup artists in the world, made famous by the New York Times Bestseller, The Game. Taught by the greatest pickup artists in the world, including Mystery from The Pick Up Artist on VH1, Tynan has developed his own style which focuses on authenticity, building relationships, and integrating pickup with normal life.

How To Stop Enabling Your Adult Children: Practical steps to use boundaries and get your power back as you stop enabling (Empowering Change Book 1)

Melody Devonish - 2014
     This book will start you on your journey to stop enabling. If you just can’t maintain boundaries with your adult child/children, and you find yourself constantly taken advantage of, then this book is for you. Discover the wealth of shared experience that can exist in a parent/adult child relationship that is not dominated by unrealistic expectations, manipulations and resentment. The goal is to empower you, as you understand the enabling cycle and then learn some very practical tools to help you stop. The enabling cycle can be challenged, and change will happen. Getting your power back in your life, and feeling the freedom of being in control of your decisions is an amazingly freeing process. It does however take work, and that is where this very practical book can get you started. You may find that your needs are constantly disregarded, while your adult child expects you to continually be there to pick up the pieces and rescue them again and again. It is time to learn HOW TO put firm boundaries in place in a calm and dignified manner. This book will help you see what lies are keeping you in your current stressful and unfulfilled situation. You will learn how to start the journey towards sharing a mutually fulfilling mature relationship with your adult child. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn Understanding the Enabler or Rescuer How the Enabling Cycle Continues and Grows Boundaries Are Your Friend! Dignified Assertiveness The Importance of Individuation It’s Not Cruel To Say ‘No’! Changing Your Thinking (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) Practical Steps For Putting Your New Thinking and Boundaries Into Action Take action right away to start your empowering journey today by downloading this book, "How To Stop Enabling Your Adult Children", for a limited time discount of only $0.99! Tags: enabling adult children, rescuing, relationships, parenting, boundaries, enabling, individuation, cognitive behavioural therapy, CBT, self-talk, healthy boundaries

The Standard of Truth: 1815–1846

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 2018
    Three years later, an angel guides him to an ancient record buried in a hill near his home. With God’s help, he translates the record and organizes the Savior’s church in the latter days. Soon others join him, accepting the invitation to become Saints through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. But opposition and violence follow those who defy old traditions to embrace restored truths. The women and men who join the church must choose whether or not they will stay true to their covenants, establish Zion, and proclaim the gospel to a troubled world. The Standard of Truth is the first book in Saints, a new, four-volume narrative history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Fast-paced, meticulously researched, Saints recounts true stories of Latter-day Saints across the globe and answers the Lord’s call to write history “for the good of the church, and for the rising generations” (Doctrine and Covenants 69:8).

Bonds That Make Us Free: Healing Our Relationships, Coming to Ourselves

C. Terry Warner - 2001
    Our relationships with friends, spouses, colleagues, and family members can be wonderfully rewarding. They can also bring heartache, frustration, anxiety, and anger. We all know the difference between times when we feel open, generous and at ease with people versus times when we are guarded, defensive, and on edge. Why do we get trapped in negative emotions when it's clear that life is so much fuller and richer when we are free of them?Bonds That Make Us Free is a ground-breaking book that suggests the remedy for our troubling emotions by addressing their root causes. You'll learn how, in ways we scarcely suspect, we are responsible for feelings like anger, envy, and insecurity that we have blamed on others. (How many times have you said, "You're making me mad?") Even though we fear to admit this, it is good news. If we produce these emotions, it falls within our power to stop them. But we have to understand our part in them far better than we do, and that is what this remarkable book teaches. Because the key is seeing truthfully, the book itself is therapeutic. As you read and identify with the many true stories of people who have seen a transformation in their lives, you will find yourself reflecting with fresh honesty upon your relationships. This will bond you to others in love and respect and lift you out of the negative thoughts and feelings that have held you captive. You will feel your heart changing even as you read. "It would not be accurate to describe this book as supplying the truths upon which we must build our lives," writes author C. Terry Warner. "Instead it shows how we can put ourselves in that receptive, honest, and discerning condition that will enable us, any of us, to find these truths on our own." Finding these truths is the key to healing our relationships and coming to ourselves, and Bonds That Make Us Free starts us on that great journey.

Almighty: How the Most Powerful Being in the Universe Is Also Your Loving Heavenly Father

David Butler - 2017
    An explanation of the attributes of our Heavenly Father.

The Emotionally Absent Mother, How to Overcome Your Childhood Neglect When You Don't Know Where To Start.

J.L. Anderson - 2014
    Regularly priced at $ 4.99. Read on your PC, MAC, smart phone or Kindle device. “The Emotionally Absent Mother” is a practical guide to understanding and working out the pain of being emotionally abandoned as a child. Insightful explanations offer new perspectives on old problems. The exercises in the book can direct you through your emotional numbness or distress and into a brighter future. The book describes how the trauma of emotional abuse can get started. It lists and describes the symptoms of emotional abandonment. In later chapters, the book tells you what to do about it now that you are an adult and offers not only hope, but a method to reach the goals of becoming emotionally connected with others in a healthier way and becoming freer and more independent. It belongs on the “to-be-read” list of adults who still suffers the pain of being an emotionally abandoned child, as well as those who care about them. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll learn... What exactly is an Emotionally Absent Mother? Describes the symptoms of emotional abandonment. Recognize Why Your Mother Was Emotionally Absent. How to Forgive Your Mother and Forgive Yourself How to Face Feelings of Anger, Resentment and Hurt How to Separate Past Emotions from Your Current Situation Much, much more Download your copy today! Today only,get this Kindle book for just $0.99. Regularly priced at $ 4.99 To order Emotional Absent Mother- How to overcome Childhood Neglect When You Don’t know Where To Start! click the BUY button and download your copy right now!

A Better Heart

Tom Christofferson - 2020
    As we understand the love Jesus Christ has for us and our love for Him, and as we study and seek His precious gift of charity, we begin the daily process toward a better heart.

Leaves from My Journal: A Journey of Faith

Wilford Woodruff - 1882
    One of Wilford Woodruff's greatest contributions to the LDS Church is his meticulous collection of journals. For more than half a century, President Woodruff kept a daily record of his amazing adventures and spiritual experiences, marking this modern prophet as one of the Church's most successful missionaries.This volume is full of stories we've all heard as well as many little-known experiences. Several of President Woodruff's daily entries chronicle harrowing events and exciting incidents, including his accounts of:Being left alone in an alligator swampBeing entertained by IndiansHaving a mob poison his horsesConverting and baptizing a constable who was sent to arrest himYou'll also find some of the most tender and spiritual experiences found in Church history, such as when Wilford Woodruff experienced a day of God's power with the Prophet Joseph Smith, the occasion he was administered to by angels, how he baptized his father's household, and more.

Politically Incorrect Parenting: Before Your Kids Drive You Crazy, Read This!

Nigel Latta - 2010
    Practical commonsense answers and real life examples, logical and realistic strategies, and innovative behaviour modification tools that work in the real world - all from a parent and family therapist who's seen almost everything there is to see and offers some hard-won battlefield wisdom. Written in down-to-earth language, this book needs to be handed out at birth, an essential guide for the struggling parent who knows family life can and should be better. Clinical psychologist, bestselling author, and father of two, Nigel Latta specializes in working with children with behavioural problems, from simple to severe. A regular media commentator and presenter, he has had three television series adapted from his books - BEYOND tHE DARKLANDS, tHE POLItICALLY INCORRECt PARENtING SHOW and tHE POLItICALLY INCORRECt GUIDE tO tEENAGERS (all of which screen in New Zealand and Australia) - and has had a regular parenting segment on National Radio.