Joanna (Court of the Tetrarch #1)

Katrina D. Hamel - 2021
    Claimed as a hostage, she's forced from the verdant slopes of her beloved vineyard to serve Herod Antipas' neglected wife. In an opulent palace where Roman culture supersedes the commands of God, Joanna struggles to express her Jewish faith. Despite her misgivings, she is swept into the adventure of traveling with the court, and conflicted by her feelings towards the enigmatic man who took her captive. As the royal marriage fractures, she is caught in the crossfire, and her choice will alter the fates of those she loves.When rumors whisper that a man from Nazareth travels the roads of Galilee, healing and proclaiming the kingdom of God, Joanna yearns to follow. When it becomes impossible to leave the palace, she begins to fear her role in an earthly court will cost her place in the heavenly one.The first novel in the Court of the Tetrarch series imagines the origins of the biblical woman who beholds the empty tomb.

Exalting Jesus In Ephesians

Tony Merida - 2014
    Akin, and Tony Merida, this new commentary series, projected to be 48 volumes, takes a Christ-centered approach to expositing each book of the Bible. Rather than a verse-by-verse approach, the authors have crafted chapters that explain and apply key passages in their assigned Bible books. Readers will learn to see Christ in all aspects of Scripture, and they will be encouraged by the devotional nature of each exposition. Exalting Jesus in Ephesians is written by Tony Merida.

A Cattleman's Honor: Nelson's Brand & The Wedding in White (Men of Medicine Ridge, #2)

Diana Palmer - 2020
    Ever since, the rancher has been footloose and reckless, treating romantic entanglements as entertaining distractions. The minute he saw Allison Hathoway, he knew he wanted her. But there was something different about the secretive Allison… The Wedding in White Sweet schoolteacher Natalie Brock’s life changed forever when she met handsome rancher Mack Killain. Ever since that first kiss, Natalie knew Mack was the only man for her. Trouble was, the rough-edged loner had sworn off marriage, and told her so on more than one occasion. But Natalie would not settle for anything less than all his love!New York Times Bestselling AuthorPreviously published as Nelson’s Brand and The Wedding in White

Small Town Odds

Jason Headley - 2004
    Enormously likable and a habitual screw-up, Eric Mercer has settled into a sometimes raucous, underachieving life in his one-stoplight hometown—a life cobbled together from his part-time activities as bartender at the American Legion, assistant mortician, and father to his beloved 5-year-old daughter, Tess. Tess seems to be the main reason smart, talented, twenty-four-year-old Eric is staying in town, though her mom, a centerfold-quality beauty, would have it otherwise. When Jill, the lost love of his life, returns to Pinely in the same week that the town goes nuts in preparation for the high school football team's Big Game, life unexpectedly shifts into high gear, and Eric must blunder his way toward enlightenment—fast. Authentic and refreshingly unpredictable, Small Town Odds is written with an acute sense of place and character reminiscent of Richard Russo.


F.F. Bruce - 1963
    Bruce's study on Romans is a contribution to the Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, a popular commentary designed to help the general Bible reader understand clearly what the text actually says and what it means, without undue recourse to scholarly technicalities.

Cold Blooded: A chilling, true tale of terror, rape, and murder in the Arkansas River bottoms

Anita Paddock - 2019
    On a cold January morning in 1981, a knock on an apartment door began what would become one of the bloodiest crime sprees in Arkansas history. In the coming days the bodies of newlyweds Larry and Jawana Price, businessman Holly Gentry, and Police Detective Ray Tate were discovered. They had been executed in cold blood and discarded like so much trash. What kind of person murders four people in cold blood? Did the right one go to prison?Praise for Anita Paddock, author of Blind Rage and Closing Time!“Paddock is a gifted storyteller, and Blind Rage is a riveting read.”– Sonny Brewer, author of The Poet of Tolstoy Park “The newest and strongest voice in true crime writing . . . makes you feel as if you are there, seeing what happened, and feeling the terror and sorrow of those felled by these brutal crimes.” – Marla Cantrell, author and Arkansas Art Council Fellow “Somehow [the author] is able to create tension and suspense even when the outcome is already known. She has a way of making each character as familiar as the guy next door, be they ordinary people or despicable creeps! Truman Capote, even though you can't roll over, maybe you should step aside because a new ‘true crime’ star is here!”– John McFerran

Basics of Verbal Aspect in Biblical Greek

Constantine R. Campbell - 2008
    The majority of scholars now believe that an understanding of verbal aspect is even more important than verb tense (past, present, etc.). Until now, however, there have been no accessible textbooks, both in terms of level and price (most titles on the topic retail for more than $100). In this book, Constantine Campbell investigates the function of verbal aspect within the New Testament Greek narrative. He has done a marvelous job in this book of simplifying the concept without getting caught up using terms of linguistics that no one except those schooled in that field can understand. The book includes exercises, an answer key, glossary of key concepts, an appendix covering space and time, and an index to Scripture cited. Professors and students, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, will use this is as a supplemental text in both beginning and advanced Greek courses. Pastors that study the Greek text will also appreciate this resource as a supplement to their preaching and teaching.

The Economist - US Edition

The Economist - 2011
    Download issues at no extra cost from Archived Items. The Economist is the premier source for the analysis of world business and current affairs, providing authoritative insight and opinion on international news, world politics, business, finance, science and technology, as well as overviews of cultural trends and regular Special reports on industries and countries. Established in 1843 to campaign against the protectionist corn laws, The Economist remains, in the second half of its second century, true to the liberal principles of its founder. James Wilson, a hat maker from the small Scottish town of Hawick, believed in free trade, internationalism and minimum interference by government, especially in the affairs of the market. The Economist also takes a fiercely independent stance on social issues, from gay marriage to the legalisation of drugs, but its main service to its readers is as a global newspaper: To uncover new ideas from all around the world. The Kindle Edition of The Economist contains all of the articles and graphics found in the print edition, but will not include all photos. For your convenience, issues are auto-delivered wirelessly to your Kindle each Friday at the same time the print edition hits the newsstand.

Worship Leaders, We Are Not Rock Stars

Stephen Miller - 2013
    You find yourself wanting to point people to Jesus but also feeling a desire to be noticed and praised, to make yourself the center of attention.Stephen Miller is the worship pastor for a large church of young, energetic Christians. He and his band record albums and lead worship for conferences all over the country. He knows the temptation to make himself the show, to pursue fame, to seek the applause of other people. And he has learned to want nothing to do with it.In this book, Miller exhorts his fellow worship leaders to make Jesus the center of all their efforts. He teaches how to do this with Scripture, teaching, prayer, story, and song. In all, Miller’s call for worship leaders is to lead worship, whole-hearted and whole-minded exalting of God, rather than making a spectacle out of it.Worship Leaders, We’re Not Rock Stars will encourage and challenge worship leaders by clarifying their purpose and identity, and by doing so will bless those they lead.

At Home with Diana

Deb Stratas - 2020
    Read her entire life story - the ups and the downs - from her birth to her final days. Victoria Arbiter, CNN Royal Correspondent praises At Home with Diana: “Packed full of historical facts, touching anecdotes and top tips for visiting, ‘At Home with Diana’ is the perfect addition to any royal lovers’ library. Taking readers on a poignant journey from home to home it serves as the perfect guide to the life and times of a shy young girl the world came to know as the People’s Princess. I thoroughly enjoyed it!"

Sweeter Than All The World

Rudy Wiebe - 2001
    Ambitious in its historical sweep, tender and humane, Sweeter Than All the World takes us on an extraordinary odyssey never before fully related in a contemporary novel.The novel tells the story of the Mennonite people from the early days of persecution in sixteenth-century Netherlands, and follows their emigration to Danzig, London, Russia, and the Americas, through the horrors of World War II, to settlement in Paraguay and Canada. It is told episodically in a double-stranded narrative. The first strand consists of different voices of historical figures. The other narrative voice is that of Adam Wiebe, born in Saskatchewan in 1935, whom we encounter at telling stages of his life: as a small boy playing in the bush, as a student hunting caribou a week before his wedding, and as a middle-aged man carefully negotiating a temporary separation from his wife. As Adam faces the collapse of his marriage and the disappearance of his daughter, he becomes obsessed with understanding his ancestral past. Wiebe meshes the history of a people with the story of a modern family, laying bare the complexities of desire and family love, religious faith and human frailty.The past comes brilliantly alive, beginning with the horrors of the Reformation, when Weynken Claes Wybe is burned at the stake for heretical views on Communion. We are caught up in the great events of each century, as we follow in the footsteps of Adam’s forebears: the genius engineer who invented the cable-car system; the artist Enoch Seeman, who found acclamation at the royal court in London after having been forbidden to paint by the Elders; Anna, who endures the great wagon trek across the Volga in 1860, leaving behind her hopes of marriage so that her brothers will escape conscription in the Prussian army; and Elizabeth Katerina, caught in the Red Army’s advance into Germany when rape and pillage are the rewards given to soldiers. The title of the novel, taken from a hymn, reflects the beauty and sorrow of these stories of courage. In a startling act of invention, Sweeter Than All the World sets one man’s quest for family and love against centuries of turmoil.Rudy Wiebe first wrote of Mennonite resettlement in his 1970 epic novel The Blue Mountains of China. Since then, much of his work has focused on re-imagining the history of the Canadian Northwest. In Sweeter Than All the World, as in many of his most acclaimed novels, Wiebe has sought out real historical characters to tell an extraordinary story. William Keith, a University of Toronto professor and author of a book about Wiebe, writes: “Wiebe has a knack for divining wells of human feeling in historical sources.” Here, all the main characters share his name, and the history is one to which he belongs. Moreover, alongside those flashbacks into history is revealed an utterly compelling contemporary story of a man whose background is not totally unlike the author’s own. Wiebe sets his narrative against his two favourite backdrops: the northern Alberta landscape, and the shared memories of the Mennonite people. Sweeter Than All the World is a compassionate, erudite and stimulating work of fiction that shares the deep-rooted concerns of all of Wiebe’s work: how to make history live in our imagination, and how we can best live our lives.

The Life and Times of Rowan Daly

Rex Owens - 2021
    They settle in the mining town of New Hope. In 1934 the best paying job is dynamiting rock in the pit—a job Eli volunteers to do with disastrous consequences. When he’s killed, Rowan is alone and abandoned with no way to support herself. Rowan is recruited to be a Pack Horse Librarian and soon finds herself delivering books to hill families, facing her fears of abandonment, and learning about the unique rural folks she serves. It’s just the beginning for Rowan—being a Pack Horse Librarian changes her future, giving her a life she could never have imagined.

No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy – 10th Anniversary Edition

Fr. Donald E. Calloway - 2019
    Now, in this 10th anniversary edition of No Turning Back, the Very Rev. Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, looks back on the past decade in a new introduction to this Christian classic, a perennially powerful witness to the transforming grace of God and the Blessed Mother's love for her children. His witness proves a key truth of our faith: Between Jesus, the Divine Mercy, and Mary, the Mother of Mercy, there's no reason to give up hope on anyone, no matter how far they are from God.

Beating Patellar Tendonitis

Martin Koban - 2013
     The author’s story: “Back when I suffered from patellar tendonitis, I thought I was doing everything possible to treat this injury. I was stretching regularly, warming up before games, strengthening my legs, and doing whatever else doctors suggested might help. However, the pain never stopped. Sure, some days were better than others were, but I was still in pain and my athletic performance was severely handicapped. I was frustrated with my lack of progress, and I couldn’t believe that for all the effort and dedication I put into my training, I was being punished with pain that was impossible to get rid of. The worst part was that every time I thought I had made progress, the pain returned. The whole experience was so depressing that I almost quit playing my sport. Today, my knees are completely pain-free. I can play my favorite sports and train exercises that are extremely tough on my knees, such as deep single-leg squats, without having to worry about knee pain. I would have never imagined this to be possible. Today, my legs are stronger than before my injury, and the best part is that I know exactly how I can continue to get them into even better shape without any risk. The reason I struggled with patellar tendonitis for so long wasn’t my fault. I already knew some of the things I had to do, but to beat the odds, I needed to fix a number of hidden causes for patellar tendonitis and learn how to strengthen my weakened knees without reinjuring them. It took 3 years of research and self-experimentation to collect this knowledge, but now it is easily available in this book.” – Martin Koban, Author of Total Knee Health The reason people struggle with healing jumper’s knee is because they’re using an outdated treatment approach that is based on research just as outdated. Your rehab efforts are doomed to fail if you don’t eliminate all hidden causes for patellar tendonitis. These often ignored causes determine how much stress you patellar tendon is subjected to when you’re moving and if you don’t correct them, you will continue to overload your patellar tendon and the injury will simply reappear.Beating Patellar Tendonitis will hand you a proven treatment formula to fix these hidden causes of jumper’s knee and give you the tools you need to stay pain-free for life. The advice in this book is based on 3 years of self-experimentation through trial and error, hundreds of research studies published in academic journals, and the combined knowledge of thought leaders in the fitness industry. You Need to Buy This Book If: You’re an athlete with patellar tendonitis and you want to set new personal records You want to get rid of tendonitis knee pain once and for all You play volleyball, basketball, or any other sport that requires a lot of jumping and you want to stay on top of your competition You’re an athletic trainer and want your clients to stay healthy You’re a doctor and want to learn more ways how you can help your patients beat patellar tendonitis

Hms Crusader

A.E. Langsford - 1991
    Death by fire - Death by ice.These were the twin threats confronting the seamen on the North Atlantic convoys: fire from the Luftwaffe's bombs, and from the torpedoes of the lurking U-Boats: ice in the deadly cold waters that could kill in three minutes, five minutes at most.Between these two hells lived another threat: the slow paralyzing hand of fear.