Taming Your Alpha Bitch: How to be Fierce and Feminine (and Get Everything You Want!)

Rebecca Grado - 2012
    We’ve broken through glass ceilings and achieved great success. We’ve shown that we can prosper by our own means. And we’ve become influential, respected leaders. Yet many of us find ourselves unhappy, anxious, overwhelmed. Where’s the pot of gold at the end of our "I can do it just like a man” rainbow?The problem is that while we can be as successful as a man, we don’t get there through a masculine approach. Being a "damsel in distress” is not the way to make your dreams come true, but neither is being the hyper-aggressive Alpha Bitch.In this New York Times bestselling book, transformation leaders Christy Whitman and Rebecca Grado reveal how when women try to claim power through a "forceful take no prisoners” approach it ultimately works against us and undermines our best efforts to create the life of our dreams. In fact, wielding Alpha Bitch force is ironically disempowering, because it introduces conflict, struggle, and competition into our personal and professional relationships, blocking women from creating the life we desire.How do you change from being a controlling, competitive, and disruptive Alpha Bitch to being an Empowered Female who is allowing, collaborative, and balanced? Enter the Laws of the Universe:-The Law of Attraction-The Law of Allowing-The Law of Pure Potentiality-The Law of Oneness-The Law of Balance and Harmony-The Law of Sufficiency and AbundanceTaming the Alpha Bitch will show you how to use these laws to create freedom, joy, and abundance in your life. By using this knowledge, you put yourself in the ideal position for attracting those things you want with ease and effortlessness, not struggle and pain.

Heartbroken: Healing from the Loss of a Spouse

Gary Roe - 2015
    She was your partner. Now your heart is broken. What do you do with all the pain, confusion, and anger? What will life be like? Who are you now? Your heart needs answers. Heartbroken can help. Bestselling author, hospice chaplain and grief specialist Gary Roe has walked with hundreds of spouses through this painful valley. From their stories he has composed this incredibly practical work that will touch your heart and comfort your soul. In this deeply personal, easy-to-read book, you will learn the following: - How to better manage the up and down, roller-coaster emotions of grief. - How to manage being misunderstood and navigate all the relationship changes that occur with the loss of a mate. - How to think about and face the future with hope. As you read, you will discover that you are far from alone, you’re not crazy, and that you will make it through this. The loss of a husband or wife is traumatic. Healing from loss is challenging. Open this book, and let the healing continue.

Motherhood Realized: An Inspiring Anthology for the Hardest Job You'll Ever Love

Aven Rose - 2014
    But we also believe it is often really hard to see all that beauty when we're in the midst of mothering. So often, we feel like we're spread too thin. We feel like we don't match up. Our hearts want to do more than our hands can manage. And every day, as we cycle through household duties, discipline, errands, conversations, teaching, and hundreds of unexpecteds, we're often left tired, worried, and in need of some extra inspiration and encouragement. Power of Moms is an online community of deliberate mothers. Since 2007, millions of mothers from all backgrounds who are striving to be the best they can be have gathered to our website to learn and grow together. Time and again, our posts receive comments that say something like, "I am going to print this out and put it on my nightstand so I can read it again and again." We've been concerned about those nightstands . . . getting all cluttered up with paper. So we've selected dozens of our most popular posts and compiled them neatly into this book "just for you." Becoming Our Best Selves Getting Through Hard Times Remembering the Meaning in Motherhood Shifting Our Perspectives Savoring the Moments This book isn't just a book. It's a tangible representation of a living, breathing community of mothers. Motherhood is the hardest job we'll ever love, and it's so much better when we're doing it together.

Glory Carriers: How to Host His Presence Every Day

Jennifer Eivaz - 2019
    What we behold, we reflect. The more we behold the Lord, the more we look like him--and the more we see his glory released into our lives and the lives of those around us.The glory of God is irresistible. Yet seeking to sense his presence or experience his glory for its own sake misses the point. His glory is the natural outpouring of a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit. In these pages, author and speaker Jennifer Eivaz shows how you can enter into more intimate fellowship with the Spirit of God, experience miraculous encounters, and begin to see more miracles, more deliverances, and more lives dramatically changed. Here is the inspiration you need to step into the supernatural and follow God's leading--and carry his glory to the darkest places and see his kingdom come.

Empty Womb, Aching Heart: Hope and Help for Those Struggling with Infertility

Marlo Schalesky - 2001
    The true stories she tells of couples who share your hopes, fears, frustrations, and the comfort only God can bring will encourage your heart.Infertility strikes at the core of what it means to be a woman or man, tests marriages, and shakes faith. The honest, open, and emotionally resonant first-person stories in Empty Womb, Aching Heart will touch your life--as you "cry in the diaper aisle," wonder if you "are less of a woman," ask "How far should we go?" or whisper to God, "It's not fair."

A Woman's Call to Prayer: Making Your Desire to Pray a Reality

Elizabeth George - 2004

M.O.M.--Master Organizer of Mayhem: Simple Solutions to Organize Chaos and Bring More Joy Into Your Home

Kristi Clover - 2019
    Add motherhood to the mix, and you've got a whole new dimension of difficulty. So how does a busy mom stay on top of the daily chaos that children inevitably bring along with them?No matter what your situation is, Kristi Clover's home organization systems will work for you. Her foundational rules are highly adaptable and will help you make your home more efficient no matter where you live or how many kids you have (and how messy they are). She helps you prioritize, break down big jobs, declutter, develop age-appropriate chores for your kids, tackle the endless piles of laundry, and so much more. If you long to have a functional and fabulous home for your family and you're tired of feeling overwhelmed by all the work, this life-changing book is for you!

The Montessori Toddler: A Parent's Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being

Simone Davies - 2018
    Toddlers can be tricky. On one hand they can be lovely. On the other hand they can be really hard work. They'll make you laugh. And they will probably bring you to tears. Or at least a high level of frustration.I felt the same way when my children were small and I was struggling to get them to do things. I felt enormous empathy for them, but wasn’t sure what the alternative was to threatening, bribing or putting them into time out.It’s been my mission since then to find another way. I’ve now been working in Montessori education for nearly 15 years and love to learn from the 100 toddlers and parents I see every week in my classroom. I am so happy to share with you what I have learned and help you understand your toddler better too.This book is the result. Your comprehensive guide to raising toddlers in a Montessori way.A quick aside for those of you that don't know Montessori. It is an alternative education system where, instead of the teacher standing at the front of the classroom telling the kids what they need to know, the children are free to explore a classroom of well-designed materials covering language, mathematics, daily life skills and more. The result is that the children are able to follow their unique natural rhythm and development as well as learn with concrete learning materials to make discoveries for themselves. But that's it. It's not just for school aged children - you can apply exactly the same ideas in your home and with your toddler.And when I say toddler, I'm talking about children around 1 to 3 years, give or take a few months.Each section of the book is super practical and it is beautifully designed to make it even easier to read. It’s perfect if you are a busy parent, carer or even grandparent. And it doesn't matter if you are brand new to Montessori or have been using Montessori for a while - or even if you aren't planning to send your children to Montessori school. You can read it from cover to cover. Or just open up the book at a page that interests you and you will find something practical you can try today.You’ll learn how to set up your home to get rid of the chaos and bring back some calm into your lives. You will get the tools to work together with your child. How you can lead, guide and support them, especially when they are having a hard time (and throwing themselves on the ground in the most inconvenient of places). You’ll also get ideas to create Montessori activities at home that are just right for your toddler. You will find answers to your questions. To see there is another more peaceful way to be with your toddler. To help you plant the seeds to raise a respectful and responsible human being. To work on a relationship with your toddler which you will be building on for years.So are you ready to say goodbye to frustration and hello to peace and calm? It’s time for us to learn to see through our toddler’s eyes - The Montessori Toddler.

A Second Chicken Soup For The Woman's Soul

Marci Shimoff - 1996
    You will be moved by these true accounts of how women like you have embraced life's defining moments by finding love, dealing with loss, overcoming obstacles and achieving their dreams and goals. Like spending time with a trusted friend, "A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul" will put difficult times into perspective, renew your faith in yourself and make you aware of the miracles in your own life.

Making Friends with the Menopause: A clear and comforting guide to support you as your body changes. 2016 edition reflecting the new 'NICE' guidelines

Sarah Rayner - 2015
     Written with Sarah Rayner's trademark warmth and humour, this new edition of Making Friends with the Menopause has been updated to reflect the latest National Institute for Health and Care guidelines on diagnosis and management of the menopause. Together with Dr Patrick Fitzgerald, she explores why stopping menstruating causes such profound chemical changes in the body, leading us to react in a myriad of ways physically and mentally. There is practical advice on hot flushes and night sweats, anxiety and mood swings, muscular aches and loss of libido, early-onset menopause, hysterectomy and more, plus a simple explanation of each stage of the menopause so you'll know what to expect in the years before, during and after. You’ll find details of the treatment options available and their pros and cons, together with tips and insights from women keen to share their wisdom on a subject many still find hard to talk about. Whether you’re worried about feeling invisible, weight gain or loss of fertility, or simply want to take care of yourself well, knowledge is power, and Making Friends with the Menopause will give you a greater understanding of the process, so you can enjoy your body and your sexuality as you age. * From the author of the international bestselling novel One Moment, One Morning * And the word-of-mouth success Making Friends with Anxiety, a warm, supportive book to ease worry and panic * Includes advice on all the major health issues that can arise as a result of hormone change * Thoroughly researched and bang-up-to-date * Includes traditional and complementary medicine * Gives guidance on how to get the most from your GP appointments and finding good alternative practitioners * Useful links throughout, plus details of helplines and recommended reads * Fully illustrated with photographs by the author * Ongoing online support group available PRAISE FOR MAKING FRIENDS WITH ANXIETY 'Simple, lucid advice on how to accept your anxiety' Matt Haig, bestselling author of Reasons to Stay Alive 'Reads like chatting with an old friend; one with wit, wisdom and experience' ,Brighton and Hove Independent PRAISE FOR SARAH RAYNER: ‘Explores an emotive subject with great sensitivity’ Sunday Express ‘You'll want to inhale it in one breath' Easy Living 'Brilliant... Warm and approachable' Essentials ‘Carefully crafted and empathetic’ The Sunday Times ‘Brilliant…Warm and approachable’ Essentials ‘A sympathetic insight into the causes and effects of mental ill-health as it affects ordinary people. Powerful’ My Weekly

Deliberate Motherhood: 12 Key Powers of Peace, Purpose, Order Joy

The Power of Moms - 2012
    Whether the change includes learning patience when the two-year-old “paints” your walls with the black permanent marker, or forgiving a teenager who screams “I hate you,” or loving more when that naughty child doesn’t really deserve it, it’s a change that refines us—or as the dictionary describes it, “removes impurities, makes something more effective or become more elegant.” That is powerful! You may think that everything has been said about motherhood, but the delightful thing about Deliberate Motherhood is that every mother/author is one-of-a-kind. They each come from different backgrounds, have different parents, are married (or not) to different people, and certainly have “different” children. Each of the 12 “Powers” provided in this book is a crucial component to help you in your motherhood. And the best part is that you don’t need to do it all at once. You can focus on one “power” a month, and over the course of a year, you’ll see great changes in yourself and in your family. The mark of a great book is that it makes you think . . . and it helps you change . . . which in the case of this book, is an absolute guarantee!

When Women Walk Alone: Finding Strength and Hope Through the Seasons of Life

Cindi McMenamin - 2002
    Cindi McMenamin, author of Heart Hunger, offers personal encouragement and practical, biblical steps for gaining strength in times of isolation and becoming resilient to, not resentful toward, loneliness.Cindi's audience for Women Who Walk Alone is a broad one--single women, women parenting alone, women alone as the spiritual head of their household, women facing challenging life situations, women without close friendships. And her message is timely--every woman feels alone at some point in her life, yet every woman needs someone to grow alongside her and to encourage her in her walk with the Lord.When Women Walk Alone encourages readers to see alone times as unique opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. Women will discover practical ways to...find support from other women who feel alone in their lives celebrate their own uniqueness and grow through the lonely times gain strength for the challenges of parenting alone funnel "loneliness in prayer" into "a new power in prayer alone with God" rely on the Lord and others to overcome personal trialsUsing examples of biblical and contemporary women who emerged from a time of loneliness stronger and more complete, Cindi also looks at the example of Jesus and the many times He was alone or sought out some "alone time" to draw strength from His Father.

American Women Didn't Get Fat in the 1950s

Averyl Hill - 2013
    If you were fat your doc said: "You eat too much." Calorie consumption hit an all-time low. A 25” waist was a clothing size 10. High fructose corn syrup consumed: None.Today: Women of all ages are, on average, overweight. Obesity is now a “disease.” Calorie consumption is at an all-time high. A 25” waist is closer to a clothing size “zero." High fructose corn syrup consumed: 76% of corn sweeteners.Is it really true that American women didn’t get fat in the 1950s? Detailed gender-specific data wasn’t published during the 50s, but an early 1960s government sponsored survey revealed that women aged 20 - 29 were, on average, a little over thirty-four pounds lighter than women in the same age bracket today! Women aged 30 - 39 were about thirty pounds lighter! It's true that women are taller today than the 50s, but not enough to explain the gain. In 1960 the average American woman was 63.1." Today she is 63.8."What did women know or practice back then that kept them immune from an obesity epidemic? Could it be a matter of simply not consuming high fructose corn syrup or fast food? Not so fast. The root of the problem is far more expansive!In this ebook you will be given access to many of the 50s slimming secrets women knew. It reveals pre-BMI medical metrics for healthy weight and eating which were far more stringent and based upon medical studies instead of comparing people to a norm. Also included are vintage US government food recommendations and an examination of the psychological climate and marketing practices to women in the 50s. You’ll find suggestions for integrating “outdated” healthy practices and attitudes into your diet to combat and replace the toxic practices and processed foods prevalent today often mistaken for “progress.” This heavily researched ebook contains over seventy linked citations and scans of vintage source materials."Diet" literally means "the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats," and by applying the 1950s diet to her own life author Averyl Hill lost sixteen pounds and four inches around her waist and has kept it off years later. She didn’t join a gym or spend money on branded, pre-packaged diet foods or pills, nor did she start wearing a string of pearls and heels while dusting her home. Going backwards can mean forward thinking!Please note that this book does not contain recipes, nor is it a specific, prescribed diet plan. It gives you tools to help facilitate healthy choices about how you eat, move and think about food, weight-loss and overall fitness. Unlike fad weight loss diets today that haven't made us any slimmer, the 1950s diet worked for millions of American women-- a decade of hard evidence is hard to dispute-- and we can learn to adopt it again today!

Dare to Drop the Pose: Ten Things Christians Think but Are Afraid to Say

Craig Groeschel - 2010
    And if Jesus really loved me as I was (I knew He did), then why should I go on trying to be someone I wasn’t?” Why DO we fake it so much? Why do we spend so much time trying to please everyone else and make so little effort trying to please God? When Craig Groeschel asked himself those questions, he couldn’t come up with a good answer. So one day he decided to drop the act and start getting real. With that one choice, his life began to change in a big way. And yours can, too. Craig’s passionate, funny, warts-and-all confessions and the lessons he learned will help you find you own path to authentic living and a deeper relationship with God. Includes study guide for personal or group use.

The Honeymoon's Over: True Stories of Love, Marriage, and Divorce

Andrea Chapin - 2007
    A provocative collection of essays by prominent women writers on the turning points in their own marriages, this title candidly discusses the good times, the bad times, and what makes or breaks a marriage.