Introduction to Gnosis: Gnostic Methods for Today's World

Samael Aun Weor - 1961
    Their methods of self-reliance and their sublime knowledge profoundly impacted society, such that the dominant powers felt threatened and the tradition was forced to disappear from public view. Now, after centuries of obscurity, the Gnostics have re-emerged, still carrying their profound message of Gnosis: knowledge of self and the Divine. In a simple and elegant way, Samael Aun Weor explains the basic methodology for people in today's world to begin to approach the greater mysteries of the Gnostics. In this basic and practical guide, Samael Aun Weor offers a breadth of exercises guiding the reader to discover within themselves a wealth of insight and understanding. Gnosis, after all, is Greek for "knowledge," and the seeker is told, "Know thyself, and thou shalt know the universe and its Gods." "A great author deduced that the human being needs eight important things in life: health and the conservation of life, nourishment, sleep, money and the things money can buy, life in the beyond, sexual satisfaction, the well-being of his children, and a sense of proper importance. We synthesize these eight things into three: Health, Money, Love. If you really want to acquire these three things, you should study and practice everything that this course teaches you. We will show you the path of success." - Samael Aun Weor

Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense: Strengthen Your Aura

Melita Denning - 1980
    However, your psyche is constantly under attack from friends and strangers, advertisers and politicians who want to manipulate you. Luckily, there is a solution--Denning and Phillips' Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense. The best way to overcome attacks on your psyche is through awareness that they are occurring. This requires you to become more awake and alert to this bombardment. Part of the technique is to understand how this attempted manipulation works. By studying this book you will gain that knowledge. The result is that the psychological intimidation that has been used on you in the past will no longer control you.There are two types of psychic attack. The first kind is attack by a person who has not had any occult training. He or she may feel slighted or betrayed by you (based on actual or imagined situations) and hold on to negative emotions. Eventually, unknown to that person, the negative energy can leap out, directed at you.This book reveals that your aura is your best line of defense. By using the exercises in this book to strengthen your aura, any such unintentional psychic attack will easily be dispelled and discharged.Even more rare is the classic psychic attack where a person does some sort of spell or ritual to harm you. Full instructions are given for overcoming such negative magick, both on a practical, physical level (sever any physical connection between you and the attacker) and on a ritual, spiritual level (perform blessings and rites to overcome psychic attack).But what happens if an attack does get through? First, you have to know how to recognize it. Usually, a successful attack strikes at your weak link. That could be your physical health (causing illness) or your mental attitude (causing depression). This book will show you how to recognize the problem and how to deal with it effectively.

Spells and How They Work

Janet Farrar - 1990
    Careful at all times to observe basic rules of responsibility - that a spell should never intend anyone harm or manipulate anyone against their will - this is a comprehensive guide to ways of effective spell-casting. This book covers all aspects of spells - including psychic self-defense, sex magic, qabalistic magic, and talismans. There is a generous anthology of actual spells worldwide, past and present, drawn from history, literature, folklore, old grimoires, and from the 20 years experience of the authors. Spells of love, healing, weather, binding, and more combine in this unique addition to the literature on magical workings.

Sons of the Goddess: A Young Man's Guide to Wicca

Christopher Penczak - 2005
    Yet young men may have trouble identifying their place in this seemingly female-dominated religion. Without many male role models, how can one become empowered as a son of the Goddess?hristopher Penczak, who learned about Witchcraft and magick in his late teens, offers guidance to all the young men out there who are curious about Wicca. This much-needed masculine perspective on the Craft discusses divine masculinity found in ancient myths, male energies, and rites of passage. Penczak also describes the fundamentals of Wicca, including the rule of three, the Wiccan Rede, spellcraft, rituals, holidays, and Witchcraft ethics.

Real Magic: An Introductory Treatise on the Basic Principles of Yellow Light

Isaac Bonewits - 1971
    Examines every category of occult phenomena from ESP to Eastern ritual and explores the basic laws of magic, relating them to the natural laws of the universe.

The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells: The Ultimate Reference Book for the Magical Arts

Judika Illes - 2004
    Enter the world of folklore, myth, and magic. Discover binding spells and banishing spells, spells for love, luck, wealth, power, spiritual protection, physical healing, and enhanced fertility drawn from Earth’s every corner and spanning 5,000 years og magical history. In The Encyclopedia Of 5,000 Spells: The Ultimate Reference Book for the Magical Arts, independent scholar, educator and author of several books of folklore, folkways, and mythology Judika Illes enables the reader to enter the world of folklore, myth and magic with binding spells and banishing spells, spells for love, luck, wealth, and power, as well as spells for spiritual protection, physical healing, and enhanced fertility drawn from Earth's every corner and spanning 5,000 years of magical history.

To Ride a Silver Broomstick: New Generation Witchcraft

Silver RavenWolf - 1994
    "To Ride a Silver Broomstick" presents both the science and religion of Witchcraft so you can become an active participant while growing at your own pace. This book is ideal for anyone, regardless of religious background: male or female, young or old, beginners and initiates.

The Magick Of Lilith: Calling Upon The Great Goddess of The Left Hand Path (Mesopotamian Magick Book 1)

Baal Kadmon - 2016
    She has been called the epitome of all that is evil in the world. She was considered wild, uninhibited, argumentative and sexually deviant. She has been called the temptress, the prostitute from hell and most popularly as the succubus that comes and not only steals the semen of men as they sleep but also killing them in the process. Some of these qualities might very well be true and some not so much. One thing we know for sure is that she is a very powerful and ancient goddess. In this book, we will discuss what we know of her from the Western traditions. I will present the information chronologically; I will start with the earliest known accounts of Lilith to the most recent. I must warn you however, much of the evidence we have about Lilith is very biased but despite this, I think we can learn much about her and put her “reputation” into the proper perspective. Although some may consider her evil, I consider her the quintessential goddess of the left-hand path. In this book, we will discuss the story of Lilith and more importantly; we will learn how to tap into her fierce energy so we too can walk the left hand path with her. She is not for the faint of heart…You have been warned. In this book we will preform 7 rituals: 1. To Place a curse on your enemy. 2. Bind someone to do your will. (It could be for any purpose) 3. To gain Seductive powers 4. To Gain Protection from Lilith (Read carefully) 5. To gain courage and Inner Strength 6. To Gain Occult Power and Wisdom. 7. Sexually Dedicate yourself to Lilith

Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual

Éliphas Lévi - 1854
    Such vivid and exciting personal accounts add greatly to the unique qualities of this work.The translation and notes by A.E. Waite are immaculate. Waite was a noted occult scholar of his day, teaching in both the Hermetic and Rosicrucian orders. Due to the high calibre of both author and editor, this book maintains its pre-eminent position in the literature of the magic arts.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Astrology

Madeline Gerwick-Brodeur - 1997
    You know your sun sign and can even find your daily horoscope in the newspaper. But when it comes to understanding what astrology can tell you about yourself and your future, you feel like you're lost in space. Don't go retrograde yet--there's still time to let the sun (and moon and planets) shine in! The Complete Idiot's Guide to Astrology will give you new insights into how the zodiac affects your personality, your relationships your work, and the world. In this Complete Idiot's Guide, you get:

Witchcraft: Theory and Practice

Lore de Angeles - 2000
    With more than three decades of experience she has learned how to bring the teachings alive, combining modern with ancient, so you can better understand the true potential and depth of Witchcraft.Within the pages of this book you will find the secrets and techniques to become a Witch. These can be divided into three categories: philosophical disciplines, spiritual beliefs, and practical techniques. Each part gets a focus in this book.In the first section, you will:Learn meditation and how it can be used for ritual Discover the secrets of visualization, telepathy, and personal power Use the self-analysis techniques to discover who you are and never walk in anyone's shadowIn the second section you can:Uncover the essence of the God and Goddess Discover the festivals of Witchcraft Learn how to make and use the tools of Witchcraft Understand how to do rituals, including the rite of self-initiationAnd in the final section, you'll:Practice psychic protection, shapeshifting, and banishing Master astral projection Learn to interpret omens This really just barely covers some of the information you will find revealed in these pages. Written in a style that is clear and concise, this book will add to your knowledge of Witchcraft. Whether you are new to the Craft or have been practicing for some time, Witchcraft: Theory and Practice will impart wisdom that will fascinate and entice. You will be using this book for many years to come.

The Illustrated Guide To Crystals

Judy Hall - 2000
    Never before has there been such a wide range of gems available, and in this lavishly illustrated guide is all the information needed to choose, cleanse, and program these gifts of nature. Along with a colorful crystal directory and an explanation of the different types, see how to use your own special stone to find a soul mate, and improve relationships. Restore the body with the ancient art of crystal medicine, work with the chakras, and relieve mental and emotional stress. Safeguard your space and aura; turn stones into talismans and amulets, and perform crystal divination. Find the right crystal for increasing self-worth and intuition, recalling a past life, or even contacting the angelic realms. Bonus: includes gem therapy remedies. 128 pages (all in color), 8 x 10.

Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius

Hermes Trismegistus
    Their supposed author, a mythical figure named Hermes Trismegistus, was thought to be a contemporary of Moses. The Hermetic philosophy was regarded as an ancient theology, parallel to the revealed wisdom of the Bible, supporting Biblical revelation and culminating in the Platonic philosophical tradition. This new translation is the only English version based on reliable texts, and Professor Copenhaver's introduction and notes make this accessible and up-to-date edition an indispensable resource to scholars.

The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach

Robert Simmons - 2005
    Two introductory chapters detail the authors’ theories about how to work with crystals and stones—including the concept of crystal resonance and the scientific observation that living organisms (such as ourselves) are liquid crystalline structures. An illuminating alphabetical journey through the mineral kingdom, stone by stone, follows.Each entry begins with the stone name and photo, plus its elemental and chakra correspondences, as well as keywords that indicate its properties. Next comes a description of the crystal structure, hardness, history, and known locations of each mineral, plus any relevant legend or lore from the past. Each author then offers an essay on the subtle energy properties and spiritual applications of the stone. The entries conclude with summaries of the spiritual, emotional, and physical healing qualities of the stone, and an affirmation for evoking its potential benefits. The book’s presentation is straightforward enough to make it an excellent introduction for beginners, yet the level of detail and the depth of research make it an invaluable resource for the most experienced stone practitioners.

Witchcraft: A Very Short Introduction

Malcolm Gaskill - 2010
    Indeed, from childhood most of us develop some mental image of a witch--usually an old woman, mysterious and malignant. But why do witches still feature so heavily in our cultures and consciousness? From Halloween superstitions to literary references such as Faust and, of course, Harry Potter, witches seem ever-present in our lives. In this Very Short Introduction, Malcolm Gaskill takes a long historical perspective, from the ancient world to contemporary paganism. This is a book about the strangeness of the past, and about contrasts and change; but it's also about affinity and continuity. He reveals that witchcraft is multi-faceted, that it has always meant different things to different people, and that in every age it has raised questions about the distinction between fantasy and reality, faith and proof. Delving into court records, telling anecdotes, and challenging myths, Gaskill re-examines received wisdom, especially concerning the European witch-hunts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. He also explores the modern memory and reinvention of witchcraft--as history, religion, fiction, and metaphor.