The Paranormal 13

C.J. ArcherChristine Pope - 2014
    Poe The Girl by Lola St Vil Rest For The Wicked by Cate Dean Drowning Mermaids by Nadia Scrieva I Bring the Fire: Part I Wolves by C. Gockel The Witch Hunter by Nicole R Taylor Beyond the Fortuneteller's Tent by Kristy Tate Nolander by Becca Mills The Medium by C.J. Archer Dream Student by J.J. DiBendetto Deception by Stacy Claflin The Black Parade by Kyoko M The Thought Readers by Dima Zales


Julia Crane - 2011
     In elfin society, mates are predetermined but not allowed to meet until they are eighteen. Against tradition, Keegan's brother Thaddeus told her Rourk's name because his visions warned him she'd need Rourk's protection, especially since Keegan will play a key role in the coming war between the dark and light elves. Rourk finds himself drawn to Keegan's side every time she thinks his name. He wants to talk to her but remains in the shadows, silently guarding her every time she mentally beckons him. A twist of fate thrusts the two of them together when Rourk is forced to step up his protection and make his presence known. An ancient prophecy deeply entwines Keegan's family and the future of their society. Somehow they must find a way to thwart fate and win the battle...without losing Keegan. With war brewing, and dark forces aligning, will Keegan and Rourk ever have the life together that they both desire?


Hanna Peach - 2012
    Whether it's with weapons, unarmed or with the “borrowed magics” of distilled angel-blood tattoos, she trains harder than any other Seraphim warrior to prove she is nothing like her parents who abandoned her to become Rogues.When Alyx starts displaying the signs of a strange new magic, most don’t believe her and no one has answers for her. She starts to investigate for herself. The web of lies she uncovers will shatter her world and she’ll be forced to risk everything for Israel, a mortal she barely knows. Alyx and Israel will soon realize that their destinies are inexplicably tied - and that their choices will determine the fate of Earth itself.It begins in Angelfire.Angeldust, the fifth and final installment of the Dark Angel series is now out!

A Brush with the Moon

Raquel Lyon - 2010
    Away from home & back with her best friend, she’s doing the one thing in the world she loves, art. Life’s perfect, or is it? Something’s strange about her new home. People are dying; an old house pulls her towards its doors. Sophie’s changing too; is it the recent fox bite? All becomes clear when she meets the seductive Sebastian and learns his family’s secret.

Wicked Good Witches Three Book Box Set

Starla Silver - 2015
    The Three Book Box Set is a Limited Time Offer so Grab it Fast! The Howard Witches, three siblings charged with protecting The Demon Isle... Charlie, the werewolf. Michael, the empathic death reader. Melinda, living under self-inflicted house arrest. Her gift: prophetic dreams of people about to die. Their mentor, the four-hundred year old Vampire, William Wakefield. Charming, ridiculously handsome, and walking a dangerous line between sinking into darkness and living in the light. In constant temptation to declare his love for the one woman that could be his undoing. The story begins with an unsolved murder. One that will change everything... Come stalk the streets of The Demon Isle... you'll go up against witches, vampires, werewolves, demons, shapeshifters, ghosts, mermaids, faeries and a host of other devious supernatural creatures waiting to wreak havoc on The Demon Isle. Where fans of the paranormal come to vacation and immerse themselves in fantasy. Where magic comes to life, mysteries abound, and you might just find yourself laughing, crying, and most definitely, falling in love. In Book One: Melinda Howard is the Demon Isle's weird girl... the one that's been holed up in the Howard Mansion for the last four years. Why? No one knows the truth except her family... a long line of witches charged with protecting the Demon Isle, along with their mentor, the four-hundred year old Vampire, William Wakefield. Another reason Melinda doesn't mind her self-inflicted imprisonment. She gets to spend her days with the charming vampire, who also happens to be her best friend. Only now, she's spending her night's with him too. He just doesn't know it... Any other girl would enjoy the nightly thrill of a sexy vampire invading her dreams. But not Melinda as her dreams have a tendency to come true. Although typically, they don't include the handsome vampire she's crushing on, but rather horrifying visions of people about to die. But she cannot stay under self-inflicted house arrest forever. And if her brothers or William get their choice in the matter, Melinda will be out of the house partying with her friends, giving her affections to a human, not a vampire, and digging into her role as a witch. A role her eldest brother Charlie lives for and a role her second brother Michael would rather live without. Nevertheless, when duty calls, usually from the local sheriff needing help with some tourist who's gotten themselves into trouble, life screeches to a stop, and duty takes over. Such is the case when the sheriff needs help with a four-year-old murder investigation; one she fears has a supernatural cause. To assist her in the case, she calls upon the skills of The Howard Witches. However, what they learn might be more than any of them can deal with, or accept. Worse yet, they fear what this discovery will do to Melinda, as it returns them all to the core of her self-imprisonment. Back to the lives, she could not save... Wicked Good Witches... Book 1: Demon Street Blues Book 2: Alpha Knows Best Book 3: Bye Bye Bloodsucker Book 4: Ghast Me Gently Book 5: A Nightmare to Remember Book 6: A Stake With a View Book 7: Bite Me, Baby!

When the Black Roses Grow

Angela Christina Archer - 2015
    Nineteen hung to their death on Gallow Hills. One suffocated under bone-crushing stones. All believed to possess the power of witchcraft. In 1692 the fear of witchcraft is spreading around Salem Village. While those who are accused and sentenced face death, everyone else faces the risk of accusations placed upon them. As Emmalynn Hawthorne, the daughter of a woman hung for witchcraft, places a bouquet of flowers upon her mother’s grave, a circle of black roses sprouts out of thin air. Dark magic, the roses strike fear through her heart when Mary Pruett and the handsome newcomer, James DeKane, spy upon her as they pass along the traveling road. Emmalynn flees and her panic soon turns into terror as another vine of black roses sprouts and grows throughout the inside of her home. Is she a witch? Will she be the next accused? James DeKane has secrets of his own—ones that could prove deadly for him and anyone he holds dear. At fault for the untimely death of his parents, he must protect his hidden brother and dying sister, all while fearing that the haunting prophecy bestowed upon him at birth will come to pass. Desperate and fighting the monster deep inside of him, he’s searching for the one love who can alter his destiny.

The Knowing

Ninie Hammon - 2015
     It ends with the return of an evil as ancient as the skeleton of the universe. In the middle, normal garden-variety people must figure out how to live their everyday lives—how to survive!—after they discover that all those Bible stories about demons and angels...they're true. When the hot call comes over the radio: “Code Red! Active shooter at Carlisle Elementary School,” Police Sergeant Jack Carpenter has only one job: find the gunman; take him out. Carpenter rushes into the school, fully armed and focused on cold, hard reality. But what happens to him in the next few hours shatters the world as he has always known it. And in the next three days, everything Jack Carpenter believes about himself, about life and reality, about good and evil and the whole nature of the universe will be challenged. Can it possibly be true—seriously?—that invisible demons prowl among us every day? That there exists in the real world a winged creature more horrifying than any Hollywood-animated, computer-generated, mechanical unreality? And that the single-minded mission of that beast—a creation of absolute, soul-less evil—is to kill Jack Carpenter? That’s crazy! Fairy-tale-science-fiction-horror-movie-bogeyman crap! Bottom line: it flat-out cannot possibly be true. But it is. In this first book in The Knowing Trilogy, award-winning journalist and bestselling Christian suspense and thriller author Ninie Hammon begins a sprawling tale of spiritual warfare that spans a quarter of a century. If you enjoy sleep-with-the-lights-on suspense coupled with characters so lifelike they'll feel like family, The Knowing will open up for you a world you probably don't want to believe is real. But it is. Interview with the Author Q - What makes The Knowing special? A - It's real life on paper. Things happen that really are "unexplainable." There are forces at work in the universe we can't see, with power we can't begin to imagine and plans we don't understand. Is it any wonder that some things flat out don't have a reasonable, rational explanation? Q - Is The Knowing a paranormal book? A - Not in the sense that most people think of as "paranormal." It's not about zombies or vampires or people who turn into werewolves or giant bears or attack-gerbils. The characters in The Knowing are folks you could bump carts with in a small-town grocery store, so when the unexplainable starts to happen to them, you realize the same thing could happen to you, too. Q - Is this Christian fiction? A -Yes, Christian fiction with a backbone. There are Scriptural realities that many Christians say they believe, even think they believe--but when push comes to shove, they discover they really don't. Theresa Washington from The Knowing says it best: "The smartest thing Satan ever done was to get people to believe he don't exist." Q - Why should readers give this book a try? A - Because it will capture your heart and mind, grab you in a reality so gripping you'll decide you can fold the towels later and the lawn will still be out there to mow tomorrow.

Gray Wolf Security (Shifters)

Glenna Sinclair - 2018
    6 Paranormal Romance Books. Full Length. No Cliffhangers. More than 1,000 pages :) In a largely unincorporated county in Minnesota, the newest office of Gray Wolf Security have just moved in... BOOK ONE Tunstall Grayson has been on the run longer than he can recall. He thought living among humans would be easy, but it’s one of the hardest, and loneliest, things he’s ever done. After causing the death of a woman he cared deeply for, Tunstall has shut himself off from all human relationships. Therefore, when Ash Grayson finds him—with a little help from a friend—Tunstall tries to push him away. But Ash knows more than he lets on and he wants to offer Tunstall something he has never had: a true family. With the responsibility of growing a new office of Gray Wolf Security, Ash has not only given Tunstall a place to call home, he’s given him a reason to gather other misfit shifters and build his own pack, one that won’t betray him or hunt him down. One he can truly trust. But if Tunstall thinks he can continue to avoid human contact, he’s got another think coming. BOOK TWO Tunstall has a list of things he needs to do to make a success of his branch of Gray Wolf Security: find a good office manager, hire a strong technology expert, and develop a good relationship with local law enforcement. Tunstall has successfully fulfilled the first two requirements, but he finds himself struggling to develop a relationship with the local sheriff, Erik Os. Ironically enough, Erik is also a shifter like Tunstall and his band of operatives. Unfortunately, Erik is a wolverine, a bear-like creature whose natural enemy is the gray wolf. Erik doesn’t want Tunstall in his county. However, when Erik meets Regan Smith, Tunstall’s young office manager, he can’t quite dismiss the instant attraction that develops between them. BOOK THREE Orson was assigned to a simple case: watch the lawyer representing the men who attacked the lodge. Nothing more. However, while performing this task at the only hotel within fifty miles, Orson meets Talia - the wife of his biological brother, a man he barely knows. Orson has no interest in revisiting a past he’s closed the door on, but when he sees a man bribe a waiter to poison Talia, he has no choice but to rush to her rescue. Where that rescue will take them is something he never could have predicted. BOOK FOUR Tunstall travels to Austin to get help from Gray Wolf security expert, David Grayson, for the security system that seemed to fail his people in Minnesota. He’s joined unexpectedly by newest recruit, Garrick Hamilton, a naive, but likeable shifter with almost no experience at the security game. They’re not in Austin more than an hour before Garrick invites himself onto a case, protecting a pretty, but terminally ill, social worker who’s been getting threats from someone wanting to find one of her young wards. BOOK FIVE Clancy Drake was minding her own business in Austin when Tunstall walked into her life and turned it upside down. Now she finds herself in Minnesota, watching the man she’s been crushing hard on pine over a woman who’s been keeping time with another guy. She wants nothing more than to be there to pick up the pieces when Tunstall gets his heart broken, but the wolf, Ciarrai, walks into her life, making threats she knows he’ll follow through on. He leaves her with two choices: betray Tunstall or allow him to learn her truth about her past. BOOK SIX Tunstall knows now that war is coming. The new leader of the Mahoney Cartel has a personal vendetta to carry out against him.

Clara's Song

Kitty Margo - 2015
    This much she knows. What she doesn’t know is what other gifts will be revealed when she turns eighteen in a few months. While her grandmother has been diligent in her efforts to prepare her for the inevitable changes to come, Clara can focus on precious little besides the devilishly handsome man she met at her coming out ball. Secure in the knowledge that she has a bright future ahead of her, the future Clara discovers is one that she could never have conjured in her wildest dreams.

Later Gator

Julia Mills - 2018
    Where the Tofu is always Southern Fried and the Soul Food is vegetarian, 'cause it just wouldn't be right to eat your neighbors. When the mood strikes and the need for change is too strong to ignore, most people move to the big city or the mountains, heck, some even head to the beach. Not me. No way. That would be way too easy. No L.A., Aspen, or Miami for this Witch. Hairy Wart, LA, is where I landed. Not only is it the Southern Fried Tofu capital of the world, but this blink-and-you-miss-it ‘burg with a population of Ninety-nine-point-five, (Do not ask.) and a mayor who happens to be a seven-foot Pink Bunny when the mood strikes, just might be the home of the craftiest chicken-napping, rock-wielding crazy killer I've ever come up against. To say I have bitten off more than I can chew is like saying the Grand Canyon is a pothole. However, I absolutely refuse to admit defeat. Especially not with Sherriff Sexy Pants dogging my every step and making me all hot and bothered. Whoever said a Gator Shifter can’t make a couple yards of denim really, really happy they became a pair of Wranglers never met Beauregard St. Croix. He takes a bite outta crime in an up close and personal kinda way that I’m liking a little more every day. With a mighty swish of my wand and my sisters by my side, I have made it my mission to rid Hairy Wart of all things nefarious and make the streets safe for everybody – scaled, furry, feathered, or otherwise. No case too small, no lawbreaker too evil. We’re here to help! Bubble, bubble, are you in trouble? Not to worry, we'll be there on the double. No need to fear. No need to fret. We're Southern Fried Sass, Baby. We'll save the day, and my friends, you should take that bet.

Queen of the Lycan: The Crown (Mackenzie Grey Book 10)

Karina Espinosa - 2021
    With my arrival to Scotland and my coronation right around the corner, I’d never been more nervous than I am now. Known for having enemies, I didn’t realize becoming Queen would garner even more. I’m not the only one after the throne and the battle for the crown might cost me my life. The Summits on one side and the Council on the other, it’s a fight to stay on top and protect the lunas from a man’s world. But I’ve never been one to back down, especially when it comes to the lunas. The Summits and Council are in for a rude awakening when I shake things up and turn their worlds upside down. On top of all that, there’s an evil lurking in the forest and it’s after one thing—me. With my mating ceremony coming up, I don’t know how I’m going to survive it all. The goal is the crown, but can I keep it?

Exiled Dragons Box Set

Sarah J. Stone - 2017
     Can be read standalone but recommended to read Volume I by copying the link below: Contains: Book 6: Seeking the Dragon Book 7: Journey to India Book 8: Stuck in the Cabin Book 9: Awakening the Dragon Book 10: Dawn of the Dragons

The Bishop Witches

Ruby Knight - 2013
    Recommended for readers 18+. It is based in the college stage of life.***Savannah meets a guy that shows her that the world as she knows it, isn't the world she knew at all. Stephen introduces her to a world of sorcery and magic. Savannah is a Witch. A vengeful sorcerer takes Savannah's roommate as leverage, in an attempt to stop Savannah from accepting the power that is rightfully hers. If she accepts her magic, her roommate dies. Will she choose to become a light witch? If she doesn't, she will go back to living a completely normal mortal life and in the process save her roommate. But could she live a normal life after tasting a bit of magic? Savannah has to find a way to accept her magic and save her roommate. With a witches kiss, is she killing her friend? The Martin Family's sorcery line dates back to the Salem Witch Trials. Savannah is thrown into the world of magic, bringing danger laced in persecution that has lasted decades. This just so happens to be wrapped in a nice man candy package. Can Savannah find a way to accept her power and save her roommate, accepting her magic in the final hour? Savannah can't deny her fate. She will become a witch, bound by the craft.

Quinn, a Vampire Watcher's Story

Elizabeth Loraine - 2011
    Follow Quinn and Katrina as the Chronicles takes you on a fun wild ride along with those who are chosen as Protectors of the peaceful races of the world as they fight the evil that threatens us all.Extended Description Quinn is a Vampire Watcher. Humans who have been chosen to watch the human population around their vampire charges in order to keep them safe. Royal Blood Chronicles is a series that chronicles the life of Katrina, a young royal blooded vampire who has been chosen as leader of the Protectors, those who protect all the peaceful races of the world.Quinn is Katrina's Watcher and her best friend and much more. Find out about Quinn and his brothers and how the Watchers came to be and enjoy a taste of the Chronicles with half of Katrina the Beginning, book one of Royal Blood Chronicles. Tagsvampire, adventure, action, fantasy, young adult, historical, teen

The Amplifier Protocol

Meghan Ciana Doidge - 2019
    And they had bred me, raised me, and trained me to be a killer with preternatural precision. I was capable of taking, holding, and transferring power that wasn’t my own with a simple touch. Skin-to-skin contact. Along with four others of my generation, I could infiltrate any magical organization, extracting whoever or whatever I’d been ordered to extricate. Then I could destroy all evidence of our passing presence. They had made me. They directed me. Controlled me. Then they tried to kill me. ----------------- The Amplifier Protocol by Meghan Ciana Doidge is the prequel novella (40k) for the Amplifier series, which is set in the Adept Universe along with the Dowser, the Oracle, and the Reconstructionist series. It also includes a BONUS novelette (16k), Close to Home (Amplifier 0.5). Reading order: • The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) • Close to Home (Amplifier 0.5) • Demons and DNA (Amplifier 1)