The Tao Of Chess: 200 Principles to Transform Your Game and Your Life

Peter Kurzdorfer - 2004
    In The Tao of Chess, the author seamlessly blends the wisdom of a time-honoured spiritual quest for truth with 200 principles that will improve anyone's chess game. By following the author's principles, readers not only come to enjoy the game more, they develop a habit of seeking underlying truth - whether in a chess game or a real-life situation.The Tao of Chess is full of conscise advice, such as:Understanding is more important than memoryFortune favors the braveWhen you see a good move, wait and look for a better moveMistakes tend to come in bunchesTrust your intuition; it's usually rightAuthoritative and easy to follow, this book will turn every reader into a master strategist.

Pawn Power in Chess

Hans Kmoch - 1959
    The proper use of pawns — of paramount importance in chess strategy — sometimes even puzzles experienced players. This profoundly original and stimulating book by an International Master and prolific chess writer offers superb instruction in pawn play by isolating its elements and elaborating on various aspects. After a lucid exposition of the fundamentals and the basic formations of one or two pawns that virtually constitute the keys to winning chess strategy, the reader is shown a multitude of examples demonstrating the paramount significance of elements of pawn manipulation. The author’s masterly explanation makes it perfectly clear to the beginner as well as the advanced player how the fate of a game depends on pawn formation and how pawn power holds the proceedings under its remote control. Over 180 games and diagrams illustrate the author’s theory and make it easy to follow the points made in the text.Hans Kmoch played with distinction in several international tournaments and is the author of a number of books and columns on chess and chess tournaments.“We consider it the best publication on chess strategy since the end of World War II.” — Die Welt.

Attacking Chess: Aggressive Strategies and Inside Moves from the U.S. Junior Chess Champion

Josh Waitzkin - 1995
    Now, for the first time, Waitzkin reveals the aggressive tactics and psychological techniques that have propelled him to the forefront of the chess world. His unique introduction to the game combines solid instruction with stories about his personal experiences that capture all the excitement and tension of playing chess at the championship level. Josh Waitzkin's Attacking Chess presents nineteen different offensive strategies, progressing from the most elementary, including forks, pins, skewers, and double threats, to the more advanced and sophisticated moves used by the world's best players. Chapters such as Minor Traps, The Seventh Rank and the Pig, Mating Nets, and Quiet Moves in Attack show how anyone can develop a more aggressive and creative style of play. Each strategy is illustrated with examples taken from actual games Waitzkin has played, described with all the gusto and competitive intensity this young master brings to his craft. You can feel the heat of battle throughout this action-packed manual -- it's guaranteed to entertain and inspire all students of chess who want to learn how to emerge victorious from the black and white jungle.

The Great Book of Riddles: 250 Magnificent Riddles, Puzzles and Brain Teasers

Peter Keyne - 2014
    There are classical logic puzzles, lateral thinking puzzles, “who am I?” riddles, mathematical brain teasers, word ladders, ditloids, and a large selection of illustrated pen and paper, coins, cups, and toothpicks puzzles (please view the preview of this book for a full listing). This is the first time a collection of such breadth has been compiled and formatted especially for Kindle devices. The puzzles have been carefully organized into 25 chapters, and each question is hyperlinked to its solution, to provide utmost ease of navigation. Alongside the world’s most famous riddles, are some lesser known gems, and some brand new puzzles, in print here for the first time. Our aim was to create a definitive compendium of riddles and puzzles to bring enjoyment to people of all ages. We hope you will enjoy unraveling them as much as we enjoyed creating and editing them. Here are a handful of sample riddles: Outside the Box Riddles: You need to divide a round birthday cake into eight pieces, so each of your guests will have something to eat. How can you do this by making only three straight cuts with a knife, and without moving any of the pieces? The king’s two bodyguards developed an ingenious method for assuring the king’s safety. With the king standing between them, they would face in opposite directions; one looking to the west and the other to the east, but at the same time, and without the use of any reflective surfaces, they would both be able to observe the king clearly. How was this possible? Pure Logic Riddles: There are two glasses. One contains water, and the other contains an equal quantity of wine. A teaspoon of water is removed and mixed into the glass of wine. A teaspoon of the wine-water mixture is then removed and mixed into the glass of water. Which of the mixtures is now purer? The sorcerer’s tower was enchanted in such a way that it was able to build itself. Bricks, slates, tiles, and panes of glass, all flew to it of their own accord and danced into position. The tower doubled in size every day until after 100 days it reached a height that provided fine views over the entire realm. How many days did the tower take to reach half its full height? Lateral Thinking Puzzles: Five men are going to church. It starts to rain, and four of the men begin to run. When they arrive at the church, the four men who ran are soaking wet, whereas the fifth man, who didn’t run, is completely dry. How is this possible? Think Twice Riddles: If you are running a race, and you overtake the person in second place, what place do you move into? Word Riddles: SOS is read the same forwards, backwards, and even upside-down. What four-letter word also shares these properties? Number Puzzlers: How many letters are there in the answer to this question? You have an opportunity to buy a hen. In fact, you have been offered a choice between two quite remarkable animals. One of the hens produces six dozen dozen eggs per month, and the other produces a half dozen dozen. Admittedly, both seem impressive. Does it matter which hen you choose? Traditional Poetic Riddles: Five creatures cross a field of snow; But leave a single track behind Whose loops and bows are soon, I know, Unravelled by the mind. Coins, Cups, and Toothpicks Illustrated Riddles: A coin is dropped into an empty bottle and a cork is then inserted in the neck of the bottle. How is it possible to remove the coin without taking out the cork, or breaking the bottle?

Bobby Fischer Goes to War: How the Soviets Lost the Most Extraordinary Chess Match of All Time

David Edmonds - 2003
    Their showdown in Reykjavik, Iceland, held the world spellbound for two months with reports of psychological warfare, ultimatums, political intrigue, cliffhangers, and farce to rival a Marx Brothers film.Thirty years later, David Edmonds and John Eidinow have set out to reexamine the story we recollect as the quintessential cold war clash between a lone American star and the Soviet chess machine - a machine that had delivered the world title to the Kremlin for decades. Drawing upon unpublished Soviet and U.S. records, the authors reconstruct the full and incredible saga, one far more poignant and layered than hitherto believed.The authors chronicle how Fischer, a manipulative, dysfunctional genius, risked all to seize control of the contest as the organizers maneuvered frantically to save it - under the eyes of the world's press. They can now tell the inside story of Moscow's response, and the bitter tensions within the Soviet camp as the anxious and frustrated apparatchiks strove to prop up Boris Spassky, the most un-Soviet of their champions - fun-loving, sensitive, and a free spirit. Edmonds and Eidinow follow this careering, behind-the-scenes confrontation to its climax: a clash that displayed the cultural differences between the dynamic, media-savvy representatives of the West and the baffled, impotent Soviets. Try as they might, even the KGB couldn't help.

Chess Strategy

Edward Lasker - 1915
    Acclaimed by Capablanca, Keres, and other greats.

Modern Chess Openings (McKay Chess Library)

Nick de Firmian - 1972
    First published over a half-century ago, this is a completely revised and updated edition of the book that has been the standard English language reference on chess openings. An invaluable resource for club and tournament players, it now includes information on recent matches and the most up-to-date theory on chess openings.Modern Chess Openings is ideal for intermediate players ready to elevate their game to the next level or International Grandmasters who want to stay on top of recent chess innovations.

Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess

Bobby Fischer - 1966
    The way a teaching machine works is: It asks you a question. If you give the right answer, it goes on to the next question. If you give the wrong answer, it tells you why the answer is wrong and tells you to go back and try again. This is called "programmed learning". The real authors were experts and authorities in the field of programmed learning. Bobby Fischer lent his name to the project. Stuart Margulies is a chess master and also a recognized authority on programmed learning. He is a widely published author of more than 40 books, all in the field of programmed learning, especially in learning how to read. For example, one of his books is "Critical reading for proficiency 1 : introductory level". Donn Mosenfelder is not a known or recognized chess player, but he was the owner of the company that developed and designed this book. He has written more than 25 books, almost all on basic reading, writing and math.

The Seven Deadly Chess Sins

Jonathan Rowson - 2000
    This is a thought-provoking look at the psychological errors that lead chess-players to disaster and keep them from reaching their full potential.

Lichbane: A Deckbuilding LitRPG (Goblin Summoner Book 2)

Tracy Gregory - 2021

Tic Tac Toe: 8 Strategies to Win Every Game

Puzzleland - 2016
    Make the bet more attractive for them: the game could have 10 or 20 rounds, and you’ll give them the privilege of starting first in every s-i-n-g-l-e round. “Piece of cake!” they will think and they will take the bet. Only to discover in despair, 10 or 20 rounds later, that it is impossible to beat you, even once. This book reveals a simple system that will help you never lose a single game from the moment you learn them. Let us repeat that.After reading this book and for the rest of your life, you will never, ever lose a game of Tic-Tac-Toe again! How is it possible never to lose in Tic-Tac-Toe? Tic-Tac-Toe is a “solved” game, meaning that there are mathematically proven strategies to defend yourself against losing. If you play with these optimal strategies in mind, you may win and you can’t lose. If your opponent also plays with the optimal strategies in mind, neither will win, and the game will always end in a draw.However, very few people really know these strategies.This book reveals an easy system of only 8 strategies that will make you a Tic-Tac-Toe Master. If you learn and start applying these 8 strategies, we guarantee that you will never lose a game of Tic-Tac-Toe again. Is it easy to learn these strategies? Very easy! These 8 strategies are presented in 8 mini chapters, with illustrations and step-by-step explanations. Even a kid can read this book and learn the strategies!In just 1 hour you will have learnt all 8 strategies and you will be ready to start applying them. Will I have to think too hard to apply these strategies? As a matter of fact, all you have to do is to memorize our simple system. As soon as you learn this system, every game will be a no-brainer for you. Our system tells you exactly how to play or how to respond to your opponent’s move. Simple as A-B-C.For example, if your opponent plays first and chooses a corner, our system tells you exactly how to respond in order to eliminate any chance of losing the game. Is this for real? Do you guarantee that I will never lose a TTT game again? YES!!! We challenge you to read this book and then immediately start playing Tic-Tac-Toe online, against a computer, applying everything you have learnt. You will discover that even a computer can’t beat you.Your new super powers in Tic-Tac-Toe will blow your mind! Start right now! Buy the book, learn the strategies and NEVER lose a Tic-Tac-Toe game again from that moment and for the rest of your life!Scroll to the top of the page and click the BUY WITH 1-CLICK Button!

Lasker's Manual of Chess

Emanuel Lasker - 1925
    Certainly no man has ever held the world championship longer — 28 years — or kept his powers so long. In his sixties, Lasker began what amounted to a fresh career in chess by playing his first serious game in ten years, and defeating Max Euwe, the man who was the following year to become world champion. The secret behind his extraordinary abilities may perhaps be found in Lasker’s wide knowledge of every phase of the game, and his ability to be independent of schools or fashions.This knowledge is reflected in the Manual of Chess, making it one of the great studies of the game, acclaimed by the chess world almost from the day it appeared. The book is one of the most thorough studies ever written, and though its main appeal is to the intermediate to skilled player, it begins its explanations at a level that can be understood by the beginner. Lasker analyzes basic methods of gaining advantages, exchange value of pieces, combinations, position play, the aesthetics of chess, and almost every other important aspect of the game. He examines dozens of different openings, including the Petroff Defense, the Hungarian Defense, King’s Bishop, Ponziani, Giuoco Piano, and Four Knights’ Game. He constantly illustrates his discussions with games played by the great modern masters. Lasker is always delightful reading, revealing a mind as quick to entertain and philosophize as it is to explain.One of the most rewarding features of the book is Lasker’s illumination and elaboration of the theories of William Steinitz. An interesting sidelight is that although Lasker always thought of himself as a disciple of Steinitz, he was actually an original, more versatile player, inclined to take calculated risks. His exposition of Steinitz’s thought and maxims, his principles of attack and evaluation, however, cannot help but be profitable to any chess player.

The Art of Persistence: Stop Quitting, Ignore Shiny Objects and Climb Your Way to Success

Michal Stawicki - 2015
    Up to 96% of people fail to achieve their goals. But it’s so hard to form those new habits. You know you should eat better, save some money, and make time to date, but isn’t it easier to just sit on the couch? The Secret to Becoming a Millionaire If 96% of people fail to achieve their goals, that still leaves 4% who are in top shape, earning a great income, and finding the love they’ve dreamed of. What are the secrets of these top performers? What do Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, and Steven Covey know that you don’t? What if there was a way to copy their secrets for success so you too could achieve your dreams? What if you could make healthy habits automatic so you never have to make another New Year’s resolution ever again? The Simple Solution that’s Right Under Your Nose Though the words consistency and habits may evoke eye rolls and a feeling of, “That’s too simple!” dive a little deeper and you’ll find the secret formula for success you’ve been waiting for. Michal Stawicki, ex-video game addict turned “Mr. Consistency,” has laid out a veritable formula for getting what you want in life. Whether it’s money, love, fame, a better body, or a better relationship with your kids, The Art of Persistence takes readers step by step from where they’re standing—in chaos, dysfunction, and dissatisfaction—to more happiness and fulfillment. No more broken promises to yourself—this time it’s really different.

Build up your Chess 1: The Fundamentals

Artur Yusupov - 2007
    Yusupov guides the reader towards a higher level of chess understanding using carefully selected positions and advice. This new understanding is then tested by a series of puzzles.Artur Yusupov was ranked No. 3 in the world from 1986 to 1992, just behind the legendary Karpov and Kasparov. He has won everything there is to win in chess except for the World Championship. In recent years he has mainly worked as a chess trainer with players ranging from current World Champion Anand to local amateurs in Germany, where he resides.

Growing in Love

Paige Powers - 2014
    Breakups, makeups, drama in the halls, it’s all in a school day’s work. Jack is your all-American teenager experiencing the usual woes of his generation. Crazy parties, locker scenes, immaturity, and if that wasn’t enough, he’s got serious girl problems. It just so happens that Jack’s friend, Lidia, is having her own dating issues and the two of them come up with a plan to get back at their exes. Pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend and flaunt their incredible happiness to make their past loves jealous. The plan is brilliant and they put on the performance of their young lives. They have high hopes the ruse will be successful and they’ll be back with their original partners before too long. Things are going good for the new, happy couple. But over the course of the faux relationship, they discover each other's true personas and are drawn together despite the false pretenses. Their affection toward one another becomes something neither one expected; genuine. Growing in Love is a tender, coming-of-age story about forgiveness, loss of innocence; self-discovery; relationships of all kinds–including abusive–and teenage love and romance.