Wormwood Summer

Kai Butler - 2021
    They’ve come to collect. When the Summer Queen summons Parker to her court, the private investigator knows there’s trouble brewing. Trapped into compliance by his past debt to the fae monarch, he’s tasked with locating a missing girl in San Amaro. Now he has to find the girl or give up his life.Things only get more complicated when a very familiar cop asks Parker for his help on a case involving murdered magic users. With the victims completely drained of their magic, the San Amaro Police Department needs Parker’s special skill set to track down a killer. Navigating through San Amaro’s paranormal underbelly while dealing with his own past and this new case is the last thing Parker wants or needs. Now Parker’s stuck trying to locate a missing girl, stop a paranormal war, find a killer, and resist Detective Nicholas King’s many charms. Here’s hoping he doesn’t die trying.  Wormwood Summer is a 107,000 word MM urban fantasy with a HFN ending.

Second Chance

Barbara Elsborg - 2020
    Faced with yet another vertical climb, he ignores his uninvited, insistent inner cheerleader. No, he cannot keep up, and what’s more, he’s had enough. And the weather appears to agree he should stop, when sun turns in an instant to thick fog. Callan’s at Whittaker’s Auction House to bid on fae land that his werewolf pack need as their new home, when an unsuspecting human stumbles through the door. Ryder is out of breath, out of luck, way out of his depth—and apparently the newest item on the auctioneer’s block. Unexpectedly tempting, if Callan had the money. As the bidding heats up and Ryder proves dangerously irresistible to the assembled supernatural creatures, the situation grows more and more precarious. When Callan interferes, he puts his pack’s future in peril. Despite knowing how devious faeries can be, desperation makes Callan accept a deal, a chance to win the land for his pack and a future with Ryder. But it’s a risk. Possibly a deadly one. This is not 'just another Valentine's story', it's a Barbara Elsborg Valentine's story (ish). So don't expect the usual sonnets and flowers and Cupids, but do expect the unexpected - vampires, weres, witches and warlocks. Oh, and a vengeful fae. Things are not quite as they may seem. You have been warned!

Base Instincts

Larissa Ione - 2015
    The problem is that he doesn’t desire females, and it’s physically impossible for him to be with males. Thankfully, he and his best friend, Fayle, have an arrangement that keeps him alive . . . if lonely. He finds some solace in his work as a medic at Thirst, a vampire club known for its rough clientele. But his carefully structured world turns upside down when he meets a mysterious male who makes him want what he can never have.Slake is an assassin used to getting what he wants, and what he wants is Raze. But he also wants to earn back the soul he sold when he was a much different demon. All he has to do is capture a runaway succubus named Fayle and hand her over to her family. What he doesn’t count on is being caught himself by a web of lies—and his attraction to Raze.Raze and Slake must navigate a dangerous world to be together. But as Fayle’s jealousy of their relationship turns deadly, they find themselves embroiled in a battle not only for their love, but their lives and souls.

My Christmas Spirit

K.C. Wells - 2019
    So what’s the problem, I hear you cry? Gorgeous, naked man in my bedroom? Well, there’s the not-so-small, highly significant detail that he died six years ago. Yup. You read that right. And now he’s everywhere. I can’t even brush my teeth in peace. And did I mention that he never stops talking? I’ve missed him like crazy, every day of the six years he’s been gone. And with Christmas coming, the memories are even more acute. But this is getting beyond a joke. Ignoring a naked guy is a pretty tough task, especially when I’m the only one who sees him. So when he bops a complete stranger on the head with his dick in the middle of the coffee shop, I have to laugh. Anyone would, right? Except… there’s a look on the guy’s face that tells me he felt that. But… how could he? And now he’s looking at me like he’s expecting me to explain what just happened. Either he’ll call for the guys with the straitjacket… or this will be one of the most interesting conversations I’ve ever had….

Working Stiffs

Roberta BlablanskiSadie Jay - 2020
    Not all vampires are idly rich. Some of them have day jobs. Er, night jobs. In a world struggling to come to grips with the existence of vampires, where reactions range from excitement to fear to determined disbelief, these vampires are just trying to make ends meet. Some of them do mundane work - like waiting tables or driving a cab. Others have more prestigious careers in medicine and crime prevention. But what all their jobs have in common is people. Unpredictable, interesting, frustrating, hostile, helpless, tasty people. Whether they’re pouring drinks, answering phones, hacking into a computer system, or serving up the perfect food/wine pairing, these working stiffs are too busy to fall in love. Or are they? This International Workers Day, celebrate by sinking your teeth into thirteen awesome stories about vampires at work. Because even the undead have to earn a living. Proceeds benefit the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. Titles included in the collection: How to Keep an Author (Alive) by AJ Sherwood Long Haul by Tanya Chris Overexposed by K. Evan Coles Dial-a-Vamp by Roberta Blablanski Off the Menu by R.J. Sorrento Fangs for the Memories by Sadie Jay Call My Number by Megs Pritchard Bad Blood by Lyra Evans Graveyard Cops by Crystel Greene Quality Assured by Edie Montreux Fire and Ice Cold Skin by Mel Gough Life Hacks by Eliott Griffen Bad Decision by H.L Day

A Thousand Lifetimes

Kate Hawthorne - 2019
     Forever. If you’re counting in vampire years, I’m actually two-hundred and eight, and if living that long has taught me anything, it’s that nothing lasts forever. And that’s been fine. It’s… whatever. I’ve never wanted anything that long, anyway, which is why I’ve never taken a mate, but that all changed when I met Declan Byrne. He’s young, handsome, and he doesn’t do what I tell him to. He smells like cinnamon and has eyes that remind me of the daytime sky. Every kiss we share feels like home, and no touch lasts long enough. I need him to be mine. And for the briefest moment he is, and life is perfect… and then it isn’t. Rogue vampires threaten to pull us apart, and complicated politics are painful reminders that a world exists beyond our privacy of our bedroom. But if anyone thinks they can keep me away from Declan, they have another thing coming. My mate and I have a thousand lifetimes to live, and we’re just getting started.

Marked by Death

Kaje Harper - 2020
    The voices in his head are getting louder, weirder, and more numerous. But tattoos appearing on his skin say that there might be a magical reason, something other than his own brain going around the bend. He's worked up the nerve to ask the local necromancer for help. Now he just has to survive his encounter with tall, dark, and talks-to-ghosts.Necromancer Silas Thornwood doesn't appreciate being woken out of his bed by a stranger pounding on his door. But when that stranger turns out to be a half-frozen young man with an unexpected appeal, Silas can't turn him away. Even Grim, his cat-familiar, agrees— in a world of death and demons, protecting gorgeous, ghost-ridden Darien is Silas's next difficult job.

Litha's Constant Whim

Amy Lane - 2010
    Whim's prince believes there is more to him than that and on Litha, the night of the summer solstice, sends Whim into the mortal world where he strives to give a piece of himself to others. It is on Litha that Whim meets Charlie, a young, desperate human who steals a kiss. Whim steals one back and, in turn, craves another taste of this extraordinary man. Their vows to return next Litha and finish what they started launch a thirteen-year tradition of celebration between the mortal and the immortal, between love and patience, that is sustained by Whim's driving, faithful compulsion to love and keep his human close to his heart.

The Snow Prince

Raleigh Ruebins - 2020
    I grew up in the quaint little village of Berrydale, one of the five towns ruled by Frostmonte Kingdom. I had no money. Almost no family. But Prince Sebastian was still my best friend.Then the queen caught us kissing in the Christmas tree lot.One night changed our lives forever. I was shipped off to the mountains, and Sebastian was finally swept away to Frostmonte Castle. Now eleven years later, I’m back in Berrydale, and I sure as hell don’t want to be. Everything has changed. Sebastian has become an icy, reclusive prince, set to marry a princess.But then he’s in front of me. And I can see something broken in his eyes. Everything in me wants to fix it. Knows I can fix it. The feelings I’ve buried deep inside come rushing back all at once… forbidden feelings included....And then I end up in his bed. His stupid, giant, four-poster, royal bed.I swear the Sebastian I once knew is still in there, under the frost-cold exterior. We can never be together, or he risks losing the throne. But there’s no chance I can stay away.The Snow Prince is part of the MM Fairy Tale Romance series. All books are completely standalone and are modern retellings of classic fairy tales with a gay romance twist.

Winter Rising

Richard Amos - 2018
    Or was it the murder? No definitely the curse. In mourning after the murder of his husband, and looking for revenge, Jake Winter finds himself in a city that shouldn’t exist. Evil stalks the streets and goblins weave sweet lies, and there’s a curse that, it turns out, only Jake can break. Suddenly, revenge isn’t his only purpose; suddenly Jake is the people’s last hope. Add some new friends sworn to guard him, including a sexy half-fae bloke who has an unwelcome effect on Jake’s pulse, and the stage is set for a new life of danger and death on the British coast. Because Jake has a destiny. Question is, will he live long enough to fulfill it? A dark urban fantasy tale with kick-ass action and slow-burn m/m romance.

Theoden (New Haven #0)

Nicholas Bella - 2018
    Apparently, there has been a huge demand for me to tell it. Normally, I do what I want, unless the command comes from my Sire, Ara. But, revealing the tale about how I became the powerful vampire Prince of the City is something I think I will enjoy telling. You'll see my first mission for the church, my first kill, the life-changing moment when I lost my virginity, and how I chose my first son, all of the things that mean something to me, that made me the vampire I am. So, sit back, and give me all of your attention, as I want your eyes on me. Now, let's begin. Prepare to be entertained to new heights as Theoden delivers you a unique tale of his life from childhood to the vampire Master you know him to be. Warning: This is a prequel to the highly erotic, extremely dark and twisted New Haven Series and the spin-off, Odin Chronicles. I can't stress enough how strong the sexual, violent, and adult content is in this book. It will steam up your glasses, and melt your contact lenses. The temperature in the room will rise to unbearable degrees. Pearls will be clutched and you may utter the words: "Oh my God" several times while reading. You have been warned. For mature readers only.

In the Wreckage

Hailey Turner - 2017
    For three years he’s been working for the Metahuman Defense Force and leading Alpha Team—all against the wishes of his family. The job requires his full dedication, so it’s no surprise Jamie doesn’t have time for a relationship. An enticing one-night stand with a gorgeous stranger is all it takes to show Jamie exactly what he’s been missing. When a mission to take down a terrorist cell brings that same stranger back into his world, Jamie’s life gets complicated.A soldier with secrets.Staff Sergeant Kyle Brannigan was only looking to relieve some stress after a long mission. He didn’t know the hot guy he picked up at a bar was the leader of the MDF’s top field team. When Kyle and his partner get seconded to Alpha Team to help fight a terrorist threat, he has to balance his desire for Jamie against his duty to keep his secrets safe. That gets harder and harder to do amidst regulations both are tempted to break.Two men trying to survive.Giving into passion could cost both their careers. Abiding by the rules will only result in heartache. An attack on MDF headquarters brings with it a choice Jamie and Kyle can’t escape—duty, or love?

Blood From a Stoner

L.A. Witt - 2017
    Immortality? Not all it’s cracked up to be. The job? Way more headache than it’s worth, especially on those increasingly frequent nights when he’s overworked and hangry. With a deadline looming and his hunger growing, he’s nearing the end of his tether. Then relief comes from an unexpected source—Zane Webber, the hot programmer Greg’s been fantasizing about for two years. Disregarding company policy, Zane lets him feed, but kind of forgets to mention he’s got some weed in his system. The next thing Greg knows, he’s high as a kite… and he likes it. He wants more. Except how much of that high is secondhand weed, and how much is the electric and undeniable chemistry between him and Zane?That chemistry draws them back to each other again and again, and suddenly their downtime is full of sex, smoke, feeding… and emotions. The only problem is that Zane’s a mortal. If they’re in this for the long haul, then Greg has to either turn Zane or accept a future of watching him wither and die. Greg doesn’t want to lose Zane, but he also can’t stomach condemning him to this “life.”And if they can’t find some middle ground, they’ll have no choice but to let their love go up in smoke.

The Gryphon King's Consort

Jenn Burke - 2017
     The sudden death of the Gryphon King throws the kingdom of Mythos into uncertainty, and Crown Prince Luca rushes both his coronation and an arranged marriage to a man he’s never met. Eirian is young and idealistic, and while they both want what’s best for their people, their philosophies couldn’t be more different. While Luca believes in honoring tradition, Eirian is determined to infuse modern values into their kingdom of magical creatures. When given the choice between loyalty to his husband and his own crusade, Eirian makes a decision that might doom their marriage. Still, Luca is committed to making their union work, and that means forgiving his brash consort. But when Eirian becomes the target of a deadly conspiracy, Luca must act fast—or forever lose the chance to explore their burgeoning love.

With a Kiss

Kim Dare - 2011
    But, when he’s assigned to visit a comatose man, he soon finds himself spilling out his whole life story in an effort to fill the silence. It’s not long before the peace and comfort he finds in the man’s hospital room becomes Liam’s refuge from an increasingly hostile world. Vampire Marcus Corrigan has been trapped inside his paralysed body for over three years, unable to communicate with anyone. The chatty young man who visits Marcus quickly captivates him, and Liam’s softly spoken words soon have him determined to rescue the boy from his current life, but, unable to move a muscle, all Marcus can actually do is lay there and listen. There’s only one thing that can wake up Marcus. There’s only one thing that can save Liam’s sanity. Everything is about to change for them both, and it will change with a kiss. Please Also Note: This is the second edition of this title. It has been tweaked and re-edited but the plot has not been changed.