How To Be A Wicked Witch: Good Spells, Charms, Potions and Notions for Bad Days

Patricia J. Telesco - 2001
    The next time you are downsized, dumped on, or jilted, or feel like a drudge, turn to this light-hearted but learned primer on the art of spellcraft. This witty combination of traditional rituals for finding health, wealth, and happiness will also show you clever ways to use magic for exacting just retribution, balancing karmic bank accounts, chastising a wayward lover, improving your personal image, or effectively dealing with a meddlesome mother. With incantations drawn from a variety of magickal traditions (as well as suggestions on how to customize them) and simple rituals that require nothing more than willpower and ingredients found in any household, Patricia Telesco explains transformational methods for handling both the big crises and the little annoyances of everyday life, including how to: Increase sexual potency and passion • Improve your luck • Lure a lover • Resolve a family feud • Increase personal charisma • Attract prosperity Filled with sane advice and sassy examples, How to Be a Wicked Witch will help you release the witch within.

Techniques of High Magic: A Handbook of Divination, Alchemy, and the Evocation of Spirits

Francis X. King - 1976
    • Explains various divination systems and how to perform ancient rituals that open the doorway to secret and arcane knowledge. True magic can be defined as the art and science of using little-known or forgotten natural forces in order to achieve changes in consciousness and the physical environment. It concerns a wide body of doctrines and techniques, including the conjuring of spirits and non-human entities; the manufacture and consecration of wands, swords, talismans, and other tools of the magus; ritual divination; and the exploration of universes other than that with which we are familiar. The masters who taught others these ancient arts are gone, but Techniques of High Magic provides the practical and lucid instruction necessary for self-initiation into these secret traditions. Emphasizing the ordered nature of the universe and the power of will directed by imagination, Francis King and Stephen Skinner introduce the reader to magical practices, rituals, and instruments that have been used for centuries. They explain systems of divination such as the I Ching, the Tarot, and geomancy, as well as techniques of astral projection and elementary alchemy. Their disciplined approach to magical practice includes easy formulas and diagrams that will help the initiate navigate an ancient and potent universe of gods, angels, and spirits--the world of High Magic.

Llewellyn's Complete Formulary of Magical Oils: Over 1200 Recipes, Potions & Tinctures for Everyday Use

Celeste Rayne Heldstab - 2011
    Whether your intention is magical or medicinal, specially blended essential oils can enrich your life with their mystical, energizing, and transformative power.Within this one-of-a-kind portable apothecary, learn to select and mix 67 essential oils for a myriad of magical, medicinal, and spiritual applications. Spanning every purpose from inner calm and romance to healing and energy work to prayer and spellcraft, all 1,200 recipes are arranged alphabetically to make it easy to find precisely what you need.Step by step, Celeste Rayne Heldstab also shows how to create your own blends for spells, rituals, and remedies. Amp up their potency with correspondences for the elements, day of the week, time of day, Moon phase, astrological sign, herbs, and gemstones.Protection for house & home Love & passion Career & finances Dreamwork & meditation Beauty & skin care Fatigue, headaches, & other common ailments Praise: Celeste skillfully demystifies the process of using and blending oils by providing lucid, detailed, and easy-to-read instructions while emphasizing the magical power inherent in plants.--Judika Illes, author of The Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells

S.S.O.T.B.M.E. Revised: An Essay on Magic

Ramsey Dukes - 1975
    Magical thought is described and contrasted with Science, Art and Religion. The dynamic relationship between them is explained. Modern magic and its role in the 21st century is outlined with respect to practices ranging from ritual magic, through alchemy to New Age therapies. Specific topics include: secrecy, initiation, sacrifice, cyber-animism, Crowleyanity, morality, pseudo-science, demonology, deity, miracles and divination.

Pieces of Eight: Chaos Magic Essays and Enchantments

Gordon White - 2016
     Learn about: The grimoire tradition and its relationship to Chaos Magic. The latest consciousness science and the return of Animism. The role of the Devil and the Saints in European magic and witchcraft. Begin practising: A Chaos Magic form of Remote Viewing. An Ancient Roman system of hexing. A method of summoning Dragon Spirits. A Sumerian method of banishing Ghosts. A complete system of spirit evocation. From the author of the acclaimed Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits and The Chaos Protocols: Magical Techniques for Navigating the New Economic Reality comes a definitive and much-needed exploration of the core principles of Chaos Magic. "Whoever said books on magick can't be fabulously entertaining as well as eminently practical has obviously not read up on their Gordon White. Remedy that situation." -Christopher Knowles. The Secret Sun.

The Human Aura Astral Colors and Thought Forms

William Walker Atkinson - 1912
    An ethereal radiation. The egg-shaped human nebula. Psychic atmosphere sensed by everyone, but seen by but few. The clairvoyant vision. The phosphorescent flame, and luminous cloud. The colors in the aura and what they mean. Effect of mental states, emotion and passion, upon its aura. The human aura is a very important and interesting phase of every personality. The finer forces, the most powerful.

Wicca Essential Oils Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Working with Magical Oils, with Simple Recipes and Spells

Lisa Chamberlain - 2017
    Since before recorded history, shamans and healers of all kinds have used fragrant oils in ritual, magic and medicine, knowing as we do that their use has the potential to transform lives on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Because of their unique effects on the mind of the practitioner, botanical oils provide a direct tie between the natural physical world and the spiritual plane. But what exactly are magical oils and where do they come from? Unlike other natural ingredients such as crystals and plant roots, oils don’t come fully-formed into the world on their own—instead, they are derived from processes developed by human beings. Many who are new to the Craft may have little understanding of just what it is they’re anointing their candles (or their own bodies) with, since unlike most other tools used in ritual and spellwork, oils aren’t exactly easy to examine close-up. This lack of familiarity can make working with oils seem daunting, or even create an unintentional energetic disconnect between the beginning magician and these otherwise-powerful substances. If you’ve ever wondered how or why to use botanical oils in your spellwork, this guide will serve you well. Essential Oil Magic was created to provide you with a comprehensive overview of magical botanical oils and their use in modern Witchcraft. Best-selling author Lisa Chamberlain explains the evolution of magical oils over time, from their rustic beginnings to their modern incarnations in the form of essential oils, giving you a clearer sense of how these unique substances came to be and why they greatly enhance your ritual and magical practice. In addition, you’ll be introduced to a Witch’s dozen of essential oils commonly used in both healing and contemporary magic, many with histories of magical use going back for thousands of years. These 13 oils represent a wide range of scents, plant types, and healing and magical properties, and are among the most affordable essential oils available today. What’s more, each of the blend recipes and spells utilize oils from this Witch’s dozen, making it easier for you to get your blending practice underway in no time. Foundations for Using Essential Oils in Your Magical Practice Knowing what goes into essential oils and how these ingredients contribute to magic is an excellent first step. But to create the highest quality magical blends, you’ll need to know what to look for when purchasing your oils, and how to properly care for them. Furthermore, you’ll need to get acquainted with each of your single oils on its own terms—its unique scent, its magical properties, and which oils to mix it with for a pleasing and powerful blend. Essential Oil Magic has all of this information and more, including: How our spiritual forbears in the Craft used botanical oils in ritual, magic and healing in ancient civilizations How the magical properties of oils add power to your spellwork Profiles of 13 of the most popular and readily available oils used by Witches today, including their magical properties and associations Need-to-know tips for selecting and storing essential oils Detailed instructions for creating your own magical blends Blend recipes, oil-oriented spells for you to try your hand at, and a few other ideas f

The Twelve Faces of the Goddess: Transform Your Life with Astrology, Magick, and the Sacred Feminine

Danielle Blackwood - 2018
    This inspiring, hands-on guide shows you how to connect with the twelve faces of the Goddess through astrology, story, ritual, and pathworking.Explore cross-cultural myths associated with each goddess, delve into astrology from a groundbreaking feminine perspective, and discover the personality, archetype, and correspondences of each zodiac sign to unlock a deeper understanding of yourself as the heroine of your story. Work with the specific guiding goddesses in your birth chart, learn how astrology is connected to the seasonal turning points on the Wheel of the Year, and much more. The Twelve Faces of the Goddess is a reminder that connecting with the sacred feminine is an empowering and radical act that can guide you on your journey.Praise:"An inspiring exploration of the archetypal interconnections between astrology, ritual, and the divine feminine."—Kris Waldherr, bestselling author of The Book of Goddesses and creator of The Goddess Tarot"Danielle has beautifully woven a book that everyone can use to enhance their journey into the feminine and the mysteries on many levels. Though it is about the goddesses and the feminine found in the archetypes of astrology, mythology, ritual and the magical, it is not a book for women only. It is a book for all on the seeking path—to the realms of their own inner space; all the types are familiar to us, but now we have the language."—Erin Sullivan, author, astrologer, and teacher"Danielle Blackwood has crafted a beautiful and smart zodiacal tribute to the Goddess. All too frequently when astrologers present archetypal descriptions of the twelve Sun signs, the signs are unconsciously framed in terms of the masculine psyche and its agenda. In order to eliminate this habit as astrologers, we need the Goddess to speak first, we need her to speak more often, and we need her to speak from her own authority. To this end, Blackwood has contributed something powerful to the field of archetypal astrology."—Adam Elenbaas, astrologer, author of Fishers of Men: The Gospel of an Ayahusca Vision Quest"Although we've never met, Danielle Blackwood is a kindred spirit. As I read her poetic prose, she beckoned me to join her at that moonlit crossroads where magick and the sacred feminine intersect with astrology. That is where it all began and that is where it will wind up, as the patriarchal spell unravels and we remember who we are. Let The Twelve Faces of the Goddess be a lantern for you on that homeward path."—Steven Forrest, author of The Inner Sky"A refreshing look at astrology from the perspective of the divine feminine. The topic of astrology is often intimidating to learn, but Blackwood presents information about the signs and how to use the magick and power of the goddesses connected to them in an easy-to-understand and relatable way . . . this is a must-read."—Stephanie Woodfield, author of Dark Goddess Craft"This beautifully written book is a thoroughly uplifting, as well as informative, read and now has a place at the top of my list of favorite astrology books."—Lisa Tenzin-Dolma, author of The Planetary Myths and Take Control with Astrology"A brilliant melding of the ancient art of astrology with modern-depth psychology perspectives, resulting in a partnership that can be used to facilitate personal growth, catalyze spiritual transformation, and deepen one's conscious relationship with the self."—Jhenah Telyndru, founder of the Sisterhood of Avalon and author of Avalon Within: A Sacred Journey of Myth, Mystery, and Inner Wisdom"Well and clearly written, this book will please experienced astrologers and take beginners to a higher level of understanding . . . Danielle Blackwood's book brings a fresh and useful perspective."—Ashleen O'Gaea, author of several books on Wicca, including the Celebrating the Season of Life series"Looking for a book that seamlessly weaves Goddess spirituality, archetypal psychology, and astrology together into a tapestry of love, magic, and (surprise!) real-world wisdom? The Twelve Faces of the Goddess by Danielle Blackwood is the book you are looking for."—Anne Newkirk Niven, editor of SageWoman"Danielle Blackwood has created a thoughtful exploration of the reader's personal journey full of empowering aha moments and compassionate wisdom. This is a smart and intuitive guide that connects all the pieces for both the new and seasoned mystical practitioner."—Mickie Mueller, author of The Witch's Mirror"With an accessible voice and her distinctive style, Danielle Blackwood brings clarity to the convergence of astrology, archetypes, and Campbell's hero's journey . . . all with a deliciously goddess-centric twist! This is a volume to return to again and again."—Jen McConnel, author of Goddess Spells for Busy Girls"Danielle Blackwood shares her lifelong study as well as her personal experience of esoteric practices in this friendly engaging guide book to self discovery."—Donna Henes, author of The Queen of My Self"Beautifully written and thought-provoking. This book is a clever combination of astrology and magick with some unexpected goddess associations for the twelve zodiac signs."—Ellen Dugan, author of Natural Witchery"Danielle Blackwood gives us a unique approach to the sacred feminine by taking her readers on a journey through astrology and magick, joined together in ways both new and ancient. Blackwood's writing is lyrical yet still easily accessible and offers seekers a path to finding their own mystical identities."—Deborah Blake, author of Everyday Witchcraft"Danielle offers a mystical, yet very practical approach to establishing a personal relationship with the Sacred Feminine . . . With Goddess mythology, hands-on ritual practices, and nods to the stars, the information Danielle presents here is in-depth, highly individualized, and absolutely magickal."—Priestess Brandi Auset, author of The Goddess Guide"The Twelve Faces of the Goddess brings new life to the ancient supposition of as above, so below."—Kris Waldherr, bestselling author of The Book of Goddesses and creator of The Goddess Tarot

The Mystical Qabalah

Dion Fortune - 1957
    This Weiser Classics edition is newly re-typeset and include a new foreword by Judika Illes and a new afterword by Stuart R. Harrop, co-director of the Society of Inner Light (founded in 1924 by Dion Fortune).Dion Fortune's classic, The Mystical Qabalah, explores all aspects of the Qabalah, including the esoteric sciences of astrology and tarot, which form the basis of the Western Mystery Traditions. It provides a key to the practical working of this mystical system for both novice and initiate alike.

The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need

Joanna Martine Woolfolk - 1982
    But the CD-ROM in this new edition allows the reader to cast his or her chart in just a few minutes by inputting the date, time and place of birth into the computer, producing a personalized astrological chart in just a few minutes. In addition to revealing the planets' influence on romance, health, and career, The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need takes a closer look at the inner life of each sign. Celebrated astrologer Joanna Martine Woolfolk offers abundant insights on the personal relationships and emotional needs that motivate an individual, on how others perceive astrological types, and on dealing with the negative aspects of signs. Readers will also welcome the inclusion of new discoveries in astronomy.

Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy

Mircea Eliade - 1951
    Writing as the founder of the modern study of the history of religion, Romanian emigre--scholar Mircea Eliade (1907-86) surveys the practice of Shamanism over two & a half millennia of human history, moving from the Shamanic traditions of Siberia & Central Asia--where Shamanism was first observed--to North & South America, Indonesia, Tibet, China & beyond. In this authoritative survey, Eliade illuminates the magico-religious life of societies that give primacy of place to the figure of the Shaman--at once magician & medicine man, healer & miracle-doer, priest, mystic & poet. Synthesizing the approaches of psychology, sociology & ethnology, "Shamanism" will remain for years to come the reference book of choice for those intrigued by this practice.

The Medicine Wheel: Earth Astrology

Sun Bear - 1980
    Now, with this special 25th anniversary edition of the late Sun Bear's classic bestseller, readers old and new can benefit from the teachings and techniques of the Medicine Wheel. In The Medicine Wheel, Sun Bear and Wabun put forth a whole new system of earth astrology to help guide people not only in their daily living but also in their life paths. In the authors' own words, this book was written to "help all people relate better to our Earth Mother...and find a kinship with the universe." The Medicine Wheel is a beautiful and inspiring approach to graceful, holistic living in trying modern times. The Medicine Wheel's philosophy is derived from a basic principle known by all people who live close to the earth: Once you fully embrace the elemental forces of nature, you become a part of the whole. Let this book be your first step toward finding peace and prosperity—and your own special place in the circle of life.

Druid Magic: The Practice of Celtic Wisdom

Maya Magee Sutton - 2000
    They were wizards, storytellers, teachers and spiritual leaders. They were attuned to the Earth and the Sun. And they were very powerful.Druid Magick presents everything you need to know to become a Druid and even start your own Druid "Grove" (the name of a Druid group). Learn about the Druid's tools--the sickle, wand, cord, and more--and how to make and use them. Discover all of the beliefs the Druids hold, including the emphasis on honor and ethics.And, of course, you'll learn the secrets of the magic of the Druids.Protection spells How to use magic to find missing items Learn to visit other "worlds" (levels of reality) Shapeshifting And more! Druidry is far more than historic Celtic leadership. It is a living, growing, spiritual tradition that can bring you more self-assurance and self-development than you've before ever had.Winner of the 2001 Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) Award for best Magic Book

On Becoming an Alchemist: A Guide for the Modern Magician

Catherine MacCoun - 2008
    But this is only half the story. According to Catherine MacCoun, alchemy is no mere metaphor. It’s real magic. Transforming the inner world is, for the alchemist, a way to transform the outer world. Through studying the principles of alchemy, we can achieve extraordinary effects from ordinary actions by understanding how the world really works. We can perceive the hidden connections between the spiritual and the material worlds. Knowledge of these connections enables us to influence external phenomena through the powers of heart and mind alone. Yet alchemy is not, like some forms of magic, the exercise of mind over matter. It is the art of taking what already exists—whatever presents itself—and transmuting the harmful into the helpful, the useless into the valuable. On Becoming an Alchemist initiates us into these secrets, showing us how to think, perceive, and operate as an alchemist. It offers practical advice and exercises that will help the modern magician to: ● Understand and apply basic principles of alchemy ● Transmute setbacks, failures, and losses into sources of magical power ● Navigate one’s inner world with poise, confidence, and common sense ● Intuitively show up in the right place at the right time to benefit from magical coincidences ● Discover the potentials latent in any situation by awakening subtle perception

Practical Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Crystals, Horoscopes, Psychics, and Spells

Nikki Van De Car - 2017
    Clear introductions on trending topics, like herbal tonics and astrological charts, are paired with home remedies, hands-on instructions, and suggested rituals in a chic, stylish format that will capture the imaginations of good witches of all ages.