A Storm Over Netherfield: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance

Rosemary Barton - 2018
    While her sister Jane’s budding romance with Mr Bingley gives her joy, she has had enough of the proud Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley’s catty sisters. While waiting for her father to send the carriage to fetch them home, she decides to go for a walk in the woods around Netherfield Park to escape their company. A storm strikes earlier than expected, catching her unawares. In her rush to return to Netherfield, Elizabeth twists her ankle. Soaked through and in pain, she is mortified when she is found by Mr Darcy, the man she cannot stand. With the roads flooded and Elizabeth unable to walk without aid, the Bennet girls have no choice but to spend another week at Netherfield Park Darcy has been troubled by his attraction for the lively but unsuitable Elizabeth Bennet. After a week in her presence when she has bewitched him beyond his comfort, he is relieved that she is to go home. But when the storm strikes and Elizabeth doesn’t return from her walk, he leaves at once to search for her. Now, he must spend another week under the same roof as this fascinating woman and he is uncertain whether he can continue to resist his powerful feelings for her. As Elizabeth and Darcy spend more time together, they slowly let their guards down as they discover new things to admire about one another. Elizabeth wonders if she has misjudged Darcy while he finds he cares less and less about what the world might think if he was to choose Elizabeth as his bride. But Miss Bingley is determined to have Mr Darcy for her husband. Forced to play hostess to the girl who is winning the heart of the man she desires, her jealousy gets the better of her and she is willing to do all she can to come between them. Confusion and misunderstandings increase with the arrival of another unexpected visitor and Elizabeth and Darcy must decide if their feelings for one another are strong enough to conquer their own pride as well as the interference of others.

Fallen Woman: A Pride and Prejudice Vagary

Arthel Cake - 2019
    Darcy has already left Netherfield. Torn by his attraction to Elizabeth Bennet, a woman he cannot marry, he retreats to Scotland, unaware of the social disaster that overtakes the Bennet family. Shunned by friends and neighbors, Mrs. Bennet succumbs and Mr. Bennet moves what is left of his family to London. As Mary and Kitty find husbands, Elizabeth and Jane are left to care for their failing father with little money and less hope for the future. After Mr. Bennet’s death, the sisters continue to live on the bare edge of gentility with fading prospects for happiness in life. But then Elizabeth accidently encounters Mr. Bingley. Both young women are drawn back into his sphere, which includes Mr. Darcy. Once again Bingley is plagued by his sister Caroline, who is as determined as ever to prevent his marriage to Jane, and whose machinations may go farther back than anyone realizes. Darcy is assisting his friend in his renewed courtship of Jane and as Elizabeth finds herself in continual contact with him a friendship grows between them, one Elizabeth tries to believe is platonic, while Darcy knows he is still inescapably in love with her. Torn between a growing attraction to Darcy and the taint of Lydia’s sin, Elizabeth struggles to find a way forward. Darcy has problems of his own. His sister Georgiana has withdrawn from her first Season, refusing to choose a suitor in spite of family pressure. Lady Catherine deBourgh believes she can force Darcy to marry her daughter Anne, and will stop at nothing to achieve her goal. And a threat from the past by Darcy’s old enemy George Wickham arises once more with the potential to ruin not only the Darcys but the Fitzwilliam family as well. Now at a Twelfth Night ball, Darcy is no longer able to deny his love and offers Elizabeth his hand. But Elizabeth, deeply damaged by her experiences, believes herself unworthy of him and rejects him with consequences no one could have predicted, forcing Darcy to face a turning point that will decide his and Elizabeth’s future in one last encounter. Finally, just when matters seem to be settled, Darcy and Elizabeth’s happiness is jeopardized once again by a ghost from the past as Wickham finally seems ready to strike.

Rose Cottage: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

A.K. Madison - 2020
    Their worst fears are realized as they must leave their beloved Longbourn to face an uncertain future.Elizabeth Bennet faces the a bleak future. It is clear that her mother will never be equal to the tasks of managing the meager finances, planning for the move, or giving guidance and love to her youngest daughters. Elizabeth can expect life as a spinster, caring for the family and finally being left alone to tend Fanny Bennet.Fitzwilliam Darcy arrives at Netherfield on the very eve of the funeral, after a letter is misdirected. He throws himself into the repair work on the Bennets’ cottage, pouring into it all his unrequited love for Elizabeth. Although she may not belong to him, he quickly realizes that he belongs to her—and that he always will.Love grows with the advancing spring, just as surely as the lovely old roses begin to grow at the derelict cottage. As a new haven for the Bennets begins to emerge from the ruins, Elizabeth and Darcy find themselves likewise giving their love a new, second chance. When an unseen and powerful opponent seeks to block their marriage, Elizabeth and Darcy will fight for their freedom to live together in peace.Please note: This story includes two scenes of non-graphic violence. It also incorporates a love scene between the newly married couple in which author and readers will close the door and tiptoe away. It is best suited for readers in the late teens and up.

What Comes Around: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Madeline Kennet - 2018
    Darcy overhears some less than flattering opinions of himself. Is fate trying to tell him something? Approximately 13,000 words.

When Duty Calls

Belén Paccagnella - 2020
    Mr. Bingley’s departure leaves the eldest, Jane Bennet, heartbroken whilst Mr. Collins’s proposal induces Miss Elizabeth to make a hasty escape. During her flight, she happens upon Mr. Darcy, a gentleman she despises. A moment of solitude in the woods leads to rather improper behavior, and the couple departs with the promise they will tell no one about their minor indiscretion. When their secret is finally uncovered, marriage becomes the only solution to saving Elizabeth from social disgrace. Her other grudges against Mr. Darcy are amplified by resentment and the prospect of spending her life with a man she can never respect. Nonetheless, the marriage takes place, forcing the young couple to deal with their pride and prejudices as husband and wife.Originally posted online almost twenty years ago, this Regency tale of redemption narrates the struggles of two people, their differences, and their rocky start. But will they succeed in overcoming lies, misunderstandings, and their own errors to finally find love?

The Clergyman's Wife: A Pride & Prejudice Novel

Molly Greeley - 2019
    Intelligent, pragmatic, and anxious to escape the shame of spinsterhood, Charlotte chose this life, an inevitable one so socially acceptable that its quietness threatens to overwhelm her. Then she makes the acquaintance of Mr. Travis, a local farmer and tenant of Lady Catherine…In Mr. Travis’ company, Charlotte feels appreciated, heard, and seen. For the first time in her life, Charlotte begins to understand emotional intimacy and its effect on the heart—and how breakable that heart can be. With her sensible nature confronted, and her own future about to take a turn, Charlotte must now question the role of love and passion in a woman’s life, and whether they truly matter for a clergyman’s wife.

Memory: Volume 1, Lasting Impressions: A Tale Of Pride And Prejudice

Linda Wells - 2010
    Influenced by their experiences and the people around them, they must endure a year of transformation to find their love. What effect would the sight of their soul mates have upon Darcy and Elizabeth if it occurred at a much earlier and vulnerable moment? How would this shared memory change his advance into arrogance and pride, and her sensitivity to the opinions of others? And ultimately, what will happen when they finally meet somewhere beyond their imaginations? The Memory series is a story of family, and how the love affair of one couple influences the lives of everyone around them. Volume 1: Lasting Impressions begins on a fateful day in Hyde Park when 15-year-old Elizabeth Bennet spies the handsome 22-year-old Fitzwilliam Darcy. Instead of wondering over his status: bachelor, rich, gentleman . . . all of the qualities she had been taught by her mother to seek for her husband, she saw only the sorrowful man in need. Darcy heard laughter and saw a girl and a smile. Both have much to overcome before they can be together, but one thing is certain, they would have loved each other no matter where or when they had met.The story continues in Volume 2: Trials to Bear, and Volume 3: How Far We Have Come. These stories contain scenes of a mature nature.

An Overheard Proposal: Darcy and Elizabeth What If? #13

Jennifer Lang - 2018
    All the novellas in the Darcy and Elizabeth What If? series are separate, standalone stories. They can be read in any order. What if Lady Catherine's companion had overheard Mr Darcy proposing to Elizabeth at Rosings? When Lady Catherine fears her nephew is to marry Miss Elizabeth Bennet, she allows her daughter, Anne, to marry Colonel Fitzwilliam. Anne feels indebted to Elizabeth, and in an effort to thank her she persuades Mr Bingley to return to Netherfield. Mr Darcy joins his friend, and Elizabeth is brought face to face with Mr Darcy at a second Netherfield ball.

Reckless, Headstrong Girl: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Grace Gibson - 2021
    Wickham, proving he is no gentleman, does the unthinkable and casts Lydia out of a second-rate coach. Filthy, exhausted, and penniless, Lydia is just facing the beginning of her ordeal! How can a spoiled, uneducated girl of fifteen—used to having her way—survive a night in the wilds of Sussex?As Mr. Bennet and Mr. Gardiner vainly search for her in London, Lydia’s sisters struggle to keep her secret from their Meryton neighbors. Though they fear the worst—that Lydia’s wild life has ended in tragedy—all hope is not lost. Mr. Darcy, in the midst of reigniting his courtship with Elizabeth Bennet, is determined to recover his love’s unfortunate sibling.Will Mr. Darcy succeed in finding Lydia and restoring her to respectability? In what shocking condition will this catastrophe render such a reckless, headstrong girl?

Longbourn's Distinguished Guest: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Emily Russell - 2017
    Absorbed in her book, she had lost track of time and is obliged to run home through the darkening woods before she is too late. Mr Darcy of Pemberley had been feeling unwell for several days. Only his promise to his friend Bingley forces him to ride out from London to Hertfordshire where he is to assist him with the running of his estate. But as he rides through the darkening woods towards Netherfield, his illness finally overtakes him and he falls unconscious from his horse. Elizabeth is shocked to find him and with the help of her father, takes the young man home to Longbourn where she nurses him through his illness. He is too weak to travel and is obliged to remain under the Bennets care, much to the anger of Mr Bingley’s ambitious sister, Caroline Bingley, who has her sights set on becoming Mrs Darcy. As Elizabeth and Darcy grow closer, rumours spread through the small rural town of Meryton about a marriage between the two. Elizabeth attempts to quash the rumours, but trouble starts when they reach the wrong ears and soon, the jealousy of others threaten to tear the two apart.

Charlotte: Pride & Prejudice Continues

Karen Aminadra - 2012
    However, what price must she pay for that future? She once said she was not romantic, but how true is that now after almost one year of marriage? Mr Collins is submissive in the extreme to his patroness, and his constant simpering, fawning and deference to the overbearing and manipulative Lady Catherine de Bourgh is sure to try the patience of a saint, or at least of Charlotte. As Charlotte becomes part of Hunsford society, she discovers she is not the only one who has been forced to submit to the controlling and often hurtful hand of Lady Catherine. She feels trapped and realises her need for love and affection. She is not as content as she once thought she would be. The easiest thing to do would be to maintain the peace and do as she is told. But as Charlotte witnesses the misery around her due to her inimitable neighbour, she must decide to remain as she is or to begin a chain of events that will change not only her life but also the lives of those around her in the village of Hunsford forever. But...after all, doesn't every girl deserve a happy ending?

Lydia Bennet's Story: A Sequel to Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

Jane Odiwe - 2007
    Lydia's dream of following the regiment to the fashionable resort of Brighton comes true, she is soon the darling of all the officers and tempted not only by a handsome royal dragoon, but drawn to the irresistible charms of one already well known to her. But the road to matrimony is fraught with difficulties and even when she is convinced that she has met the man of her dreams, she quickly discovers that her hero is not the man she believes him to be. Before long his reputation has her running back to Hertfordshire to be reunited with Bennets, Bingleys and Darcys, meeting once again for a grand ball at Netherfield Park. Will she resolve her problems to find happiness or will the shocking truth about her husband cause the greatest scandal of all?

The Pemberley Chronicles

Rebecca Ann Collins - 2008
    The guests (including millions of readers) wish the two lucky couples health and happiness. As the music swells and the credits roll, only two things are certain: Elizabeth and Darcy are to be the happiest couple in the world, while Jane and Bingley will want for nothing!Rebecca Ann Collins follows them in imagination, observing and chronicling their passage through the landscape of nineteenth century England, noting how they cope with change, triumph and tragedy in their lives.Their personal stories--the usual concerns of love, marriage, money and children--are woven together with the threads of social and political history.

Don't flatter yourself: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sydney Salier - 2019
     What if Mr Bennet married a second time and his new wife is a lady with impeccable manners, who is down-playing the fact that she really is a Lady. Will the improved manners of all the ladies make a difference to Mr Darcy? Or is the Bennets' perceived social standing and lack of wealth still an issue for him? Will Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet have a happily ever after?

Darcy and Anne

Judith Brocklehurst - 2007
    In the society of her cousins Darcy and Georgiana, and, of course, the lively Mrs. Darcy, Anne reveals a talent for writing and a zest for life.Meanwhile, Lady Catherine is determined to choose a husband for Anne. But now that Anne has found her courage, she may not be so easy to rule.Anne de Bourgh is a sympathetic character whose obedience and meekness were expected of women in her day. As she frees herself from these expectations, Anne discovers strength, independence, and even true love in a wonderfully satisfying coming-of-age story.