Murach's HTML5 and CSS3: Training and Reference

Zak Ruvalcaba - 2011
    This title also teaches you how to use the HTML5 and CSS3 features alongside the earlier standards.

Problems in Mathematics with Hints and Solutions

V. Govorov - 1996
    Theory has been provided in points between each chapter for clarifying relevant basic concepts. The book consist four parts algebra and trigonometry, fundamentals of analysis, geometry and vector algebra and the problems and questions set during oral examinations. Each chapter consist topic wise problems. Sample examples are provided after each text for understanding the topic well. The fourth part "oral examination problems and question" includes samples suggested by the higher schools for the help of students. Answers and hints are given at the end of the book for understanding the concept well. About the Book: Problems in Mathematics with Hints and Solutions Contents: Preface Part 1. Algebra, Trigonometry and Elementary Functions Problems on Integers. Criteria for Divisibility Real Number, Transformation of Algebraic Expressions Mathematical Induction. Elements of Combinatorics. BinomialTheorem Equations and Inequalities of the First and the SecondDegree Equations of Higher Degrees, Rational Inequalities Irrational Equations and Inequalities Systems of Equations and Inequalities The Domain of Definition and the Range of a Function Exponential and Logarithmic Equations and Inequalities Transformations of Trigonometric Expressions. InverseTrigonometric Functions Solutions of Trigonometric Equations, Inequalities and Systemsof Equations Progressions Solutions of Problems on Derivation of Equations Complex Numbers Part 2. Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis Sequences and Their Limits. An Infinitely Decreasing GeometricProgression. Limits of Functions The Derivative. Investigating the Behaviors of Functions withthe Aid of the Derivative Graphs of Functions The Antiderivative. The Integral. The Area of a CurvilinearTrapezoid Part 3. Geometry and Vector Algebra Vector Algebra Plane Geometry. Problems on Proof Plane Geometry. Construction Problems Plane Geometry. C

How Linux Works: What Every Superuser Should Know

Brian Ward - 2004
    Some books try to give you copy-and-paste instructions for how to deal with every single system issue that may arise, but How Linux Works actually shows you how the Linux system functions so that you can come up with your own solutions. After a guided tour of filesystems, the boot sequence, system management basics, and networking, author Brian Ward delves into open-ended topics such as development tools, custom kernels, and buying hardware, all from an administrator's point of view. With a mixture of background theory and real-world examples, this book shows both "how" to administer Linux, and "why" each particular technique works, so that you will know how to make Linux work for you.

Joel on Software

Joel Spolsky - 2004
    For years, Joel Spolsky has done exactly this at Now, for the first time, you can own a collection of the most important essays from his site in one book, with exclusive commentary and new insights from joel.

Hacker's Delight

Henry S. Warren Jr. - 2002
    Aiming to tell the dark secrets of computer arithmetic, this title is suitable for library developers, compiler writers, and lovers of elegant hacks.


Robert Sedgewick - 1983
    This book surveys the most important computer algorithms currently in use and provides a full treatment of data structures and algorithms for sorting, searching, graph processing, and string processing -- including fifty algorithms every programmer should know. In this edition, new Java implementations are written in an accessible modular programming style, where all of the code is exposed to the reader and ready to use.The algorithms in this book represent a body of knowledge developed over the last 50 years that has become indispensable, not just for professional programmers and computer science students but for any student with interests in science, mathematics, and engineering, not to mention students who use computation in the liberal arts.The companion web site, contains An online synopsis Full Java implementations Test data Exercises and answers Dynamic visualizations Lecture slides Programming assignments with checklists Links to related material The MOOC related to this book is accessible via the "Online Course" link at The course offers more than 100 video lecture segments that are integrated with the text, extensive online assessments, and the large-scale discussion forums that have proven so valuable. Offered each fall and spring, this course regularly attracts tens of thousands of registrants.Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne are developing a modern approach to disseminating knowledge that fully embraces technology, enabling people all around the world to discover new ways of learning and teaching. By integrating their textbook, online content, and MOOC, all at the state of the art, they have built a unique resource that greatly expands the breadth and depth of the educational experience.

Purely Functional Data Structures

Chris Okasaki - 1996
    However, data structures for these languages do not always translate well to functional languages such as Standard ML, Haskell, or Scheme. This book describes data structures from the point of view of functional languages, with examples, and presents design techniques that allow programmers to develop their own functional data structures. The author includes both classical data structures, such as red-black trees and binomial queues, and a host of new data structures developed exclusively for functional languages. All source code is given in Standard ML and Haskell, and most of the programs are easily adaptable to other functional languages. This handy reference for professional programmers working with functional languages can also be used as a tutorial or for self-study.

Elements of Clojure

Zachary Tellman - 2019
    This is necessary because, in the words of Michael Polanyi, "we can know more than we can tell." Our design choices are not the result of an ineluctable chain of logic; they come from a deeper place, one which is visceral and inarticulate.Polanyi calls this "tacit knowledge", a thing which we only understand as part of something else. When we speak, we do not focus on making sounds, we focus on our words. We understand the muscular act of speech, but would struggle to explain it.To write software, we must learn where to draw boundaries. Good software is built through effective indirection. We seem to have decided that this skill can only be learned through practice; it cannot be taught, except by example. Our decisions may improve with time, but not our ability to explain them. It's true that the study of these questions cannot yield a closed-form solution for judging software design. We can make our software simple, but we cannot do the same to its problem domain, its users, or the physical world. Our tacit knowledge of this environment will always inform our designs.This doesn't mean that we can simply ignore our design process. Polanyi tells us that tacit knowledge only suffices until we fail, and the software industry is awash with failure. Our designs may never be provably correct, but we can give voice to the intuition that shaped them. Our process may always be visceral, but it doesn't have to be inarticulate.And so this book does not offer knowledge, it offers clarity. It is aimed at readers who know Clojure, but struggle to articulate the rationale of their designs to themselves and others. Readers who use other languages, but have a passing familiarity with Clojure, may also find this book useful.

PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance

Gregory Smith - 2010
    You could spend years discovering solutions to them all, step by step as you encounter them. Or you can just look in here. All successful database applications are destined to eventually run into issues scaling up their performance. Peek into the future of your PostgreSQL database's problems today. Know the warning signs to look for, and how to avoid the most common issues before they even happen. Surprisingly, most PostgreSQL database applications evolve in the same way: Choose the right hardware. Tune the operating system and server memory use. Optimize queries against the database, with the right indexes. Monitor every layer, from hardware to queries, using some tools that are inside PostgreSQL and others that are external. Using monitoring insight, continuously rework the design and configuration. On reaching the limits of a single server, break things up; connection pooling, caching, partitioning, and replication can all help handle increasing database workloads. The path to a high performance database system isn't always easy. But it doesn't have to be mysterious with the right guide. This book is a clear, step-by-step guide to optimizing and scaling up PostgreSQL database servers. - Publisher.

Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!

Miran Lipovača - 2011
    Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! introduces programmers familiar with imperative languages (such as C++, Java, or Python) to the unique aspects of functional programming. Packed with jokes, pop culture references, and the author's own hilarious artwork, Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! eases the learning curve of this complex language, and is a perfect starting point for any programmer looking to expand his or her horizons. The well-known web tutorial on which this book is based is widely regarded as the best way for beginners to learn Haskell, and receives over 30,000 unique visitors monthly.

Effective Python: 59 Specific Ways to Write Better Python

Brett Slatkin - 2015
    This makes the book random-access: Items are easy to browse and study in whatever order the reader needs. I will be recommending "Effective Python" to students as an admirably compact source of mainstream advice on a very broad range of topics for the intermediate Python programmer. " Brandon Rhodes, software engineer at Dropbox and chair of PyCon 2016-2017" It s easy to start coding with Python, which is why the language is so popular. However, Python s unique strengths, charms, and expressiveness can be hard to grasp, and there are hidden pitfalls that can easily trip you up. " Effective Python " will help you master a truly Pythonic approach to programming, harnessing Python s full power to write exceptionally robust and well-performing code. Using the concise, scenario-driven style pioneered in Scott Meyers best-selling "Effective C++, " Brett Slatkin brings together 59 Python best practices, tips, and shortcuts, and explains them with realistic code examples. Drawing on years of experience building Python infrastructure at Google, Slatkin uncovers little-known quirks and idioms that powerfully impact code behavior and performance. You ll learn the best way to accomplish key tasks, so you can write code that s easier to understand, maintain, and improve. Key features includeActionable guidelines for all major areas of Python 3.x and 2.x development, with detailed explanations and examples Best practices for writing functions that clarify intention, promote reuse, and avoid bugs Coverage of how to accurately express behaviors with classes and objects Guidance on how to avoid pitfalls with metaclasses and dynamic attributes More efficient approaches to concurrency and parallelism Better techniques and idioms for using Python s built-in modules Tools and best practices for collaborative development Solutions for debugging, testing, and optimization in order to improve quality and performance "

Foundations of Complex Analysis

S. Ponnusamy - 2002
    Suitable for a two semester course in complex analysis, or as a supplementary text for an advanced course in function theory, this book aims to give students a good foundation of complex analysis and provides a basis for solving problems in mathematics, physics, engineering and many other sciences.

Types and Programming Languages

Benjamin C. Pierce - 2002
    The study of type systems--and of programming languages from a type-theoretic perspective--has important applications in software engineering, language design, high-performance compilers, and security.This text provides a comprehensive introduction both to type systems in computer science and to the basic theory of programming languages. The approach is pragmatic and operational; each new concept is motivated by programming examples and the more theoretical sections are driven by the needs of implementations. Each chapter is accompanied by numerous exercises and solutions, as well as a running implementation, available via the Web. Dependencies between chapters are explicitly identified, allowing readers to choose a variety of paths through the material.The core topics include the untyped lambda-calculus, simple type systems, type reconstruction, universal and existential polymorphism, subtyping, bounded quantification, recursive types, kinds, and type operators. Extended case studies develop a variety of approaches to modeling the features of object-oriented languages.

The LogStash Book

James Turnbull - 2013
    We're going to do that by introducing you to, where you're going to start a new job as one of its SysAdmins. The first project you'll be in charge of is developing its new log management solution. We'll teach you how to:* Install and deploy LogStash.* Ship events from a LogStash Shipper to a central LogStash server.* Filter incoming events using a variety of techniques.* Output those events to a selection of useful destinations.* Use LogStash's Web interface and alternative interfaces like Kibana.* Scale out your LogStash implementation as your environment grows.* Quickly and easily extend LogStash to deliver additional functionality you might need.By the end of the book you should have a functional and effective log management solution that you can deploy into your own environment.

The Art of the Metaobject Protocol

Gregor Kiczales - 1991
    The authors, who developed the metaobject protocol andwho were among the group that developed CLOS, introduce this new approach toprogramming language design, describe its evolution and design principles, andpresent a formal specification of a metaobject protocol for CLOS.Kiczales, desRivi?res, and Bobrow show that the "art of metaobject protocol design" lies increating a synthetic combination of object-oriented and reflective techniques thatcan be applied under existing software engineering considerations to yield a newapproach to programming language design that meets a broad set of designcriteria.One of the major benefits of including the metaobject protocol inprogramming languages is that it allows users to adjust the language to better suittheir needs. Metaobject protocols also disprove the adage that adding moreflexibility to a programming language reduces its performance. In presenting theprinciples of metaobject protocols, the authors work with actual code for asimplified implementation of CLOS and its metaobject protocol, providing anopportunity for the reader to gain hands-on experience with the design process. Theyalso include a number of exercises that address important concerns and openissues.Gregor Kiczales and Jim des Rivi?res, are Members of the Research Staff, andDaniel Bobrow is a Research Fellow, in the System Sciences Laboratory at Xerox PaloAlto Research Center.