Rumi Poetry: 101 Quotes Of Wisdom On Life, Love And Happiness (Sufi Poetry, Rumi Poetry, Inspirational Quotes, Sufism)

John Balkh - 2015
     Rumi’s popularity has gone beyond national and ethnic borders. He is considered to be one of the greatest classical poets, by the speakers of Persian language in Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. His poetry is still read worldwide today and has been translated into a wide variety of languages including Turkish, Persian, Russian, Asian, English and Spanish languages. Likely due to the pure universal natural themes in his poetry, Rumi’s works are simplistic and beautiful at the same time. A collection of 101 quotes of wisdom from Rumi on life, love and happiness. "Anyone who genuinely and consistently with both hands looks for something, will find it. " "Now is the time to unite the soul and the world. Now is the time to see the sunlight dancing as one with the shadows." "Gamble everything for love, if you’re a true human being. If not, leave this gathering." “Let the lover be disgraceful, crazy, absentminded. Someone sober will worry about things going badly. Let the lover be.” "Why should I be unhappy? Every parcel of my being is in full bloom." ............... Download this book now to experience essential wisdom from the timeless Rumi.

Gita Wisdom: Krishna’s Teachings on the Yoga of Love

Joshua M. Greene - 2009
    In Gita Wisdom, Joshua Greene retells this timeless text in a completely new way, revealing that it is, in essence, a heart-to-heart talk between two friends about the meaning of life. As Krishna and his friend Arjuna reminisce on a battlefield known as Kurukshetra, readers learn that the two played together as children, were close as young men, and became family when Arjuna married Krishna’s sister. In later life the men shared extraordinary adventures, including a journey to places outside the known universe. Like all great literature, the Gita explores the human condition: who we are, where we came from, and why we’re here. With a helpful glossary that lists names, terms, and places, this accessible, enlightening retelling is the perfect introduction to the Gita’s venerable wisdom.

The Present Moment: A Retreat on the Practice of Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh - 1994
    In this live audio retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh, you experience firsthand the traditional Buddhist practices designed to touch the energy of mindfulness that you carry within, and learn how to open to the joy that is always present and waiting to enter our lives. As a humble Buddhist monk in 1966, Thich Nhat Hanh was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Martin Luther King, Jr. Since that time, he has developed a special way of teaching the dharma (essential Buddhist truths) in the West—a way that addresses the spiritual challenges unique to our day, while honoring all faiths. The seeds of internal and external peace are already inside you, he teaches. You need only learn to contact and nurture them. This is the path to transcending fear and anger; this is the path to a more peaceful world.You will learn a treasury of detailed meditations to help you walk, breathe, communicate—even cope with traffic—more deeply and consciously. The Present Moment is a rare opportunity to learn ancient Buddhist practices directly from a living master of the tradition—practices that are life-changing today, just as they were thousands of years ago. More than seven hours of direct instruction from this living master of Buddhist meditation techniques.Learn More About:The Five Skandhas• The Five Wonderful Precepts• The Heart Sutra• The Five Prostrations• Birth and death• How to practice breathing as the living dharma (truth)• The greatest gift of meditation and mindfulness: nonfear • How to break the habit of forgetfulness, and replace it with the real peace of mindfulness• Buddhist awareness practices to apply to driving your car, answering the phone, even eating and reading• The hungry ghost—what Thich Nhat Hanh calls the most important phenomenon of our time• Principles of Buddhist psychology • How to transform difficult emotions within yourself

Rumi: A Photographic Gallery of Inspirational Quotes

Farnoosh Brock - 2012
    *Please note: Amazon incorrectly estimates the book at "12 pages" whereas it is around 70 pages - this is being corrected in the system. You will get 52 images plus a few pages of text**Rumi's message is so universal and inclusive that he has earned the title of "the most popular poet in America". This is a tribute of immense gratitude and love to Rumi on his 805th birthday, September 30th 2012.In his poems, Rumi speaks of nothing but love and finding the answers of life within yourself. He captivated the essence of humanity in his words. The selection of quotations in this book aspires to show you a glimpse of this message of love, peace, and inward search for true bliss. Farnoosh Brock was born and raised in Iran and in this book, she brings you the fusion of her beautiful photography and the wisdom of the beloved Persian poet, Rumi. This is a celebration of her Persian origins combined with the sense of duty that we must preserve and share the gifts of our ancestors. You can enjoy this book on your Kindle Fire or on any other device that runs the FREE Kindle reading apps, such as on your computer or iPad.

Dauntless (2019)

Marcus Follin - 2019
    The collected teachings of The Golden One.Dauntless: The Wild Hunt Edition (2021) is a greatly updated version of this book.

Living from the Soul: The 7 Spiritual Principles of Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sam Torode - 2020
    Trust Yourself All that you need for growth and guidance 
in life is already present inside you.2. As You Sow, You Will Reap Your thoughts and actions shape your character, 
and your character determines your destiny.3. Nothing Outside You Can Harm YouCircumstances and events don't matter 
as much as how you deal with them.4. The Universe Is Inside You
The world around you is a reflection of the world within you.5. Identify with the InfiniteCenter your identity on the soul 
and your life's purpose will unfold.6. Live in the Present The present moment is your point of power. Eternity is now.7. Seek God WithinThe highest revelation is the divinity of the soul.

I Am

Jean Klein - 1989
    There may be a moment in life when our compensatory activities, the accumulation of money, learning and objects, leaves us feeling deeply apathetic. This can motivate us towards the search for our real nature beyond appearances. We may find ourselves asking, 'Why am I here? What is life? Who am I?' Sooner or later any intelligent person asks these questions.“What you are looking for is what you already are, not what you will become. What you already are is the answer and the source of the question. In this lies its power of transformation. It is a present actual fact. Looking to become something is completely conceptual, merely an idea. The seeker will discover that he is what he seeks and that what he seeks is the source of the inquiry.”

Sacred Verses, Healing Sounds, Volumes I and II: The Bhagavad Gita, Hymns of the Rig Veda

Deepak Chopra - 1994
    Part 1 opens with Deepak discussing how language shapes material reality, influencing our beliefs and behavioral responses. He continues with a reading of sacred verses taken from The Bhagavad Gita. Each verse is introduced by Deepak, providing context and interpretation for contemporary listeners. The ancient verses provide knowledge and clarity, their power evoked through the very sounds of the words themselves. As one listens closely to the verses, their insights, knowings, intuitions, and physiological responses are revealed, bestowing peace, harmony, laughter, love, and above all, healing.

The Diamond in Your Pocket: Discovering Your True Radiance

Gangaji - 2004
    When he heard it had been purchased, he spent three days trying to steal the rare jewel. He failed.Finally, the thief walked right up to the owner and asked, "How did you hide this precious jewel from me?"To which the owner replied, "I placed it where I knew you would never look--in your own pocket!"This insightful tale opens the first major book release from Gangaji--an American-born teacher who has influenced the lives of thousands of people through her public events.In The Diamond in Your Pocket, Gangaji describes our never-ending search as human beings to find fulfillment--which, paradoxically, already exists if only we will stop long enough to experience it. Readers join Gangaji to learn more about:How to let go of your need to control, and activate instead the choice of where you put your mind's attention- Cultivating the courage to be vulnerable, so you can meet--and deeply merge with--the unknown- How to unearth the roots of suffering--learn to stop replaying your life's dramatic stories over and over, and much more"As long as you are searching for it, it cannot be found, " teaches Gangaji. Written as a series of short contemplations, The Diamond in Your Pocket shows you thought-by-thought how to stop the endless activity of your mind, and experience the brilliance and radiance of who you really are.

Entering the Diamond Way: My Path Among the Lamas

Ole Nydahl - 1985
    This is the genuinely compelling story, and spiritual odyssey, of Ole and Hannah Nydahl, who in 1968 became the first Western students of the great Tibetan master, His Holiness the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa. Their exciting travels on the worn path between the green lowlands of Europe to the peaks of the Himalayas, led them to experience the skillful teachings of numerous Tibetan lamas who helped transform their lives into "limitless clarity and joy." From their first contact with Tibetan Buddhism in Kathmandu in the form of a lama with extraordinary psychic powers, Ole and Hannah encountered the full spectrum of the Buddhist "view." Their aim in writing this book is "to form a bridge between two worlds, and especially to share with all who are looking for their true being ... an introduction to a time-proven way to Enlightenment." "One cannot really transmit anything, except what one has directly experienced, and the reason many of you will be able to identify with what happened to us is that, deep within, we are so very much alike."

365 Days with RUMI

Ergin Ergül - 2013
    With his messages going beyond the centuries, Mawlana is a guide and a leader who, ages ago, told the unchanging rules of all times. Rumi is primarily an intellectual, scientist and lawyer speaking Persian, Turkish, Arabic, Greek and Hebrew languages, secondly the greatest poet of all times with his poems on love, justice and freedom accompanied by mystical passion and pain, and above all a universal wise man and a philosopher. He interprets people, humanity, life and permanent values in a holistic approach and brings forward recipes for the problems and dilemmas of all people.In this book, readers will find a pearl of inspiration from the source of eternal wisdom for each day of year.

Doing Nothing: Coming to the End of the Spiritual Search (reprint)

Steven Harrison - 1997
    "Do nothing. Nothing is a surprisingly active place. It is there that we discover who and what we are." Doing Nothing is for spiritually oriented readers who have found themselves avidly following practices that have not fundamentally changed their lives: new therapies, ancient meditations, exotic religions. Harrison discovered that the path to happiness and truths of life lies in the simple act of stopping the search.

Being Aware of Being Aware

Rupert Spira - 2017
    We are aware of thoughts, feelings, sensations, and perceptions. All people share the experience of being aware, but relatively few people are aware that they are aware. Most people’s lives consist of a flow of thoughts, images, ideas, feelings, sensations, sights, sounds, and so on. Very few people ask, “What is it that knows this flow of thoughts, feelings, and perceptions? With what am I aware of my experience?”The knowing of our being—or rather, awareness’s knowing of its own being in us—is our primary experience, our most fundamental and intimate experience. It is in this experience that all the peace, happiness, and love we have ever longed for reside. The happiness we have sought for so long outside of ourselves, in situations, objects, and relationships, turns out to be always present, always available, in the simple knowing of our own being as it is.The knowing of our own being shines in each one of us as the experience “I am” or “I am aware,” or simply as the thought “I.” Because this simplest, most obvious, most familiar, and intimate experience is to the mind not a thing, or nothing, it is overlooked or forgotten by the vast majority of humanity. The overlooking of our own being is the root cause of all unhappiness and, therefore, the root cause of our search for happiness. What is the nature of this experience of being aware? The contemplations in this collection will lead readers toward their own experiential understanding of that which we all call “I.”Being Aware of Being Aware is the first and introductory volume in the Essence of Meditation series of collected meditations on the fundamentals of non-duality. Each volume will include six essays, compiled from contemplations led by Rupert Spira at retreats.

The Gift of Forgiveness: A Magical Encounter with don Miguel Ruiz

Olivier Clerc - 2010
    The resource explains how this practical and powerful tool is believed to have immediate impact by bringing relief while unleashing love that has been blocked by personal resentments. Through the magic of reversal taught in this useful reference, readers can change their understanding of forgiveness and free themselves from the grip of resentment and hatred.

In the World but Not of It: New Teachings from Jesus on Embodying the Divine

Gina Lake - 2016
    You can become Christ within this human life and learn to embody all that is good within you. I came to show you the beauty of your own soul and what is possible as a human. I came to show you that it is possible to be both human and divine, to be love incarnate. You are equally both. You walk with one foot in the world of form and another in the Formless. This mysterious duality within your being is what this book is about.” "The consciousness that is within me is also within you. You are the son as equally as I am. You are the ‘I am’ I spoke about. You and I are one. You and everyone else are one. Many are ready for the Christ within to come forward and manifest in the world more fully. The birthing of this Christ—of Christ Consciousness—is the true second coming. ‘Christ Consciousness,’ as I am using it, points to the divinity within everyone and the potential for that divinity to become a living reality, to become what lives you. I was an example of that possibility in my lifetime two thousand years ago.” This book was given to Gina Lake by Jesus. It is part of a series of books, including A Heroic Life and The Jesus Trilogy. You will learn: • How to embody the divine self in the world • How to tell when you are identified with the ego • How to spot the ego in your thoughts and conversations • What kind of thoughts are in the thought-stream • How to disidentify from the ego • How to be in your body and senses • How to move into Presence and stay there • How to be present while speaking and acting in the world • Spiritual practices that support Presence • What embodiment, enlightenment, self-realization, and awakening are • Pitfalls on the spiritual path • How to be with emotions • How to be with and heal energetic blocks in the body • How to overcome bad habits and addictions Review from David Fishman, teacher of A Course in Miracles: "I love this book! It's a perfect companion to all students and teachers of A Course in Miracles, for it encompasses the core themes and values of ACIM in a simple format that provides practical guidance for everyday use. The guidance our elder brother offers in the pages of this book is priceless. I highly recommend this book as the perfect complement to ACIM and the perfect first book to all you love and care for who may not appear to be ready now for opening A Course in Miracles."