Honoring Your Ancestors: A Guide to Ancestral Veneration

Mallorie Vaudoise - 2019
    Filled with hands-on techniques and tips, Honoring Your Ancestors shows you how to create an ancestor altar so you can work with ancestors of all kinds. Author Mallorie Vaudoise also shares fascinating ideas for incorporating rituals, spells, family recipes, and even practices like music and dancing to help you open this wonderful new dimension of your spiritual journey.Ancestor veneration is one of the most widespread spiritual practices in the world. This book shares the important distinctions between working with blood ancestors, lineage ancestors, and affinity ancestors while helping you recognize the signs that your ancestors are responding to your petitions and offerings. You will also explore important topics like mediumship and ancestral trauma so you can be sure to develop a veneration practice that's uplifting and affirming for you.

The Path of Paganism: An Experience-Based Guide to Modern Pagan Practice

John Beckett - 2017
    It means challenging the assumptions of mainstream society and strengthening your relationships with the gods, the universe, your community, and your self. The Path of Paganism provides practical advice and support for honoring your values and living an authentic Pagan life in mainstream Western culture.Discover tips for establishing or deepening a regular practice. Explore how your spirituality can help you deal with life's inevitable hardships. Learn the basics of leadership roles and other steps to take as you gain experience and move into more advanced practices. With questions for contemplation as well as rituals to help you integrate new concepts, this book guides you through a profoundly meaningful way of life.Praise: "This is an absolute gem of a book! John's love of his Pagan path fills this book with incredible enthusiasm and confidence . . . I would recommend this book to beginners and experienced practitioners alike. Both will find many pearls of wisdom within these pages. Highly recommended."--Damh the Bard

Daily Rituals: Positive Affirmations for Love, Happiness, and Peace.

Phoebe Garnsworthy - 2017
     Positive energy in our lives vibrate at a high frequency. By radiating this frequency first, you will magnetically attract the same positive energy in return, thus amplifying and intensifying these loving vibrations in abundance. And this can be easily achieved by controlling your thoughts in the repetition of uplifting affirmations. Every morning upon rising, open your Daily Rituals book at random, or choose a word from the contents that you are drawn to. Read the positive affirmation and allow yourself time to be transparent with the truth. Follow through with the exercises beneath. Practice these rituals regularly to raise your vibration and your mind will be trained to think positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to the second you fall asleep, promoting and attracting an affluence of positive energy, health, happiness, love and peace.

Transform your life to create beauty and peace in the world around you. Join Phoebe Garnsworthy, Visionary and Metaphysical writer, as she shares her daily secrets to attracting and magnifying an abundance of positive energy, health, happiness, love and peace. Introduction: Everything in existence is vibrating energy. We interpret this energy to be positive or negative, based on the vibrational frequency. Positive energy vibrates at a higher frequency than negative energy, and similar frequencies of energy unite together. If we focus on emitting energy in a high frequency first, we in turn attract the same positive vibrations, thus amplifying and magnetizing an abundance of peace, love and happiness in our lives. We can create positive vibrations by practicing affirmations of self-love and gratitude. Through the daily repetition of these rituals we clear old thought patterns, focus our time into the now, hence creating new pathways to form a peaceful and happy life. By spending time connecting and worshipping our internal self, we are creating an open communication channel to our Soul, the Source of Creation, and shifting our state of consciousness closer to enlightenment. Through acknowledgment and gratitude for life’s blessings, we create positive thought vibrations. If we repeat these uplifting affirmations daily, our mind will consistently reach higher frequencies of optimized vibrations.

How to Become a Witch: The Path of Nature, Spirit & Magick

Amber K - 2010
    Best-selling authors Amber K and Azrael Arynn K have nearly fifty years of Craft experience between them. They've taught hundreds of students the basics of Witchcraft, and now they're offering readers the same clear, structured guidance here. This Witchcraft book teaches you everything you need to know about Craft essentials: --Ritual tools--Daily practices--Ethics--Spellcasting--Deepening your connection to nature--Divination and dreams--Sabbats and Esbats--The Wheel of the Year--Gods and Goddesses--Pentagrams and other Craft symbols--Training, initiation, and degrees You'll learn about Witchcraft as a way of life, how to locate a coven or work as a solitary, and--most importantly--how to grow magickally and spiritually.

Water Magic

Lilith Dorsey - 2020
    Once you learn to access the enormous depths of this life-giving and powerful element, it will enhance your magic and help you grow into a better version of yourself.Cleansing and strong, the power of water is all around you and in you. Lilith Dorsey presents many ways to incorporate water into your magic, from washes and baths to spells and rituals. Discover how to use the symbols of water in your magical workings. Learn the histories and wisdom of rivers, lakes, and oceans, as well as water's relationship to the wheel of the year. Explore water and its manifestations in mythology and lore and meet the gods and goddesses who rule over the element.

From Chef To Crafter To Conqueror: Book1 - Chef

Gabriel Rathweg - 2021

The Morrigan: Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might

Courtney Weber - 2019
    "She is warrior, queen, death omen, mother, murderer, lover, spy, conspirator, faery, shape-shifter, healer, and sometimes the living earth itself. A captivating contradiction: a demonic female who both haunts and heals; benevolent in one moment, ghastly the next, and kind the moment after that.”The Morrigan is one of Pagan Ireland’s most famous—and notorious—goddesses. Her name translated as “phantom queen” or “great queen,” the Morrigan is famous for being a goddess of war, witchcraft and death, protection and retribution. This book also explores her patronage of motherhood, healing, shapeshifting, and the land. Classified among the Sidhe (fairies), the Morrigan dates back at least to Ireland’s Iron Age, but she is as modern as she is ancient―enjoying a growing contemporary and global following.Author Courtney Weber provides a guide for the modern devotee of this complex, mysterious goddess that encompasses practical veneration with modern devotionals, entwined with traditional lore and Irish-Celtic history.

When Wishes Bleed

Casey L. Bond - 2019
    One Witch. One Fate. The upheaval in my life began the moment a prince stumbled into my house and asked me to read his fortune. Any other night, I might have made an excuse to get him to leave, but this was no normal visit. My fingers prickled to touch him. So, I granted his request by handing him a single wishbone. When he snapped it, the wish … bled. Hearing me suck in a shocked breath, he asked what it meant. Such an ominous omen could only mean one thing: his death was imminent. Fate revealed that he wouldn’t die of natural causes. Someone wanted him dead. Stunned by the revelation, the man I now knew as Prince Tauren disappeared into a night I feared he wouldn’t survive. The following day, I received an invitation to the castle. While it seemed the prince believed I could intervene and uncover who was plotting his death, his motives didn’t stop there. I was being summoned to join twelve other women in vying for the opportunity to be his wife and future queen. ​Going could mean jeopardizing my plans to reclaim my heritage and resurrect the House of Fate. But staying would guarantee Tauren’s death, and the blood of his wish would be on my hands.

Knight of Rome Part I

Malcolm Davies - 2019
    No nation can stand against his legions but even the Empire has its limits. The brooding forests across the Rhine hold warriors who will not submit and the Suevi are the mightiest of them. With only their hatred of each other in common, the Romans and the Germans cross the river to raid and slaughter but neither of them has the force to take the other’s territory and hold it. This does not prevent them trying. Otto of the Suevi, son of the Chieftain and war counsellor Badurad, lives freely among the woods and glades on the far side of the river, hoping to live the same life as his father and become a respected warrior in his turn but that is not to be. He visits a wise woman with his father and her shocking, prophetic vision of his future sets him on a different path than he could never have imagined. Fate is not to be defied so Otto accepts what she has told him as absolute truth and lets it guide him through blood and fire to his personal destiny far from his own people.

The Mailman Went UA (A Vietnam Memoir)

David Mulldune - 2013
    I can sanitize my manuscript and give the reader a false sense of how war reduces the humanity of an individual. Not only that, but sanitizing the past distorts history and lulls a person into a nonchalant manner of behavior in determining courses of action. The end result is that I would defeat the purpose that compelled me to write my book in the first place. So what is the point? I hope that you understand what I am trying to achieve. As I put this book together over the years, I constantly questioned my ability and skill to compose my manuscript in a cohesive manner and even my right to do it, but here it is. I think the main problems were that I couldn't look at it objectively and that I tried to write it as an 18-19 year-old. I wanted to present the naiveté and immaturity, which had awesome power and control over life and death. At the same time, naiveté and immaturity could strangle you. The title, The Mailman Went UA, came from our little song and dance routine that we performed when we didn't receive any mail. It reflected the utter desolation of aloneness and heartbreak that extended beyond the lack of mail to who you were as a human being, and that impact is impossible to shake. The mail was our only touch with any degree of normalcy. It was more than a connection with the "World." It was the essential element in preserving our sanity. We were surrounded by death and destruction and became unfazed by them, but we were always hit hard when we didn't receive any mail.

The Pulse of Allah

James Knight - 2012
    In this book the end comes through the use of an EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) weapon over the United States and Europe by a Muslim coalition. It follows the lives of its characters through the pulse and its aftermath - their struggle for survival through the chaos - and the eventual triumph of the US against the coalition in spite of huge population losses at home.

The Wicca Bible (The Definitive Guide To Magic And The Craft)

Ann-Marie Gallagher - 2005
    It includes what you need to know about magic and the Craft, including customs and traditions, visualizations, rituals, spells, divination techniques, circlework and coven etiquette. Full description

The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft

Judika Illes - 2005
    Contents: * Judika Illes explores the history, folklore, spirituality, and mythology of witchcraft. Wicca will be discussed, but the focus will not to limited to Wicca. As with Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells, this book's focus will be cross-cultural and will span the centuries right up to the present day and popular culture. * Meet mythic witches, modern witches, sacred goddess witches, even demon witches, male and female witches, witches from all over the globe. * Includes a miscellany of facts including magic spells, rituals, potions, recipes, celebrations, traditions, and much more. * This is a reference book that appeals to both insiders and outsiders; that is of appeal to those who adhere to the tenets of some form of witchcraft, as well as those general interest readers interested in folklore, mythology and history.

Gypsy Witchcraft and Magic

Raymond Buckland - 1998
    You may be familiar with the romantic stereotypes--traveling the countryside in painted wagons, cooking over campfires, living by their wits. But what of this is true? Nobody is better able to share the realities of gypsy life than Raymond Buckland, a half-blood Romany and respected authority on Witchcraft. In Gypsy Witchcraft & Magic he reveals the folkways, beliefs, and magical practices of this vanishing culture. In this award-winning book you will get a glimpse of traditional life in the vardo (Gypsy wagon) and find out how Gypsy ways live on today. Here you will learn to work real magic as practiced by the shuvanis (Gypsy Witches): - Cast binding spells to prevent harm to yourself or others. - Perform love spells to bring your true love into your arms. - Have a reference for traditional herbal cures. - Learn the secrets of performing hands-on healing. - Learn to make traditional Gypsy charms for protection and exorcism. - Discover how to tell fortunes with cards, stones, coins, and omens. - Uncover the secret ways Gypsies used sex to enhance their magic. - Learn about the peg-knife, or choori. - Discover how to make a large bender tent that can be set up quickly and used to practice shuvani magic. - Make a breadboard to use in divination. - Find out about Gypsy Shamanism, the inner mysteries of the Gypsies. Gypsy Witchcraft & Magic shares Gypsy life, lore, and magic. It is written in a personal style that is fun to read as you learn the truth about these charismatic people. This book shares techniques which you could not have found elsewhere. To learn the truth about the Gypsies and their system of Witchcraft, get Gypsy Witchcraft & Magic. Winner of the 1999 Coalition of Visionary Resources Award for best non-fiction book

Power of the Witch: The Earth, the Moon, and the Magical Path to Enlightenment

Laurie Cabot - 1989
    Written by a practicing witch who conducts classes and seminars on witchcraft--the oldest Western religion, a means of power and enlightenment, and a healing art. "Laurie Cabot has written a fascinating account of a beautiful and sadly misunderstood religion, witchcraft. She has with her life and work done a great deal to legitimize this ancient pagan form of worship. I am among the ecumenical Christians who have discovered the truth about witchcraft, that it is neither demonic nor evil. Power of the Witch is a marvelous introduction to the magical and highly ethical world of wicca."--Whitley Strieber