Book picks similar to
Flight of the Wild Geese: A Grid Down Journey of Redemption by Liam Morgan



Jack Hunt - 2018
    It’s not long before the U.S military instigates a cordon sanitaire to contain the contagious, and a small band of survivors find themselves at the center of a terrifying government experiment. At the onset of the devastation, Chief Brody Jackson is not only juggling a six month separation from his wife, dealing with an unruly son, and hunting down a homicidal maniac, but now he’s torn between protecting the town or saving his dysfunctional family. As the lights and communication go down, and the epidemic decimates the small population, only three things are certain — no one is safe, everyone is a threat, and family is everything.

Long Haul Home Collection (A Post-Apocalyptic Dystopian Thriller): Series Books 1-3

Dana Fraser - 2016
     Blind Spot Army veteran Cash Bishop chases little white lines around the South and Midwest, working as a long haul trucker to make ends meet until the homestead he is building with his mother and sister can support the family. When a security breach at Hoover Dam takes all the U.S. hydroelectric power stations offline the day after a category five hurricane hits the Gulf of Mexico, cutting off electricity to millions and threatening an already compromised fuel supply, Cash figures it's time to chase those white lines home to Tennessee. By the time he hits Chicago, the lights are out across the country, throwing America into a new dark age in which only the strong and the prepared will survive. Down Shift More than two days go by before solar scientist Hannah Carter realizes that the power and communication systems have gone out across America. Obtuse? No — her state-of-the-art research facility has all the power it needs and Hannah is elbows deep in a patent application. When she does wake up to the New America, her first thought is of her teenage brother, Ellis — stuck on his own in a boarding school with similarly troubled boys. To reach him, she’ll have to escape everything from riots to solitary killers on the road. First she has to escape her employer. The research company isn’t what she thought it was. And the men in the shadows know her name. Dead Head After weeks of traveling dangerous roads, Cash Bishop is almost home. But other forces are converging on Dover, each with their own plans for Cash and those he is sworn to protect. In a contest of who will live and who will die, sometimes it’s the lucky who win.

Lone Star Odyssey: First Steps

David Wilson - 2019
    Occasionally, taking a short term contract job to pay the bills, Talon is marooned in Washington, D.C. when the nation is attacked by a series of false flag operations against our infrastructure and is then devastated by a series of EMP attacks. With every major city burning and the nation’s electrical grid down, civil order has deteriorated to the point of no return, at least for the immediate future. Separated by over 1400 miles from his family, Talon sets out on foot to get home as fast as he can relying on his skills and experience. With only about a week’s worth of supplies in his get home bag, Talon must find supplies as quick as he can and get out of the D.C. Metro area before the chaos overwhelms him. From his first steps he finds out nothing is going to be easy or fast.

Solar Storm: Homeward Bound

Vincent Keith - 2017
    He'd spent years learning to live in a minimalist and sustainable way. He'd changed careers, and he had a plan. A plan just in case the worst happened. Unfortunately for Jack, he was far from home when disaster struck, when the end of the world as we know it came. Now he is on foot, with winter coming. Jack and his two dogs will need to trek over 750 miles to get home. How do you cope when almost everything you depend upon is lost? When everything you've come to rely on stops working. There was no way to predict a Solar Storm. There was no way to predict its enormous magnitude or the damage that it would do. What do you do when you can't call for help? When transportation stops and the lights go out? How hungry do you have to be to steal, to kill? What will people do when there is no law? Who can you trust? Jack would most likely run out of food before he got home, even if nothing went wrong. But something had already gone wrong, and it was just the beginning. He had choices to make and no information. Every decision was a trade-off. Would he survive if he chose wrong? Jack was about to find out.

The Fall

K.M. Fawkes - 2021
    Trying to live the straight life as a journalist, a relapse to her former hacker lifestyle uncovers some harrowing news; an international death cult is planning to release a nerve gas worldwide, killing the entire population. And they’re going to do it soon.When you know you’re right, and everyone else is wrong.With the government, security services and media all unwilling to believe a lone, female computer hacker with a record, Michelle doesn’t know who else to turn to. Forlorn, she decides to find shelter. Her uncle, a doomsday prepper, seems to have the perfect solution: Michelle should join him and some select friends underground, and wait out the apocalypse…When the only way to survive is to bunker down.As the world comes to a shuddering death rattle above ground, tensions fray below ground, and Michelle’s unstable uncle seems to be losing the plot. Prepared for the worst, but unable to handle the reality, a series of violent escalations means Michelle has to risk it all; she has to go above ground.When the time comes to climb above the surface, and survive…

Dead South

Zach Bohannon - 2020
    Society is broken, and most who remain have banded together in small camps and communities.Jon South is not like most other survivors.After losing his wife and son nearly two years into the pandemic, Jon now wanders the country roads and woods of rural Tennessee, a vigilante taking his revenge out on the undead monsters that took his family from him. He lives in solitary, and with nothing more to live for, he plans to die alone, sooner rather than later.But after coming to the aid of a pair of strangers out in the woods being attacked by men, Jon learns that he might have been fighting the wrong monsters the entire time.

The Ranch: A Legacy of Darkness (The Legacy Series Book 3)

Sean Liscom - 2019
    He had worked the same job his entire adult life, he had never married and he had no children. He was used to doing things on his own. His comfortable life was shaken to the core the day he learned of his fathers death. It set in motion life altering events and the allure of a new life that was too great to walk away from. When an Electromagnetic Pulse brings the modern world to its knees, Jason's choice proves to be the right one. EXCERPT “You should see yourselves,” the rough male voice said. There was something eerily familiar about it. He chuckled a little. “You see, I told you girls, didn’t I? The looks on their faces would be purely magical, priceless even!” the man said. The two women stepped farther into the light. They were identical twins. I knew one as Kari, Braden knew the other as Isabella. When the man stepped into the light. My heart stopped. “OH….” Jill said quietly. “MY….” I whispered. “GOD….” Braden finished. “Is that any way to greet your father and your sisters?” Jack Sterling asked as the trio closed to a few feet from us. I felt my knees go weak; my head was spinning. I wasn’t even sure if I was still breathing. The fine line that separates reality from imagination was suddenly gone. What had only a few minutes before been a straight, defined path, had become shrouded in a mist of skepticism and fear. Just before I’d lost sight of that path, I could swear I’d seen a “Dangerous Curves” road sign. I also knew things were travelling far too fast to even attempt negotiating those twists and turns. There are times when reacting too slowly can save your life. For instance; you have a blowout on your car at 70 MPH on the freeway. Reacting slowly can keep you from doing the opposite and rolling your car. This wasn’t one of those times. This wreck was going to happen. Just like the blowout, I was experiencing the sudden onslaught of emotions. Panic.... Surprise.... Anger.... Most of all was fear. Pure, unadulterated fear. You know, the kind of fear that leaves you unable to speak or scream. The fear that leaves you unable to move, let alone run for your life. The fear that can cause time to stop along with your heart. A slight breeze picked up in the late summer night and it felt like a blast straight out of the arctic, in the dead of winter. I could feel the goosebumps on my arms and neck. Even though I was sweating profusely, my entire body was frozen. All I could do was stand there, mouth open, thoughts racing. My mind was beginning to explode with questions for the man before me, my father, Jack Sterling. Every thought stopped just short of exiting my mouth. The words prob-ably couldn’t get past the fact that my heart was jammed firmly in my throat. That’s probably the same reason I hadn’t taken a breath either. Was I dead? Was this the spirit of my father coming to take me into the light? That thought left as quickly as it had come only to be replaced by anoth-er, darker notion. Maybe he had come to take me to Hell.... I stood, unmoving, as he began to cover the last few steps between us. This was it. This is how it all ended. He stopped less than an arm’s length away. I could smell him now. The slightest hint of body odor with just a hint of diesel fuel. The only scent of him that I could remember was his cologne. He’d always been clean shaven, wearing a pressed blue or black suit and that damned cologne. He reached for me, and as much as I wanted to, I was unable to pull away. I wanted to run away screaming like a small child. I could feel my muscles tremble as his hand came ever closer.

Birthright: The Complete Trilogy

Rick Partlow - 2016
     Caleb Mitchell is a human weapon, engineered into a biologically enhanced killing machine in the war with the alien Tahni. The war is long over and now he just wants to live a normal life as a constable on his homeworld of Canaan...but his life is torn apart when a Corporate Council mineral scout comes to him with a tale of discovering incredibly advanced alien technology from the fabled race known only as the Predecessors. Someone in the monolithic, power-hungry Corporate Council doesn't want that story to get out...and they'll kill anyone to stop it, including Caleb and his family. Cal is drawn into a star-spanning conspiracy which lead him and the people he loves across the galaxy and back, and might plunge the human Commonwealth into a devastating war. The complete collection of the Birthright trilogy: Birthright, Northwest Passage and Enemy of My Enemy.

Kiamichi Refuge

C.A. Henry - 2016
    When events on the other side of the world threatened everything they cherished, Erin and her friends find themselves in a struggle to survive the ravages of a collapsing society. As America falls apart, this growing group bands together to help others and save themselves in their Kiamichi Refuge.

The Cowboy's Quintuplet Surprise

Holly Rayner - 2021
    Her sisters and brothers are all married with kids, and though she adores her nieces and nephews, she’s secretly a little jealous. Taking her happiness into her own hands, she decides to adopt a puppy—but ends up meeting more than just a furry new friend, in the shape of Sam Cranston, a gorgeous rancher with a hint of an Irish accent, even though he’s never been out of Kansas…Within minutes of their meeting, a tornado rolls in and forces the two of them—along with twelve puppies and their mom—to take shelter in his tiny cellar together. In no time, Sam’s inviting her to stay the night, and just like that Susie is starting to wonder if she ever wants to leave the beautiful ranch at all.But just as she’s beginning to dream of a future with Sam, he reveals it’s not to be: in just a few days’ time, he’s moving to Australia! Bitterly disappointed, Susie knows it’s time to get back to her real life, and settle into a routine with her new pup.There’s barely time to get used to having a puppy around the house, however, before Susie discovers she’s pregnant—and it’s not one baby, but five! Desperate to let Sam know he’s going to be a father to quintuplets, she tries searching for him online… only to discover heartbreaking news.All alone, the potential love of her life gone, and with five babies and a puppy to raise, what on earth is Susie to do? If she’d only gotten in contact sooner, if she could go back in time and tell him how she felt during the time they spent together… If only, by some magic, he was still out there, waiting for her…

The Cabin Boxset: EMP Survival in a Powerless World

James Hunt - 2020
    Fighting against the chaos, Detective Mike Thorton must rescue his family from the city and bring them to his sister's cabin in the mountains.The Final HomesteadAfter an EMP strike leaves the country with no power or communications, James Bowers, a fourth-generation cattle rancher, must rescue his wife and son from the chaos engulfing San Antonio, Texas. But with so many unprepared, James discovers more than one type of enemy.

Divided: Silent Nation Book One

Joseph Coley - 2019
    His grandmother died, his ex-fiancee was trying to take his daughter away, the snow was coming down, and he was on his way back from Ohio. Then something happened. As he stops at a rest stop in northwest Ohio, the power goes out. Not just the lights, but the cars, phones, and everything else that made up everyday life. He has to get home, and he has no idea how to do it. Stuck in the snow amid a cataclysmic event that no one can precisely explain, he sets out to help not only himself, but those trapped with him. He has to find a way to travel the 300+ miles home, and he needs to do it fast. His family at home is saddled with problems of their own, and they have no way of knowing what has happened to him. As the world slowly spirals out of control, Ben must try to make it home...or die trying. From the bestselling author of the Six Feet From Hell and Refuge From the Dead series comes a realistic take on TEOTWAWKI - the end of the world as we know it. No zombies this time, just pure survival.

A World Slowed: The Jared Chronicles

Rick Tippins - 2019
    While many people hunker in their homes, waiting for government assistance, Jared quickly realizes he needs to take some sort of action if he intends to survive. Fending for himself proves far more difficult than he realized. When an old man, Bart, takes him in, Jared learns skills he is forced to use when hiding and scavenging are no longer options. Even before Jared acquires the skills to sustain his own life in this new world, he unexpectantly becomes the caretaker of a seven-year-old girl who is left all alone after her parents are tragically murdered. From the beginning to the end of this book, Jared is tested to his limits, escaping harm time and again only through his thoughtful approach to a new way of living. A World Slowed, stretches the Post-Apocalyptic genre in a slightly different direction as the story follows an unprepared Silicon Valley computer engineer, Jared, through his struggle to surviving in a world devoid of modern amenities connected to electricity. While many people hunker in their homes, waiting for government assistance, Jared quickly realizes he needs to take some sort of action if he intends to survive. Fending for himself proves far more difficult than he realized. When an old man, Bart, takes him in, Jared learns skills he is forced to use when hiding and scavenging are no longer options. Even before Jared acquires the skills to sustain his own life in this new world, he unexpectantly becomes the caretaker of a seven-year-old girl who is left all alone after her parents are tragically murdered. From the beginning to the end of this book, Jared is tested to his limits, escaping harm time and again only through his thoughtful approach to a new way of living. A World Slowed, stretches the Post-Apocalyptic genre in a slightly different direction as the story follows an unprepared Silicon Valley computer engineer, Jared, through his struggle to surviving in a world devoid of modern amenities connected to electricity. While many people hunker in their homes, waiting for government assistance, Jared quickly realizes he needs to take some sort of action if he intends to survive. Fending for himself proves far more difficult than he realized. When an old man, Bart, takes him in, Jared learns skills he is forced to use when hiding and scavenging are no longer options. Even before Jared acquires the skills to sustain his own life in this new world, he unexpectedly becomes the caretaker of a seven-year-old girl who is left all alone after her parents are tragically murdered. From the beginning to the end of this book, Jared is tested to his limits, escaping harm time and again only through his thoughtful approach to a new way of living.

Apocalypse Day One: What Happened?

John Sullins - 2020
    As of now there is no electricity of any kind, no cell phones, no computers, no moving cars, trucks or airplanes. Imagine if everything stopped right now, what would you do? If your children were not home, what would you do? How would you find them? What if you were on the highway a hundred miles from home and your car has stopped, what would you do? This book should cause you to ask yourself some tough questions about real life. There are no zombies or mass shootings in this story. There is only real questions and serious decisions to be made.

ZNIPER: A Sniper’s Journey Through the Apocalypse.

C. Ward III - 2019
    - A mostly fictional story with a mix of technical sniper knowledge, geopolitical strategy, medical horror and military humor. Reviews: "It’s epic, riveting, and incredibly informative; it will really strike a chord with today’s readers." - Elite Authors "Wow, what a ride! You obviously put a lot of time and thought into developing your characters and the story itself, and I think the end result is quite an accomplishment. The progression of events flows nicely, creating lots of suspense, and you’ve created some nice depth by using multiple perspectives. As a die-hard horror fan myself, I loved the Easter eggs you included throughout. Each one made me feel like I was in on an awesome inside joke. Great job!" - Editorial Team