The Journey Box Set

Glenn Trust - 2019
    Brought up hard, she left home at an early age, forced to make her way in a world in which the odds are stacked against her. Along the way she learned to survive alone, living just outside the law. Killers and rapists, mobsters and dirty politicians, Alice has faced them all and has dealt with them in her own unique way. On the run from the law, she wanders, searching for the things we all want—love, a place to call home, and people to call family. From Bestselling author, Glenn Trust, The Blue Eyes Series, offers up a strong female protagonist in Alice Trent, a woman who faces life on her own terms. The result is a series of stories filled with thrills and suspense, twists and turns that will keep you turning pages. Scroll up and grab your copy of The Journey Series, Books 1-3, today!

Murder Upstream: A Detective Mystery

Mark Hazard - 2016
     Detective Kyle Villante gets his first call after coming off a two-year undercover stint that ended in a bloodbath and marred his reputation with the brass. But he doesn’t get to work the case alone. Detective Solomon Aduwo of the State Police has arrived in Harding to assist with the investigation. Villante bristles at the perceived leash around his neck, but he and Aduwo set out to work the case, all while Villante struggles to keep secrets and ghosts of the past from coming back to haunt him. Meanwhile, Aduwo has come to Harding with secrets of his own and an agenda that could doom Villante’s future. Murder Upstream is a thrilling mystery, full of vivid characters, puzzling questions, action and suspense.

Judgement Call / Damned if You do, Damned if You Don't / The End Justifies the Means

J.C. Ryan - 2017
     Judgement Call Andy Gibbons had been sentenced to life in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. After ten years inside he had abandoned all hope and resigned himself to the fact that he would remain there for the rest of his life. But the fact that Andy has admitted defeat and thrown in the towel didn’t mean his wife, Jamie, did. Disillusioned and worn out by the justice system, the Honorable Judge Regan St Clair was just about to pack in too when a letter from Jamie Gibbons arrived on her desk… Before long Regan St Clair and Jake Westley, a former Special Forces operator, stumble into a quagmire world of deceit and menace. A world where nothing is as it seems, and no one and nothing can be trusted. Is Andy Gibbons really innocent? Can he be exonerated? At what price? Damned If You Do Damned If You Don’t Conrad Wilson, an ex-detective, had less than a month to live. The date of his execution, by lethal injection, was scheduled for the 1st June. All legal avenues had been exhausted — the Governor of New Hampshire refused to review his case. The only problem was; Conrad Wilson was innocent, but no one cared. Or rather, everyone that cared wanted him executed. His only chance to escape certain death was Judge Regan St Clair and Jake Westley. Did they have enough time to stop the execution? Jake and Regan quickly discovered a number of holes in the Wilson case — tampering with forensic evidence, an alibi that stood up to scrutiny... It was evident that Wilson was innocent, he certainly didn’t kill his mistress as was alleged. Someone has gone to great lengths to shift the blame onto an innocent man. But why were so many people desperate to see him dead — for a crime he didn’t commit? Who was the real killer? Was Wilson framed in order to let the real killer get away? Or was there some truth in what Pavo, one of the Organization bosses said: everyone is guilty of something? The End Justifies The Means Jessie Bell’s last parole hearing was a disgrace—one board member called her a witch and a harpy, and said that given the chance, he would have her put down like a rabid dog. Ten years in prison for killing her sadistically abusive husband had turned Jessie Bell into a poisoned, embittered, and dangerous person. The parole hearing was the straw that broke the camel’s back. It was payback time. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth? No, not for Jessie Bell. Her version of justice wasn't just about getting even. It was about taking back twice as much as had been taken from you. Two eyes for one. Justice meant redressing all the imbalances—and putting out only one eye didn’t compare to the loss of all the advantages of losing two eyes. Fortunately, Jessie is offered the position of the late Pavo, Regan’s Uncle Paul, in the Organization. And she accepted it.

Wolf Hook

Michael Wallace - 2013
    When his family returns to Germany just before the war, Jim arrives in the Third Reich as a young, sensitive theater student, both protected by and encumbered by his famous relation. Resisting an invitation to join the Nazis, he instead finds himself a member of an English-language theater troupe working in Occupied Europe. Unbeknownst to Jim, the leaders of the theater troupe, Nigel Burnside and his sister Margaret, are not the English fascists they appear, but members of the British Secret Service, using the theater troupe to recruit spies from among the Anglophile German officers who come to their productions.Disillusioned with both sides of the war, Jim is trying to defect to neutral Ireland when he stumbles into one of Nigel and Margaret’s most closely held secrets—a Hungarian physicist they are smuggling out of Europe. While trying to extricate himself from this unwelcome knowledge, he both manages to draw the attention of the Gestapo and to convince the British Secret Service that he is a Nazi spy, a threat to their plans who must be eliminated.

Rasputin's Legacy

Lee Jackson - 2017
    A must read." 
Joe Galloway, NYT Bestselling Author. A backdrop to betrayal. A playground for power. A rogue Russian general stages a coup. His goal: the Russian arsenal. Nuclear annihilation menaces. To stop him, the US president sends covert operator Atcho deep inside Siberia cloaked as a Russian intelligence officer. A relentless investigative reporter threatens his mission. Worse yet, Atcho’s beautiful fiancée, a former CIA operative, goes rogue to save him. A nail biter that Carmine Zozzora, producer of Die Hard with a Vengeance calls, “Pure Gold.”

Ames To Kill: The Killing League, The Recruiter, Killing the Rat

Dani Amore - 2013
    He must return to his small hometown and be a successful recruiter to get another chance at his dream. He's looking for a few good recruits....and he won't take no for an answer.KILLING THE RAT: A Mafia lowlife robs the head of the Detroit Mob and before entering the FBI's witness protection program, decides to celebrate with plenty of booze, an expensive hotel room and a high-priced call girl. When a hitman tracks them down, the bullets start flying, people die, and the money disappears.

Hush / Lady Luck / Ruin

Adam Nicholls - 2016
    Detailing the high-octane hunt for three sadistic serial killers, Volume 1 includes: Hush, Lady Luck, and Ruin. Hush (Book 1): Two years ago, Mason Black was a detective, a husband, and a father... until obsession with a killer drove him further from his family. That life was left behind, until today. Now a part-time PI, a familiar string of murders is pulling him back into the cycle. Mason must choose between bringing the killer to justice or remaining a humble family man. With his marriage on the line, the police seek his knowledge of the unsolved case, to help identify and track down the psychopath. But now he's too close to the Lullaby Killer, who is driven to have a little fun... at Mason's expense. Lady Luck (Book 2): It’s been a year since he last saw a murder spree, but now there’s a new killer in town… Mason Black is just settling into his new life as a part-time PI, when a body is delivered to the SFPD. With his name carved into the body’s torso, a psychotic motive begins to unravel. People keep turning up dead, each with a new message. The ruthless killer – who goes by the name of Lady Luck – seems all but determined to pin it on Mason, and see to it personally that he suffers. Time runs short, and Mason must find this psychopath and discover why he was chosen. Because if he can’t bring her to Justice, he will have no choice but to take the fall for her crimes… Ruin (Book 3): Most killers have a motive. Not this guy. Now living a balanced life, Mason Black – a private investigator with a troubled past – finally has time for the people he loves. For the first time in years, everything is going well. Until he meets Chris Healy. Three women have gone missing, and Mason is hired to find them. But when one of their severed heads is found with a message, Mason discovers that the two remaining girls are being held by a man known as Anarchy. Anarchy – the newest killer in town – soon grows bored of the girls and seeks a deeper challenge, setting Mason in his crosshairs. It seems he will stop at nothing, as he forces the PI into playing his twisted game.

Tubby Dubonnet Mysteries Vol 5-6

Tony Dunbar - 2016
    Dunbar’s crazy mixture of crime and offbeat comedy.” -The Baltimore Sun A New Orleans lawyer who'd rather eat, drink, and swap stories than get caught in court, Tubby Dubonnet, cleaving faithfully to his guiding principles “Never screw a client and never lie to the judge,” manages, in his own laconic fashion, to right many of the wrongs that beset his clients. In these late-series books, he’s experiencing the pride and satisfaction of new grandparenthood. And he’s taken on some additional civic duties, agreeing to co-chair the reelection campaign of his good friend, Judge Hughes.But in Tony Dunbar’s books, New Orleans is The Big Sleazy squared. No one is safe, especially from their elected officials. Even if they are an elected official. Half the fun of a Tubby Dubonnet book is watching his sly creator fit together a plethora of fascinating yet seemingly unrelated jigsaw pieces to form a picture you never saw coming. And the other half is hanging out with Tubby and his crew of eccentrics, sleazeballs, goofballs, and enticing, confusing babes in the Big Easy-to-Love. The food descriptions are no slouch either.These are funny-hard-boiled mysteries with as many laughs as chills, because no matter how dire things get, Dunbar never loses his sense of humor:"I think he's going to shoot us once we're out in the Gulf," Tubby whispered to the girl. “His aura is green,” she agreed.  “Dunbar has an excellent ear for dialogue … His stylish take on Big Easy lowlife is reminiscent of the best of Donald Westlake and Elmore Leonard.” -Booklist WHO WILL LIKE THESE: Fans of Tremé, softshell crab po’ boys, Domilise’s, the Upperline Restaurant…wait, let’s start over, it's not all about the food—ok,  fans of legal mysteries, (particularly Parnell Hall’s Steve Winslow series and anything by Lia Matera), comic mysteries, Elmore Leonard, funny lawyer movies like My Cousin Vinny, TV shows like Ally McBeal and Night Court; and everyone’s favorite New Orleans yarn, Confederacy of Dunces. Vol. 5: CRIME CZAR It's a city of sin. And murder is only one of them. Tubby Dubonnet can't forget the last words that escaped an old friend's lips, and he can't get out of the way of a political campaign that's turning rough. Obsessed with the idea that a shadowy crime boss may be pulling the strings that have cost good people their lives, Tubby is entering into a test of courage with the most violent men in New Orleans. And if that weren't dangerous enough, he’s just picked up the worst ally he could ever find: a beautiful prostitute gunning for revenge.  Vol. 6: LUCKY MAN When the D.A.

The Dewey Webb Series: Books 1 and 2 (The Dewey Webb Historical Mystery Series)

Renee Pawlish - 2018
    Click here to find out more: (just copy and paste into your browser) *** The first two mysteries in the acclaimed Dewey Webb series: Web of Deceit and Murder in Fashion. Meet Dewey Webb, a hard-boiled 1940s detective, a man of contradictions who gets down-and-dirty to get the job done. For a limited time, you can grab the first two full-length thrillers in this highly acclaimed historical mystery series, almost 600 pages, for just a little more than the price of one. Web of Deceit It's 1949. World War II is over, but it has a way of haunting people for years to come. Gordon Sandalwood suspects his wife Edith is hiding something from him, and he asks Denver private investigator Dewey Webb to find out what. Dewey, toughened by his own war experiences, reluctantly takes the case, certain it will lead to nothing. But when he sees Edith rendezvous with a mysterious man, Dewey realizes his assumptions might be wrong. As he digs deeper to identify the stranger, he turns up secrets that reach back into the war, and as he unravels a web of deceit, he discovers who has the most to gain, and the most to lose. Murder in Fashion In post-World War II Denver, the world of fashion can be murder. Herb Washburn has already been convicted of murdering his boss, Mel Templeton, owner of Templeton Fashion. And in a few days, Herb is headed to the Colorado state prison for a long stay in a decidedly unfashionable suit of clothes. Herb still claims he didn’t commit the crime and, as a last resort, his wife hires Denver private investigator Dewey Webb to find the real killer. During Dewey’s investigation into the personalities and workings of the world of design, he discovers clues that may exonerate Herb. At the same time, Dewey senses secrets and lies that cast serious doubt on Herb’s version of the events. And when Dewey realizes that someone is on his trail who doesn’t want the murder solved, he must act fast before he becomes fashion's next victim. These novels are hard-boiled, historical mysteries that are great for fans who love Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler. Dewey Webb first appeared in the Reed Ferguson mystery, Back Story. Pick up a copy of Back Story to find out more about this classic hard-boiled detective. The Dewey Webb historical mystery series: • Book 1: Web of Deceit • Book 2: Murder In Fashion • Book 3: Secrets and Lies • Book 4: Honor Among Thieves • Book 5: Trouble Finds Her • Short Story: Second Chance • Short Story: Double Cross ★★★★★ 'The world of Mr. Webb - lacking the Internet, relying on pay phones, demanding brain power instead of computers - is straight out of a black and white Bogie film. Dames in trouble, shady characters, the carefully researched clothing and scenes, Ms. Pawlish has the era down flat.' ★★★★★ 'Great mysteries with twists and turns almost around every corner.' ★★★★★ 'I will definitely read more from this author.' ★★★★★ 'Renee Pawlish is a first rate author! Well crafted stories, good character descriptions, good pacing. Difficult to put down.

The Alex Troutt Thriller Series: Books 1-3

John W. Mefford - 2016
     AT Bay (Book 1) Alexandra Giordano never knew she had it so good. Until it was all gone in an instant. As she begins her daunting quest to uncover the black spots on her memory, what she finds isn’t sweet or charming or even pleasant. And that’s when she begins to question everything, including herself. Her work as a Special Agent for the FBI is only a distraction, serving as a mental metronome…anything to crank the gears of her feeble mind. And then it happens—a bizarre, ritualistic murder. She loses herself in her work, fully immersed in the investigation. Unable to recall even her own kids, she’s somehow able to formulate coherent theories on what type of person could pull off such a sickening act. As her mind slowly plugs a few memory gaps, her emotions are scrambled by the reality of her worlds colliding. And the resulting explosion tears her in two. Can she pick up all the incendiary fragments to solve the twisted crime while she clings to some semblance of sanity? One woman can only keep so much…AT Bay. AT Large (Book 2) The pursuit of the truth. The hunt for a life. For the first time in months, FBI Special Agent Alex Troutt feels almost normal, hanging out at a local bar with friends after work. Not long into the evening she stumbles over one of the most disturbing images she has ever seen. And that’s only the beginning. A body is found in Lowell, the human damage, once again, inconceivable. Hours later, another strike. Pushing heartache aside, Alex immerses herself in the investigation. But with every new clue comes a new twist. With the killing spree drawing the attention of every intelligence and law enforcement agency in a five-state radius, Alex is forced to partner with an egomaniac from the CIA. Yet, even with limitless resources, every step forward proves to be a step too late, the kill list seemingly endless. Once the killer makes it personal, Alex is left with no other option—she must confront the person who destroyed her life to try to cease the vicious murders. And when she finally learns the killer’s end game, every second counts if she has any hope of stopping the brutal killings. The hunt will end. Will Alex? AT Once (Book 3) “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.” FBI Agent Alex Troutt has no intentions of falling for anything. Apparently, neither do the bad guys, as the Boston area is once again targeted by extremists. Boston Strong of just a few years ago is now Boston on Edge. And this time, the targets are men of the cloth—priests. At least that’s how it looks at first. As investigators struggle to make sense of the bombings, Alex is thrown for a loop when the FBI assistant director asks her to investigate one of their own—a colleague and friend who is suspected of having ties to a known terrorist. Torn between her values of friendship and the oath she gave when she accepted her FBI credentials, Alex must now lead two investigations simultaneously.

McAllister Justice Series Box Set

Reily Garrett - 2021
    Instead of beginning her new career, she must decipher a riddle along with reams of medical reports in order to survive. Failure will change the course of history.Entering a world of advanced surgical techniques, polymer microchips, and nanotechnology, she discovers twisted minds merging the latest science with progressive surgical procedures in a bid for power and wealth.Lucas faces the biggest upheaval of his life. From chick magnet to wounded cop wasn’t a fall he’d foreseen. Now facing retirement and life as a private investigator, he returns home to find a gun-toting amateur sleuth with multiple IDs deciphering stacks of technical, medical jargon and embroiled in a plot destined to alter mankind’s path.Stalkers and assassins draft reality checks that test their survival skills and endurance while uniting them to thwart a bi-coastal conspiracy.Carbon ReplacementsThe killer held a knife to her throat…The ultimate decision locked within a dark and deviant gaze.Remie Tallin is a small town, forensic pathologist tasked with unraveling the mystery of a victim’s final moments of life. In returning to her small town in Portland, her fresh start comes complete with a psychopathic stalker designating her a pawn in his disturbing and seductive game of intrigue.Evidence doesn’t lie, yet conflicting discoveries mock the legal system and defy the scientific arena for clarification. The end result will be chaos if she doesn’t survive to decipher fact from fiction. Protection is an elusive dream when even police officers are marked as targets. Detective McAllister’s return from leave includes a new assignment along with a partner well versed in subtle sarcasm and innuendos. Their discovery of the new medical examiner, unconscious at the scene of a grisly murder, forces him to unite with his brothers against a world of manufactured evidence where reality shifts according to a psychopath’s desire. Together, they must uncover a conspiracy and the murderer bent on reshaping the laws of nature..

Sidewinder (The Halcyon Files, #1)

Daniel Foster - 2015
    or maybe it was worth everything. Maybe it was worth enough to commit murder. Pictures don't lie, even when they accuse a loving, devoted husband of murder. Thomas was a brilliant detective, but his last case was never solved because it ended with his disappearance. The reason now seems clear, but Kate won't believe it. She can't. And she'll prove his innocence, no matter what the cost. Corruption and deceit cloud her way, but in the middle of it, she finds the most unlikely person - a homeless boy who clings to her like the child she and Thomas never had. Perhaps she and the boy can survive the truth together. Maybe they can mend the tatters of one another's hearts.

The Golden Icon

Janet Pywell - 2013
    She was born to sing Puccini’s Tosca and is determined to earn the right to perform again on the world’s most prestigious and celebrated stages. But her fight for the future she craves is derailed when her ex-husband embroils her in a cynical blackmail plot. She is forced to take possession of a solid gold icon, part of a secret hoard of art treasures stolen by the Nazis - that dangerous men are prepared to kill for. As well as determining the fate of the Golden Icon, Josephine must come to terms with her past, and fight for her own life. If only her choices were simple...

The Man from Murmansk

Trevor Scott - 2017
    On a cold February night, while flying a drone, he takes video of a missile on a transporter erector launcher being loaded aboard a merchant ship. This could be a violation of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty signed by Reagan and Gorbachev. Karl is recalled to America, but not for long. The Agency wants him to continue with his mission, which brings him to a tumultuous South American country. As the U.S. Navy tracks the Russian ship across the Atlantic, it soon becomes clear that a new Cold War could turn hot, bringing the two superpowers to the brink of war. With Karl being the son of legendary CIA officers Jake Adams and Toni Contardo, he definitely has the DNA to complete this mission. But in the cat and mouse spy game, nobody is safe.

Mysteries, Thrillers and Killers

Roger Stelljes - 2017
    read the 3 book box set (1100 pages) where the mysteries are hot, the cases thrill, and the conspiracies never end. The bestselling smash hit crime series with over 1.5 million downloads and 20,000+ reviews - 3 BOOK BOX SET $6.99 USD - or "Listen and work out" - get all 3 free with an Audible audiobook trial. Vince Flynn described Roger Stelljes as "A powerful new thriller voice." Heart stopping killer thrillers that fans of John Sandford, Lee Child and Michael Connelly will be hooked on by one of the best new authors in crime fiction. ELECTING TO MURDER - McRyan Mysteries Book 4 Ruthless killers...grisly deaths...escalating stakes... A clandestine late night meeting in Kentucky, a murder in a seedy St. Paul motel, a mysterious investigator operating in the shadows and dueling political masterminds all collide to provide Mac McRyan with the ultimate test in Electing To Murder. FATALLY BOUND - McRyan Mysteries Book 5 Fatally bound... by one mystery with deadly results. Fatally bound... by one decision with deadly consequences. Fatally bound... by one killer with deadly intentions. A brilliant, methodical and vicious killer is on a mission leaving a trail of bodies in this dark, disturbing and nerve-fraying mystery with an ingenious plot. BLOOD SILENCE - McRyan Mysteries Book 6 Tainted water. Dead bodies. Blood silence. A high-powered lawyer and his beautiful client are brutally slaughtered in a lake house. In a tale of money and blood that hits a little too close to home, Mac is forced to confront his tumultuous past. Blood Silence is a web of unsettling twists, startling turns and unforeseen redemption with each chapter adding a layer of intrigue. MAC MCRYAN MYSTERY, THRILLER, SUSPENSE AND CRIME SERIES: (Get your first audiobook for free - click Audiobook Free Trial) FIRST CASE: Murder Alley - Book 1 + $1.99 USD audio THE ST. PAUL CONSPIRACY - Book 2 - USA TODAY Bestseller DEADLY STILLWATER - Book 3 - Free on Kindle FIRST DEADLY CONSPIRACY - Books 1-3 Boxset - New York Times and USA Today Bestseller ELECTING TO MURDER - Book 4 FATALLY BOUND - Book 5 - USA TODAY Bestseller BLOOD SILENCE - Book 6 - USA TODAY Bestseller MYSTERIES, THRILLERS AND KILLERS - Books 4-6 Boxset NEXT GIRL ON THE LIST - Book 7 STAKEOUT: A Case From The Dick Files - Short Story FIREBALL - Book 8 - New release Nov. 15, 2017 - NOW AVAILABLE If you want to receive a free copy of a McRyan Mystery Series spin-off episode join my new release list. What people are saying about books in the McRyan Mystery Series: “Wow!! Just wow! This has to be the best McRyan book I've read…I really enjoyed the twist and turns this book had to offer.” “This book takes the reader on one wild ride, with the suspense not letting up until the very end. Mac is one part Lucas Davenport and one part Mitch Rapp - and it just does not get any better than that!” “Sex, power, money, and murder keep you wanting to keep reading until you finish it and then wishing there were still more to read! Great story with all the elements of a fantastic read.” “Two thumbs up, way up for this one!” Five stars and then some. “Couldn't put it down! Everything else I had to do just sat until I finished this book.