Diary of the Plug's Daughter 2

Sol - 2018
    Despite the bad cards life has dealt her, she’s trying to move on and live her best life while tackling college at the same time. Problem is, one of her lovers isn’t ready to let go. The king of Harlem, Carlos Mills aka Loso, is still the street’s finest. Now that everything on the block is running smoothly, he's finally ready to focus on his personal life and commit to his girlfriend, Amaya. He’s got it all figured out. They’re gonna get married, buy a new house and start a family. Everything is perfect until people start to show their true colors. After Remy’s boyfriend found out the truth about her and DC’s affair, she starts to uncover Sur’s secret life too. She wasn’t the only one with skeletons in her closet. But, as the old saying goes… Some lies can get you hurt. DC has now found himself in a love triangle that hits a lot closer to home than he thinks. Promise, his baby mother, isn’t the only woman who has gained a place in his heart. And if that’s not enough, imagine finding out that both of your women know each other almost better than they know you. As these couples embark on a journey of love, heartbreak, betrayal, and pain, they’ll find out that people and things are not always what they appear to be. The minute you think life is what it should be, those slithery snakes come out of hiding. Get ready to unfold all the drama in Diary of The Plug’s Daughter II.

The First Wife: An Urban Fiction Romance Novel

Tiece - 2019
    And it's well worth reading. In this unputdownable book you’ll take an unforgettable ride with the national bestselling author Tiece that's signed under Cole Hart Signature. Her writing is very clever, and this story is great. **Warning** This is not your typical Urban romance, dope boy, thug love, or kingpin savage book. Heart pounding. Drama filled. Love story Women's fiction. Annette Capone, the First Wife to the notorious Prophet Capone is starting to unravel since the loss of her son. All she wants is full custody of his daughter, Myanna to ease her pain and she'll play as dirty as need be to make this happen. But when all is said and done, how will this affect Myanna? Will Annette's devious schemes send the little ones emotions spiraling out of control? Myanna Capone is still grieving the loss of both her parents. For a five-year-old, she seems to be stronger than the average adult. However, it's going to be a long, heartfelt road to travel, but with support from within, will she learn to cope with it all? Elise has met the handsome Liam Deckard and is finally giving love another chance, but will it be everything she's ever dreamed of? Or, is it too good to be? An unexpected twist reveals a new beginning that may just be the thing she's needed to move forward in life. With the love of family and friends, will Dreya be able to keep Myanna safe in her care? Or, will she lose the last piece of her family that is actually helping her to keep everything under control? Find out what happens through the ups and downs, and the trials and tribulations in the third installment of The First Wife..

That Bona Fide Hood Love: Fire and Pure

Dymond Taylor - 2019
    As the acclaim boss of the streets, he feels that respect is owed to him without a given. Those who can’t live by that, will have to feel his wrath. He is a hothead to say the very least. He gets what he wants and is respected by all. Well almost all. Purety “Pure” Candaberry, is the type of woman, who you’d imagine your son bringing home. She was smart, kind-hearted, beautiful and dedicated to whomever or whatever she chose to give that honor to. But, she had extended that courtesy to the wrong man. She’s awoken one night, to her panicked-stricken boyfriend urging her to get dress. She knows something is majorly wrong by the sweat beads that are awning his face. Instead of questioning it much, she does as told. Before they could make their escape, the front door is being knocked down. Getting to safety at the nick of time, Pure listens as her boyfriend of two years is murdered in cold blood. Like things couldn’t get any worse. She goes into labor at the worst possible time with their son. This one dreadful night, puts her in the crosshairs with the last person she thought she would ever have to deal with. Her now deceased boyfriend leaves behind a debt that is owed and must be settled. Find out what happens to a raging bull, when he cross paths with a matador.

The Poisoned City: Flint's Water and the American Urban Tragedy

Anna Clark - 2018
    Through a series of disastrous decisions, the state government had switched the city’s water to a source that corroded Flint’s aging lead pipes. Complaints about the foul-smelling water were dismissed: the residents of Flint—a largely poor African American city of about 100,000 people—were not seen as credible, even in matters of their own lives.It took 18 months of activism and a band of dogged outsiders to force the state to admit that the water was poisonous. But this was only after 12 people died and Flint's children suffered irreparable harm. The long battle for accountability and a humane response to this man-made disaster have only just begun.In the first full-length account of this epic failure, The Poisoned City recounts the gripping story of Flint’s poisoned water through the people who caused it, suffered from it, and exposed it. It is a chronicle of one town, but could also be about any American city, all made precarious by the neglect of infrastructure and the erosion of democratic decision-making. Cities like Flint are set up to fail—and for the people who live and work in them, the consequences may be mortal.A 2019 Library of Michigan Notable Books

The Big Sort: Why the Clustering of Like-Minded America is Tearing Us Apart

Bill Bishop - 2008
    This social transformation didn't happen by accident. We’ve built a country where we can all choose the neighborhood -- and religion and news show -- most compatible with our lifestyle and beliefs. And we are living with the consequences of this way-of-life segregation. Our country has become so polarized, so ideologically inbred, that people don’t know and can’t understand those who live just a few miles away. The reason for this situation, and the dire implications for our country, is the subject of this groundbreaking work.In 2004, the journalist Bill Bishop, armed with original and startling demographic data, made national news in a series of articles showing how Americans have been sorting themselves over the past three decades into alarmingly homogeneous communities -- not by region or by red state or blue state, but by city and even neighborhood. In The Big Sort, Bishop deepens his analysis in a brilliantly reported book that makes its case from the ground up, starting with stories about how we live today and then drawing on history, economics, and our changing political landscape to create one of the most compelling big-picture accounts of America in recent memory.The Big Sort will draw comparisons to Robert Putnam's Bowling Alone and Richard Florida's The Rise of the Creative Class and will redefine the way Americans think about themselves for decades to come.

Somethin' 'Bout His Thuggish Ways

K.C. Mills - 2018
    He’s handsome, confident, and unmistakably thuggish in every sense of the word. Mero Perez is in demand, but he’s very selective about who he lets in his world. For the ones he loves, he honors, protects, and will do any and everything necessary to make sure they live a life of royalty. After fifteen years in the streets, he’s built a world that allows him to give all things to those he loves and to live without regrets. What else is there to do besides walk away and enjoy everything that he’s worked so hard to gain? If only it were that easy. It's proving to be more difficult than he assumed it would be. Within the blink of an eye, his world begins crashing down around him. The wife that he’s loved for the past six years has secrets that will end them, while his family becomes a target of an unknown assailant. Everything that he believed true about his life is slowly changing, including the woman who now holds his interest. Khaleel Perez has a reckless mouth and even more reckless behavior. Aside from the security of the life that he’s built alongside the only man he trusts, his cousin Mero, Khaleel puts very little importance on much else. He loves women, and they love him even more. With his good looks and stacked accounts, he has an endless supply of them who won't deny him anything. Well, all except the one he refuses to give in to. Khaleel finds himself questioning his unfaithful ways for a woman who has very little interest in locking him down. That one fact about her makes him want her more, but between finding out who’s targeting his family and following through with plans to step down and leave the streets, along with his cousin, Mero, will he find time to change her mind, or does he even care? Six Tillman’s life was forever changed when her ex did the unthinkable and caused her to lose something so dear to her that she knows she’ll never be able to forgive him. She packs up and moves south to rid herself of the pain he caused, and finds herself in Atlanta with the only family she knows and loves. While staying with her cousin, Mauri, and Mauri’s two-year-old son, Micah, Six begins to piece her life together build her photography career so that she can stand on her own. Her first job puts her front and center with the sexiest man she’s ever laid eyes on, but she has to check her lustful feelings at the door. Six quickly learns that Mero Perez might be all things to all people, but to Six, he simply needs to be a paycheck. That seems to be more of a problem and challenge than she can handle or avoid when his life begins to change, leaving him with a new found interest in Six. Mauri Livingston is doing the best she can to take care of herself and her son. With her son’s father in prison, she provides for them both by any means necessary, and that lands her front and center of a well-known strip club run by Khaleel Perez. Life is good until he steals her heart, and she lets him while vowing to keep him in the dark about her true feelings. She has to consider his free loving ways and put her heart and her son first. Will he prove to be worth her time, or will she keep her feelings for him under lock and key? They say the best way to make God laugh is to tell him your plans. Well, that seems to be the case with this crew. It becomes evident also that the best way to test your will is to say no to a man who’s a thug at heart. Six and Mauri are learning that the hard way while Khaleel and Mero are trying to get a handle on things. What they thought was a guarantee turns out to be anything but, and the paths they are forced to take leads them down a road full of lies, deception, danger, and disloyalty.

Finesse Queens

Quan Millz - 2017
    After the unexpected death of their mother, three young sisters -- Draya, Yandy and Charlie, are faced with some serious challenges. With inheriting their mother's debts and no clear direction as to what the future will bring, the sisters are forced to come up with clever ways to keep their heads above water. Realizing the power and sway they can hold over a man's heart and pockets, the girls set out to become FINESSE QUEENS.Read this breakout urban romance drama by best selling author Quan Millz. You won't be disappointed.

Good Girl With A Dope Boy Fetish 2

Porschea Jade - 2017
    Having two of the most important people in his life fighting for theirs, it begins to turn his heart cold. Not knowing which way to turn, he starts his man hunt for the ones responsible for hurting them. When things take an unexpected turn, O’Hajee may just have to sacrifice everything in the name of family and love but a few bumps in the road put his trail on ice, can he manage to find some level of normalcy? Or will he be lost to the streets for good? Siya’s on the run of her life, after not only crossing Myeke but Deuce as well. Proving the saying ‘money is the root of all evil’ true, she flees New York and takes refuge else where. But when she begins to realize the error of her ways, she will go back to fix the damage she’s caused at any cost. Even if she has to pay with her life. In this next installment, the crew is in for the ride of their lives as family ties are tested. Promises are broken and new dangers lurk around every corner. Can they withstand the storm that’s beating down their doors? Or will they fold under the pressure?

Loving a Heartless Queen

Annitia L. Jackson - 2018
    She was burned by love and has made a career out of destroying others’ relationships. She is a media queen (known as the Queen of Mean) that hosts a show that exposes cheaters to their significant others. She has made a lot of enemies, and now, one of them wants her dead. In steps Arkell (Ark) Watson, a former savage turned legit. After watching the woman that he loved die because of his profession, he decides to run a security service that becomes one of the best in the country. After a run in with Valentine and subsequently saving her life, Ark starts to see another side of Valentine that makes him want to tear down the walls that she has built around her heart. As their bond grows stronger, so does the enemy’s lust for revenge. Can Ark save Valentine? Not only from her would-be killer, but from herself? Ever Moore, Valentine’s best friend, is the opposite. Everything is going well in her life, a thriving practice and new love, until something starts happening to her patients. As she starts to investigate, she uncovers a lot more than she bargained for. She receives help from an unlikely source that she thought she had left in the past. Will she be able to save her patients? Or will saving their lives mean giving up hers?

Snatched Up by a Bad Boy

Prenisha Aja' - 2019
    Now at the age of 25, she has done just that. Big house, dream job, and even engaged to her college boyfriend. She has it all, but she is consistently left wondering, am I really happy? Is my life complete? After getting into it with her fiancé Troy, about the one thing she desires so desperately, she decides that it is time to let her hair down and escape reality for a while. But what she isn’t prepared for is the person she finds herself bumping into. Sawyer McKnight, the neighborhood’s bad boy, is now the hood’s hottest rapper. He went from the slums to the mansion but still, he is missing someone to share it with. In this love tale, you have two people from the same background but different walks of life. Can the two be what the other truly needs or will they just settle for what they’re already used to?

The Way My Heart Is Built 2

Nikki Brown - 2020

The Trillest Love Comes From A Thug

Mercedes G. - 2018
    One moment you’re enjoying the ride, the next you’re upside down and praying for the moment your feet will touch the ground. This ride can be exhilarating and painful at the same time. This is the lesson Gizelle learned at an early age, when she was torn from her flesh and blood, found herself displaced, and in the care of strangers. In an instant the world as she knew it took on a new meaning, filled with chaos and unexplainable freedom. However, like a rainbow after the rain, there is a silver lining and for Gizelle it came in the form of a young-thug called Waka. Waka becomes the air to her lungs, exposing her to things she never thought she wanted. Their chemistry is undeniable- their passion is unprecedented. When the ride call life takes an unexpected turn, Gizelle finds herself heartbroken and alone. Pulling herself up out of the sunken place between regret and resentment will be the hardest thing she’s ever done but somehow, she finds away. A new chapter opens when she crosses paths with,a Boss who makes her want to love again.Captures her heart but what good is having a heart when someone else holds the key. When Waka returns ready to claim what he feels is rightfully his, Gizelle will find herself rocking and reeling out of control. Will she continue the new journey she started with or will she succumb to the trillest love she’s ever known? Take the ride with Gizelle, Waka, and through this addictive tale by bestselling Author Mercedes G, that is guaranteed to keep you turning pages and fiending for more.

I Gotta Be The One You Love

Latoya Nicole - 2017
    Dealing with an unthinkable situation at home and being a loner at school, all she wants is some peace in her life... On the outside, Tre seems to have it all. Being the star of the basketball team, girls throw themselves at his feet. He is used to the attention except where he craves it most. After being thrown together the two realize that they are meant to be. While everyone around them tried their best to break them apart, love took them by storm and they found what they were looking for in each other. Until one fatal night took everything away and threatened to come between them. They say if you love something set it free, will these two find their way back to each other or will everyone and everything they are going through keep them apart? What happens when you have to choose between saving the one you love or being free.

Karma and Myles 2

Traci B - 2018
     After learning that Karma now has a ring and a baby too, Kelis realizes that the title, wife, holds no weight against Karma. Kelis steps her game up in an effort to save her rocky marriage. The thing is, Myles doesn’t want his marriage to be saved. He simply wants to win Karma back after his secret comes out. All Kelis cares about is living happily ever after, and she will stop at absolutely nothing to get it. So, who comes out on top? Who truly gets their happily ever after in this installment?

Married to the Connect 3

Miss Candice - 2018
    He was determined. His by any means necessary attitude has gotten him far but what happens when he's faced to kill an innocent child? In an effort to save his own life, could he take the life of someone who has yet to live their life to its fullest potential? One thing for sure, Quentin comes out of that situation alive. Sadly, taking down Kenny is the least of his problems. After being raped at the hands of one of Quentin's enemies, Simone bounces back better than ever. In the midst of Quentin's war, she has no other choice but to. Unfortunately, suffering for Simone is far from over. After experiencing yet another tragedy at the hands of one of Quentin's enemies, will she be able to bounce back like before? Or will Quentin's reckless and unpredictable lifestyle push her away? And into the arms of another man perhaps? Part three of Married to the Connect is full of plot twists, heartbreak, bloodshed and turmoil. With so much standing in the way of their union, will Simone and Quentin finally make it down the aisle? Or will the loss of a loved one send them down an even slippier slope?