Healed of Cancer

Dodie Osteen - 1986
    She ministers alongside her husband, Pastor John Osteen, at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, known as "An Oas

Me Too: Experience the God Who Understands

Jon Weece - 2016
    So was His.If you've ever tried to pick up the shattered pieces of your life and put them back together again without help, you know it's an impossible task. When you lose your job, when divorce divides your family, when a loved one commits suicide, or when cancer claims a friend, it's easy to lose perspective and abandon hope.According to Jon Weece, Christianity does not require you to smile through your pain, much less praise God for tormenting you. God doesn't enjoy your suffering. But he does understand it--and he knows exactly how to fix it.That's what Me Too is all about: A God who turned the ugliness of the cross into a spectacle of eternal beauty. An all-powerful Lord who will do the same with the pain of this world. An eternal Father who specializes in wiping away tears and putting you back together again. If you'll allow him.

The Rapture: Christianity's Most Preposterous Belief

Chuck Missler - 2002
    Where does this strange view come from? Is the term "rapture" even in the Bible? Clearly, the idea of the Rapture can be considered the most preposterous belief in Biblical Christianity. The situation regarding the doctrine of the Rapture is painfully similar to the famous quote by Dr. Richard Feynman, speaking of quantum physics: I think it is safe to say that no one understands quantum mechanics... in fact, it is often stated of all the theories proposed in this century, the silliest is quantum theory. Some say that the only thing that quantum theory has going for it, in fact, is that it is unquestionably correct.

There Is No You: Seeing Through the Illusion of the Self

Andre Doshim Halaw - 2020

Shadow Boxing: The Dynamic 2-5-14 Strategy to Defeat the Darkness Within

Henry Malone - 1999
    The Dynamic 2-5-14 Strategy to Defeat the Darkness Within"This book is for the tired, the defeated, the frustrated, and the ashamed.  For the hurt and broken, those walking in powerlessness and fear.  For all who have found truth but are failing miserably at living it.  For those walking in bondage and limitations imposed by forces over which they seem to have no control.  For those secretly wondering why their lives don't portray the overcoming reality God has purposed.  For those to whom it seems a strong unseen hand holds them to a course they feel incapable of changing."  (From Chaper 1)The 2-5-14 strategy gives answers to the 2 ways the enemy has access to your life, the 5 doors to legal ground that gives Satan his rights and the 14 spirits that are the roots of common human problems.

All Cracked Up

Patsy Clairmont - 2006
    Suddenly with no place to hide from the reality we realize life is all cracked up. Through the lens of our pain everything seems broken, bruised, and battered. But, as best-selling author Patsy Clairmont points out, there's a redeemer of our pain--Jesus. The Redeemer of the broken and discarded who mends our hearts, and even gives us a reason to laugh again.Telling inspirational stories of women's brokenness and healing, with tenderness and her trademark humor, Patsy Clairmont helps us realize that we're not alone in our struggles. Jesus buoys our spirits and refreshes our tired minds. As Patsy says, "life is so much easier to bear when its shared.'

Brazen: Be a Voice, Not an Echo

Sean Feucht - 2020
    After seven months of pouring my heart, soul and guts into something so demanding and so intense, this was the moment of truth. We were one of the most watched Congressional campaigns in America and everyone “knew” Super Tuesday was just a stepping stone to get to November. Then the finality of the words came. Second place. The end of the road.Sean Feucht never backed down from a challenge and running for US Congress was no exception. From birth, there was a call on his life to dream about the impossible, and then partner with God to see miracles come about. From going to the darkest corners of the earth to starting a world-wide prayer and worship movement, Sean has been brazen as he resolutely pursues the call of God on his life.Sean poignantly shares the deep losses in his life and how God showed up inexplicably to always show Himself to be faithful and good. In Brazen, he shares a vulnerable story of trust and how God always shows up even in your darkest hour and seemingly greatest loss. Be inspired to see your circumstances in a new way.

Love Yourself : Understand and Master the Art of not Giving a *uck

Rakhi Kapoor - 2020

Chanakya In the Classroom: Life Lessons for Students

Radhakrishnan Pillai - 2018
    Chanakya In The Classroom : Life Lessons For Students

Getting the Little Blighters to Eat

Claire Potter - 2013
    Does your child decide they don't like a food before they've even tried it? Do they say 'Yuk' to foods they used to eat happily? Would they live off chips and ice-cream and never touch a vegetable again if given the chance? This little book provides easy-to-follow, easy-to-remember rules to help re-programme your child into a happy, healthy, adventurous eater.

Glory Carriers: How to Host His Presence Every Day

Jennifer Eivaz - 2019
    What we behold, we reflect. The more we behold the Lord, the more we look like him--and the more we see his glory released into our lives and the lives of those around us.The glory of God is irresistible. Yet seeking to sense his presence or experience his glory for its own sake misses the point. His glory is the natural outpouring of a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit. In these pages, author and speaker Jennifer Eivaz shows how you can enter into more intimate fellowship with the Spirit of God, experience miraculous encounters, and begin to see more miracles, more deliverances, and more lives dramatically changed. Here is the inspiration you need to step into the supernatural and follow God's leading--and carry his glory to the darkest places and see his kingdom come.

Yama and His Book of Accounts: (Penguin Petit)

Devdutt Pattanaik - 2018
    Only actions remain in our control while the reactions are simply to be borne. How one handles those reactions is believed to be the real test of one's existence on earth according to Hindu mythology. Desire and Destiny are the governing principles of the universe. What we desire, what we do to fulfill those desires and how we act upon our destinies—they all add up as credits and debits in our life's ledger, maintained by none other than Yama, the God of death. And he maintains this ledger for a reason: to determine what happens to us after we die. Read on as Devdutt Pattanaik unravels the various beliefs associated with death in Hindu mythology in Yama and His Book of Accounts.

How God Sees Me

Bill Johnson
    His work on earth is not complete without us.” In this featured excerpt from The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind, Bill Johnson defines every believer’s role in God’s master plan—all of us are essential and unique.

Stars Shine Only in the Darkness : Inspirational Stories From Everyday Life

Haris Adiwaid - 2020

The Purpose Room: A Meeting Place Where You Discover, Birth and Accomplish Your God-Given Purpose

Heather Lindsey - 2016
    I knew my purpose. I just didn't understand how I was going to get there in this small cubical doing data entry work at a dead end job in business casual clothes. " - Heather Lindsey We live in a society that makes it easy to compare your life to everyone else's social media "highlight" reels. If you feel "behind," I have written this book to remind you that you're exactly where you're supposed to be. You have God-given purpose. You have a plan. You don't need to copy or imitate anyone but Jesus Christ! He has assigned you with a specific purpose, and called you to solve a problem on this earth, for this generation! If you've struggled greatly with your purpose, Heather Lindsey can relate to you as she shares her years of living purposeless without Jesus, to becoming a first generation pastor, and best selling author to a worldwide ministry. She candidly shares her peaks, pitfalls, and what she has learned along the way as the Lord has revealed His purpose to her. If you've ever struggled with identifying, being afraid of, or walking in your purpose, this book is for you. The Purpose Room seeks to create a comfortable atmosphere for you to be honest about your talents, gifts, or insecurities, in order to confidently walk the path God has called you to. Regardless of where you are in life, The Purpose Room will help you to discover, accomplish and birth your God-given purpose.