The Presidents and UFOs: A Secret History from FDR to Obama

Larry Holcombe - 2015
    Now, as governments around the world open their files and records on internal UFO investigations, the US remains steadfast in its denial of interest in the UFO issue. As more of the world's population accepts the possibility of an extraterrestrial presence, the demand is building for disclosure from the United States.Using newly declassified and Freedom of Information Act documents, eyewitness accounts, interviews, and leaked documents being authenticated, THE PRESIDENTS AND UFOS details the secret history of UFOs and the corresponding presidential administration. Starting in 1941 with the Roosevelt administration, author Larry Holcombe examines the startling discoveries facing a president preoccupied by WWII, the explosion of UFO sightings during the Truman years, first contact during the Eisenhower administration, and the possibility of a UFO connection to the Kennedy assassination. In 1975, the Nixon administration came very close to admitting that UFOs exist by funding a documentary by Robert Emenegger. Almost 40 years later, this book will examine Emenegger's findings.For the first time, the involvement of all of the modern presidents up to and including President Obama, and the rise and then fall of their influence on UFO issues, are told in one story that is an integral part of the fascinating UFO tapestry.

The One Who Runs and Hides: A True Story

Chris Merola - 2018
     The American Indians, depending on their tribe, had many names for the Creature: Sasahevas, Sasquatch, Bukwas (wild man of the woods), See’atco (one who runs and hides). What would Native American Indians have to gain from falsifying the existence of a Beast? The last name seemed the most appropriate to me. The One who runs and hides.

Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda

Karla Turner - 1994

The Interrupted Journey Two Lost Hours Aboard A Flying Saucer

John G. Fuller - 1966
    Driving home from Canada on the night of 9/19/1961, Betty & Barney Hill of Portsmouth, NH, sighted a flying saucer, which left them shaken. When they arrived home Barney found inexplicable scuff marks on the tips of his shoes; Betty noticed rows of mysterious circles on the boot of their car, but what was worse, they realised they could not account for almost two hours of their time on the road. After many months of psychic distress, they sought medical assistance from Dr Benjamin Simon, a distinguished Boston psychiatrist & neurologist. Under psychotherapy, including time-regression hypnosis, the Hills gave almost identical accounts of what had happened during their two lost hours. They told of intelligent humanoid beings who took them on board an alien spacecraft, questioned them & subjected them to physical examination. The Hills were an American married couple who rose to fame after they claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrials on 9/19-20/1961. The couple's story, called the Hill Abduction, occasionally the Zeta Reticuli Incident, was that they had been kidnapped for a short time by a UFO. Theirs was the 1st widely-publicized claim of alien abduction.

Incident at Devils Den, a true story by Terry Lovelace, Esq.: Compelling Proof of Alien Existence, Alleged USAF Involvement and an Alien Implant Discovered Accidentally on X-Ray

Terry Lovelace Esq - 2018
    Written by Terry Lovelace, a 64 year-old lawyer and former assistant attorney general. In 2012 a routine x-ray of my leg found an anomalous bit of metal the size of a fingernail with two tiny wires attached. What followed were horrific nightmares, spontaneous recall and intrusive thoughts surrounding a 1977 camping trip I took with a friend to Devils Den State Park in Northern Arkansas. For fear of losing my job and my standing in the legal community I've kept this secret for 40 years. But the 2012 discovery of this object, one and one-half inches deep in my thigh, initiated a flood of nightmares I could not control. My poor health and the horrific memories were the catalyst to come forward and finally disclose what happened back in 1977. My friend and I were on a two-day camping trip to photograph eagles and wildlife. Rather than stay in the campground we chose to drive deep into an isolated area and set-up our camp on a high plateau that offered a scenic view of the wilderness. Late in the evening of our first night in camp a group of three very bright stars in the western sky caught our attention. Arranged in a triangle configuration we speculated as to what it could be? We eliminated aircraft lights due to the triangle configuration. Then it moved. The three stars rotated as if on an axis and slowly ascended upward. As it rose the three points of light spread apart, each equidistant to the others. The stars grew larger and brighter. As the triangle passed over stars they would blink-out for a moment and then blink-back again as it moved over them. The area inside the triangle was black, darker than the night sky. As the points expanded they were eventually devouring entire fields of stars as it traveled higher and moved closer to our camp. It eventually halted directly over us. It was huge. A third of the sky was covered by this black triangle overhead without a single star in between the three points. It was as if someone had cut an enormous triangle out of a sky filled with a billion stars. It descended until it was about thirty feet over the floor of the meadow. The size of the object was unbelievable. Each side of the triangle was a city block in length. I estimated its height at fifty feet or more. The size of a five story office building it sat motionless above the floor of the meadow. What followed was a horrific abduction experience. We both suffered badly from burns and dehydration and were hospitalized for two nights. I was interviewed by special agents from the USAF Security Police's "OSI" or Office of Special Investigations. They mistakenly believed I had photographed the object and I was viciously interrogated by two of their special agents. They demanded my film. My home and car were searched by consent and I was hypnotized to assist my recall. It was a nightmare that left my wife and I sour on the whole UFO and the allegations surrounding our experience. I never intended to tell anyone. But the events of 2012 opened a door to memories about the abduction experience I had long forgotten and had no desire to even remember. In 2016 and in poor health I decided it was the right time to disclose everything I knew and everything we experienced. The piece of metal in my leg was the genesis of this story. There is so much more that happened.

Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings

J. Allen Hynek - 1987
    Now you can discover the truth that will rip open the entire UFO phenomenon, when you read "Night Siege" by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, and Bob Pratt. The late Dr. Hynek was a famous astrologer who was a consultant to the Air Force's "Project Blue Book" UFO investigation and later had a cameo in the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." He began the research that was continued by science educator Imbrogno and journalist Pratt. What they uncovered was that thousands of people have been seeing strange objects in the sky--and sometimes even contacting strange beings--in the Hudson Valley just north of New York City. -Seven thousand reported sightings -Witnesses from all walks of life -Reports from strangers corroborate what others saw -A huge object that hovers and floats through the sky almost silently -Encounters with entities who looked like they had gray skin . . . or were reptilian -Physical evidence that something strange took place The first edition of "Night Siege" is widely known as a classic in the UFO field for its in-depth reporting. It has now been updated to cover the latest sightings and close encounters. The book features sixteen photos, including one of a UFO taken by a law enforcement official. To this day, the military, the media, and scientists have remained silent about the Hudson Valley phenomenon. If you want to find out the amazing secrets of UFOs just minutes from New York City, you must get "Night Siege.

Supposedly Haunted: True Life Experiences of a Paranormal Investigator

E.E. Bensen - 2016
    He discusses what brought him into the paranormal research field, describes real life supernatural events witnessed firsthand during his numerous investigations, and also provides an opinion of what all of it might be. Experiencing paranormal phenomena has a way of changing one's perspective. Locations include Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Preston Castle, The Washoe Club, The Stanley Hotel, Old Tooele Hospital (Asylum 49), Farrar Elementary School, and more!


Budd Hopkins - 1987
    8 pages of photographs, illustrations.

Australia's Strangest Mysteries #2

John Pinkney - 2012
    Someone [the murderer?] had covered him with a small strip of carpet.Nearby, in a ditch,lay Mrs Chandler - her face and torso bafflingly blanketed in beer cartons.The discovery made international headlines. It swiftly emerged that Dr Bogle, a brilliant specialist in solid state physics, had recently accepted a research post in Washington – and had been preparing to fly there, with his wife and children. Mrs Chandler, who’d worked as a nurse before her marriage, had been at the same New Year’s party with Gilbert Bogle the evening before. They had left separately.Scientists found that the pair had died of acute heart failure – but they could suggest no cause. There were no signs of violence: no smothering or strangulation; no hypodermic marks; no evidence, in the body tissues, of poisons, or radioactive substances of any kind.From the morning the bodies were found, the Bogle-Chandler conundrum would perplex the law’s keenest forensic minds...

The Invisible College

Jacques F. Vallée - 1975
    s/t: What a Group of Scientists Has Discovered About UFO Influences on the Human Race

The Unidentified: Mythical Monsters, Alien Encounters, and Our Obsession with the Unexplained

Colin Dickey - 2020
    It seems the more our maps of the known world get filled in, the more we crave mysterious locations full of strange creatures.Enter Colin Dickey, Cultural Historian and Tour Guide of the Weird. With the same curiosity and insight that made Ghostland a hit with readers and critics, Colin looks at what all fringe beliefs have in common, explaining that today's Illuminati is yesterday's Flat Earth: the attempt to find meaning in a world stripped of wonder. Dickey visits the wacky sites of America's wildest fringe beliefs--from the famed Mount Shasta where the ancient race (or extra-terrestrials, or possibly both, depending on who you ask) called Lemurians are said to roam, to the museum containing the last remaining "evidence" of the great Kentucky Meat Shower--investigating how these theories come about, why they take hold, and why as Americans we keep inventing and re-inventing them decade after decade. The Unidentified is Colin Dickey at his best: curious, wry, brilliant in his analysis, yet eminently readable.

Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah

Colm A. Kelleher - 2005
    Vanishing and mutilated cattle. Unidentified Flying Objects. The appearance of huge, otherworldly creatures. Invisible objects emitting magnetic fields with the power to spark a cattle stampede. Flying orbs of light with dazzling maneuverability and lethal consequences. For one family, life on the Skinwalker Ranch had become a life under siege by an unknown enemy or enemies. Nothing else could explain the horrors that surrounded them -- perhaps science could. Leading a first-class team of research scientists on a disturbing odyssey into the unknown, Colm Kelleher spent hundreds of days and nights on the Skinwalker property and experienced firsthand many of its haunting mysteries. With investigative reporter George Knapp -- the only journalist allowed to witness and document the team's work -- Kelleher chronicles in superb detail the spectacular happenings the team observed personally, and the theories of modern physics behind the phenomena. Far from the coldly detached findings one might expect, their conclusions are utterly hair-raising in their implications. Opening a door to the unseen world around us, Hunt for the Skinwalker is a clarion call to expand our vision far beyond what we know.

Bizarre True Stories: 10 Mysterious Accounts Of True Paranormal Hauntings, Vanishing People, Creepy Unexplained Phenomena And The Unknown (True Ghost Stories And Hauntings, True Paranormal Hauntings)

Layla Hawkes - 2015
    Or maybe these beings lie in wait and arbitrarily emerge from oblivion to wreak havoc on the unlucky and unsuspecting humans that cross their paths? Maybe we are not alone in this universe, maybe our souls do continue to live on after death.Perhaps certain areas of this Earth contain portals to the world of the unknown - a world that holds a powerful mystique that no mortal has ever ventured into and come out the same… if they do come out at all. Join me as we explore various episodes of true paranormal hauntings, vanishing people, creepy unexplained phenomena and the unknown. This book is not for the faint of heart as it contains accounts of various inexplicable occurrences that can only be attributed to the world beyond.If you love scary, weird and just plain crazy stories about the most bizarre things that have happened on this planet, then grab this book now! ***** Scroll Up and Get Now! *****

The Beast of Bray Road: Tailing Wisconsin's Werewolf

Linda S. Godfrey - 2003
    The canid sensation was soon dubbed Beast of Bray Road, after the location of the first reported sightings. Author Linda Godfrey began investigating this story and soon found herself in the middle of a national sensation. Nobody has ever been able to prove whether the beast is a flesh-and-blood werewolf or will-o'-the-wisp, demon dog, or noble animal. But the author gives the reader plenty to chew on. Make up your own mind, if you do so at all, only after the marrow has been extracted and well digested.

True Ghost Stories: Real Haunted Cemeteries and Graveyards

Zachery Knowles - 2017
    Or as one gentleman whom had has picture taken at an infamous Old West Cemetery, only to have it developed and discover someone else was in the picture, too—holding a knife. Envision yourself walking along in a cemetery when a tall, handsome young man approaches asking for the location of a crypt. When you politely respond in the negative, he politely thanks you, turns, and disappears. Be cautious visiting a cemetery at dusk for a pack of large, dark-colored hellhounds with fiery red eyes might pass right through the trees as they are running toward you, barking and baying in a terrifying fashion. These stories and more fill the pages of this book. Included are cemetery hauntings from all over the world, including the United States, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, Egypt, Argentina, Mexico, and Czechoslovakia. Infamous hauntings from Greyfriars Kirkyard and Stull Cemetery, as well as countless lesser-known hauntings are guaranteed to unnerve even the bravest of readers. Ghosts of criminals, police chiefs, murder victims, innocent young children, distraught mothers, lonely bachelors, forlorn lovers, a cursed pharaoh and many more are described in this book. All sorts of manifestations are also integrated including ghostly animals, shadows cast by a hangman’s tree no longer there, a screaming skull encased in concrete…these are just a few of the ghostly manifestations you will learn of within these pages. Be prepared to view cemeteries in a whole new light. Don’t read this without all the lights on and think twice before visiting any of these cemeteries without showing the proper respect—you may not come out with your sanity intact. Ready to scare yourself senseless? Scroll to the top of the page and hit buy!