Book picks similar to
Nice Guys And Players: Becoming The Man Women Want by Rom Wills


Bang: More Lays in 60 Days

Roosh V. - 2007
    It contains simple but powerful techniques, moves, and lines that offer a direct line to casual sex. Bang includes... • The 8 essential beliefs of the alpha male.• The 5 critical components of the "vibe," an optimal attitude women find most attractive.• Tons of natural, high-impact opening lines that work just about anywhere women can be found.• Best answers to a girl's common questions that heighten the tension and build attraction.• A technique to get her phone number without asking for it.• Detailed text messaging strategy that shows you word-for-word how to get dates in the shortest amount of time possible (no need to make voice calls).• The one text messaging mistake 95% of guys make that kill the interaction.• A simple trick for the first date that will make her feel like she has known you longer than she actually has.Bang goes into explicit detail on how to escalate to intimacy...• "Four key moves" to the kiss that are so natural and easy to pull off that the girl won't even recognize them as moves.• A comprehensive dating strategy so you bang her no later than the third date.• The 5 magic words to say when you want to get inside her place • How to make a smooth transition to the bedroom.• 7 detailed steps to taking off her clothes.There is also an appendix that covers unique situations you may face...• How to approach girls in coffee shops, the gym, and foreign countries.• How to prevent a girl from seeing you as too young or too old.• A bonus "cheat sheet" that contains six of the most crucial points you need to remember when it's time to pickup girls.Dozens of additional topics are logically organized into five chapters...• Internal Game. How to build your confidence and adopt the correct beliefs that maximize your notch count.• Early Game. How to meet women, have good conversations, build attraction, and get either numbers, kisses, or one-night stands. • Middle Game. How to set up a date along with what to do and say while out on them.• Late Game. How to seal the deal and plan for future dates.• End Game. How to take your results to the next level.The lessons taught in this no-nonsense, no-fluff textbook aim to help men reach their sex potential based on their existing look and status.

Power Moves

NOT A BOOK - 2019
    Private corner offices and management by decree are out, as is unquestioned trust in the government and media. These former pillars of traditional power have been replaced by networks of informed citizens who collectively wield more power over their personal lives, employers, and worlds than ever before. So how do you navigate this new landscape and come out on top? Adam Grant, Wharton organizational psychologist and New York Times best-selling author of Give and Take, Originals, and Option B, went to the World Economic Forum in Davos, the epicenter of power, and sat down with thought leaders from around the world, to find out.In interviews with two dozen leaders and thinkers - from top executives at Google, GM, Slack, and Goldman Sachs, to the CEO of the Gates Foundation and NASA's former chief scientist - Grant shares hard-earned insight on how to succeed in this new era of hyper-linked power. He also explores how it's reshaping everything from how employees work to how employers manage their workers, from how women rise in the office to how scientists influence policy.The combination of captivating interviews, compelling data, and Grant's unmistakably incisive and actionable analysis results in an inspiring crash course from the frontlines on the changing nature of power today.

The Birth Order Connection: Finding and Keeping the Love of Your Life

Kevin Leman - 2001
    Yet few people experience this type of relationship. Statistics show that approximately 20 million divorced people live in our country, and the median duration of any given marriage is just 7.2 years. Few people consider the role that their birth order has played in developing their own personality, how it has affected their prospective spouse\u2019s personality, or how the two personalities might make it living under one roof. As a result, after the initial intoxicating infatuation ends, most married couples are left to work their way through the agonizing hangover of conflicting birth orders. In The Birth Order Connection, Dr. Kevin Leman helps readers avoid such conflicts before they arise. He shows how to find and recognize the best and wisest choice fora life partner, provides tools to succeed in marriage, and teaches how an understanding of birth order can do wonders not only for future marriages but for those that have already begun.

Declare War On Yourself: How to Get Your Act and Life Together to Become the Best Version of Yourself

Marc Summers - 2017
    In Declare War on Yourself, you'll learn:- What it means to actually “have your act together”- Why only 3% of us actually have our life together- Why society’s definition of “having your act together” is wrong- Reasons we’re lazy, we don’t push ourselves, and we keep giving up- People and situations keeping you from getting your act together- How what you’re programming your mind with is helping you or hurting you- How much time you’re actually wasting on useless thoughts and activities- The things really stopping you from moving in the right direction- The thoughts, emotions, feelings, people, places, and things getting in your way- The emotions sabotaging you, holding you back, and moving you backwards- How to eliminate “chaos” from your mind, daily routine, and life- How to eliminate the distractions- How to replace trash habits- What you need to accept about yourself and your life- Exactly what’s making you unhappy, unproductive, and unsuccessful- How to reach goals faster and easier- “Failure” mindsets to eliminate- Powerful mindsets of the world’s most elite people- Mental toughness – how to develop it- How to make self-control and self-discipline easier- How controlling emotions plays a big part in bad situations- What to do when everything is spinning out of control and you feel like giving up- How to talk to yourself during difficult times and situations- How to make big challenges small enough to handle easily- A cheap, effective, and easy-to-get tool that helps you clear your mind- How “micro-emotions” are effecting you every minute of every day- How to “zero out” and relax when emotions are getting too extreme- How often you should share emotions and what it makes others think of you- How the world’s most effective and elite people handle emotions to get their “edge”- How the state of your home relates to directly to having your act together- The first thing you should do when you wake up- Which parts of your home to keep clean and organized and why it’s important- The best time of day to do your home cleaning so it’s the easiest and fastest- The proper relationship with your superiors and co-workers- Besides making money, what you should and shouldn’t be at work for- What to before you start your work day- Tools to make your job easier and help you power through boring tasks and projects- How to have better focus, get things done, and become more productive- How to manage your time and evaluate progress- How getting your social act together makes you more likable and trustworthy- How to set social boundaries with yourself and others and why it's important- Social formalities that get you more respect- Powerful social techniques to get the attention of the right people- Habits, behaviors, and thoughts you don’t need in your social life- A proper relationship with your money so you can make more and keep what you have- The one position that makes you financially happier- Money’s real purpose and what it doesn’t do for you- The real differences between broke people and rich people- When and how you should use credit and debt- Why you should save and how much you should be saving to avoid compromising positions- Time – how important it should be to you and how to spend it wisely- Plans, processes, and procedures that help you reach your goals faster- How to become extremely specific about your goals- What setbacks mean and how to handle them- The most important things to do before you get your day started- How to get your mind on the right track so you’re thinking the right thoughts, having the right feelings, and doing the right things- How to hit your targets, avoid distractions, and make your day easier- Which counter-productive activities to avoid- The most important things to do before you go to bed

The Message Game: A Guide To Dating At The Touch Of A Button

Ice White - 2020
    It's not just a dating guide for men to get dates quickly and efficiently through dating apps like Tinder, or social media. It's about becoming a good communicator, knowing how to lead conversations and being able to set up genuinely fun activities that maximize your sexual results and relationships. With hundreds of analyzed screenshots collected from dedicated Message Game followers and Ice White himself, this is a visual guide with real stories of sex and adventures, and real conversations that have provided an understanding of successes and failures. All the learning has been done for you and compiled into a structured guide that can answer all your possible questions. From maximizing how many contacts and phone numbers you get to setting up dates quickly, from getting dates to getting laid, and from logistics to escalation. The book also features special sections that are especially useful, such as:The Situation Index - A table of common situations with references to every single page that has explained or showed the given situation. She isn't responding? She doesn't want anything serious? She says she is busy? She is only visiting your town or city? She thinks you just want sex? Whatever it is, we have the pages. Frequently Asked Questions - A summary of many common questions, such as how long you should wait to reply, how iften you should message someone, if you should use Tinder superlikes, if you should swipe a certain way on Tinder, and SO MUCH MORE. Without hesitation, this book is your own personal guide to getting the dates you want as frequently as possible.

The Art of Mackin'

Tariq Nasheed - 2000
    The first how to book that teaches men how to actually become 'players and macks...

Open Her: Activate 7 Masculine Powers to Arouse Your Woman's Love & Desire

Karen Brody - 2014
    Each archetype brings a power and a gift, a secret key to his woman’s love and desire. Open Her will inspire a man to love his masculinity and to know the power it holds to open a woman to ever deepening states of pleasure and love.

Sex God Method

Daniel Rose - 2008
    These sex secrets are so powerful that even women who never experienced orgasms can finally achieve consistent orgasms every time. Mastering these sexual concepts will literally make your woman sexually addicted to you and only you.

Write Your Own Fairy Tale: The New Rules for Dating, Relationships, and Finding Love on Your Terms

Siggy Flicker - 2015
    You have to work for it. Readers will get a tried-and-true comprehensive guide to the first six months of dating and Siggy's exclusive plan to get over heartbreak ensuring you'll get from agony to over it in just six simple steps. Smart and sassy relationship expert Siggy Flicker is your new fairy godmother. Having matched more than a thousand couples and embraced her own second chance at love, she knows finding a prince is no picnic. Now she's sharing the keys to building a fairy-tale romance, beginning with an honest assessment of what you really want to be happy.To help readers create the healthy, lasting relationships they deserve, Siggy is sharing her honest, empowering advice, including:- Define the relationship you want. - Forget what looks good "on paper." - Take a break from your dating rut with a Dating Detox. - Learn how to make the most of the first five minutes. - Happily ever after means forever.Featuring practical exercises, real-life success stories, and lessons Siggy learned the hard way, Write Your Own Fairy Tale is a wake-up call for everyone looking for love--and a guide for making sure you get the happiness you truly deserve.

What Women Want When They Test Men: How To Decode Female Behavior, Pass A Woman's Tests, And Attract Women Through Authenticity

Bruce Bryans - 2014
    Women want to be with a man who knows how to take the lead and make decisions; one who has strong personal boundaries and knows how to love her like...a man.Unfortunately, a lot of men have difficulty accepting the truth that many women prefer to be with a man who isn't afraid to stand up to them, who challenges them, and who refuses to be pushed around by women (or anything else for that matter). This is especially true of women who seek a more traditional male-female gender role dynamic in their romantic relationships.Even if a man knows how to attract women, cultivating a mind-blowing relationship with one requires a different set of skills entirely. Women want men who can make them feel secure - men with strong boundaries and unwavering commitment.Sadly, most dating and relationship books rarely show men how to keep a woman happy without them having to sacrifice their manhood in the process. How to Understand Women and Pass Their Tests With "Unshakeable" ConfidenceMen around the world have no idea that the women they know and love are testing them. These men go about their lives interacting with the opposite sex in absolute darkness, ignorant to the fact that they're being judged, appraised, approved, and rejected based on their subconscious reactions to female testing.If you had no idea that women test men and why they have to, you're about to take a journey onto a road less traveled - the more mysterious side of female psychology and how women think. Attract Women Through Authenticity and Be the "Strong" Man a Woman Wants For a RelationshipIt's important for a man to learn how to walk that thin line between caring, thoughtful lover and firm, assertive leader. The man who masters the art of being the perfect gentleman and a strong alpha male is the ideal specimen to a high-quality woman.This is what you're going to learn in this book.So if you're dating or in a relationship and women constantly create drama, lose interest in you, or manipulate you, it's time you finally got some advice from one of the only relationship books for men that won't turn you into a doormat.Here's what you're going to learn inside: How to be radically honest with a woman and why this makes her MORE attracted to you.The reason why women test men CONSISTENTLY and how to use this knowledge to deepen a woman's desire. (Hint: This is the key to female psychology and how women think.)How to be confident with difficult women.What women want in a man and how to give it to them.How to make a woman happy without becoming a complete doormat of a man.How to seduce your wife and get her in the mood by responding like a MAN whenever she "pokes the bear."How to be firm and say "No" to the woman you love without destroying intimacy.How to keep a woman interested in you by doing the ONE thing MOST men are deathly afraid of doing.How to avoid unnecessary arguments, fights, and drama with a woman by using a simple communication technique.The best way to secretly test a woman's level of romantic interest in you (as well as her emotional maturity) before making a long-term commitment.How to stop living in fear of what a woman might think, say, or do if she disagrees with or disapproves of you in any way.And much, much more...Would You Like to Know More?Get started right away and learn how to become the attractive man that has "zero" difficulty keeping a woman's respect, desire, and unwavering support.Scroll to the top of the page and select the 'buy butto

The Easy Peasy Way to Quit Porn

Hackauthor² - 2020
    It won’t place any judgement, embarrassment, or pressure to undergo painful measures.In fact, there’s absolutely no need to cut down or reduce your usage whilst reading; doing so is actually detrimental.Perhaps this goes against everything you’ve been told, but ask yourself if what you’ve been told has worked? If it had, you wouldn’t be reading this hackbook.Pornography addiction manifests in various ways with far-reaching societal effects. Many people use pornography because the internet allows instantaneous access to supernormal stimuli. Consider if the following questions apply to you.- Do you spend far more time viewing porn than you originally intended?- Are you unsuccessful in efforts to stop or limit your consumption of pornography?- Has time spent viewing pornography interfered with, or taken precedence over personal or professional commitments, hobbies, or relationships in your life?- Do you go out of your way to keep your pornography consumption secret (e.g. deleting browser history, lying about viewing porn)?- Has viewing pornography caused significant problems in intimate relationship(s)?- Do you experience a cycle of arousal and enjoyment before and during pornography consumption, followed by feelings of shame, guilt, and remorse after?- Do you spend significant amounts of time thinking about pornography, even when not watching it?- Has viewing pornography caused any other negative consequences in your personal or professional life (e.g. missed work, poor performance, neglected relationships, financial problems)?If you’re a porn user that depends on it for masturbation or sex, all you need to do is read on. If you’re here for a loved one, all you need to do is persuade them to read this book. If unable to persuade them, read the book yourself. Understanding the method assists getting the message across and preventing your children from starting. Don’t be fooled by the fact that they don’t have access to it now – all do before getting hooked.

Saying What's Real: 7 Keys to Authentic Communication and Relationship Success

Susan M. Campbell - 2005
    Drawing on her years of experience as a relationship coach and a teamwork consultant to Fortune 500 companies, Susan Campbell shows readers how to drastically improve the quality of their everyday interations by relying on a simple, straight-forward approach to communication and letting go of their need to control the outcome. Practical techniques for dropping one's defenses are offered, as well as a fresh new perspective on using intimate relationships as a form of spiritual practice. Other useful tools include seven statements designed to bring the reader's awareness into the present moment, as well as handy communication-enhancing phrases and Campbell's insights on the most commonly encountered problems.

Embodiment. the Manual You Should Have Been Given When You Were Born

Dain Heer - 2006
    It's about functioning with your body from the perspective of beingness. It explores how you, as an infinite being, can experience greatness with your body. What if your body were an ongoing source of joy? This book may go against everything you've ever thought, everything you've been taught and everything you've read; and everything you have brought that everyone else believes. It doesn't claim to give you all the answers. Instead it will encourage you to ask the questions that will allow you to enjoy the body you currently have and to create your body so that you can truly enjoy it.

The Tactical Guide to Women: How Men Can Manage Risk in Dating and Marriage

Shawn T. Smith - 2017
    The right woman can be the best part of a man’s life, and the wrong one can lead to personal and financial ruin. In today’s climate, no man should venture into romance without a reliable risk-management strategy. The Tactical Guide to Women delivers a solid plan for allowing the right women into your life, and keeping the wrong ones at a safe distance. You’ll discover how to: • Identify good women of low drama and high character • Reduce your vulnerability to women who seem perfect for you—but aren’t • Spot the early warning signs of emotional instability You’ll also learn: • Critical techniques for seeing women clearly • The most common mistakes that lead men into disastrous relationships • How to reduce the odds of a good relationship going bad Impeccably researched and backed by the author’s decade of clinical experience, The Tactical Guide to Women provides men with desperately needed, rarely discussed strategies for finding sanity, joy, and companionship. This is not another book about getting laid. This book is about not getting screwed.

No More Mr. Nice Guy

Robert A. Glover - 2000
    Nice Guy! landed its author, a certified marriage and family therapist, on The O'Reilly Factor and the Rush Limbaugh radio show. Dr. Robert Glover has dubbed the "Nice Guy Syndrome" trying too hard to please others while neglecting one's own needs, thus causing unhappiness and resentfulness. It's no wonder that unfulfilled Nice Guys lash out in frustration at their loved ones, claims Dr. Glover. He explains how they can stop seeking approval and start getting what they want in life, by presenting the information and tools to help them ensure their needs are met, to express their emotions, to have a satisfying sex life, to embrace their masculinity and form meaningful relationships with other men, and to live up to their creative potential.