Manny for Walker

Fel Fern - 2021
    Hiring a manny will solve one of his problems. Walker just never expected his one true mate to turn up on his doorstep. Manny’s unbelievably sweet and great with kids. The omega’s also far too good to be wasted on a broken alpha like Walker. Walker’s determined to maintain professional boundaries but no shifter can resist the mating call.From day one, Manny Santos fell in love with the Olsen family. He prefers working with human clients but he’s made an exception for Walker and his adorable nieces. Walker’s a sexy, walking disaster. A puzzle Manny can’t wait to solve. Getting too close to the alpha seems like a bad idea. Walker’s hiding secrets. Manny has his own personal fears to overcome but destiny doesn’t make any mistakes when it comes to fated mates.An adorable but distrustful omega and a hard-headed and stubborn alpha find out they’re fated mates in Manny for Walker. It is the first book in the Claws Inc. series. There are no cliff-hangers or cheating, and a HEA is guaranteed.


A.J. Sherwood - 2020
    With a new mechanical engineering degree, a new job looming, and a whole life planned out that isn’t his, Germany seems like the best place to find himself. So how does he end up discovering his lost magic heritage, running from bad guys with a secret agenda, and being adopted by the not-so-extinct Fire Dragon clan? Cameron blames tall, dark, and sexy Alric, king of the Fire dragons. His fated mate. Because of course he is, and mates are meant to take the blame, right? It may take a hot second, but as Cameron learns more about the scarred Alric and the life he’s landed in, Cameron realizes that perhaps this is where he’s meant to be, magic and mates and kidnapping and all.Turns out coming to Germany wasn’t an escape but his awakening.Tags: Not-so-extinct, Shifter dragons, mages, fated mates, secret clans, epic libraries, hurt/comfort, age gap, not that Alric cares, magical heritage, mechanical engineers being BAMF, grumpy dragon kings being protective of their cute mates, really the cuteness is downright criminal, we might need a firehose for these two, or not, sass, so much sass, Ravi and Cameron are no longer allowed to be alone together, for reasons, dragons hoarding, when you live long enough statistics will get you, bats named Cheryl, beheadings, no damsels in distress here, just very unhappy mages, with trigger fingers, anyone have life hacks on how to get rid of kidnappers, Cameron is open to suggestions

Love Bites

Ann-Katrin Byrde - 2019
    My dad gave me and my siblings wooden stakes and flash grenades. To protect us from vampires. From the moment he adopted us, he warned us about the dangers that lurk in the dark. Obviously, I thought he was crazy. Vampires aren't real, and I was already enduring enough panic attacks without buying into Dad's insane ideas. But then I met Talon. Talon has fascinating scars and a mouth I want to kiss and a body I want to feel--and fangs. Vampire fangs. Suddenly, the weapons Dad gave me start looking real useful.Only I don't want to fight Talon. I want to feel his teeth on my neck. I can't explain it. He makes my knees goes weak. I know it's wrong, but it feels right.It feels like destiny. When Talon bites me, I forget everything, even that he is a monster. Even that I shouldn't be falling for him. Even that his coven wants me dead.


K.K. Ness - 2017
     For centuries, the deadlands have separated the kingdoms of Roldaer and Amas, enforcing an uneasy truce. But the deadlands hold their own secrets. Danil is a deadlands scavenger, his days spent scouring a barren land for ancient battlefield relics and mage-crystals. When the brutal magi of Roldaer take over his village, Danil becomes the key to unleashing a powerful enemy set on plunging both kingdoms into war. Desperate and on the run, he finds unexpected aid from the Amasian shapeshifters. Among them is Hafryn, an irreverent wolf shifter who fights to protect Danil with sword, tooth and claw. But safety with the shifters cannot last. As the magi set their plans into motion, Danil and Hafryn will have to embark on a terrifying mission to a broken citadel where an ancient enemy awaits. Failure to stop the magi may cost them far more than their lives, and Danil discovers that courage and determination may not be enough…

Hell's Pawn

Jay Bell - 2011
    and that's just the beginning of his troubles.Purgatory should have been a safe haven for souls that belong neither in Heaven nor Hell, but instead John finds himself in a corrupt prison, one bereft of freedom or pleasure. Along with his decedent friend Dante, John makes a brave escape, only to fall straight down to Hell and into the arms of Rimmon, a handsome demon. John is soon recruited as Hell's ambassador, visiting the afterlife realms of other cultures to enlist an army strong enough to stand against Heaven. As interesting as his new job is, John's mind keeps returning to Purgatory and the souls still trapped there. Somehow he must free them and stop a war he doesn't believe in, all while desperately trying to attract the attention of an incubus whose heart belongs to another.Hell's Pawn is a wild romp through an afterlife stuffed full of adventure, romance, and fun.

Out of the Ashes

Ari McKay - 2017
    Alpha werewolf Eli Hammond returns from a fishing trip to discover a nasty surprise—five members of his pack murdered and the rest missing. He needs help locating and rescuing his pack mates, but the supernatural council in Asheville, North Carolina, turns him away. Except for one man. As they work together, Eli is stunned—and not especially thrilled—to discover half-elf Arden Gilmarin is his destined mate. But as Arden and his friends struggle to help Eli in his quest, Eli surrenders to the demands of his body—and his heart. They’ll need to bond together, because the forces opposing them are stronger and more sinister than anyone predicted. The evil has its sights set on Arden, and if Eli wants to save his mate and the people he is entrusted with protecting, he’s in for the fight of his life.

Burn the Sky

Jaye McKenna - 2015
    There’s only one problem: in order for Garrik to be crowned, he must possess Wytch power of his own, and thus far, whatever power Garrik might possess has shown no sign of awakening. As things stand, it is Garrik’s younger brother, Jaire — a dreamer completely unsuited to wear the crown — who will take the throne after their father.Concerned about the future of his kingdom, the Wytch King demands that Garrik’s power be forcibly awakened. Hoping to protect his brother from the burden of rule, Garrik allows the attempt — with disastrous results. Now, Garrik must learn to control the fiery dragon that rages within him before he destroys everything he loves.Wytch Master Ilya has been alone for years. Learning to control the icy beast slumbering within him has already cost him his family and his lover, and Ilya will never open himself up to that kind of pain again. Summoned to Altan to avert disaster if he can, Ilya has no intention of allowing anyone to thaw the ice in his heart. When he meets Prince Garrik, sparks fly, and Ilya finds himself fighting feelings he thought he'd buried, long ago.Can Garrik’s fire melt Ilya’s icy heart? Or will Ilya be forced to use his ice to quench the flames that burn within Garrik once and for all?

Base Instincts

Larissa Ione - 2015
    The problem is that he doesn’t desire females, and it’s physically impossible for him to be with males. Thankfully, he and his best friend, Fayle, have an arrangement that keeps him alive . . . if lonely. He finds some solace in his work as a medic at Thirst, a vampire club known for its rough clientele. But his carefully structured world turns upside down when he meets a mysterious male who makes him want what he can never have.Slake is an assassin used to getting what he wants, and what he wants is Raze. But he also wants to earn back the soul he sold when he was a much different demon. All he has to do is capture a runaway succubus named Fayle and hand her over to her family. What he doesn’t count on is being caught himself by a web of lies—and his attraction to Raze.Raze and Slake must navigate a dangerous world to be together. But as Fayle’s jealousy of their relationship turns deadly, they find themselves embroiled in a battle not only for their love, but their lives and souls.

Aspect of Winter

Tom Early - 2014
    His best friend Sam is his only confidante, and even with her help, Fay’s life is barely tolerable.Everything changes when Janus University, a college for individuals with magical capabilities, discovers the pair. When the university sends a student to test them, Fay and Sam, along with their classmate Tyler, are catapulted headfirst into a world of unimaginable danger and magic. Fay and Tyler begin to see each other as more than friends while they prepare for the Trials, the university’s deadly acceptance process. For the first time, the three friends experience firsthand how wonderful and terrible a world with magic can be, especially when the source of Fay’s power turns out to be far deadlier than anyone imagined.

The Rising

Aja Foxx - 2020
    As the seventh son of a seventh son, I was born a timekeeper. I can't really say it's a job I enjoy, but the compulsion to provide my services is something I've just learned to live with. It's often a thankless job. I've learned to live with that as well.When my brother asks for my services, I can’t deny him, but the moment I step into his office, my life is changed forever. One, my brother has been kidnapped. Two, the shifter he sent to protect me is gorgeous from the top of his head to the bottoms of his feet and every luscious inch in-between. It's just too bad he's a moron.SebastianMy friend and former platoon leader made me promise to protect his baby brother if anything ever happened to him. Watching him get kidnapped at gun point put that promise into play. I just wish he'd told me that Templar dabbled in black magic, something a shifter—especially a gargoyle—avoids at all costs. Magic users are evil and everyone knows it.Between magical wards, ghostly spirits, and an insane maniac out to kill us, I know I'm in over my head. I'm just not sure what to do about it. Not only do I need to save my friend and my brother—who died a month ago—but I need to save Templar from himself. It wasn't a choice I had. He's my mate.


Nikole Knight - 2020
    With the promise of friends, family, and freedom finally within his grasp, he fears not only for his heart but for his life as well.Lucky for him, some things are worth dying for.***Revelations is the first book in the slow burn harem/poly romance series, Fire & Brimstone, featuring hurt/comfort, swoon-worthy guardian angels, sexual awakening, and an unlikely hero, too innocent for his own good. Book 1 is open-ended (no cliffhangers!), but the series will be HEA, I promise. For trigger warnings, see the author's note. This edition has been re-edited.***


Angel Martinez - 2009
    He’ll need to catch up fast to survive. Diego’s impulse to rescue a naked bridge jumper starts as just that—talk the man down and get him to social services. But there’s something odd about this homeless person, more than just his delusions of being a pooka, and something so vulnerable that Diego’s determined to help him stabilize rather than see him institutionalized or deported.Finn went into the Dreaming centuries ago to escape a heartbreak he couldn’t bear. Now that he’s back, he finds the Veil to the Otherworld closed. The fae courts have abandoned him in a poisoned human world where a displaced pooka has little chance of survival. His human rescuer is kind and compassionate—and shockingly familiar. One thing at a time, though. He needs Diego to believe he’s not human first.

A Dragon's Fortune

Sam Burns - 2021
    He’s a great boss, a good person, and he spends his days making honey-glazed caramel treats in the shape of bunnies for his bakery, Honey Bunny. Still, the highlight of every day is watching the adorable college student who’s Much Too Young For Him stuff his face full of Cillian’s sweet buns.Finnick West is a college student who dreams of baked goods, much to the consternation of his figure-skating partner. She’s not offended by the temptation, but by Finnick’s continuing failure to ask out the cute baker. With pressure from all sides, Finn knows it’s time to take something for himself, if only he can catch Hot Baker’s eye.While the two of them work up the nerve to ask each other out, an assassination attempt reveals forces working to not only stop their interspecies romance in its tracks, but destroy everything and everyone they love.A Dragon’s Fortune is part of the Magic Emporium Series. Each book stands alone, but each one features an appearance by Marden’s Magic Emporium, a shop that can appear anywhere, but only once and only when someone’s in dire need. This book contains dragons, ice skating, a whole bunch of sugar, and a guaranteed HEA.

Sacred Omega

Aiden Bates - 2019
    Even the really hot ones. I met him in a bar the night before I left to move across the country--and I never expected to see him again.But then he followed me...It would be creepy if he was just a stalker--but he’s not. He’s a protector, shielding me from a group of nutjobs who believe in dragons.He saved my life--but now it’s my turn.And apparently, the nutjobs aren’t wrong. Dragons are real.And I hold the key to saving them all.

Angels and Anarchy

Arden Steele - 2021
    As a long-time believer—even before Otherlings had waltzed out of the paranormal closet—spending his nights flirting with gorgeous werewolves and smooth-talking vampires isn’t exactly a chore. His life is easy, colorful, and for the most part, free of drama.Until fate throws him a curveball.It was supposed to be his day off. Instead, Zarrik Cox is called in to investigate the murder of a high-ranking member of the Ministry of Otherling Affairs. Tracking down the only witness to the crime is easy. Discovering the vulnerable human is his mate is a complication he wasn’t expecting.He might be a nephilim, but he’s no angel, and he’s damn sure no one’s savior. But with a killer on the loose, and Braeden caught in the crosshairs, there's no limit to how far he'll go to keep his new mate safe.