Tell Me When It's Over

B. Celeste - 2020
    š€ š¬š„šØš° š›š®š«š§, š«šØšœš¤š¬š­ššš« š«šØš¦ššš§šœšž.I was twelve years old when I met one of the worldā€™s hottest celebrities.Thirteen when I was welcomed into his family.Fourteen when I realized what his unconditional love felt like.Fifteen when he helped me figure out what hope was.And sixteen when my motherā€™s biggest lie changed our lives forever.I swore I would never be like the woman whose chronic lies impacted everybody around her, but then Iā€™d be a hypocrite.Because three years after the truth came out, and I reunited with the boy whose innocent love had been taken from me, I realized I was living the biggest lie of all.The one where I pretended I wasnā€™t in love with Kyler Bishop.


K.A. Robinson - 2012
    With a mother who is gone more often than not, she has had to raise herself. After graduating high school, she leaves to start a new life away at West Virginia University with her best friends Amber and Logan, determined to leave her demons in the past. On her first day, she meets a stranger who takes her breath away at first sight. Until she met Drake, no one had ever sparked her interest. Now this tattooed and pierced bad boy is all she can think about, no matter how hard she fights it.Falling for Drake was never part of her plans, but when it happens, things seem to do anything but fall into place.Dealing with a tragic past, Drake has never cared about anyone else but himself and his band. But when Chloe takes the empty seat next to him in class, things start to change. Instantly drawn to her, he begins to wonder if one girl can take a cold hearted womanizer and change every part of him?Long hidden feelings are revealed and friendships tested to the brink.


Lauren Runow - 2017
    Spanning over twenty yearsā€”itā€™s raw, itā€™s real, asking the question if soul mates really exist.LilyAt eight years old, the boy next door changed my life. He was the force pulling me toward him despite our differences. It was like magic.We understood each other, supported each other and in the process became everything to each other.But in chasing Trevinā€™s dream, I lost myself along the way. TrevinThrough tremendous heartache, she was there. Through fame and fortune, she was there. Loving Lily was the one thing I got right.Eclipsing her in my shadow, I took from her until she was empty. Now I must do anything to prove I can be the man she wants, no, the man she deserves.

The Protector

Jodi Ellen Malpas - 2016
    But Camille is determined to have a life free from his strings. Out on her own, she's made mistakes, including one that found her clawing her way back after a stint in rehab and plenty of bad press. Now, after fighting so hard to be independent and happy, she finds her life threatened as a result of her father's ruthless business dealings. Caught between resentment and fear, Camille prepares herself for the measures her father will take to protect her. But nothing could prepare her for the ex-SAS sniper who crashes into her life.Jake Sharp resides in his own personal hell. He was distracted from duty once before, and the consequences were devastating--both personally and professionally. He vowed never to let that happen again. Accepting the job of bodyguard to Camille Logan isn't the kind of distraction from his demons he should take. Women and Jake don't mix well, yet protecting the heiress seems the lesser of two evils. But Jake soon discovers that she isn't the woman she's perceived to be. She's warm, compassionate, her presence settling, and his duty to protect her soon goes deeper than a well-paid job, no matter how hard he fights it. He needs absolution. He comes to need Camille. But he knows he can't have both.

Fade to Red

Willow Aster - 2015
    Her life with little Leo was blissfully ordinary; she didnā€™t have time for the drama that stirring up old memories would surely cause.But when Roxie took a spot on an international tour with Woods and rock icon Ian Sterling, the lure of financial security and her passion for dance pulled her into an emotional storm that threatened to spin out of control and hurt the ones she loved most.Just as she began to adjust to her new life, it became apparent that danger was in the shadows, waiting for a chance to move...***Fade to Red is a standalone novel featuring characters from True Love Story.***

Famous in Love

Rebecca Serle - 2014
    Meet Paige Townsen, Rainer Devon, and Jordan Wilderā€¦When Paige Townsen, a young unknown, gets cast in the movie adaptation of a blockbuster book series, her life changes practically overnight. Within a month, Paige has traded the quiet streets of her hometown for a crowded movie set on the shores of Maui, and is spending quality time with her co-star Rainer Devon, one of Peopleā€™s Sexiest Men Alive. But when troubled star Jordan Wilder lands the role of the other point in the movieā€™s famous love triangle, Paigeā€™s crazy new life gets even crazier.In this coming-of-age romance inspired by the kind of celeb hookups that get clever nicknames and a million page views, Paige must figure out who she is ā€“ and who she wants ā€“ while the whole world watches.

Skater Boy

Mary Catherine Gebhard - 2019
    Misfits. Bad boys who rule the streets. Everyoneā€™s welcome at the worst kept secret in town, just as long as you donā€™t mind getting your reputationā€”and your heartā€”a little dirty.Welcome to Patchwork Houseā€¦Patchwork House is a boyā€™s clubā€”a mean boyā€™s club. They made an exception for Tweetie once, and theyā€™re going to make another, because sheā€™s coming home. After two years away and one too many broken hearts, Tweetie swore off skatersā€”but she never expected Flip.Flip was the most famous skater in the world until he traded his place at Patchwork with the little girl whose life he ruined. Now Tweetieā€™s all grown up, and one chance encounter brings them together. He knows the right thing to do is disappear before things get ugly, but he never was very good at being good.Sheā€™s back, and so is heā€”all bets are off. Nothing will stop this bad boy from finally getting his lost girl. Theyā€™re written in the stars, and itā€™s time she knows it.The first lesson Flip taught Tweetie was how to fall.It was also the last thing she remembered when they met again, because she didnā€™t just fall for him.She slammed.ā–¶RELEASE DATE: APRIL 25thYA/NA

All That's Left to Hold Onto

Ella Fox - 2015
    After leaving his hellish roots behind him, Ronan found contentment when he started over. Thoughts of the past had been pushed down for so long; he hardly thought about it at all. He intended to keep it that way.When unexpected circumstances force Ronan to return to Colorado, the Keely he finds is no longer the adolescent girl he remembered. Torn between desire and fear, Ronan struggles with his feelings for Keely and his need to escape the town that scarred him so deeply years ago.Letting go is all Ronan's ever known. Will he realize a life with Keely is something he should hold onto at any cost?

My Soul to Keep

Kennedy Ryan - 2015
     KAI I had two things in life that mattered. My mother and my music. Mama was taken from me too soon, and now music is all I have left. Itā€™s the thing thatā€™s pushed me right out of backwoods Georgia into Los Angeles, where the line between fantasy and reality shimmers and blurs. Iā€™m finally making my way, making my mark. I canā€™t afford to fall for one of music's brightest stars. Not now. Music is all I have left, and Iā€™m holding on tight with both hands. I wonā€™t let go, not even for Rhyson Gray. RHYSON I had one thing in my life that mattered ā€“ music. The only constant, itā€™s taken me to heights most people only dream about; a gift dropped in my lap at birth. I thought it was enough. I thought it was everything until I met Kai. Now sheā€™s all I think about, like a song I can't get out of my head. If I have to chase her, if I have to give up everything - I will. And once she's mine, I won't let go.

Make it Count

Megan Erickson - 2014
    The defective organ is constantly distracted, terrible at statistics, and absolutely flooded with inappropriate thoughts about her boyfriendā€™s gorgeous best friend, Alecā€¦who just so happens to be her brand new math tutor. Who knew nerd was so hot?Kat usually goes through tutors like she does boyfriendsā€”both always seem to bail when they realize how hopeless she is. Itā€™s safer for her heart to keep everyone at armā€™s reach. But Alec is always stepping just a little too close.Alec Stone should not be fantasizing about Kat. Sheā€™s adorable, unbelievably witty, and completely off limits. Heā€™d never stab his best friend in the backā€¦But when secrets are revealed, the lines of loyalty are blurred. To make it count, Alec must learn messy human emotions canā€™t be solved like a trigonometry function. And Kat has to trust Alec may be the first guy to want her for who she is, and not in spite of it.


Leah Raeder - 2013
    The summer before senior year, she has plans: get into a great film school, convince her mom to go into rehab, and absolutely do not, under any circumstances, screw up her own future.But life has a way of throwing her plans into free-fall.When Maise meets Evan at a carnival one night, their chemistry is immediate, intense, and short-lived. Which is exactly how she likes it: no strings. But afterward, she canā€™t get Evan out of her head. Heā€™s taught her that a hookup can be something more. It can be an unexpected connection with someone who truly understands her. Someone who sees beyond her bravado to the scared but strong girl inside.That someone turns out to be her new film class teacher, Mr. Evan Wilke.Maise and Evan resolve to keep their hands off each other, but the attraction is too much to bear. Together, theyā€™re real and genuine; apart, theyā€™re just actors playing their parts for everyone else. And their masks are slipping. People start to notice. Rumors fly. When the truth comes to light in a shocking way, they may learn they were just playing parts for each other, too.Smart, sexy, and provocative, Unteachable is about what happens when a love story goes off-script.

White Trash Beautiful

Teresa Mummert - 2012
    . . Cass Daniels isnā€™t waiting for her knight in shining armor. She knows that girls like her donā€™t get a happily ever after. Not if you live in a trailer with your mom, work at a greasy spoon diner, and get leered at by old men. Maybe thatā€™s why she puts up with Jacksonā€”her poor excuse for a boyfriend, who treats her like dirt. Cass has learned to accept her lot in life. That is, until he walks into her diner. . . . His name is Tucker White, and heā€™s different from any man Cass has ever known. Tall, tattooed, and bad-ass gorgeous, heā€™s the lead singer of the rock band Damaged. From the moment they meet, Tucker sees something in Cass he just canā€™t shake. Something beautiful. Something haunted. Something special. And heā€™s determined to find out what it isā€”if only he can get her to open up and let him in. . . .

Not What I Expected

Jewel E. Ann - 2020
    He also doesnā€™t believe in marriage and all that goes with it. And ā€¦ Heā€™s just opened a new business that threatens the livelihood of Elsieā€™s familyā€™s storeā€”just in time for the holidays. The problem? Thereā€™s an undeniable attraction that leads to out of control situations, a loss of inhibitions, and a lot of small town gossip. As Elsie tries to redefine herself and convince her family she isnā€™t having a midlife crisis, sheā€™s forced to answer the biggest question of all ā€¦ Can she love an enemy who will never surrender?

The Opposite of You

Rachel Higginson - 2017
    All men. Famous last words, right? Youā€™re expecting some epic tale of reluctant love and my dramatic change of heart? Well, youā€™re not going to get it. Iā€™m stubborn. And headstrong. And Iā€™ve just survived the worst three years of my life. After escaping an abusive boyfriend to live in hostels and cheap hotels while I worked my way across Europe, Iā€™ve come to two conclusions. The first? Now that Iā€™m back home, Iā€™m going to squander my expensive culinary degree on a food truck that caters to the late night drunk crowd. The second? Iā€™m going to prove to the bastard across the plaza that my street food is better than his fussy five course monstrosities.Killian Quinn might be Food and Wineā€™s Chef to Watch Out For. He might have a Michelin Star. He might have every food critic in the city wrapped around his too-large fingers. But heā€™s also pretentious and unbearably arrogant and the very opposite of me. So he can keep his unsolicited advice and his late night visits and his cocky smiles. I want none of it. Or him. I want the opposite.


Chelsea M. Cameron - 2014
    Romance novelist by night.British single father.Someone else is writing this love story...Blair Walton isn't your average curvaceous tattooed children's librarian. She's also one half of bestselling romance author, Scarlet Rose. Along with her BFF Raine, she spends her nights writing books so steamy, she's afraid they would shock her Southern conservative grandmother to death . . . if she knew about them. That's why she and Raine write in secret.On deadline for their latest book and out of ideas, Raine suggests (demands) that Blair find a guy and "do some research". Declan Bennet has all the qualifications: He's British, looks fabulous in a suit, has glorious blue eyes and gets bonus points for being an amazing single dad to his adorable son, Drake. But what starts out as a research project quickly turns into something much more. And Blair's not the only one with secrets.