Book picks similar to
Dc Heroes Role-Playing Game by Bryan Nystul
Justice League: Trinity War
Geoff JohnsRenato Guedes - 2014
When the three Justice Leagues go to war with one another, whose side will everyone be on? Allies will be born, friends will become enemies, and the DC Universe will never be the same.This graphic novel features stunning art from some of the best talents in the industry, including Ivan Reis (AQUMAN VOL. 1: THE TRENCH), David Finch (BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT VOL. 1: KNIGHT TERRORS) and Mikel Janin (JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK VOL. 1: IN THE DARK).Collects: FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2012, TRINITY OF SIN: PANDORA #1-3, TRINITY OF SIN: PHANTOM STRANGER #11, JUSTICE LEAGUE #22-23, JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #22-23, JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #6-7 and CONSTANTINE #5.
Superman: Sacrifice
Greg RuckaDavid López - 2006
Max Lord has taken over Superman's mind and has him in his total thrall. With his peers and loved ones threatened, Superman is helpless. But not Wonder Woman, who must battle past the Man of Steel and decisively end the threat. Her actions, and the repercussions, are explored in this controversial saga that leads into INFINITE CRISIS.Collects: SUPERMAN #218-220; ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #642-643; ACTION COMICS #829; and WONDER WOMAN #219-220.
The Legion of Super-Heroes: Life and Death of Ferro Lad
Jim Shooter - 2009
Collecting ADVENTURE COMICS #346, 347, 352-355 and 357! The Legion battles both the Fatal Five and the Sun Eater – and only the ultimate sacrifice can save Ferro Lad's friends!
Secret Origins, Vol. 1
Jeff LemireAmanda Conner - 2015
Included here are the origins of The Last Son of Krypton and Kara Zor-El, Supergirl, plus the first Robin, Dick Grayson.Written by a host of the industry's brightest talent including Jeff Lemire (JUSTICE LEAGUE UNITED) Greg Pak (BATMAN/SUPERMAN) and Tony Bedard (GREEN LANTERN CORPS) and painted covers by Lee Bermejo (JOKER), this new series is a fantastic way to jump on with the DC Universe!Collects issues #1-4.
Tales from the Dark Multiverse
Scott SnyderDrew Hennessy - 2020
Now after the events of Dark Knights: Metal, a gateway into the Dark Multiverse has opened and its stories revealed.Featuring top talent authors and artist, Tales from the DC Dark Multiverse is going beyond the Multiverse and diving deep into the dark with new timelines and altering the defining moments in DC history. What are the consequences if The Joker's aim had hit James Gordon instead of Barbara? What would the DC Universe look like?Tales from the DC Dark Multiverse is a hard cover format collecting alternating stories of the DC Universe, reprinting DC Dark Multiverse Batman: Knightfall #1, DC Dark Multiverse Death of Superman #1, DC Dark Multiverse Blackest Night #1, DC Dark Multiverse Infinite Crisis #1, DC Dark Multiverse Teen Titans: The Judas Contract #1, Batman #497, Superman #75, Blackest Night #1, Infinite Crisis #1, and Tales of the Teen Titans Annual #3.
Dark Nights: Metal - The Resistance
Scott SnyderDoug Mahnke - 2018
Against an army of Dark Knights, can members of the Justice League, Teen Titans and Suicide Squad come together to form a resistance to stop them?The Justice League has scattered around the world to find the only artifacts that can fight back against the invasion of the Dark Multiverse. The League thinks they know how to take back their world, but they are not prepared for who is standing in their way: the Seven Dark Knights of the Dark Multiverse. All the brilliance of Batman, but combinedwith the powers of the Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg and more... and none of the morals.The shocking events of METAL have transformed Gotham City into a mosaic of fantastical realms full of monsters, magic and doom An SOS from Dick Grayson sends Robin back to Gotham to find a number of hometown heroes (and anti-heroes) including Batgirl, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc, Black Canary and Green Arrow all trapped in a labyrinth of madness and death! Meanwhile, the Justice League are trapped in pocket worlds with their evil Batmen counterparts! Will the heroes be able to escape in time to fight against the villainous mastermind Barbatos?Filling in the gaps between issues of DARK NIGHTS: METAL, this tie-in graphic novel is a crucial companion story to Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's masterpiece! Written and illustrated by some of the top talents in the industry, including Jeff Lemire, Joshua Williamson, Bryan Hitch, Liam Sharp, Howard Porter, Robert Venditti and more, this book collects "Gotham Resistance" (Teen Titans #12, Nightwing #29, Suicide Squad #26, Green Arrow #32) and "Bats Out Of Hell" (The Flash #33, Justice League #32-33, Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps #32), plus Batman Lost #1 and Hawkman Found #1.
The World's Greatest Super-Heroes
Paul Dini - 2005
These classic works for all ages feature the iconic DC characters in a unique storytelling format that combines aspects of both comics and picture books. Also included are several pages of promotional art, preliminary art and thumbnails, art done for DC Direct product, model-to-finished-painting comparisons, reflections by the book's creators, and much more! This landmark volume also features an introduction by noted book designer and author Chip Kidd, a new painted cover by Alex Ross, and an 8-page foldout of the JLA: LIBERTY And JUSTICE poster featuring every member of the JLA by Ross.
Batman: The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 5
Tom King - 2020
But the Penguin is on Batman's side for once, and the crime boss sees dangerous things on the horizon. How can he convince the Caped Crusader he's on the level? Plus, appearances by Professor Pyg, John Constantine and the boy who wanted to be Bruce Wayne--in the worst way possible! And then, someone is forcing Batman to relive some of his darkest, most traumatizing fears. How will he escape this torment? With a little help from the mysterious hero known only as the Question! Collects Batman #58-63, #66-69, Batman Annual #3 and Batman Secret Files #1.
Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen
James Tynion IVNick Filardi - 2020
In this collected edition, Lex Luthor faces off against the Batman Who Laughs. On the one side are Luthor's forces of injustice--and on the other are the Batman Who Laughs' agents, known as the Infected...corrupted versions of heroes including Supergirl, Shazam, Commissioner Gordon and others. Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen also sets the stage for the next phase of DC's "Year of the Villain" and beyond.This title collects the five-issue miniseries Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen.
Dark Nights: Death Metal - War of the Multiverses
Joshua WilliamsonGail Simone - 2021
The result: Dark Nights: Metal--one of the most popular and consequential DC stories in recent memory.What do the world's mightiest heroes feel right before combat?As the Dark Multiverse envelops the Earth, unveil how the heroes prepare for battle in what could be the last fight for their existence...if the Justice League knows anything, it's that heroes never go down without a fight!Collects Dark Nights: Death Metal The Last 52: War of the Multiverse #1, Dark Nights: Death Metal The Last Stories of the DCU #1.
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Marv Wolfman - 1985
Worlds died. And the DC Universe was never the same.In 1985, DC Comics dramatically altered comics' original universe with Crisis on Infinite Earths, a 12-issue series that rocked the comics community, tragically dooming some of DC's most beloved characters and drastically altering others. An unforgettable and defining event in comics history, Crisis was arguably the first companywide crossover to make good on its promise of lasting change.Written by Marv Wolfman and pencilled by George Pérez, with inks by Dick Giordano, Jerry Ordway, and Mike DeCarlo, Crisis on Infinite Earths finds the alternate worlds that once were a hallmark of the DC Universe under siege by a mysterious force powerful enough to wipe out the lives of billions.Painstakingly restored and meticulously recolored, Crisis on Infinite Earths is at last available as a handsome and affordable softcover collection.
Wonder Woman: Bitter Rivals
Greg Rucka - 2004
Now, with the changes that befell her island home drastically altering her responsibilities in the DCU, Diana doesn't have the time necessary to focus on the murder. Wonder Woman needs help... and who better to solve a mystery than the Dark Knight Detective? Batman quickly discovers the connection between Keyes's death and another murder, one orchestrated by well-respected businesswoman Veronica Cale. Is Wonder Woman finally going to learn that the Texas billionaire is the villain behind so many of her recent troubles? Or will another deception muddy the waters even further?Collects WONDER WOMAN Vol. 2 #201–205
Justice League: Darkseid War - Power of the Gods
Francis ManapulScott Kolins - 2016
Darkseid, lord of Apokolips, is dead. But the death of a god carries great consequences. Now the Justice League, Earth’s greatest heroes, find themselves with more power than they’ve ever imagined. But all power has a price—and for the heroes of the Justice League, the price may just be their humanity. Now, Batman is driven non-stop by his power as the God of Knowledge. Superman, the God of Strength, begins to view humans as inferior. The Flash tries to outrun his fate as the God of Death. Green Lantern struggles with his newfound power as the God of Light. Shazam embraces a new pantheon as the God of Gods. And Lex Luthor… …where Darkseid fell, Lex Luthor may rise to take his place! If Earth’s greatest heroes can’t find their way back to their humanity, they may bring about their own destruction.Collects JUSTICE LEAGUE: GODS AND MEN SUPERMAN #1, JUSTICE LEAGUE: GODS AND MEN BATMAN #1, JUSTICE LEAGUE: GODS AND MEN THE FLASH #1, JUSTICE LEAGUE: GODS AND MEN GREEN LANTERN #1, JUSTICE LEAGUE: GODS AND MEN SHAZAM! #1 and JUSTICE LEAGUE: GODS AND MEN LEX LUTHOR #1
The New 52: Futures End, Vol. 1
Brian AzzarelloEthan Van Sciver - 2014
As heroes are turned into mindless villains, the planet as we know it is no more. The only salvation lies in the past, where this future apocalypse must be averted. Can a time-traveling Batman Beyond help a massive cast of the DCU's finest avert the impending apocalypse? Written by a cast of the industry's best talents, including Jeff Lemire, Brian Azzarello, Keith Giffen and Dan Jurgens, this new epic series will expose the secrets of the New 52 universe!Collects THE NEW 52: FUTURES END issues #0-17.
Superman '78 #1
Robert Venditti - 2021
A bright, shining day in Metropolis is interrupted by a mysterious drone that crash-lands in the city and starts wreaking havoc. This looks like a job for Superman! But where did the metallic menace come from, what is its purpose, and who is Brainiac?