Ja-Rael's Lioness

Angelique Anjou - 2005
    By all logic, she should have been terrified when the tall, muscular, cat-like humanoid rose from the water to capture her, be he ever so fascinatingly handsome. Instead, she discovers she is unable to resist when bombarded by the potent pheromones of his desire. Unfortunately, the fires of passion can not burn eternally and the moment it's quenched and their senses return, they discover they have a serious problem-Elise is no lioness, maned or otherwise, and she refuses to accept Ja-rael's insistence that they are now mated for life. Rating: Contains explicit sexual content and graphic language.

Treasure of the Abyss

Tiffany Roberts - 2017
    Her fears come to fruition when a sudden storm capsizes their boat, rekindling her old terror. She awakens to a rescuer who is anything but human - and he refuses to let her go. Treated like a curiosity and a possession, she's desperate to go home. Yet Macy is undeniably drawn to this strange creature. Can she give up her old life, her family and friends, to embrace this adventure… and Jax? Her Saviour And Her Captor... Jax the Wanderer is a hunter, an explorer, and an oddity among his kind. While other kraken are content near their dens, Jax is driven by a deep need to journey far and wide, discovering the unknown corners of the sea. Macy challenges everything he's known; she is the most alluring creature he's ever seen on his travels. He must possess her, though he knows it can only end in disaster. How much is he willing to forsake for the female he desires?

The Challenge

Susan Kearney - 2004
    Kahn offers her proof she can't refute: Tessa has been brought forward through time to save Earth by winning an intergalactic challenge. Kahn only has a few weeks to train Tessa to use the psi-abilities he insists she has. He is confident in the success of a time-honored method that uses sexual frustration to bring out her powers, but Tessa is dubious. She's a martial arts expert and can fight her way through anything, but she's never had much luck with emotions.Luckily for Earth, Kahn can be very convincing...

Games of Command

Linnea Sinclair - 2002
    With the new Alliance between the Triad and the United Coalition, Captain Tasha “Sass” Sebastian finds herself serving under her former nemesis, biocybe Admiral Branden Kel-Paten–and doing her best to hide a deadly past. But when an injured mercenary winds up in their ship’s sick bay–and in the hands of her best friend, Dr. Eden Fynn–Sass’s efforts may be wasted.Wanted rebel Jace Serafino has information that could expose all of Sass’s secrets, tear the fragile Alliance apart–and end Sass’s career if Kel-Paten discovers them. But the biocybe has something to hide as well, something once thought impossible for his kind to possess: feelings . . . for Sass. Soon it’s clear that their prisoner could bring down everything they once believed was worth dying for–and everything they now have to live for.


Claire Kent - 2007
    Give yourself to him in return for protection. It’s the only way you’ll ever survive. Convicted of a minor crime, Riana is sentenced to a prison planet—a dark primitive hold filled with convicts vying for power. Her only chance of survival is with Cain, a mysterious loner who has won his territory in the prison through intelligence and brute strength. Sex is all she has to offer, so she uses it. She’s under no delusions here. No one is ever released, and no one ever escapes. Survival is all she can hope for—until Cain. An earlier version of this book was published under the same title and a different penname by Ellora’s Cave. It has since been substantially revised and expanded.


Louise Wise - 2009
    Full of mutiny, anger and a desire for revenge the experiment was never going to be successful and Fly became the only survivor when the craft crashed.Then the human ship arrived -- and Jenny.With a malfunctioning spacecraft she was in for a fight for her life, but her problems were only just beginning when her crewmates abandon her on Eden.Jenny's on her own... or so she thinks.

The Protector

Elin Peer - 2017
    Except for the area formerly known as Canada and Alaska, which is inhabited by the Men of the Northlands, a group of strong men, who refuse to be ruled by women. Christina Sanders, an archeologist and professor in history, is fascinated with the past. As a modern woman of year 2437 she knows that women are better off without men, but longing for an adventure, she makes a spontaneous decision and volunteers for a job no one else wants. Now she’s going to lead an archeological excavation in the Northlands, the most secluded place on earth where the mythical males live who are rumored to be as brutal and dangerous as the men Christina has read about in her history books. What will happen when Christina crosses into the men’s territory? Will they allow her to do her job and is there any way they’ll let her leave again – unharmed? The Protector is the first book in Elin Peer’s new romantic drama series Men of the North.


Luna Hunter - 2019
    And he’ll never let me go. JADE Women aren't safe on Earth, not since the Big Mistake. Around here, there’s one rule: Don't go into town. That's where the men are. I live in hiding with Zoey, Dev and Makayla. It’s a hard life, but we make it work. Or we did, until Zoey got sick. Now I have no choice but to head into town. I can’t sit and watch her wither away. I must find her a cure. My disguise fails me, my eyes giving me away. Men descend upon me like a pack of rabid wolves. Then a savage, alien warrior steps up. Eight feet of muscle, horns and claws. The beast throws me over his shoulder and carries me off like he owns me. I have no idea what the wants, but the brooding look in his alien eyes makes me tremble and fear the worst... VUKAROR Kysus lies in ruins. Sickness has ravaged our people, our women are barren. I am their King. I must save my people. I need an heir. I must find a mate. Earth is my last hope. If I do not find a suitable nera, the Kaizon will die. She is at the first human settlement I come across, in a group mating ritual. A human female. Shapely. Curvy. She’s soft and so perfect. I swoop on the ritual and take her. She's special. I don't only want to claim her body. I want her soul. She will submit to me. She will be pregnant before the next moon. This I swear. Contains scenes of spanking. BEAST is the first book in a brand new series, Warriors of Kaizon, by Luna Hunter. Each book follows a different couple and can be read as a standalone. No cheating, HEA guaranteed!

Starshine: Aurora Rising Book One

G.S. Jennsen - 2014
    Now two individuals from opposite ends of settled space are on a collision course with the darkest of those secrets, even as the world threatens to explode around them.The year is 2322. Humanity has expanded into the stars, inhabiting over 100 worlds across a third of the galaxy. Though thriving as never before, they have discovered neither alien life nor the key to utopia. Earth struggles to retain authority over far-flung planets and free-wheeling corporations while an uneasy armistice with a breakaway federation hangs by a thread as the former rebels rise in wealth and power.Alexis Solovy is Earth Alliance royalty, her father a fallen war hero and her mother an influential military leader. But she seeks only the freedom of space and has made a fortune by reading the patterns in the chaos to discover the hidden wonders of the stars.Nothing about her latest objective suggests the secret it conceals will turn her life— not to mention the entire galaxy—upside down. But a chance encounter with a mysterious spy leads to a discovery which will thrust Alex into the middle of a galactic power struggle and a sinister conspiracy, whether she likes it or not.When faced with its greatest challenge, will humanity rise to triumph, or fall to ruin?Aurora Rising is an epic tale of galaxy-spanning adventure, of the thrill of discovery and the unquenchable desire to reach ever farther into the unknown. It's a tale of humanity at its best and worst, of love and loss, of fear and heroism. It's the story of a woman who sought the stars and found more than anyone imagined possible.

Beyond the Rain

Jess Granger - 2009
    After five years behind enemy lines, Captain Cyani has to complete one final mission before she can return to Azra-a planet ruled by a sisterhood of celibate warriors. Along the way she finds a prisoner, chained and beaten-but radiating feral power and an unbroken spirit. For years Soren has endured torture as his captors leeched his very essence, a unique hormone then sold as a sexual narcotic in the shadow trade. Now he has been freed from slavery by a beautiful warrior woman with radiant blue eyes. After years in bondage, Soren's hormones are so unbalanced that he will die if he does not mate with a woman. Can Cyani be the woman he needs to survive, or will this forbidden bond destroy them?

The Dracons' Woman

Laura Jo Phillips - 2011
    The next, she is fleeing across the stars from a sadistic crime lord who will stop at nothing to hunt her down and torture her for information about her sister, a psychic undercover agent for a shadowy intelligence organization. Lariah selects as her safe haven the distant, pastoral world of Jasan, known for its peaceful, rural setting, and the practice of its shifter inhabitants of mating three of their men to one human woman.Upon arriving on Jasan, Lariah learns that all is not as it seems. In the company of three incredibly gorgeous brothers she finds herself caught up in a world of danger, interstellar intrigue, and otherworldly desire and it is revealed to her that she may be the fulfillment of a mysterious prophesy, and the key to the survival of the Jasani race. Lariah must choose between preserving her identity as a human being or following a dangerous path that may lead to her true destiny: being soul-linked to the Royal Princes of Jasan, and finding eternal love that reaches across the stars.The Dracons' Woman is a thrilling, fast-paced fantasy of love, desire, and galactic adventure that will have your heart pounding and your blood racing.

Booty Hunter

K.C. Cross - 2019
    Bounty hunter, Serpint, has just returned to Harem Station with a prize addition to his brother’s elite collection of Cygnian princesses. But Serpint sacrificed a lot to bring this little gift home and now all he wants is some no-strings sex with a simple, obedient girl and a bottle of whiskey. Enter Princess Lyra. She’s any filthy-minded rebel’s one-night-stand erotic dream. If you don’t mind her bad attitude and lack of… luster. Not quite the obedient girl Serpint was craving. But Cygnian princesses are hard to pass up. Even one with dark secrets. Because they have a very special, very specific, sexual talent. They glow when they climax. Lyra thinks she’s one of the strong ones. If anyone can resist an overzealous alpha like Serpint, it’s her. But his touch makes her light up like the sun. And she has never been with an Akeelian before… They have two—yes two—super big, super thick, super long… ***** How long can she resist that? Sci-Fi Alien Romance.

Forbidden Planet

Rinelle Grey - 2013
    Due to the noxious gas covering the planet, she can’t conceive a child, and the Council, determined to repopulate the planet, have ended her third—and most precious—relationship. They insist she pick a new mate and try again, but she’s sworn off love and the possibility of ever having a real family.When a ship from the thriving planet of Urslat crashes on Zerris, Marlee rescues the ship’s daring captain, Tyris. His ship is grounded, winter is setting in, and he won’t survive without help. She offers him a deal…he can live with her if he pretends to be her mate so the Council will leave her alone.Tyris agrees and a hungry desire sparks between them as they battle the harsh winter and primitive conditions. Their attraction grows, and soon, keeping their distance becomes impossible, even more challenging than the snow, the Council, and, for Marlee, the risks of a real relationship.Will she risk her heart one last time for a chance at her dream? Or will Tyris be her undoing?


Pippa DaCosta - 2015
    Rated: R. Restricted. Contains space battles, killer AI, intergalactic ass-kicking. Read at own risk.She is programmed to kill.He’ll do anything to survive. Ex-con Captain Caleb Shepperd believes being good is overrated. All he wants is to smuggle illegal cargo through the nine systems and live a prosperous (likely short) life on the wrong side of the law.But there's a problem with that plan. The priceless synthetic stowaway on his ship is a distraction he doesn't need.Torn between selling her and tossing her out the airlock, Shepperd fails to realize the synth is a killer, and he's the one locked in her sights.In a world where only one thousand synthetics were built, synthetic number One Thousand and One should not exist. She is no ordinary synth. Memories locked inside her code could bring Shepperd—and the entire nine systems—to its knees.Captain Shepperd and the oppressive corporations are about to learn that you can't hide from the sins of your past, especially when that past has orders to kill.WARNING: 18+ only. Contains adult content, including sex, drug use, violence, and swearing.Older cover editions of this ASIN can be found here & here.

Alpha Breeds

Milana Jacks - 2018
    But this one belongs to me. Kingsley At the frat party, someone must have spiked my beer, because I see a bright light and find myself sitting on a bed with a huge, green monster looming over me. I screech and throw every sharp object within reach. But you know what’s really weird? I’m terrified and, at the same time, there’s something about those black eyes, that scent, that purrrr that makes my body come alive. Loven I fight for the honor of someday owning an Omega—a rare breeding female reserved for Alphas hand-selected by the king. For years, fighting alone has been enough. Until I scent this alien female, and my body emits a mating call. Omegas are the king’s property. If I don’t deliver her to the Omega Compound, I’ll lose my life, the lives of my Horde Alphas, and risk starting a full-scale rebellion. And yet, I can’t part from her. This one belongs to me. ***Science fiction alien captive romance with Mf Omegaverse flavor. Inside the pages: No cliffhanger. No cheating. Barbaric unapologetic alpha male who loves HARD. Dystopian (dark totalitarian) world.