Will Thomas: Mountain Man

Fred Staff - 2020
    With all his wiles, skills and guts, he must evade danger and survive when the odds are stacked against him. This roaring frontier adventure will keep you on the edge of your seat—as each page brings trouble for Will. Can he make it to the end of his journey without meeting his maker, or will he lie dead and forgotten as time keeps marching on?Grab your copy today to experience frontier adventure from one of the finest authors of the genre!

The Bloody Legionnaires: An action-packed military thriller

Geoffrey Davison - 2020

Jenny is Free

Sylvia Ann McLain - 2019
    He puts her on a steamboat in Natchez-Under-the-Hill, telling her to go to free soil in Ohio. But it's a journey she will not complete. By chance, she meets an acquaintance, Walker Jackson, and together they make decisions that will alter the course of their lives in ways they can't foresee. Carefree, the Natchez mansion that Cornelius inherits, becomes the focal point of a world beset by changes. Jenny's decisions eventually take her to New Orleans, where she finds friendships and motherhood in the midst of loss before she returns to Carefree. Cornelius is a man of high principles, but he is also a man of great ambitions. Ultimately, deceit and the resurgence of an old crime threaten to destroy the world of Carefree.

The Haunting of Galsbury Inn: Haunted House

Caroline Clark - 2019
    He was a man who believed what he could see, but even he knew that something was very wrong. FREE with Kindle Unlimited. The Galsbury Inn is a magnificent structure, nestled in the idyllic English countryside. The place is rundown and spooky from being abandoned over the years. Then there were the rumors about deaths and disappearances. Some say the first owner tortured and killed people, including his own wife, but that happened a hundred years ago, or more, and besides, there’s no such things as ghosts. Only Charles may have to change his mind. Based on the Inn’s history, Harriet has a hunch that something more sinister—and paranormal—is at play. She’s a paranormal investigator, an amateur sure, and eagerly jumps on the chance to investigate the Galsbury. But soon, she quickly realizes what she’s playing with is far out of her league, and she’s a bit in over her head. But she’s persistent and won’t let a poltergeist intimidate her into heading back home with her tail between her legs. With the help of an unwitting policeman, Harriet takes on the Galsbury and its secrets. Is she strong enough to face the Inn’s horrible past and find the truth? Or will the spirit that resides within scare her away, or kill her in the process? Also by Caroline Clark: Don’t Close Your Eyes The Spirit Guide Series: The Haunting of Seafield House The Haunting on the Hillside The Haunting of Oldfield Drive The Ghosts of RedRise House 4 book box set Single Books: The Haunting of Brynlee House Daddy Won’t Kill You The Spirit Behind You The Haunting of Shadow Hill House

Birthday Surprise (Legacy Series Reunion Book 2)

Paula Kay - 2017
     The will be good food, good company and several surprises along the way! Legacy Series: Book 1: Buying Time Book 2: In Her Own Time Book 3: Matter of Time Book 4: Taking Time Book 5: Just in Time Book 6: All in Good Time A Map for Bella: Book 1: Bella’s Hope Book 2: Bella’s Holiday Book 3: Bella’s Heart Book 4: Bella’s Home Legacy Series Reunion: Book 1: Christmas in Tuscany Book 2: Birthday Surprise Book 3: A Summer Together

Loving & Losing

Marion Reynolds - 2020
    But this is 1930s Ireland where they must fight against repressive laws and social attitudes.Harry has married his childhood sweetheart but finds his wife’s life and his marriage jeopardised by the strict laws of Church and State.As he struggles to become a writer, Joseph rejects the love of the girl next door. He goes to fight in the Spanish Civil War where he finds a different kind of love.Kathleen, an actress, has romantic ideas about going to Hollywood but a love affair threatens to ruin her life and shatter the happiness of her family.Mary becomes a teacher and forms some strong emotional bonds, but gossip and injustice may rob her of everything she holds dear.Can they overcome prejudice or must they bow to convention?

The Ballad of Uriah: A Mountain Man Story

Mike Mackessy - 2020
    Understanding enough about himself, he realizes he is not yet prepared for such an adventure. He prepares himself by working for three years on a railroad crew. Working adds the strength, maturity, and of course fighting skills learned from the rough and tumble life of an early railroad camp. One of the self-taught lessons he improves on is hunting. For a year and a half, in addition to swinging a pick, he lands meat on the table of the camp on his single day off. All the pre-apprentice skills he acquires prove their worth in the mountains.Before he reaches the Rockies, he is captured and tortured by the Blackfoot Indians. He is rescued by an old hand, another mountain man named Micah. What he learns from the Crow and from Micah prepares him for his apprenticeship in the wilds. He matures, living and trading with the Crow and the Cheyenne. Uriah acquires the help from a young Cheyenne captive passing on his hard learned lessons. Not one of those lessons prepares either man for what will face them.Their life is filled with Indian raids, grizzly bear attacks, mountain lion fights, and of course, buffalo hunting. Life in the wild revolves around the buffalo.

The Christmas Gift (Return To Wyoming Book 1)

Vivian Sinclair - 2017
    His ranch is his life and the approaching Christmas doesn’t mean much to him. He’s not exactly a Grinch, but who has time for decorating and celebrating when there is work to be done? Discovering a young woman lost on the country road that leads to his ranch, he has to take her home as a blizzard is coming. Violet Kendall was looking for the sister she has never known she had, and her tiny car was ill equipped to face a real Wyoming snowstorm. Is Connor going to appreciate the real Christmas gift he got this year? And are the secrets Violet is hiding going to place in danger these people that she has come to love? Will the stern Wyoming rancher and the delicate girl from Atlanta find a way to happiness in this season when miracles are possible?

My All Wasn't Enough: A Twisted Love Affair

Tynessa - 2016
    She is all about money, and does not care a bit about them going back home to their wives. After the heartache that her ex-husband left her with, she vows to never fall for another man. That is until she meets, Cainan Wallace, better known as Cain, a handsome 28-year-old businessman. His hood demeanor has Zoe ‘judging a book by its cover’ and not wanting to get to know him. When she does, he steals her heart in a matter of time. Yet, Cain has secrets of his own and demons that he’s trying to fight off. We’ll see if he’s able to keep his secrets and Zoe apart. Or will he have to sacrifice his reputation, all for the love of Zoe. Linda is Zoe’s sister, and the type who wants everyone to believe she has the picture perfect marriage. Behind closed doors, there are secrets, infidelities, and lines that have been crossed in more ways than one. Let’s just see if love is enough to keep this family as one.

The Scottish Doctor's Daughter

Jo Bartlett - 2018
     DI Hannah Blair has returned to Scotland to head up a small team of detectives investigating the whole range of crimes that occur in the wild Highlands. When her team is asked to investigate a suspicious death in the rural town of Balloch Pass, Blair isn’t just looking for a potential killer, she’s also chasing the ghosts of her past. Dr Noah Bradshaw has only been in town for a year. But as one of three GPs in the small medical practice, he’s already well-liked in the community… until the finger of suspicion points at him, and some of his patients start to believe he really could be capable of murder. With a local priest also under suspicion, Blair is preoccupied by her strained relationship with her father and her unwanted attraction to one of the suspects, until the investigation seems to be slipping through her fingers. But when Noah reveals the secret that brought him to Balloch Pass, everything changes… Blair faces a race against time to stop the killer striking again, and grab her own chance of happiness with both hands.

Riverbreeze: Part 3 (Riverbreeze Trilogy)

Ellen E. Johnson - 2012
     Part 3 continues the saga of the Bassett brothers and their twin wives as they face the greatest threats to their lives. After a slight mishap and reconciliation at the end of Part 2, the two couples experience a time of peace and happiness during the Christmas season. That peace is soon shattered during a Twelfth Night party when an unexpected, and unwelcome, guest arrives. Now they must find the strength to prevail against this foe from the brothers' past as he plots to ruin their lives. And finally, the climax, a historically correct event brings treachery and sorrow to Riverbreeze plantation, forcing the brothers to defend their home and protect their family from Indian attack and war. Full of drama, excitement, humor, romance and details of early American life, the Riverbreeze series will appeal to a wide range of readers.

The Storm (Clay Brentwood Book 5)

Jared McVay - 2017
    He's looking forward to an easy job, and then settling down for a bit. At least that’s the way he had it figured. What he hadn’t considered was how plans could change in a heartbeat, bringing him closer to deaths door than he ever wanted to be. Excerpt from Book 5: The Storm It was late afternoon of the first day and they were still several miles inside the Kansas border, when Clay found a place to camp for the night, near a small lake that would provide enough water for the herd. They would have to camp out in the open, but the weather was decent enough so that it shouldn’t be a problem. By tomorrow noontime, they should reach the Panhandle of Oklahoma where water was scarce. Clay didn’t want to push the herd too hard. He wanted them in good shape because it would be at least two more days before they could reach the Cimarron River and cattle don’t travel well without water. He figured they would lose a little weight during the three-hundred-and-fifty-mile drive, but once they got to his land, it wouldn’t take them long to put the weight back on. The White River ran through his property with several small tributaries, and there was plenty of tall grass. The cattle weren’t used to walking all day and were more than ready to settle down for the night when the time came. No one knew how Mrs. McIntyre did it, but that evening for supper, they feasted on corned beef and cabbage with soda bread and large slabs of butter, and blackberry pie. She’d seen some blackberries growing wild and since the herd was moving slow, she’d stopped and picked enough for six pies. “Ya know, boss,” Riley, a tall young man from Texas, said, “if this is the way we’re gonna eat, I don’t reckon you’ll ever be wantin’ fer hands. Women or not, this is the best trail drive I’ve ever been on, and if my work suits ya, I’ll be stayin’ on when we get to yer ranch.” Riley was young, just seventeen, but he’d been around cattle drives most of his young life and he knew his business. Clay was lucky to have him. Young he might be, but Clay was guessing the young man would ride for the brand, should trouble arise. Clay looked out across the herd and watched as his men worked the cattle. There was a mixture of ages, which was good as far as he was concerned. The men new to this kind of work would learn from the more experienced riders. Colleen blushed and waved the end of her apron at him. “Ah, go on with ya now. You and yer silver tongue. Ah man works hard, he needs ah good meal, that’s all.” Bert took his slice of blackberry pie and backed away, saying, “Yes ma’am. Whatever you say, ma’am.” After the evening meal, Cindy brought out her guitar and sat on the tailgate of the wagon and to everyone’s surprise, began to strum a slow, song of home. Then she began to sing and as if by magic, the cattle settled down. Singing was what cowboys did while riding night herd to help keep the cattle calm, but none of them had a voice as soothing as Cindy McIntyre. Clay had just poured himself a cup of coffee and was enjoying Cindy’s singing, when a young man came riding up to the camp and got down. He took a double take when he saw the two women, then spied Clay and walked up to him. “Mister Brentwood?” Clay smiled. He was just a boy, no more than fourteen and dressed in town clothes. “Sorry son, but I got all the wranglers I need. The boy grinned. “I’m not a cowboy, sir. I’m Ben Masterson and I work for the railroad. I’m training to be a telegraph operator.”

Guns on the Horizon: A Western Adventure From Randall Dale (Adventures of the Western Gunfighter Series Book 1)

Randall Dale - 2019
    These stories contain action, adventure and the wild, untamed frontier…. These are the bounty hunters, gunfighters and lawmen who protect the innocent—the men who tamed the Wild West and caught the criminal’s dead, or alive! This is “Guns on the Horizon”. Four great adventures from one of America’s leading Western writers Randall Dale. Four chances to discover crime, punishment and tales of the Old West. Inside this book you will find action, adventure, greed, gluttony and love. You will find the bodies of dead bad guys, the guns of lawman and the pleas of the desperate, wild criminal facing the end of a rope, or on the edge of a bullet. Enjoy one heck of a great Western adventure with Randall Dale—the man who tells the stories of the Old West you’ll love!

A Slave's Song

Michael Edwin Q. - 2016
    Along the way he learns the horrors of war, the evils of slavery, the plight of the slave, and the cost of freedom. By a twist of fate he becomes the pastor of a church of black slaves.

Operation Golden Dawn

George Wallace - 2013
    Liu Pen, spymaster for the Peoples Republic of China, envisions using Islamic terrorists to disrupt Western interests on China's vulnerable southern flank. Admiral Suluvana plots to overthrow the Indonesian government and establish an Islamic state. Together, they scheme to use a genetically engineered version of small pox to attack the West. Their secret base is Nusa Funata, a dark and inhospitable island in the Java Sea. Jon Hunter commands the nuclear submarine SAN FRANCISCO. Driven by an inner fire, Hunter relentlessly pursues every opportunity to prove himself and his beloved boat. Hunter's boss, Commodore Carlucci, will do anything to move his own career forward, including holding Hunter down. When the US intelligence agencies catch some whiffs of the activity on Nusa Funata, the SAN FRANCISCO is ordered to find out what is going on. Once they have confirmed that Nusa Funata is being used to manufacture the deadly biological weapon, the threat must be neutralized. It is exactly the type mission that Hunter had been praying for.