Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius

Hermes Trismegistus
    Their supposed author, a mythical figure named Hermes Trismegistus, was thought to be a contemporary of Moses. The Hermetic philosophy was regarded as an ancient theology, parallel to the revealed wisdom of the Bible, supporting Biblical revelation and culminating in the Platonic philosophical tradition. This new translation is the only English version based on reliable texts, and Professor Copenhaver's introduction and notes make this accessible and up-to-date edition an indispensable resource to scholars.

Eyes Of An Angel: Soul Travel, Spirit Guides, Soul Mates, & The Reality Of Love

Paul Elder - 2005
    The book explores reunions with departed souls, the discovery of soul mates, as well as our purpose in the universe.

Witch Crafting: A Spiritual Guide to Making Magic

Phyllis Curott - 2001
    By inviting readers of all faiths to share in her own personal transformation, Phyllis debunked many of the myths surrounding Wicca and revealed it for what it really is: a spiritual movement whose tenets of Goddess worship and reverence for Nature were a great deal more accessible and familiar than she’d ever expected. In Witch Crafting, Phyllis digs deep into the practices and principles of Witchcraft to provide a comprehensive guidebook that anyone "novices and seasoned practitioners alike" can use to incorporate the beauty and power of Wicca into their own daily lives.Far from being just another mechanical spell book, Witch Crafting is the first book to offer readers not only the how-to of Witchcraft, but also the why-to, explaining the profound spiritual tenets behind Wiccan techniques. Filled with both traditional and innovative shamanic practices, Phyllis also provides an empowering new definition of magic and reexamines the ethics under which Witchcraft is practiced, offering a groundbreaking alternative to the Threefold Law. With enchanting stories from Curott’s own experiences, Witch Crafting will also teach you how to:• Master the secret arts of effective spellcasting• Create sacred space and personal rituals• Perform divinations for spiritual insight and earthly success• Tap into the power of altered states, such as dreaming, meditation, prayer, and trance• Keep a magical journal and create your own Book of Shadows ·Keep a magical Rich with detailed advice for making magic, working with Nature, and finding the Divine within, as well as thought-provoking evaluations of this remarkable spirituality, Witch Crafting is the special volume that you’ve been searching for. Whether you are a beginner or have been practicing Witchcraft for years, whether you worship in a coven or on your own, Witch Crafting is the ideal handbook for you, or anyone seeking to unlock the divine power that makes real magic happen and experience the ecstasy, energy, and gifts of the Universe more fully.From the Hardcover edition.

The Trifecta Secret of Wealth & Abundance: Align Your Higher Self & You Shall Arrive

John Paul Khoury - 2014
    The Trifecta Secret of Wealth & Abundance is an easy-to-follow guide that leads you straight to the life you are meant to live. Each of us has a special purpose, and learning our own unique truth opens us up to receiving the three things we most want and need in life: Health, Wealth, and Love. Many self-help books zero in on one area: how to get rich, or how to get fit, find love, or be happy. But they fall short of the mark simply because of their narrow focus. For, as The Trifecta Secret of Wealth & Abundance clearly illustrates, it is in achieving a balance of love, health, and money that true happiness and plenty are found. Avoiding the usual fluff, this book dives right into the heart of its message. It's straight to the point and offers up substantial information from the very first page to the very end. The truth is that the power lies within each one of us to create our own abundance. So, before we can achieve success in the outside world, we must begin by bringing balance to our inner world. Start your journey today.

The Creative Tarot: A Modern Guide to an Inspired Life

Jessa Crispin - 2016
    Jessa Crispin guides you through the intuitive world of the tarot to get those creative juices flowing again. Thought to be esoteric and mystical, tarot cards are approachable and endlessly helpful to overcoming creative blocks. Crispin offers spiritual readings of the cards, practical information for the uninspired artist, and a wealth of fascinating anecdotes about famous artists including Virginia Woolf, Rembrandt, and David Bowie, and how they found inspiration. With five original tarot spreads and beautiful illustrations throughout, The Creative Tarot is an accessible, colorful guide that demystifies both the tarot and the creative process.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft

Denise Zimmermann - 2000
     € With the integration of witchcraft into pop culture (e.g. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Charmed on TV) interest in these topics is going ever more mainstream € According to FoxNews.com, Wicca is growing on college campuses...Lehigh and the University

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Numerology

Kay Lagerquist - 1999
    Everyone has heard that important events happen in threes and that seven is a lucky number. With this completely revised and updated edition of the popular guide to numerology, readers can discover the many ways that numbers can be used to glimpse into the future by discovering their hidden meaning and significance. Download a sample chapter.

The Occult Book: A Chronological Journey from Alchemy to Wicca

John Michael Greer - 2017
     Take an enlightening journey through occult history, exploring 100 dramatic incidents, arcane knowledge, and key historical figures from around the world. John Michael Greer delves into two millennia of tradition, from the earliest alchemists to pagan rituals; from the Philosopher’s Stone to Cabala, the first tarot, and the Knights Templar; and from the first horoscopes to fortune-telling trials and the birth of modern witchcraft, or Wicca. Each entry features a stunning image or intriguing item of ephemera.

Celtic Spirituality: A Beginners Guide To Celtic Spirituality

Sarah Owen - 2015
    This guide offers a comprehensive introduction to the rich religious tradition of the Celts. Contents include:• Historical and mythological roots of Celtic spirituality• Important Celtic holy days and their rituals• The powers of Celtic Goddesses and Gods• Easy guidelines for setting up a Celtic altar• Instructions for creating and using Celtic divination tools such as Runes and Ogham Sticks

Telos Volume 1: Revelations Of The New Lemuria (Telos, Vol. 1)

Aurelia Louise Jones - 2002
    Timely and fascinating messages from the people of the ancient civilization of Lemuria, living in the fifth dimensional city of Telos beneath Mount Shasta, CA. Telos is an ancient Lemurian City of Light that is real and still exists to this day in the physical realm, underneath Mount Shasta. Re-acquaint yourself with Adama, the High Priest of Telos and your eternal father, as he describes the kind of Earthly paradise they have forged for themselves as they raised their consciousness to a fifth dimensional reality. They are the survivors of the lost continent of Mu who perished beneath of waves of the Pacific Ocean over 12,000 years ago. Our Lemurian brothers and sisters of Telos and our former family of ancient times are soon looking forward to coming out, when we are ready, to teach us how to do the same here on the surface. Due to their isolation from the surface population, they have succeeded in creating a civilization of peace and abundance, with no sickness, aging or death. They have mastered immortality in physical expression and they wish to teach us to do the same. Vividly and heroically, Telos delivers a clear understanding of what is required on the surface to create a prosperous society and a healthy environment. The Telosians and many other spiritually advanced civilizations are very real inside the Earth. They are coming forward at this time to inspire us to follow in their footsteps. The return of the Lemurians and their eventual emergence among us is nothing less than the "Second Coming" that we have been waiting for, for so very long. The Lemurians have long achieved the fullness of the Christ consciousness, and as we are ready to receive them among us, they will teach us how to implement, right here on the surface of this planet, the type of paradise they have forged for themselves in Telos. They will assist us in building a golden age that will manifest the fullness of the Christ consciousness, which is the divinity that has always been there within our hearts. The indwelling Christ of our being becoming tangibly manifested on this planet and in our daily lives. Here is what Adama has to say at this time: It is with much delight and anticipation that we bring to you the memories of Lemuria. Though these memories have appeared to be lost for a while, they have continued to live and thrive in your hearts unto this now moment in time. In Telos, we are honored to join hearts with you, and to assist in the unification of our two civilizations. We send you much love from Telos, where this divine energy flows in great abundance. Until we meet, keep practicing the art of true love, which starts with loving yourself. May love abound in your heart for each other and for all of creation, as precious jewels and expressions of the Love of the Mother/Father God! We hold you dearly in our hearts. Adama.

The World of Shamanism: New Views of an Ancient Tradition

Roger Walsh - 2007
    I cannot imagine a book that would be more helpful to me in thinking through this important subject.--Huston Smith, author of The World's Religions...Unquestionably the most rounded compact introduction to shamanism, particularly the inner world of shamans, available today. A door-opening book for students of consciousness and spirituality.--Georg Feuerstein, PhD, M.Litt, author of The Yoga Tradition A splendidly clear and timely survey of shamanism.--Jean Achterberg, PhD, author of Imagery in HealingQuite simply, this book is a major step forward in understanding the vital phenomenon of shamanism. I recommend it highly.--Charles Tart, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of California at Davis, author of States of Consciousness...Eminently useful and inspiring. A brilliant integrative work that pushes the frontiers of consciousness in insightful, practical, and powerful ways.--Angeles Arrien, PhD, Cultural Anthropologist, author of The Four-Fold Way and The Second Half of Life...Unique in bringing together the full range of anthropological, psychological, and psychiatric literature on this vital subject. It does so with admirable scholarship yet still manages to be sensitive and clear.--Christie W. Kiefer, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of California at San Francisco

Water Crystal Healing: Music and Images to Restore Your Well-Being

Masaru Emoto - 2006
    Internationally acclaimed water researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto has discovered why certain music has healing benefits: Music with the appropriate rhythm, tempo, tone, and melody can correct distorted frequencies within our cells, assisting our health and healing.In this unique collection, Dr. Emoto presents music that he has found through his research to be beneficial for common physical and emotional imbalances. Listen to the musical pieces while enjoying Dr. Emoto's captivating water-crystal photographs. The possible benefits you may experience include decreased joint and back pain; improved function of the nervous, circulatory, lymphatic, and immune systems; and the release of negative emotions such as anxiety, self-pity, and depression. The combination of images, words, and music in Water Crystal Healing concentrates consciousness as never before, providing a unique experience for healing.

Witchcraft: Theory and Practice

Lore de Angeles - 2000
    With more than three decades of experience she has learned how to bring the teachings alive, combining modern with ancient, so you can better understand the true potential and depth of Witchcraft.Within the pages of this book you will find the secrets and techniques to become a Witch. These can be divided into three categories: philosophical disciplines, spiritual beliefs, and practical techniques. Each part gets a focus in this book.In the first section, you will:Learn meditation and how it can be used for ritual Discover the secrets of visualization, telepathy, and personal power Use the self-analysis techniques to discover who you are and never walk in anyone's shadowIn the second section you can:Uncover the essence of the God and Goddess Discover the festivals of Witchcraft Learn how to make and use the tools of Witchcraft Understand how to do rituals, including the rite of self-initiationAnd in the final section, you'll:Practice psychic protection, shapeshifting, and banishing Master astral projection Learn to interpret omens This really just barely covers some of the information you will find revealed in these pages. Written in a style that is clear and concise, this book will add to your knowledge of Witchcraft. Whether you are new to the Craft or have been practicing for some time, Witchcraft: Theory and Practice will impart wisdom that will fascinate and entice. You will be using this book for many years to come.

Rebel Witch

Kelly-Ann Maddox - 2020
    It challenges witches to design a nurturing practice that is truly theirs.There's guidance on all the building blocks of the craft, including energy raising, sacred space creation, protection, cleansing, shielding, blessing, consecrating, receiving signs, casting spells, rituals, altars, dream work, deities, astrology, crystal, scrying, potions and much more ... crucially, in each case the topic is discussed from an exciting contemporary perspective. So, when Kelly-Ann talks about sacred texts, she stresses that you can choose the text that resonate with you - so why not Alice in Wonderland or Narnia? Maybe you want to move away from the traditional Wheel of the Year and create your own divisions? Instead of honouring a traditional deity, why not construct your own, choosing elements from rock stars, movie icons or fictional heroes? Or embody magical signs in your clothing and jewellery? Creativity and experimentation are encouraged, with tips to help the reader to be inventive. A curious reader with a desire to create an inspired, deeply personal path and free themselves from conformity will finish the book ready to take action and make magick happen!

Secrets From A Stargazer's Notebook

Debbi Kempton-Smith - 1999
    Debbi Kempton-Smith's Secrets From a Stargazer's Notebook is the brilliant, witty, outrageous, groundbreaking, wildly popular book that forever changes the way people look at astrology. Surf the easy look-it-up tables (1930-2030)for all the planets plus Chiron and the X-O planets.