The Power Within Us

Russell M. Nelson - 1988
    Literally, no two people are alike. Each one has a specific genetic inheritance indelibly stamped upon every cell. Environmental influences from the company one keeps, and experiences that one endures, blend to enrich and educate the person who ultimately emerges from this marvelous experience we call life." With rare insight, gained through service as both a world-renowned heart surgeon and a Church leader, Elder Russell M. Nelson, a member of the Council of the Twelve Apostles in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, writes about the unique powers and potential of each individual. "The potential for divine power is within us," he says. "It awaits the grasp of each willing child of God." Some of the attributes each person must develop in order to achieve divine power are: "The potential for divine power is within us," he says. "It awaits the grasp of each willing child of God." Some of the attributes each person must develop in order to achieve divine power are: Love of neighbor: "Most who have separated themselves from full fellowship in the Church have done so not because of doctrinal disputations but because of hurt, neglect, or lack of love. Progress toward full participation in the blessings of the gospel needs no new programs, only new vision of love, which can be rendered best by friends and neighbors. Obedience: "Our choice to serve must be an informed choice based on eternal truths, for we do not obey blindly, but because we can see." * Obedience: "Our choice to serve must be an informed choice based on eternal truths, for we do not obey blindly, but because we can see."  A strong marriage: "It takes a man and a woman to make a man or a woman. Ordinary and imperfect people can build each other through their wholeness together." Obedience to law: "Freedom to act and mastery of our actions both emanate from law." "The source of our spiritual power is the Lord," he concludes. "This power differs from electrical power. An electrical appliance consumes power, while the use of God's spiritual power replenishes our power. While electrical power can be used only for measured periods of time, spiritual power can be used for time and eternity."

Your Endowment

Mark A. Shields - 2009
    In this remarkable volume, Mark Shields, an experienced gospel teacher, casts new light on the symbolism inherent in temple ordinances and provides a wealth of insights that will change the way you worship. Whether you've been attending the temple for years or are preparing to enter for the first time, you will learn to love the temple, understand its purposes, and appreciate the rich symbolism it embodies. Your Endowment is a must-read for anyone looking to get more from temple worship.

10 Secrets Wise Parents Know: Tried and True Things You Can Do to Raise Faithful, Confident, Responsible Children

Bruce A. Chadwick - 2004
    Top and Bruce A. Chadwick have done. Based on a major, ten-year study they conducted with more than 5,000 LDS teens and an additional 1,000 young adults, they have honed in on ten parenting principles that surfaced again and again in the happiest families. This book shares those principles in such chapters as "Build a Household of Faith," "Dare to Discipline," and "Praise More Than You Criticize." Real-life examples and practical counsel make this an indispensable parenting resource.

Eve and Adam: Discovering the Beautiful Balance

Melinda Wheelwright Brown - 2020
    To understand her mission, we must first recognize Eve’s proper, elevated place — a noble position beside Adam, with a beautiful, balanced interdependence between them. Their example of enthusiastically embracing mortality with all its accompanying challenges provides meaning, encouragement, and direction for each of us along our complex and sometimes thorny paths home.“For millennia,” writes author Melinda Brown, “the world has dismissed the story of Adam and Eve as simply a choice between good and evil, with the obvious conclusion the Eve chose evil. But on much closer inspection, we can discover, and lead others to discover, that the choice was in fact between certainty and uncertainty, security and risk, fear and faith. Eve’s most remarkable choice had everything to do with stagnation versus progress. Hers was a decision to trust God.”With its in-depth examination of the scriptural account Eve and Adam provides an opportunity for deep pondering and reflection on our own mortal experience and how they draw us, step by step, toward exaltation.

Conquering Your Own Goliaths

Steven A. Cramer - 1988
    And you can claim it beginning now. The well know Bible story of David and Goliath is the back drop that Steven A. Cramer uses to show how we can enlist the aid of the Lord in overcoming any of our problems. In our day, we do not have to face nine-foot giants physically, but often our Goliaths come in the form of spiritual giants that will not yield to a stone or sword.

The Lincoln Hypothesis: A Modern-day Abolitionist Investigates the Possible Connection Between Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, and Abraham Lincoln

Timothy Ballard - 2014
    Author Timothy Ballard explores the crucial role that President Lincoln played to bring this nation closer to heaven. Readers will see Lincoln as a man inspired of God who invoked a covenant relationship between America and its maker—not unlike the national covenants invoked by righteous leaders in the Book of Mormon. In addition, The Lincoln Hypothesis reveals documented evidence that Abraham Lincoln did, in fact, check out the Book of Mormon as he struggled with making some of the most critical decisions of his presidency. Did he read it? Did it influence him? Was the Book of Mormon a key factor in Lincoln's success and the healing of a nation?The author states, "As you read, you will, like a prosecutor reviewing a case, or like a jury determining a verdict, identify valuable pieces of evidence that can be fully substantiated. You will also identify pieces of evidence that cannot. I ask you to consider all the evidence and weight it accordingly. Through this study, many questions regarding the interplay between the restored gospel and the Civil War will be answered. New questions may emerge that will not be so easily answered. Either way, in the end you will find yourself on a most exhilarating investigative journey."

Before Amen: The Power of a Simple Prayer

Max Lucado - 2014
    . . some.We pray to stay sober, centered, or solvent. When the lump is deemed malignant. When the money runs out before the month does. When the marriage is falling apart. We pray.But wouldn’t we like to pray more? Better? Stronger? With more fire, faith, and fervency?Yet we have kids to feed, bills to pay, deadlines to meet. The calendar pounces on our good intentions like a tiger on a rabbit. And what about our checkered history with prayer? Uncertain words. Unmet expectations. Unanswered requests.We aren’t the first to struggle with prayer. The first followers of Jesus needed prayer guidance too. In fact, prayer is the only tutorial they ever requested.And Jesus gave them a prayer. Not a lecture on prayer. Not the doctrine of prayer. He gave them a quotable, repeatable, portable prayer. Couldn’t we use the same?In Before Amen best-selling author Max Lucado joins readers on a journey to the very heart of biblical prayer, offering hope for doubts and confidence even for prayer wimps. Distilling prayers in the Bible down to one pocket-sized prayer, Max reminds readers that prayer is not a privilege for the pious nor the art of a chosen few. Prayer is simply a heartfelt conversation between God and his child. Let the conversation begin.

I Like Me Anyway: Embracing Imperfection, Connection & Christ

Brooke Romney - 2020
    Wherever you are on your perfectly imperfect journey, Brook Romney lovingly designed this book to make a difference in your daily life. Relatable real-life stories on every page will remind you of your worth, your power, and the overflowing grace you can access right now. Simple exercises at the end of each chapter give practical ideas for increasing your personal peace. If you have ever felt overwhelmed, underprepared, or out of your league in life, I can't recommend this book enough." -Emily Orton, Author of Seven at Sea

The Price We Paid: The Extraordinary Story of the Willie and Martin Handcart Pioneers

Andrew D. Olsen - 2006
    Though tragic, it is also a story of triumph that scarcely has an equal. It is one of history's great witnesses of the power of faith and sacrifice. Although this story is one of the most frequently told of all Mormon pioneer accounts, it is also among the least understood. This book provides the most comprehensive and accessible account of these pioneers' epic 1856 journey. In addition to painting a broad perspective of the trek, it includes dozens of personal stories from the pioneers themselves. Woven into the larger story of the journey west, these stories inspire, build faith, recount miracles, and reveal how these pioneers were able to endure such adversity. The book also includes chapters on the lives of many of these pioneers after the handcart trek. Immerse yourself in the challenges and miracles of this astounding odyssey as never before!

Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling

Richard L. Bushman - 2005
    Richard Bushman, an esteemed cultural historian and a practicing Mormon, moves beyond the popular stereotype of Smith as a colorful fraud to explore his personality, his relationships with others, and how he received revelations. An arresting narrative of the birth of the Mormon Church, Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling also brilliantly evaluates the prophet’s bold contributions to Christian theology and his cultural place in the modern world.

A Return to Virtue

Elaine S. Dalton - 2011
    So she decided to run a marathon.Now, years later, she has taken her experiences and insights related to running and woven them into an analogy for an attribute and value she feels passionate about: virtue."I have embarked on a journey to reinstate the word virtue into our vocabulary and our lives," Sister Dalton writes. "We call for a social reform, but what is really needed is a moral reform—a call for a return to virtue." As we run life's race, it is virtue, meaning purity and power, that will sustain us through the long miles.A Return to Virtue is an invitation and a guide to running well the marathon that we call mortality. "Give it 100 percent," says Sister Dalton, "and one day we will be hugging each other and celebrating—victorious—at the finish line!"

A Single Voice

Kristen McMain Oaks - 2008
    Oaks, wife of Elder Dallin H. Oaks. Whether they are nevermarried, divorced, or widowed, singles can often feel discounted and discouraged in a family- focused community. A Single Voice addresses these concerns and offers valuable insights, personal reflections (including the story of the author's courtship and marriage to Elder Oaks), and rich advice for living life to the fullest as a single member.

Emma and Joseph: Their Divine Mission

Gracia N. Jones - 1999
    The author, Gracia N. Jones, a great-great-grandaughter of Emma and Joseph, offers a new understanding of their shared lives, presenting in the process information about them that has not been readily available in the past.

The First 2,000 Years: From Adam To Abraham

W. Cleon Skousen - 1953
    329 pages with index, charts.

A Marvelous Work and a Wonder

LeGrand Richards - 1950
    Richards, a Presiding Bishop and Ordained One of the Twelve Apostles, offers an outline prepared to assist missionaries in their study and presentation of the gospel in a systematic and logical manner. Contents: The Position of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; The Visit of the Father and the Son; Personality of the Father and the Son; False Doctrines and Universal Apostasy; A Marvelous Work and a Wonder to Come Forth; The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon; The Book of Mormon Fulfills Bible Prophecies; Evidences of the Divinity of the Book of Mormon; Restoration of Priesthood Authority; The Ordinance of Baptism; The Mission of the Holy Ghost; Setting up the Kingdom of God Upon the Earth; The Mission of Elijah; Marriage for Time and for All Eternity; The Gathering of Israel; Israel in the Latter Days; The Coming of Elias; The True Church, A Missionary Church; Fundamental Differences Between Salvation and Exaltation; Whence Cometh Man?; Why Is Man Here?; Where Is Man Going?; The Sabbath Day; Predestination and Foreordination; The Word of Wisdom; The Law of Tithing; and By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them.