A Text Book Of Railway Engineering
S.C. Saxena
Railway Transpor tations and its Development 2. Railway Terminology 3. Railway Track 4. Stresses in Railway Track 5. Traction and Tractive Resistances 6. Rails 7. Rail Joints and Welding of Rails 8. Creep of Rails 9. Sleepers 10. Track Fittings and Fastenings 11. Ballast 12. Subgrade and Embankments 13. Track Alignments 14. Surveying 15. Geometric Design of the Track 16. Points and Crossings 17. Track Junctions 18. Stations and Yards 19. Equipment in Station Yards 20. Signaling and Control Systems 21. Interlocking of Signals and Points 22. Construction and Renewal of Track 23. Track Drainage 24. Conventional Maintenance of Track (or Manual Maintenance) 25. Railway Track Standards 26. Safety in Railways 27. Underground Railways and Tunnelling. PART- II MODERNIZATION OF RAILWAY TRACK AND FUTURE TRENDS 28. Modern Developments in Railways 29. Development of High and Super High Speeds 30. Modernization of Track for High Speeds 31. Modern Methods of Track Maintenance PART- III RAILWAY ADMINISTRATION, ECONOMICS AND FINANCE 32. Administration of Indian Railways 33. Railway Expenses, Rates and Fares 34. Material Management.
Fundamentals Of Digital Circuits
A. Anand Kumar - 2009
It is well balanced between theory and practice and covers topics from binary numbers and logic gates to K-maps, variable mapping, counter design etc. Each chapter includes several worked out examples to give studentsa thorough grouding in related design concepts
Effective Business Communications
Herta A. Murphy - 1980
These "seven Cs" guide student-readers to choose the content and style that best fits the purpose and recipient of any given message. Pedagogically rich, most chapters in this paperback text include checklists, mini-cases and problems, "Communication Probe" boxes which summarize related research, and sidenotes that isolate significant points that should not be missed. Two new chapters are devoted to ethics and technology respectively.
Building Construction Book By Rangwala
The A To Z of Practical Building Construction and its Management
Sandeep Mantri
It is an ideal book for engineers, consultants, contractors and builders. Printed in large format, this book is easy to follow
Irrigation Water Power And Water Resources Engineering In Si Units
K.R. Arora
Oxford Junior English Translation (Anglo Hindi)
R.K. Sinha
This Book has been designed to meet the requirement of those who want to have a good working knowledge of English.Very Simple language and very easy to understand Covers all the basics from sentences, verbs, Tense, Nouns, Pronouns and uses of Articles and Voices, Excerises have been put after each small topic
Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods
Edward Allen - 1986
The best-selling reference focuses on the basic materials and methods used in building construction. Emphasizing common construction systems such as light wood frames, masonry bearing walls, steel frames, and reinforced concrete, the new edition includes new coverage of green design and energy-efficient construction energies, and is based on the International Building Code(r).
A Textbook of Organic Chemistry
Arun Bahl - 2005
Students , One of the distinctive featues of the text is its visual impact. Color graphics, illustrators, and molecular models and high resolution photos have been extensively used to highlight and reinforce the important points. Caolor has been used to highlight change and concepts. Table Of Contents: Getting Started2.Purification of Organic Compounds .Composition of Organic compounds 4.Empirical and Molecukar Formulae 5.Structure of Organic Molecules6.Organic Reaction and their Mechanism 7.Isomerism 8Nomenclature of Organiccompounds 9.Spectroscopy 10.Alkanes 11.Alkenes 12.Alkynes 13 Alkyl Halides------
Civil Engineering: Conventional and Objective Type (2018-19 Session)
R.S. Khurmi - 2018
Covers applied mechanics, strength of materials, hydraulics and fluids mechanics, hydraulic machines, building material irrigation, engineering, public health engineering, and concrete technology.
Design Of Steel Structures
N. Subramanian - 2008
The text is based on the modern limit states approach to design and covers areas such as the properties of steel, types of steel structures, important areas of structural steel technology, bolted connections, welded connection, design of trusses, design of plate girders, and design of beam columns. Each chapter features solved examples, review questions, and practice problems as well as ample illustrations that supplement the text. Chapters on advanced topics such as protection of steel structures against corrosion and fire, fatigue resistant design, and design for torsion have been included in a CD that accompanies the book.
Theory of Structures
S. Ramamrutham
It includes advance topics on redundant frames, moment distribution method, column analogy method, strain energy, plastic theory, welded connection, masonry dams, principal stresses and rotation contribution method.
The Function of Form
Farshid Moussavi - 2009
We need to move away from the definition of function as utility, she argues, to align it with how function is defined in mathematics, biology or music. Form, on the other hand, should be considered not only in the way buildings are produced, but also how they perform sensorially. Function and form, considered together in architecture, stand in opposition to the dualism which defined our approach to the built environment throughout the twentieth century. This book provides a thought-provoking account of the challenges facing the 21st century built environment, and an enlivened awareness of the wider possibilities of architectural form.