The Simple Guide to Child Trauma: What It Is and How to Help

Betsy De Thierry - 2016
    Emphasising the need for compassionate, relational responses to these often misunderstood young people, Betsy offers an array of practical strategies and insights to enable those responses, whilst conveying her core subject with confidence and clarity. An important, generous and timely publication.Louise Michelle Bombèr, Strategic Attachment Lead Teacher Therapist0600As a parent myself I have found this book to be such a useful tool. To have a basic understanding of how the brain works has given me greater confidence as a parent in handling my children calmly and remaining empathetic even when I don't always understand the reasons behind their behaviour. I value the comprehensible and practical tips that are listed in this book of how you can develop the connection and healing relationship with the child in your care. It's beautifully written with such profound insight that is essential for any caring person working with children.Dannii Gray, Parent0600This book is easy to read using plain, clear language - free of jargon. It has really helpful suggestions that could be used in both professional and home settings.Liz Hall, Parent and Police Child Protection Investigator and Trainer0600Simplifying and condensing the complex world of childhood trauma into tangible, easy to grasp terms, de Thierry shows her mastery of the field in this handy guide. Her conversational style translates the neuroscience of trauma into supportive, concrete steps that any helping adult can apply to the children in his or her life. Empathy for the reader and patience for these vulnerable youth are ever-present as de Thierry herself models the restorative power of relationships. Such a hopeful and comforting read!Kendra Morris-Jacobson, Oregon Post Adoption Resource Center (ORPARC)0600What this 'simple guide' does elegantly and quickly is bring a large amount of research - from psychology, social work, neuroscience, biochemistry and genetics - directly to the busy but interested professionals, parents and carers working in this field. It translates complex ideas into 'practice-rich' language for adults who need to understand the inner worlds of children, rather than simply explore their 'wishes and feelings'.From the foreword by Professor David Shemmings OBE0200Full of helpful information and advice, this is the perfect introduction to child trauma for any adult caring for or working with a child who has experienced trauma. It explains what trauma is, how it affects children and what adults can do to facilitate recovery.04001: Understanding trauma. 2: The impact of trauma. 3: Helping a child become calm. 4: Frustrating behaviour from traumatised children. 5: Key approaches to help children recover. 6: Important things to consider when offering support. 7: Getting your head around different therapies.01000301

Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Summary - 2009
    Save time and money and download this 8 page summary now!Forget everything you know about money. Too many of us base our financial decisions on emotions, such as fear, worry, or guilt. It’s time to learn a new approach. Think like a CEO. Use your money to make more money. Know when it’s time to take a risk. We’ll outline the basics, and give you tips to help you reach your family’s financial goals.

Everything is Figureoutable

Marie Forleo - 2019
    It's not that you're not hardworking, intelligent or deserving, but that you haven't yet installed the one key belief that will change everything: Everything is figureoutable.Whether you want to leave a dead-end job, heal a relationship, grow a business, master your money, or just find two free hours in your day, Everything is Figureoutable will train your brain to think more positively and help you break down any dream into manageable steps.Inside you'll learn:- How to deal with criticism and imposter syndrome- Why it's crucial that you strive for progress not perfection- How to bounce back from failure- How to overcome a lack of time and moneyYou'll also hear triumphant stories of everyday people using the everything is figureoutable philosophy to transform their life. Everything is figureoutable is more than just a fun phrase to say. It's a practical, actionable discipline. And it's about to make you unstoppable!

The Portable Therapist: Wise and Inspiring Answers to the Questions People in Therapy Ask the Most...

Susanna McMahon - 1994
    With compassion, wisdom and enlightening ideas, this book encourages you to be true to yourself, develop social interests and discover the positive, capable, confident human being you are meant to be.

The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here for?

Rick Warren - 2002
    Rick Warren will guide you through a personal forty-day spiritual journey that will transform your answer to life's most important question: What on earth am I here for? Knowing God's purpose for creating you will reduce your stress, focus your energy, simplify your decisions, give meaning to your life, and most important, prepare you for eternity. Movie stars and political leaders aren't the only ones turning to Rick Warren for spiritual guidance. Millions of people from NBA and LPGA players to corporate executives to high school students to prison inmates meet regularly to discuss The Purpose Driven Life.

This Year I Will...: How to Finally Change a Habit, Keep a Resolution, or Make a Dream Come True

M.J. Ryan - 2006
    Every New Year’s Day, my list of resolutions is: Ambitious. I aim for everything from losing weight to saving more money for my retirement. Realistic. I just try to bump my good behavior up a notch--be a better friend, give more money to charity---without giving myself any strict deadlines or goals.Precise. I decide exactly how many men I will ask for a date, or how many new jobs I will apply for. Whenever I decide to change something, it’s usually because:My doctor has put the fear of God into me.I read a magazine article about why making this change is important.I start daydreaming about how great life will be after I make the change. True or False: When you want to make a big change in your life, timing is crucial. Failure is:Impossible.Inevitable. Not in my vocabulary.(The answers are on the inside back flap.)Learn the secret to making changes that stickEvery so often people get inspired (again!) to lose weight, get organized, start saving, or stop worrying –but a few months later they give up, frustrated. It doesn’t have to be that way. In This Year I Wil . . .l, bestselling author M.J. Ryan offers breakthrough wisdom and coaching to help readers make this time the time that change becomes permanent. Why do people find it so hard to change? The secret is that everyone has their own formula for making changes that stick, but most people don’t know what theirs is. They think there is one way to lose five pounds, and another way to stay on top of their e-mail, but they don’t realize that for all changes, there is one system that works best for each individual. This Year I Will . . . helps you lock on to your unique formula for planning, implementing, and seeing a life change through, so you can use it again and again to tackle anything else you’d like to do. For anyone who has broken a New Year’s resolution, fallen off a diet, or given up on fulfilling a dream, the ingenious strategies, inspiring stories, and sheer motivational energy of This Year I Will . . . help you make a promise to yourself that you can actually keep.Answers to the jacket quiz: c, c, false, b. Take the whole quiz and learn your score at M.J. Ryan’s Web site,

Get Happy!: Lessons in Lasting Happiness

Anthony Gunn - 2015
    These practical, simple tips will motivate you to find your way to a happiness that lasts. The author, psychologist Anthony Gunn, draws on his experience to bring together quotes from international thinkers and his own inspirational tips to illuminate the path to happiness. This is a beautifully packaged, well-priced gift book filled with inspirational, yet simple suggestions to help you think in new ways and to take steps towards a happier life.

Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection

Jia Jiang - 2015
    Despite early success in the corporate world, his first attempt to pursue his entrepreneurial dream ended in rejection. Jia was crushed and spiraled into a period of deep self-doubt. But he realized that his fear of rejection was a bigger obstacle than any single rejection would ever be, and he needed to find a way to cope with being told no without letting it destroy him. Thus was born his "100 days of rejection" experiment, during which he willfully sought rejection on a daily basis - from requesting a lesson in sales from a car salesman (no) to asking a flight attendant if he could make an announcement on the loudspeaker (yes) to his famous request to get Krispy Kreme doughnuts in the shape of Olympic rings (yes, with a viral video to prove it).Jia learned that even the most preposterous wish may be granted if you ask in the right way, and here he shares the secret of successful asking, how to pick targets, and how to tell when an initial no can be converted into something positive. But more important, he learned techniques for steeling himself against rejection and ways to develop his own confidence - a plan that can't be derailed by a single setback.Filled with great stories and valuable insight, Rejection Proof is a fun and thoughtful examination of how to overcome fear and dare to live more boldly.

The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles

Josie Robinson - 2014
    The story itself is a heartwarming, inspirational tale of spiritual transformation and self-discovery, but it is also a guidebook with the power to instantly release the negative belief systems no longer serving you….and to direct your steps with new energy onto the path of joy and emotional freedom.Nourish your soul and restore your faith in the goodness of the world as you begin to use its simple truths within your daily life. The time is right to hear its message, and to accept the invitation that awaits inside its pages to a joyful and inspiring new life.

Break Through Your BS: Uncover Your Brain's Blind Spots and Unleash Your Inner Greatness

Derek Doepker - 2015
     Something inside of you knows this... and this is why you’re here, reading these words, ready to say “Now I make the choice to break through everything that’s keeping me from my greatness.” This Is A Game – Are You Willing To Play? "Break Through Your BS" isn't your typical self help book... It’s a game. A challenge. An experience to be had. A journey through the tricks your mind plays on you so you won't continuously be deceived by them wondering, "How can I do everything right, and yet everything is wrong?" Part poetry, part smart-ass humor, and a heavy dose practical empowerment, this book will likely leave you with more questions than answers, and yet you’ll find this is exactly what you’ve been needing all along. What’s In Store For You If you’re looking for clarity and want to make sense out of what the hell is happening right now in your life, you'll get a playful poke in the side, a compassionate kick in the ass, and sometimes a sobering slap across the face to “Wake up!” and see your own BS. Throughout all of this, you'll come away with not only more compassion and understanding for yourself, but more compassion and understanding for others. In turn, you might finally be able to help other people that frustrate the hell out of you break through *their* BS as well. #winning If You’re Brave Enough To Explore Your BS… Then you’re invited to take the journey into your mind to go beyond your mind. You will discover how to turn what could be your greatest enemy, a bullsh*tting brain with its false assumptions and limiting labels, into your greatest ally. This is a book where you must choose your own journey… You will not always be told what to do… You will be implored to explore your own thinking – and choose for yourself. You will be given many insights from psychology, philosophy, and spirituality – and walk away with no one size fits all answer, and yet still walk away with the only answer that matters. You’ll Never Be Free From BS, But… You will be able to work with your BS rather than be overcome by it. Some of the insights you’ll find in this book include… • How going after what you want is the very thing that keeps you from getting it. • The most common mental traps smart people fall for – and why your intelligence can be your greatest enemy. • Why every excuse you have may be 100% factually true, yet still be complete and utter total freaking bullsh*t. • The tricks people use to manipulate you, and how your own brain is using these tricks to sabotage yourself without you even realizing it. • Why your attempt to love and sacrifice for others may be what’s keeping you from experiencing true love.

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

Dale Carnegie - 1944
    Also, the golden rule for conquering worry, keeping your energy & spirits high.The book consists of some True Stories which will help the readers in conquering worry to lead you to success in life.The book is full of similar incidences and narrations which will make our readers to understand the situation in an easy way and lead a happy life. A must read book for everyone.

Runaway Husbands: The Abandoned Wife's Guide to Recovery and Renewal

Vikki Stark - 2010
    Wife Abandonment Syndrome is a pattern of behavior on the part of a husband who leaves his wife out-of-the-blue from what she believed was a happy marriage. Following his sudden departure, he replaces the caring he'd typically shown her with anger and aggression. He often moves directly in with a girlfriend, leaving his bewildered wife totally devastated. Written by family therapist Vikki Stark who was herself affected by Wife Abandonment Syndrome, Runaway Husbands helps women understand what motivated their loving husbands to turn into uncaring strangers and provides them with the tools they need to move forward and rebuild their lives in new and unexpected ways.

The Positive You!

Anita Papas - 2009
    The Positive You! is about your individuality, attitude, strengths, fears, worries, disappointments and your relationship with yourself.

If God Were Your Therapist: How to Love Yourself and Your Life and Never Feel Angry, Anxious or Insecure Again

David J. Lieberman - 2010
    Given the high level of both opportunity and comfort, one would expect people to be happier than ever, and even more satisfied with their lives. The reality, though, is startlingly different. Instead of thriving and feeling empowered as a result of greater choices, we are deteriorating. According to the latest research, one in four Americans suffers from mental illness. The drug companies try to keep pace, with the sales of anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, and mood-stabilizing drugs at record levels, and tens of millions of new prescriptions being written each year.But that doesn't seem to be enough.Many people are finding life just too painful. Every day, 80 Americans take their own lives, and over 1,900 Americans visit Emergency Departments for self-inflicted injury. So why are we suffering from such emotional pain and anguish? Drawing on timeless wisdom and fundamental principles in psychology, If God Were Your Therapist offers insights into the human condition, and reveals how regardless of the opportunities available to us today, a lack of self-control results in poor choices, and ultimately leads to negative emotions and destructive habits.As a solution, this book offers neither exercises or affirmations, nor meditations or motivating mantras. There is no homework to do or journals to fill out. Rather, readers learn how to regain self-control and move their thoughts, choices, and lives in a purposeful, powerful, direction, free from the shackles of anxiety and stress.A Look Inside:What makes some people capable of handling life’s challenges with quiet calm and optimistic resolve, while others dissolve at the slightest insult or frustration? The answer has to do with our perspective: how we see, feel, behave, and, ultimately, respond to circumstances in our life. Imagine a small child playing with a toy that suddenly breaks. The child’s whole world is shattered, and she may respond by crying, or by becoming frustrated, sad, or even angry. The child fails to appreciate, let alone recognize, that she is still being clothed, fed, loved, and taken care of — not to mention that there is a whole world outside of her own smaller world. The child’s parents know that the broken toy has no significance, but the parents have perspective that the child lacks. Intellectually, we may know that what makes us anxious or upset is actually unimportant and insignificant. The qualities however, that most of us strive to exemplify — such as objectivity, calm, and patience — are lost to annoyance and impatience when, in a hurry, we encounter the checkout clerk with the trainee name-tag staring at the cash register as if it were the cockpit of a 757. We try to maintain our cool, but negative emotions surface, and once sparked, blaze. Now we face an uphill battle. Techniques such as taking deep breaths, reciting affirmations, or practicing visualization, might work when we face minor issues, but they’re insufficient for life’s really big challenges. Reminding ourselves not to get annoyed is not a solution. Yes, the objective is to remain calm, but this is better accomplished through not becoming agitated in the first place. When we fight the urge to blow up or melt down, we battle our own nature. Without perspective, we are forever like the child holding the broken toy. This book shows you how to experience a new kind of freedom and power when you learn how to permanently shift your perspective and move through life without anger, fear, or frustration . . .

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

Susan Jeffers - 1987
    Dr. Susan Jeffers, teaches you how to stop negative thinking patterns and reeducate your mind to think more positively. You will learn: the vital 10-Step Positive Thinking Process; how to risk a little every day; how to turn every decision into a " No-Lose" situation, and much more.