Book picks similar to
Living Word of Saint John by White Eagle
Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus
Jeffrey Furst - 1969
Furst's book lies in the fact that he quotes at great length from the Cayce readings, and this should please the people who have been tantalized by brief quotations in other, earlier books."--Nashville Tennessean
Marianne Williamson on Relationships: Romantic Delusions and Friendship
Marianne Williamson - 1992
it provides the spiritual keys for coping with romantic delusions, and shows how friendship and all of our relationships are processes through which we grow and move toward God. Marianne Williamson tells you how to learn from the problems in your relationships and create a more peaceful and loving world for yourself and those you love.A COURSE IN MIRACLES, the revolutionary self-study program of spiritual psychotherapy contains simple yet powerful guidance for creating satisfying, fulfilling relationships. With these two lectures, recorded live, Romantic Delusions and Friendship, Marianne Williamson continues her brilliant series of interpretive lectures her brilliant series of interpretive lectures about the course.
Beginning Your Love Revolution
Matt Kahn - 2016
Sharing some of the foundational teachings from his life-changing book, Whatever Arises, Love That, Kahn explores:
• Why all beings at all times are worthy of love
• How to acknowledge and honor your true innocent nature—your connection to the wholeness and perfection of the universe
• Learning to lean into self-acceptance one “I love you” at a time
• Healing mantras for inviting love into your heart
“This will be an adventure that leads you directly into the depths of your being to the support you’ve always deserved,” teaches Matt Kahn. Join him to discover a spiritual paradigm that is nothing short of revolutionary.
Continue your love revolution with Matt Kahn’s book, Whatever Arises, Love That.
The Essential Edgar Cayce
Mark A. Thurston - 2004
Edgar Cayce is one of the most mysterious men of the twentieth century. Sometimes called "The Sleeping Prophet," he was prone to pick up taglines that reflected the sensationalistic side of his work rather than its real depth and meaning. The core of his life's work was actually being an intuitive healer and Christian mystic. More than one hundred books have been written about his teachings and his life story. Yet no book has combined insightful commentary with lengthy, verbatim selections of the full range of his contribution to holistic healing, practical spirituality, and the psychology of the soul. The Essential Edgar Cayce gives the reader an understanding of each major area in which Cayce helped pioneer the modern holistic living movement, as well as the contemporary popular approach to spirituality that weaves together the best of Eastern and Western religious traditions. The book's substantial introduction frames Cayce and his life's work, and is followed by eight topical sections in which commentaries by Mark Thurston guide the reader through some of the seer's most significant readings. Here is a truly integral portrait of the life and work of one of the twentieth century's most fascinating spiritual figures.
Truth Heals: What You Hide Can Hurt You
Deborah King - 2006
Truth Heals is a fascinating read – a combination of juicy personal memoir, fun celebrity examples, and solid information that connects the dots between your emotions and your health and happiness.
A Thousand Seeds of Joy: Teachings of Lakshmi and Saraswati (Ascended Goddesses Series Book 1)
Ananda Karunesh - 2018
Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Saraswati promise nothing short of a grand transformation of humanity with the birthing of a new joy-centered consciousness on Earth at this time. They take us on a grand spiritual journey by weaving new insights into ancient teachings, correcting what has been altered in scriptures by their "male" authors, and revealing new secrets about Buddhas, and Gods and Goddesses who have walked on Earth. Whether it is Eve's original sin or the closing of magnificent Goddess Temples or Sita's Fire Test or Mary Magdalene's depiction as a prostitute, "enlightened women" have been portrayed as sinners by numerous kings, emperors, writers, popes, and other religious heads for millennia. The messages of Goddesses Lakshmi and Saraswati correct many misconceptions and misrepresentations about the "patriarchal" stories from Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism. These profound messages by the two ascended Goddesses will delight you, surprise you, transform you, and even enlighten you. Goddesses Lakshmi and Saraswati also reveal new information and intimate secrets about their many incarnations on Earth with Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and other divine beings. They reveal how the transformation of many souls from their ancient tribe created two of the major world religions known as Hinduism and Buddhism. This book is not only about spirituality, but also about history, philosophy, religion, and psychology. Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Saraswati provide new insights on mind, body, soul, chakras, elements, contrast, time, destiny, karma, sensuality, tantra, higher self, heavenly realms, expanding levels of enlightenment, ascension, and of course the author’s favorite – a new way of experiencing the “divine feminine” within oneself. This is the first book in the Ascended Goddesses Series. Future books in this series will have conversations with Goddesses Parvati, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin and Tara, among others. JOIN OUR TEAM OF VOLUNTEERS The Path of Joy Organization is donating 5,000 copies of this book to uplift disempowered girls, women, and mothers, elderly living in old age homes, handicapped people, young adults with challenges, patients in hospitals, and numerous NGOs all over the world. Send an email to join our team of volunteers to distribute the 5000 copies. The author recently signed an MOU with RENEW (Respect, Educate, Nurture, and Empower Women - to donate 600 copies of this book to their 600 active volunteers, who provide help to the disempowered girls and women in Bhutan. Another 100 copies of this book were sent to the volunteers and interns of Apne Aap Women Worldwide (, an organization that saves girls and women from sex trafficking and other forms of exploitation. Even a Buddhist "nunnery" in Punakha founded by the Queen Mother of Bhutan took 120 copies for their 120 resident nuns. The many stories of enlightenment of Eve, Sita, Radha, Yasodhara, Yeshe Tsogyal and other women help in undoing the widely-held Buddhist belief that incarnating as a woman is inferior to incarnating as a man for spiritual attainment.
Manifesting: The Secret behind the Law of Attraction
Alexander Janzer - 2012
This includes:
How to overcome emotional blocks (not just mental) – a huge stumbling block for many who try to apply the Law of Attraction.
The importance of raising one’s energy level – this determines how much you will attract of what you want.
How to take aligned action – an often missing, but absolutely critical step.
The main reason why I wrote this book is to give everyone these critical pieces of information that are often missing, but absolutely necessary for successful manifestation with the Law of Attraction. And make no mistake about it: The Law of Attraction absolutely works, especially with the missing pieces you will find here. For those who are serious about using the Law of Attraction, you will learn:
How To Listen To Your Heart And Follow Your Heart’s Desires (which really come from your soul or Higher Self)
The 3 Simple Steps of Manifesting With The Law of Attraction.
The 5 Most Common Mistakes in Manifesting.
How To Access The Energetic ‘Essence’ of Abundance in Meditation.
How To Use Gratitude To Boost Your Manifesting.
In fact, applying the manifesting formula from this book also dramatically improves your “luck”. You will be amazed at the “lucky” coincidences that life will bring you and in what unexpected ways your desire will be fulfilled.
The Gentle Way: A Self-Help Guide for Those Who Believe in Angels
Tom T. Moore - 2006
You will have more fun and less stress in your life. It will assist you in achieving whatever goals you have set for yourself in your life. It will assist you in handling those major challenges we all experience in life. This book will even inspire you to learn more about our world and universe. How can I promise all these benefits? Because I have been using these concepts for over ten years, and I can report these successes from direct knowledge and experience. But this is a self-help guide, so that means that it requires active participation on your part. What you are going to read in this book is unique information that you have never seen before! This book is for people of all faiths and beliefs -- the only requirement is a basic belief in angels.
Master of Self-Realization - An Ultimate Understanding
Siddharameshwar Maharaj - 2008
The talks in this book were recorded and edited by Nisargadatta Maharaj and were originally published by him in two volumes in the Marathi language under the name of "Adhyatma Jnanacha Yogeshwar" in the years 1960 and 1961. The text was reprinted in the year 2000 at the insistence of Shri Ranjit Maharaj. Afterwards it was translated into English for this book, truly a modern day spiritual classic in its own right. Also included within the covers of this book is the text "Master Key to Self-Realization" which was authored by Shri Siddharameshwar Maharaj in the form of a methodical explanation of many fundamental principles of Advaita Vedanta and Self-Realization. The teaching found here helps the aspirant to form a solid foundation for understanding the fundamental principles of non-duality and in realizing one's True Nature.
The Power of the Positive - Achieve Fulfillment, Success, and Happiness Using Powerful, Positive Affirmations
Colleen Archer - 2014
You deserve fulfillment, success, and happiness, and all of this can be obtained with a few little tweaks to your day. Inside The Power of the Positive - Achieve Fulfillment, Success, and Happiness Using Powerful, Positive Affirmations, you will be shown how to obtain your dreams, your goals, and get what is missing from your life all by using affirmations. What are affirmations? Affirmations are short, positive, powerful statements about yourself and your life. Affirmations have the power to transform the way you think about yourself and your life by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. This transformation leads to improved self-esteem, a more positive outlook, and better focus on your goals and dreams. This book will teach you everything you need to know about affirmations and how to use them to transform your mind and your life. You will learn to create your own affirmations that are personalized to your specific needs. Then, you will learn how to develop a successful affirmations practice that makes positive thinking an unbreakable habit in your life. Changing your thinking will change your life! Start your affirmations practice right now by getting The Power of the Positive - Achieve Fulfillment, Success, and Happiness Using Powerful, Positive Affirmations today. Let today be the first of many days of positive thinking, and achieving the life you deserve!
Even More Notes From the Universe: Dancing Life's Dance
Mike Dooley - 2008
Even More Notes from the Universe combines Mike Dooley's pithy and inspiring messages, direct from the Universe, to help you start living the life of your dreams -- today. Focusing on the desired results joyfully and with gratitude is infinitely more engaging than struggling and stressing about them. Relax, laugh, and enjoy the footwork the Universe has to share. Whether your dance is the tango, hula, or one of your own creation, dancing life's dance begins with that first brave step. The music has always been playing your favorite tune, yet hearing it requires action. And right on cue, your unfailing partner, the Universe, begins choreographing players and events in a waltz of miracles, moving heaven and earth to align the future of your dreams with your present circumstances. Nothing is impractical, impossible, or out of reach. Your thoughts create worlds, your words shape the future, and the steps you take unleash the magic behind creation. In this third book in the Notes from the Universe trilogy, Mike Dooley brings a fresh perspective from your most loyal friend.
By His Grace: A Devotee's Story
Dada Mukerjee - 2001
Mukerjee was one of the first Indian followers of Maharaj-ji Westerners met in the late 60s and early 70s when they came seeking this Neem Karoli Baba that Ram Dass wrote about. Dada was fluent in English. He?d been a professor of economics at Allahabad University, editor of a prestigious economics journal, and a political activist. It was the women in his family who were interested in religion and spiritual matters until Maharaj-ji moved into Dada?s home. Dada gave up all his worldly activities then to follow Maharaj-ji. Westerners learned surrender from their acquaintance with Dada, that is did not enslave but frees. They saw there was no space between when Maharaj-ji spoke and Dada acted. His level of service to his Baba while hard for Westerners to understand was beautiful in its simplicity and acceptance of the moment.After Maharaj-ji?s death Westerners began gathering at Dada?s house, eager to hear his stories about Maharaj-ji. They couldn?t get enough and would keep Dada up late talking about his Baba. Now we have this delightful book containing Dada?s stories of the great Indian saint Neem Karoli Baba. Readers will find themselves captivated by Dada?s remembrances, informed, and challenged. Dada opens wide for us a window into Indian spiritual culture as you begin to understand what it is that happens when Guru calls and the devotee replies ?yes.? ? Paperback, 224 pages. Published by the Hanuman Foundation, 1990. The story of one of Neem Karoli Baba?s Indian devotees about his time living in Maharaj-ji?s shadow. Rich with numerous photos of Neem Karoli Baba and Mukerjee and Indian ashram life. Mukerjee often served as Neem Karoli Baba?s translator and writes in a manner easily understood by Westerners, as he leads readers into an understanding of Indian spiritual values.
You Were Born Again to be Together
Dick Sutphen - 1976
Book by Dick Sutphen