Alpha Squad: Boot Camp

Lorelei Moone - 2016
    When the New Alliance leadership asks Eric King to join Alpha Squad, a joint taskforce supposed to promote cooperation between the shifters and human authorities, his loyalty to the cause doesn’t give him any choice but to agree. But is the squad actually supposed to be relevant, or is it just an eyewash, set up by the new Secretary for Shifter Affairs to make himself look good? And how is he going to concentrate on his training, when his inner bear is insisting that the squad leader is his true mate?Major Janine Williams is not at all pleased when she is ordered to set up Alpha Squad. The initiative is just a gimmick, meant to pacify the shifter community, plus none of her male colleagues had wanted the job. But when she starts getting to know her team, especially tough East London bear shifter, Eric, she starts to wonder if perhaps it will be possible to make this task force a success, so long as everyone works together. And so long as she can manage to keep her relationship with Eric strictly professional..


Richard Kadrey - 1988
    This is Jonny's world. He's a street-wise hustler, a black-market dealer in drugs that heal the body and cool the mind. All he cares about is his own survival. Until a strange plague turns L.A. into a city of death--and Jonny is forced to put everything on the line to find the cure. If it can be found on earth...

Shadowrun 40: The Burning Time

Stephen Kenson - 2001
    He gets more than he ever wanted when a routine business trip to Boston lands him at ground zero of a running battle for survival.

Only in Time

Kelli McCracken - 2013
    Then fate interceded. A last minute favor has him coming face to face with his past. Every beautiful inch of it. Her laughter still echoed in his mind. As did the pain in her voice the day she left. Can he make things right in a race against the clock, or will time continue to work against him?

The Term Sheet

Lucas Carlson - 2015
    _____________________________________________________ David Alexander always dreamt of starting his own company. But in the exciting world of tech startups, where venture capital rules and billion-dollar businesses are the holy grail, things can and do collapse — in the blink of an eye... David’s thrown into this world and his adventures spiral him into a dark hole of terrorist plots, government espionage and classified information. It’s not as elegant a universe as he had first thought. One wrong decision could put the country in jeopardy, collapse David’s company, or even cost him his life. _____________________________________________________ THE TERM SHEET is a fast-paced technothriller about entrepreneurship, startups, encryption, and the delicate balance between national security and individual privacy. Its complex characters explore thought-provoking questions about the role of technology in an ever-changing society. Step into the high-stakes game played by today’s technology innovators, who push the envelope and risk it all. Get ready, this thrilling book gives you a taste of what startups are really like. _____________________________________________________ David Alexander, a young programmer in Portland, Oregon, loathed his job. Computer programming had always come naturally, but being an employee never suited him. So he tried entrepreneurship instead. After making a series of embarrassing blunders, David finally hit on a startup idea that stuck: encrypted chat. Sure there were alternatives, but as Edward Snowden has shown us, most of them (willingly or unwillingly) have backdoors for spies and bad guys. A new approach made David’s app one of the most secure options out there, which caught the attention of many people, including Shawn Douglas from the Secret Service. Shawn Douglas worked with eight different presidents, preventing twenty assassination attempts, forty-three terrorist plots and two bullets. When he was promoted to a desk job overseeing and organizing travel, he picked up on a cryptic email thread that hinted at a threat to the President’s life. In a race to unravel the conspiracy, Shawn and David both have to make some difficult decisions. Will Shawn stop the terrorists in time? Will David be able to navigate his startup out of a crisis and keep his entrepreneurial dream alive? Or will fate deal them both a crushing hand? Read the book to find out.

Liquid Cool: The Cyberpunk Detective Series

Austin Dragon - 2016
    Hover-cars fly above in the dark, bustling skies and gray people walk below on the grimy, flashy streets of this “neon jungle.” Metropolis isn’t a bad place, but it isn’t a good one either. Uber-governments and mega-corporations fight for control of the super-city, but so does crime.We were introduced to Liquid Cool , by the free prequel short, These Mean Streets, Darkly . We met an average woman, Carol—hardworking and decent in every way—only to have her daughter kidnapped by the psycho cyborg Red Rabbit. Can Police Central find the girl in time—alive? And is it really another senseless act of random violence in the fifty-million-plus super-city?This story continues…and there are so many more. For the first time, we meet our private eye (and unlikely hero), Cruz in a super-city where there are a million victims and perpetrators. Welcome to the high-tech, low-life world of Liquid Cool. But watch out for tech-tricksters, analog hustlers, and digital gangsters—psychos, samurais, and cyborgs aplenty—they may want your money, or your life, more than you do.Get Your Copy of LIQUID COOL Right Now and Prepare to be Thrilled with Mystery, Action, and Laughs! And don’t get shot by a laser-pistol-packing cyber-punk on your way to the digital store.Enjoy!

Future State: Robin Eternal #1

Meghan Fitzmartin - 2021
    Lazarus Resin is on its way to Gotham City, and the Magistrate intends to use this regenerative super drug to make its forces immortal! That is, unless Tim Drake has anything to say about it! Join the ultimate heist at 20,000 feet as Robin and Spoiler hijack the sky convoy that could mean the end of freedom in Gotham forever-if the emotional baggage between Tim and Stephanie doesn’t do them in first! It’s the fist-flying, sky-diving, robot smashing, fascist-punching adventure that you cannot miss-from rising star writer Meghan Fitzmartin (Supernatural) and top artist Eddy Barrows (Detective Comics)!


Ell Leigh Clarke - 2019
    Jayne Austin wasn’t always the galaxy’s number one spy. She was expelled from spy school for uncovering a double-agent because apparently, that’s what happens to spies that accomplish great things.Given a choice between going back to her planet or selling her one-way ticket for starting capital she thought long and hard about her choices. All of fifteen seconds. Then, she created ‘the Plan.’ It was a great plan. A worthy plan.  A noble plan that meant she could start up her own spy agency, and show them precisely who they’ve expelled. However, when her first case comes in, she begins to wonder if perhaps she bit off too much.  With the fate of the planet in the hands of terrorists, Jayne is forced to up her game and go to lengths she never thought she dared.  She’s going to need *FRIENDS*.  If you love space opera you’re going to love Spy for Hire: a literary triumph of majestic accomplishments a laugh-out-loud, spew-your-coffee-over-your kindle swashbuckling page turner that follows the shenanigans and best efforts of a somewhat cavalier ex-government spy, Jayne Austin.  Download it now.  You’ll be glad you gave it a try…

Judge Dredd: Emerald Isle

Garth Ennis - 1992
    Collected here for the first time , award-winning Britishcreators Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon (Preacher, Punisher) began theirlong-time collaboration with this riotous Judge Dredd tale, one that takesMega-City One's toughest lawman across the toxic Black Atlantic to theEmerald Isle in pursuit of a ruthless hitman. Only there the local militiado things a little differently to Dredd ... to be sure!Plus more mind-blowing Dredd action in Almighty Dredd and The MagicMellow Out.


Russell Zimmerman - 2012
    Like so many people in the shadows of Seattle, he’s trying to get by with what he has. In his case, that includes a lively spirit, a sadly diminished magical talent, quick wits, and good knowledge of the twists and turns of Seattle’s dingy streets and back alleys. He puts all that to the service of whatever clients he can dig up, solving whatever cases they’re willing to pay him to take on. With any luck, he’ll scrape up enough nuyen to buy a few rounds of his favorite drink—whiskey, neat.His latest case seems simple enough—find a girl who’s gone missing. But throw in a couple of feuding megacorporations, a few organized crime families, and a full selection of the odd denizens of Seattle’s streets, and you’ve got a case that’s anything but easy. It’s up to Kincaid to see how many people he can keep alive—including (and especially) himself.Neat is a brand-new Shadowrun novella plunging readers into the cold, sharp environs of the Sixth World. Elves, trolls, orks, and dwarves mix with humans in the shadowy streets of a near-future world altered by magic, trying to survive on the crumbs dropped by the megacorporations that dominate the world. Whether you’re new to Shadowrun fiction or a longtime fan, Neat is your ticket back to the Sixth World in all its dark, desperate glory.


J.C. Staudt - 2015
    A lost city, a deadly sabotage, and a series of narrow escapes will force him to choose between his freedom and the lives of thousands. A high-flying adventure full of gadgetry, treachery and intrigue; a pleasing blend of steampunk and cyberpunk.

The Eighth Science Fiction Megapack: 25 Modern and Classic Stories

Pamela Sargent - 2013
    Here are 25 stories (plus a bonus interview with best-selling author George R.R. Martin) by some of the field's greatest authors. Included are:THE TRUE DARKNESS, by Pamela SargentPERMANENT FATAL ERRORS, by Jay LakeADJUSTMENT TEAM, by Philip K. DickROBOTS DON’T CRY, by Mike ResnickNO GREAT MAGIC, by Fritz LeiberESCAPE HATCH, by Brenda W. CloughBACKLASH, by Winston K. MarksTHE PICK-UP, by Lawrence Watt-EvansPOPULATION IMPLOSION, by Andrew J. OffuttWAY DOWN EAST, by Tim SullivanTHROUGH TIME AND SPACE WITH FERDINAND FEGHOOT: 28, by Grendel BriartonTO INVADE NEW YORK, by Irwin LewisTHEY WERE THE WIND, by C.J. HendersonSTOPOVER, by William GerkenCONSEQUENCES OF STEAM, by Michael HemmingsonOUTSIDE LOOKING IN, by Mark E. BurgessDEAD WORLD, by Jack DouglasNEFERTITI'S TENTH LIFE, by Mary A. TurzilloQUICKSILVER, by Lonni LeesAFTER ALL, by Robert ReginaldTHE BARBARIANS, by Algis BudrysEX MACHINA, by Cynthia WardMONKEY ON HIS BACK, by Charles V. De VetTHE SURVIVORS, by Tom GodwinTHROUGH TIME AND SPACE WITH FERDINAND FEGHOOT: 99, by Grendel BriartonSPEAKING WITH GEORGE R.R. MARTIN: Interview conducted by Darrell SchweitzerAnd don't forget to search this ebook store for "Wildside Megapack" to see more entries in this series, covering classic authors and subjects like mysteries, science fiction, westerns, ghost stories -- and much, much more!


Lewis Shiner - 1990
    Dave stepped out of a Bastrop Federal Prison and into the home of one Margueritte Johnson, aka the Old Lady. The Old Lady passed on and left behind her house and twenty-three cats. The cats need a caretaker or so he thinks. There are others with an eye on the Johnson estate, and soon dave is caught up in a whirlwind of anarchists, golddiggers, skateboard punks, lawyers, hackers and arsonists--a population of dropouts and misfits who will do anything to avoid doing anything.

Ecko Burning

Danie Ware - 2013
    His last opponent is an elderly scribe who's lost his best freind and wants only to do the right thing. Seeking weapons, Ecko and his companions follow a trail of myth and rumour to a ruined city where both nightmare and shocking truth lie in wait.When all of these things come together, the world will change beyond recognition.Back in London, the Bard is offered the opportunity to realise everything he has ever wanted - if he will give up his soul.


Blair Howard - 2019
    A chance meeting. And then she was gone, abducted. The shadow crossed in front of the car so fast I didn’t have time to stop. I hit the brakes hard and swerved into the mud at the side of the road. Looking out through the deluge it was difficult to make out the figure coming towards the driver’s window, but as it came closer I could see it was a girl, just a kid.Instinctively, my hand went for my gun and rested on the grip as she approached. Her hair, dark, bobbed, was plastered to her head and face. The raccoon eye shadow smeared above her eyes had run in rivulets down her cheeks. And she looked scared, really scared, that much was obvious.What the hell is she doing out here alone in this kind of weather? I thought as I rolled the window down a half-inch. “Get in the back,” I yelled at her, and flipped the lock so she could open the door. Start reading today. Grab your copy now