You are my sunshine

Anna Gray - 2017
    The book details her interactions with the medical staff and the progression of her condition; tests and more tests, appointments with different consultants and doctors and ultimately time spent in hospital. However, alongside all the medical issues is the story of the love and support of her children, family and friends which makes this book so special. You are my sunshine will make you laugh and cry, it will move you and inspire you to be your best and to be there for others. 'My advice to each and everyone is not to leave it till it's too late, treasure your friends and family, don't leave it to tell people that you love them, make time for people who you care about; I guarantee that your life will be enriched and happier if you do. People can surprise you in all manner of fantastic ways!'

Ronaldo: Rise Of The Legend. The incredible story of one of the best soccer players in the world.

Roy Brandon - 2016
    On an almost daily basis we see hear his name on the news, see his face on any number of TV commercials, and marvel at the magic show he puts on every weekend when he takes to the field. He is a celebrity whose image and influence affect our popular culture and a soccer star that has been compared with some of the world´s best athletes. But Cristiano was not always the popular, mega-celebrity, soccer superstar that he is today. The success that he enjoys has come from years of hard work and sacrifice that have helped him overcome many obstacles and difficulties in his pathIn this book, we´re going to take a look at the life of Cristiano, beginning at the time he was rising star whose career was threatened by a strange heart condition, right up until his third Ballon D´or recognition. We will also follow Cristiano off of the field to see his impact on popular culture and his life beyond soccer.

A Gallery of KNOTS!: A Beginner's How-to Guide (Tiger Road Crafts Book 10)

Tara Cousins - 2014
    From traditional sailor’s knots to the trendy friendship bracelets of the 90’s to the modern craze of paracord crafts, knot tying is a fun and valuable skill. Guys, gals and even young kids can learn the principles of knot tying to create a huge variety of projects. This ebook will teach you a selection of the most widely used, best loved knots and a variety of accompanying projects. The step-by-step photo instructions make it easy to learn, even for the beginner!

Hollywood The Skeletons Are Out!: Over 1,200 direct quotes by actors and directors about themselves, their colleagues and their films

Alan Royle - 2016
    She also tries to kill herself every few years, without success. I hope she never succeeds, but one wonders if she is any good at anything.’ BARKIN, Ellen Ellen boasted of having an affair with George Clooney: ‘Yes, I have fucked George Clooney. I’m very proud of it, actually. If you don’t have chemistry with George Clooney, you need to check your pulse.’ BARRYMORE, John A very young Anne Baxter worked with Barrymore on ‘The Great Profile’ in 1940: ‘He was in terrible shape. In the morning, he was so wasted that his man would have to carry him in and set him down in an easy chair. Then he’d pour Barrymore a Coke. No response. Then he’d shake in some rum flavouring and this great actor would suddenly spring to life. Amazing. Once we were waiting for a take and I asked him why he read his lines from chalkboards. Couldn’t he remember his lines? And he stood up and recited a Hamlet soliloquy. He never made a pass at me, but it was hard going for our resident vamp, Mary Beth Hughes. She bent over once to fix her stockings and he instantly leapt up to pinch her behind.’ BEATTY, Warren Cher slept with him when she was a teenager: ‘Warren has probably been with everybody I know, and unfortunately I am one of them. But since I was only 16 maybe I can get out of it with that. I don’t know if I was a bimbo then, but I had pretty low self-esteem. He was technically good, but I felt nothing.’ He rather ungallantly told of Jane Fonda’s extraordinary sexual prowess: ‘…her ability to virtually unhinge her jaw. Like a python that swallows prey much larger than itself.’ BOW, Clara Louise Brooks’ husband considered Clara to be beneath them: ‘She wasn’t acceptable socially. Eddie Sutherland, my husband, gave absolutely the best parties in Hollywood. So I asked him one day to invite Clara Bow and he said, ‘Oh, good heavens, no! We can’t have her. We don’t know what she’d do. She’s from Brooklyn.’ BOYD, Stephen Brigitte Bardot once asked him to marry her: ‘I don’t know if she was joking, but I said no. I did not explain that I couldn’t marry an actress who could never be faithful to me. Or at least try. Like, I would at least try, for the first year or two.’ BRANDO, Marlon A drunken Brando disgraced himself on national television when he guested alongside Zsa Zsa Gabor on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show and propositioned her: ‘Do you know what I want to do with that girl, Johnny? I want to fuck her! Zsa Zsa, a man can only do one thing with you: throw you down and fuck you!’ BRYNNER, Yul Ingrid Bergman and Brynner did not get along making ‘Anastasia’ (1956): ‘Yul Brynner was shorter, I suggested putting a little block under him. ‘You think I want to play it standing on a box? I’ll show the world what a big horse you are!’ I never had a complex about my height after that.’ After Steve McQueen up-staged him one too many times during the filming of ‘The Magnificent 7’ in 1960, Brynner issued him a warning: ‘If you don’t stop that I’m going to take off my hat, and then no-one will look at you for the rest of the film.

Alexa: 1200 Best Things To Ask Alexa - The Top Alexa Questions You Wish You Knew (2017 Edition): (FREE: Download Inside)

James Ryan - 2016
    Well, look no further. This book contains the top Alexa dot questions that you wish you knew. After hours of searching, I have found and compiled the best questions you can ask. Each one has been tested and works perfectly. In this eBook, you'll discover... - Helpful ways to get the most out of your Alexa-enabled device - Fun questions to ask Alexa echo with your friends and family - Tips, tricks, and hours of entertainment with Alexa FREE DOWNLOAD INSIDE: "10 Alexa Skills You Need to Know" Buy this book now for only $.99 to get the most out of your Amazon product!

BOMB DOORS OPEN: From East End boy to Lancaster Bomber Pilot with 617 'Dambuster' Squadron

Ken Trent - 2016
    From near fatal accidents during training in Canada, to dodging flak and fighters over Germany, not to mention trying to land with a ten ton 'Grand Slam' on board, his motto in life has been 'Just Do It'. Born in the East End of London, he left school as the Battle of Britain raged overhead. Determined to 'do his bit', he signed up for service in the RAF. Volunteering for special duties after completing his first tour, he became a member of the famous 617 'Dambusters' Squadron, flying to attack precision targets such as viaducts, submarine bases, and even Hitler's hideout at Berchtesgaden. When the War ended he tried to forget about his experiences, and told no-one of what he had been through; until fifty years later, when an unexpected phone call led to him taking the controls of a Lancaster bomber once more. He is one of the last of an extraordinary generation, one who flew through the unfriendly darkness of German skies, was hunted by fighters and shot up by flak, but pressed ahead with his duty knowing that his chances of survival dwindled every time he took off. His modesty and unfailing sense of humour are an inspiration. Just Do It. Ken is very kindly donating all of his royalties from the sale of this book to The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund & Holidays for Heroes Jersey.

Adventures of a Surgical Resident

Philip B. Dobrin - 2010
    This is the story of a surgeon in training and his adventures during the years of his residency.

Unbridled Shakti

Amish Tripathi - 2017
    In his first ever non-fiction book, the bestselling, Immortal India: Young Country, Timeless Civilisation, Amish helps you understand India like never before, through a series of sharp articles, nuanced speeches and intelligent debates.In the festive season, when India celebrates women as Shakti during Navaratri, Amish reminds us how the country needs to respect its women, and go back to the ancient principle of viewing men and women as equal.

Keep Swinging (Kindle Single)

Rick Marin - 2012
    Until his 6-year-old son utters the four most powerful words in the English language: “Dad, will you coach?”Keep Swinging chronicles the rookie season of an indoorsy TV writer raising two alpha boys whose life turns around when he gets off the sidelines, puts on a jersey that’s three sizes too big and and throws himself into the world of kids sports. An inspiring, funny, at times gut-wrenching tale for every father and son who’ve ever picked up a bat, ball or hockey puck, it’s also a story about marriage, career, surviving life’s slumps and how you’re supposed to make men out of your boys, but they end up making a man out of you. The author of the bestselling memoir Cad: Confessions of a Toxic Bachelor writes his next chapter.

Deceivers: Exposing Evil Seducers & Their Last Days Deception

Terry James - 2018
    The religion of climate change enshrined. Witchcraft and the occult made mainstream. Fake news. We live in a world where deception is rampant and true agendas are rarely revealed. Jesus foretold of this time as He answered His disciples’ question: What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age? Bible prophecy experts present analysis of today’s issues and events in Deceivers, revealing that Christ’s prophecy is literally unfolding before us today. A collection of 12 leading experts. Discover false prophets hiding behind the thin veneer of religious half-truths Unveil the globalist agenda behind diplomatic, judicial, and political hypocrisy Go behind misleading headlines and entertainment illusions to discern the truth.

Only Cry on Fridays: Escaping Coercive Control A true story

Alice Waite - 2018
    To the outside world ours was a perfect marriage and my husband an amusing charismatic man. But behind closed doors life couldn’t have been more different. I had never heard the term, Coercive Control, so for years didn’t understand what was happening to me. With this kind of abuse, there are no bruises to see, but the controlling behaviour behind the scenes was frightening and intimidating. Coercive Control, is a complex tapestry, it is a classless, silent abuse without witnesses. Leaving my marriage of thirty years was the bravest thing I have ever done. The second bravest thing, has been to write my experiences down. My diaries and notes made at the time, languished at the bottom of a drawer for years, then, as the Helen Titchner storyline in The Archers, started to gather pace, with every episode, I became increasingly anxious. My heart would palpitate, my mouth became dry, as I listened to what was so familiar in my own married life. Incentivised to bring this hidden abuse into the public domain, this book chronicles my escape from a coercive controlling marriage and the aftermath which I was so unprepared for. Locations and the names of the guilty have been changed to protect the innocent, whose names have also been changed.


Tapan Ghosh - 2021
    A hundred quotes from someone who’s lived life on the edge and come shining through. Quick to read and easy to grasp, this book will change your take on life.

138 Dates: The true story of one woman's search for everything

Rebekah Campbell - 2021

Summary and analysis: when breathe become air

John Smith - 2016
    It’s a work of art that is insightful and succeeded in enlightening me on how to connect with other humans and why life is worth living. I will definitely be referencing this book for the rest of my life- I do not say this lightly.

The Golden Boy: A Doctor's Journey with Addiction

Grant Matheson - 2017
    Respected physician, loving husband, devoted father, and trusted friend. Grant was a straight-laced kid who grew up to be a clean-living adult. No drinking, no smoking, and certainly no drugs. It took everyone by surprise, most of all himself, when he became addicted to narcotics in his 30s. His story hit local press when he was found guilty of professional misconduct related to his addition, including over-prescribing painkillers to patients so he could buy them back--an infraction that caused his physician license to be suspended.Matheson's memoir is a gritty account of his narcotic addiction and all that it cost him: various relationships, his career, and almost his life. The Golden Boy takes the reader from the very first day of Matheson's drug addiction to that moment when he decided to rebuild his life through rehab and recovery.