Mastering Hypnotic Language - Further Confessions of a Rogue Hypnotist

The Rogue Hypnotist - 2013
    For his own reasons he still remains anonymous, the hypnotic self-help elite must be ruffled! They don’t want this stuff getting out! The Rogue Hypnotist is a top UK clinical hypnotherapist and Advanced NLP expert. He has a very good success rate indeed with his client’s and he wants to share the tricks that work with you! He helps his client’s in 1 session only at a very reasonable rate. They leave with a big smile on their faces. Police officers, multimillionaire’s even TV celebs have sought his help; now he wants to help YOU! The sequel to ‘How to hypnotise anyone,’ the number 1 best seller on hypnosis on and is here! ‘Mastering hypnotic language,’ awaits you!!! You can now take your hypnotic mastery up to the next level! In book 1 you learnt how to hypnotise anyone using words alone. Now you will learn how to use words with such precision that your total hypnotic power is assured! The Rogue Hypnotist is giving away almost for free all the ‘language patterns’ that work as opposed to all the junk being sold out that that won’t do anything to anyone. Learning hypnosis should be easy and fun! The hypnosis bag of magic tricks that you can expect to effortlessly learn and put into practise are… 1. The specific language that will induce trance and hypnosis in anyone. 2. Why words beginning in RE are hypnotic! 3. Why you SHOULD use PMR (Progressive Muscle Relaxation) with a script showing just how to do so. 4. How to dissociate the conscious and unconscious minds. Script provided! 5. What ‘colour feelings’ are and how to use them in hypnosis. 6. The secrets of ‘hidden code’ hypnosis. 7. How to use ‘hypnotic negations’ properly and why they work. 8. The amazing expose of how the unconscious reveals the truth through ‘reverse speech.’ 9. A powerful and much more advanced ‘hypnotic mind model,’ that will give you far greater understanding of how the mind works than 99% of mental health care professionals, helping you hypnotise anyone with flair. 10. What the best ‘temporal and spatial’ language predicates to use in hypnosis are. 11. Exactly how to use language to dig out specifics, to find the missing pieces and stop yourself being influenced against your will. 12. How to use hypnotic assumptions and nominalisations and which ones work best. 13. How to specifically and expertly use artfully vague hypnotic language. 14. What hyperbolic words and hypnotic poetry is. 15. The specifics of ‘hypnotic languaging.’ 16. A knowledge of associational networks and artful ambiguity. 17. The 100% fail proof formula to create your own hypnotic deepeners! It’s easier than you think! And you get a free bonus – ‘The Silly Deepener!’ 18. An embedded commands induction PLUS the specific ‘embeds’ that induce trance in any conversation. You will learn TRUE conversational hypnosis that works including how to describe a state to elicit it! 19. A step by step description of the precise way to create a ‘symbolic deepener’ with full script provided. 20. Your special BONUS – ‘The Unicorn Deepener’ and much, much more! The Rogue Hypnotist is practically giving this away so that YOU will have by end of the book more hypnotic ability than 99% of so-called hypnotists out there! That’s my promise to you.

The Break Up Manual For Men: How To Recover From A Serious Break Up, Become Stronger and Get Back Into Life

Andrew Ferebee - 2015
     Guys, let’s face it a serious breakup can suck! There is no one that is IMMUNE to experiencing a broken relationship. It literally feels as though your heart has been torn out of your chest. You can’t stop thinking about her, what you could, should or would do if you had another chance — even if the breakup occurred last week, or ten years ago. But the truth is… it’s OVER and she’s moved on! So what can YOU do about it? The Breakup Manual For Men was born out of real heartbreak, and an urgent necessity to get over the loss and pain of a serious breakup. In this powerful book, relationship coach for men, Andrew Ferebee has distilled the essentials of his own success and life-changing work with men who have been blindsided by breakups into an easy-to-follow strategy that you can devour in as little as a day. This is no ordinary relationship advice book. You will leave behind all confusion, pain and heartbreak as he leads you through how to truly “Overcome and Recover” so you can become stronger, attract new women and have the confidence to start living again in the shortest time possible. Andrew leaves no stone unturned. Everything has been tested and proven to work! The result — one easy-to-read book for men that reveals what you absolutely need to know. * Keys to experiencing acceptance of the breakup in a matter of weeks instead of months * Proven method to avoid the pain of seeing her move on and speed up the recovery process * How to trick your mind into ending the fantasy of you getting back together with her * 3 simple steps to regain your power so you no longer feel empty inside * The surprising truth behind why you would have lost her either way * Detailed strategies to handle social media after a breakup * Exactly how and what to do to accept the loss and release the pain * How the 5 stages of grief can help you cope with your emotions and accept where you are * The hard-science behind breakups and why you are going to thrive after the breakup * The real reason why you should wait before jumping back into another relationship * Demystifying the truth about why your ex has moved on and appears happy * Unique and overlooked ways to control your anger over your ex moving on * Life-changing secrets of getting clear about your breakup * The facts on how long it takes to get over a breakup and when to start dating again * Breakthrough solutions for suicidal thoughts and why you matter even without her * Andrew’s 5 “can’t miss” non-negotiable rules to avoid slipping back into old self-destructive thoughts and behaviours * A powerful 10 step weekly plan you can follow to see incredible things happen in your life again * Little known techniques for channelling your anger so you no longer feel like a victim * 6 ways to rebuild your life and improve it far beyond what it is now * Clear and straight-forward advice that will instantly help you re-discover your purpose * Fastest known way to recovery and how you know you are ready for a new relationship Ask yourself: Where will you be a week, a month or a year from now? Think about it.


Tristan Jones - 1980
    In his quest for the means to liberate his boat, he takes any work he can get.

50 Things To Do Before Seeing a Psychiatrist: And How To Actually Do Them

Joe Baldizzone - 2017
    Holistic health coach and recovery expert, Joe Baldizzone, knows first-hand what it's like to live with depression and how to recover from debilitating panic, as well as addiction. In this book you will find simple strategies to help you get started on your own path to recovery. Do you feel anxious most of the time? Are you overwhelmed with persistent worries? Is depression keeping you in the house? Have you reached for drugs and alcohol to cope? Are you considering going to see a psychiatrist, but scared of being put on medication? If you're looking to change your life and find happiness without doctors and medications, try the proven methods Joe has to offer. Learn about Joe's recovery and how to use the 50 tools that have helped him as well as countless other people.

Mind Over Mother: Every mum's guide to worry and anxiety in the first years

Anna Mathur
    She offers little nuggets of gold while reminding us to point some of our kindness and love inwards.' Giovanna Fletcher, bestselling author of Happy Mum, Happy Baby 'Anna is breath of fresh air - relatable, funny and wise' Sarah Turner, bestselling author of The Unmumsy MumBaby-proof the house; panic-proof the mum.Do you overthink what you said to the mum in the supermarket queue? Is your internal dialogue more critical than kind? Perhaps you wake to check your baby is breathing, or the sight of a rash sends you down an internet search rabbit hole. Whatever your level of anxiety, however much it impacts your life, this book is for you.Anxiety is making motherhood a less pleasant, more fraught and pressured experience, and we do not have to accept joy-sapping worry and energy-draining overthinking as part of the motherhood job description. In Mind Over Mother, Anna Mathur, psychotherapist and mum of three, explains how to:* Understand anxiety, why it affects you and what to do about it* Make your mind a kinder, calmer, happier place to be* Transform your motherhood experience by addressing your thinkingThe most powerful tool Anna has to communicate this isn't the letters after her name, it is the fact that she is open about her own experience of maternal anxiety. By sharing her journey, she gives you the confidence to reframe yours.Mind Over Mother is full of light bulb moments of realisation. It will have you learning, laughing and loving yourself through the journey of motherhood. You will learn to address the most important conversation you'll ever have - the one inside your head, because investing in your mental health is the best gift you can offer yourself and your child.

The Principles Of Masonic Law: A Treatise On The Constitutional Laws, Usages And Landmarks Of Freemasonry

Albert G. MacKey - 2003
    From that period, the regulations adopted by the Grand Lodge of England ceased to have any binding efficacy over the craft in this country, while the laws passed by the American Grand Lodges lost the character of general regulations, and were invested only with local authority in their several jurisdictions.Before concluding this introductory section, it may be deemed necessary that something should be said of the "Ancient Landmarks of the Order," to which reference is so often made.Various definitions have been given of the landmarks. Some suppose them to be constituted of all the rules and regulations which were in existence anterior to the revival of Masonry in 1717, and which were confirmed and adopted by the Grand Lodge of England at that time. Others, more stringent in their definition, restrict them to the modes of recognition in use among the fraternity. I am disposed to adopt a middle course, and to define the Landmarks of Masonry to be, all those usages and customs of the craft--whether ritual or legislative--whether they relate to forms and ceremonies, or to the organization of the society--which have existed from time immemorial, and the alteration or abolition of which would materially affect the distinctive character of the institution or destroy its identity. Thus, for example, among the legislative landmarks, I would enumerate the office of Grand Master as the presiding officer over the craft, and among the ritual landmarks, the legend of the third degree. But the laws, enacted from time to time by Grand Lodges for their local government, no matter how old they may be, do not constitute landmarks, and may, at any time, be altered or expunged, since the 39th regulation declares expressly that "every annual Grand Lodge has an inherent power and authority to make new regulations or to alter these (viz., the thirty-nine articles) for the real benefit of this ancient fraternity, provided always that the old landmarks be carefully preserved." Download The Principles Of Masonic Law Now!

Bulletproof Putting in Five Easy Lessons: The Streamlined System for Weekend Golfers (Golf Instruction for Beginner and Intermediate Golfers Book 2)

Michael McTeigue - 2014
    The secret to lower scoring is to sink more putts of eight feet or less while consistently lagging long putts close to the hole to avoid three putting. The Bulletproof Putting System teaches you to do exactly that, in five easy lessons. Written for the recreational golfer who has limited practice time and no desire to become a slave to the game, Bulletproof Putting in Five Easy Lessons will help you •Read greens more accurately and visualize the correct roll paths for your putts•Make a dependable putting stroke that hits the ball where you aim•Ingrain your bulletproof pre-shot and in-shot routines to increase confidence•Master the four types of putts: slam dunk, drillable, drainable, and lag•Utilize precious practice and warm up time to your best advantage. Bulletproof Putting in Five Easy Lessons is written in an approachable style by Michael McTeigue, former Northern California PGA Teacher of the Year and author of the popular full-swing instruction classic, The Keys to the Effortless Golf Swing. Michael conducted thousands of golf lessons as a PGA professional at Bel Air Country Club, Riveria Country Club, and Palos Verdes Golf Club in California. His beautifully illustrated new book will improve your putting and enrich your enjoyment of the game. Bulletproof Putting in Five Easy Lessons is certain to become a treasured favorite in your golfing library.

Jung: An Introduction Into the World of Carl Jung: The Shadow, The Archetypes and the Symbols (Psychology and the Mind)

Meredith Moonchild - 2016
    They even became friends over the years, but they parted ways when it came to psychology. While Freud's approach was clinical and scientific in the Western sense, Jung started to draw his inspiration from Eastern philosophies and religions. Because of Carl Jung we have today a bridge between the mythological and mysterious world and the world of psychology. His research into dreams and sub-conscious parts of the minds offers riveting insights into human psychology that none before him have been able to. While Freudian psychology is still the branch most taught within universities, there is a large undercurrent of Jungian psychology seeping into our society. Especially the spiritualists and the New Age movement have embraced Jung as a teacher to better understand their own "Shadows" and dark aspects of the psyche. In this short read you will be given a concise and insightful introduction into the world and psychology of Carl Jung.

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Summary

BookRags - 2011


Peter Adams - 2011
    Unlike other books on the law of attraction, the Author has successfully used the VisualFestation System to manifest miracles in his own life, and he shares them with you in VisualFestation. When you are finished with this book, you will have all the tools you need to create miracles in your life through practicing the VisualFestation System.

Your Best Year Yet: 7 simple ways to shift your thinking and take charge of your life

Kelly Exeter - 2014
     Your Best Year Yet reveals 7 simple ways to shift your thinking so you can: • Make better decisions; • Form better habits; • Manage your time better; and • Be the very best version of you. ADVANCE PRAISE FOR YOUR BEST YEAR YET "Loved it! So easy to read…like talking to a wise friend…and so “now” and current. Thank you…will adjust my thinking!!" —Ashley B "This advice is gold and I love how you’ve made it easy to read." —Kylie s "Fantastic. I found it really made me think about how important my mindset is to each and every day. When I finished reading it, I felt like standing and ‘Woop Wooping’ like Julia Roberts!" —Jodi G NOW IT'S YOUR TURN TO HAVE YOUR BEST YEAR YET. LET'S GO!

Self-Administered EMDR Therapy: Freedom from Anxiety, Anger and Depression

Katherine Andler - 2013
    Whether we've experienced small or major trauma, and whether we are aware of the foundation of our issues, EMDR will desensitize disturbing and painful thoughts, sensations, images, and emotions, and turn around our negative beliefs.This guide explains the theory behind the therapy, and what to expect from self-administered EMDR. It provides a framework for self-help so that you can apply the 8 stages of EMDR correctly without the need of a therapist.

GRE Big Book of Questions

Manhattan Prep - 2013
    With 12 chapters and 1,244 practice problems, students can build fundamental skills in math and verbal through targeted practice. Plus, through easy-to-follow explanations and step-by-step applications, each question will help students cement their understanding of those concepts tested on the GRE. Purchase of this book includes access to additional online resources.

Three Bodies Burning: The Anatomy of an Investigation into Murder, Money, and Mexican Marijuana

Brian Bogdanoff - 2010
    the inside story of the investigation.When two worlds collide-the illegal transportation of tons of Mexican cartel marijuana to inner city gang members in a Midwestern city's "hood"-three bodies end up burning, caught in a web of greed as a major international drug deal goes very bad.The chilling trail of evidence from a remote wooded area where three bodies are set on fire leads homicide detectives across the country chasing down witnesses and conspirators in a two-year search for cold-blooded killers. This case has it all: murder, piles of cash stashed in the most unlikely of places, a blood-soaked crime scene, the remote dump site for bodies, luxury cars, flashy jewelry, and hundreds of pounds of illegal dope.An unbelievable break takes detectives down the rabbit hole where CSI meets Law & Order and where good old gumshoeing and meticulous forensic procedures bring down a mega-million-dollar drug conspiracy and lock up the bad guys for life.Follow the case through the eyes of the gritty homicide/narcotics detective. A handbook for the amateur criminologist, this book is for true crime fans, prosecutors and defense attorneys, and cops and robbers.Warning: This book contains graphic crime scene photos and adult language.

THE NARCISSIST'S SECRETS: (Know the things they don't want you to know!)

Leyla Loric - 2016
    Never, ever want to be drawn into a narcissistic relationship AGAIN! learn the secrets that narcissists play on to lure you in and BREAK THE CYCLE forever. 2. People who find themselves trapped in a narcissistically abusive relationship - if you simply knew the TRUTH of what was really going on in your relationship the narcissist knows very well you would be out of the door like a shot! they are praying you NEVER find out the secrets kept in this book that hold good hearted people in emotionally abusive relationships 3. People who want to WALK AWAY for ever and never look back! Isn't it an irritating burden to even after having gone through the drama and upheaval of a break up with a narcissist (not to mention the expense, emotional, financial and time-wise) to have to carry them around in your head and your heart every day? The narcissist would hate for you to be shown the mechanics of why and HOW the narcissist makes you feel this way so that you can undo it and walk away FOREVER. Looking for Revenge? Find out what makes you desire narcissistically abusive relationships, heal it, grow in self-awareness and strength and MOVE ON to a better life, leaving them in the dust. Nothing is more painful to a narcissist than to LOSE CONTROL over a victim and be discarded in the past by a victim who was not only "not crushed" by the break up but actually improved as a person as a result! This will have the narcissist frothing at the mouth with rage.