Presidents and Prophets: The Story of America's Presidents and the LDS Church

Michael K. Winder - 2007
    Winder, member of the Utah Board of State History. There are 43 chapters, one for each president from George Washington to George W. Bush. We see the Church rising from obscurity to political clout as America's-fastest growing religion.You will learn of the wartime President who checked out the Book of Mormon from the Library of Congress; of the President who spoke at a funeral in the Washington, DC Stake Center; the President who attended school in the Kirtland Temple; and the President who had two high priests in his cabinet. Read about what FDR wrote to Churchill about the Mormons; the President who grew up in Ohio with Lorenzo Snow; the Apostle who spent his honeymoon in the White House; and the President who quoted Alma in a letter he wrote to a missionary.One President asked that his sick wife be given a priesthood blessing. Another received a priesthood blessing himself shortly before his death. Two Presidents have attended Family Home Evenings with two different Apostles. One former President helped the Church missionary program in Africa. There was the President who telephoned Spencer W. Kimball during a stake conference to ask him a few questions, and the President who would spontaneously land Air Force One just to check on his friend David O. McKay.

Press on: Messages on Faith, Hope, and Charity

Joseph B. Wirthlin - 2007
    Wirthlin, who turns 90 this year, is known among his colleagues as a wise man, a resilient man, and a man of complete integrity. He is also known for telling wonderful stories. In Press On, he shares lessons and insights he has gleaned during his life. His messages focus on the three virtues spoken of so eloquently by the Apostle Paul--faith, hope, and charity--virtues that fit us for service in the kigdom here and also prepare us to reurn to our Heavenly Father's presence. He talks of following the Savior's example, of cultivating divine attributes, and of becoming modern pioneers by being "true to the truth." Readers will find profound counsel on many vital gospel principles, together with memorable stories, from the mind and heart of a leader who has shown--in word and deed--how to "press on."

Love Like Jesus: Reaching Others with Passion and Purpose

Judah Smith - 2013
    Many believers have a desire to share the love of Christ with others, but they are held back by fear and uncertainty. Love Like Jesus shows Christians how they can successfully reach a world desperately seeking purpose and meaning, and it addresses how to overcome the common challenges shared by everyone who wants to share their faith— including fear of failure, lack of love, and living in an age of compromise and complacency.Love Like Jesus provides relevant and practical tips for those who want to spread their passion for Jesus to their neighbors and the world. Judah Smith emphasizes that telling others about Jesus comes with challenges, and he provides effective solutions designed to overcome fear and uncertainty.

We're All Freaking Out (and Why We Don't Need To): Finding Freedom from Your Anxious Thoughts and Feelings

David Marvin - 2021
    A part of the human experience often involves anxious feelings that paralyze us, keep us up at night, rob us of our ability to live in the moment, and pretty much suck the life out of us. But this doesn't have to be the case. You can stop freaking out.Sound too good to be true? It is true. In fact, it's a promise from God himself.At least 366 times, the Bible commands us to not fear. God loves us and doesn't want us to be ruled by anxiety. Not surprisingly, most people don't understand what the Bible actually teaches about anxiety, fear, and worry.Consider this book a practical resource to help you connect the dots between your anxiety and what God has to say about defeating it. As you are about to discover, you really can stop freaking out.

One More Strain of Praise

Neal A. Maxwell - 1999
    He observes that this book "blends the autobiographical and the doctrinal."both the title of the book itself and those of the individual chapters come from the words of a well-known hymn. The author's counsels and comments reflect his experiences and perceptions in the light of the challenges set by his malady and of the appropriate gospel concepts. Thus he early observes that irony, "the hard crust on the bread of adversity," can try both our faith and our patience. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, is central to the book as He is to the plan of salvation. "Multiple revelations teach us that redeeming Jesus is uniquely our 'advocate with the Father,' that He pleads for us, and that He makes intercession for us....Without this grand reality we would be helpless, and all would be truly and finally hopeless."But the guarantees are in place. "He can succor us in any form of the human condition because, as He reminded Joseph in the Liberty Jail: "The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he?' No person, therefore, who comes before Him can exclaim, "You don't understand what I have been through!'"The author further explains: "Of course, the Father knew beforehand of all human wickedness. He knew beforehand of mankind's need of a Savior....Mortal sins previously committed and those yet to be committed were atoned for retroactively and prospectively in Gethsemane and on Calvary. For us of the last dispensation, it was 'paid in advance,' as it were."The last chapter recalls examples of Elder Maxwell's "intertwinings," many of them "kindred spirit" friendships. They range from boyhood school days and wartime army service all the way up to General Authority associations. This chapter is a fitting end to a book that is replete with uplifting gospel thoughts that will unfailingly instruct and edify the reader.Note: Description comes from the original version's book jacket and not Amazon.

It's Good to Be Alive: Observations From a Wheelchair

Jack Rushton - 2010
    As Jack struggled to adjust to life in a wheelchair, he realized that he could reach out to people through his words. Through his observations, Jack has touched the lives of family, friends, and many others all over the world. It's Good to Be Alive contains the best of Jack's insights on topics such as spiritual paralysis, encouragement, death, and happiness. Funny, inspiring, and down-to-earth, this book will ultimately help you realize that it really is good to be alive.

In His Image: 10 Ways God Calls Us to Reflect His Character

Jen Wilkin - 2018
    In His Image explores 10 attributes of God that Christians are called to reflect—they are called to be holy, loving, just, good, merciful, gracious, faithful, patient, truthful, and wise. This book calls readers to discover the freedom and purpose in becoming all that God made them to be.

You Are Enough: What Women of the Bible Teach You About Your Mission and Worth

Danielle Bean - 2018
    We are unique, we are worthy of love, and we are called to greatness. In this world, though, it can be easy to be distracted from that truth and begin to doubt God’s love is real. We live in a world that tells us we are not smart enough, not pretty enough, not sexy enough, not rich enough, not thin enough, and don’t have enough friends. It’s easy to focus on the ways we fall short of worldly perfection and to forget that we are already made perfect. We are already enough. God has made each of us for a unique purpose, and he calls each of us to know him in unique ways. In a world where everything feels fleeting and temporary, we are made for everlasting life; we are meant to experience God’s abiding love. You Are Enough uses the timeless tales of the Bible to clarify that truth for modern women. ● See how God’s love for each of us shines forth through the stories of the women of the Old Testament. ● Connect with the hopes, dreams, struggles, and experiences of these remarkable women. ● Learn how the lives of these women contain valuable lessons for our lives today. ● Find hope and encouragement as you discover that you are enough, you are accepted for who you are as a beloved daughter of God.

Spiritual Discernment

Watchman Nee - 2009
    1.9-10). What was it that inspired him to offer such a prayer for the dear saints in Philippi? Do we today desperately need the same prayer? We talk about love and fellowship, and yet we encounter many problems and failures. What is the missing link to a glorious church? Can it be the lack of “full knowledge and all perception that ye may prove [or, distinguish] the things that differ” (literal translation)?Certainly spiritual discernment is the pressing need of today. How can we obtain this full knowledge of God? Where do we get spiritual discernment that we may know the things which differ or are more excellent? These are the matters which brother Watchman Nee tried to address during his latter years of ministry. This present volume, entitled Spiritual Discernment is composed of three parts: Abound in Knowledge, Abound in Discernment, and Approve the Excellent. The Publishers were able to acquire these Notes in Chinese recently, and they have now been translated into English for sharing with the English-speaking saints.May these Notes help many in meeting the pressing need of today.

The Advent Jesse Tree: Devotions for Children and Adults to Prepare for the Coming of the Christ Child at Christmas

Dean Meador Lambert - 1989
    The day Christians celebrate that God's purpose wasfinally revealed in the coming of the savior, Jesus Christ. Eachdevotion traces the heritage of Jesus through the stories and propheciesof the Old Testament. This book enables individuals and families toengage in a more meaningful celebration of the Christmas season. Thesedaily Advent devotions are written in two versions (one for children andone for adults) including a scripture, a story and commentary, questions to ask, a prayer, and a song. Each devotional story is paired with a representative symbol thattraces the heritage of Jesus... Such as a lamb, a dove, a rainbow, aheart, a star, etc. Children and their parents can utilize the symbolicline art printed with each daily devotion to craft meaningful ornaments.These symbols coincide with the prayers, memory verses, questions forchildren, and songs found in the devotions for that day.Finally, on Christmas day, your tree will be filled with reminders of 25 Bible stories that led up to Christ's birth.

Savior & the Serpent: Unlocking the Doctrine of the Fall

Alonzo L. Gaskill - 2005
    Many Christians assume it was an evil, unnecessary act. Even among Latter-day Saints, there are competing views and questions about what happened in Eden: Why did God give Adam and Eve conflicting commandments in the Garden? How much of the story is literal and how much is symbolic? Relying on scriptures and statements from the prophets, Alonzo Gaskill carefully distinguishes between settled LDS doctrine on this subject and popular interpretations. He teaches that the Fall was foreordained to be part of the Plan of Salvation and shows how insights we have gained about the Fall help us find our bearings in dealing with the challenges of everyday life.

We Are Church

Francis Chan - 2018
    Millions more have left the church, brokenhearted and cynical. But God is waking up His people—people who will risk everything and sacrifice anything to become the dynamic, powerful Church seen in Scripture.  We Are Church calls Christ-followers, young and old, to hold fast to their biblical roots while seeking radical change. Scripture promises an exuberant and unstoppable Church. That wondrous early church of Acts can be our reality today—but not until we devote ourselves to her original priorities.   Read this book and be challenged, guided, and encouraged to passionately pursue God’s magnificent and beautiful vision for His Church. Come and claim your part in this body of believers that is not just possible—it’s promised.

Living a Covenant Marriage

Douglas E. Brinley - 2004
    Brinely received his Ph.D. in family studies from Brigham Young"mso-spacerun: yes">  He is an author or co-author of six books on marriage and family, including Between Husband and Wife: Gospel Perspectives on Marital Intimacy.  He is a professor of Church History and Doctrine at Brigham Young University.  He and his wife, Geri Rosine Brinley, are the parents of six children and a foster"mso-spacerun: yes">  The family resides in Provo, Utah.  <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Daniel K. Judd received an M.S. degree in family science and a Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Brigham Young University.  He is an associate professor and department chair of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University.  He and his wife, Kaye Seegmiller Judd, are the parents of four children and live in Orem, Utah.   Contributors to this Volume Elder Bruce C. Hafen, Douglas E. Brinley, Daniel K. Judd, Marlene Williams, Kent Brooks, Terrance Olsen, Brent A. Barlow, Kenneth Matheson, Charles. B. Beckert, Rory Reid, Sherrie Mills Johnson, Guy Dorius, and John Livingstone.

Better Than Happy: Connecting with Divinity Through Conscious Thinking

Jody Moore - 2021

True Discipleship

William MacDonald - 1962
    But he cannot be excused if he does not have zeal. If his heart is not aflame with a red-hot passion for the Saviour, he stands condemned. After all, Christians are followers of the One who said, "Zeal for Your house has eaten Me" (John 2:17). Their Saviour was consumed with a passion for God and for his interests. Those who are constrained b the love of Christ will count no sacrifice to great to make for him.