Book picks similar to
Auras by Edgar Evans Cayce


Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams

Kevin L. Michel - 2013
    This is most blatantly revealed in the mind shattering 'double-slit' experiment and is at the core of what is called 'the measurement problem,' in quantum physics. The results are startling, but this is what the science is clearly showing. It is human awareness that causes matter to fix into a single position, and reveal a single reality. The science is showing that at every moment we become aware of our reality, the universe splits into unseen parallel dimensions and we become trapped in just one of these many parallel realities. This is all powerful stuff but what does this mean for our lives? What if you could learn how to access these parallel worlds that are being created? What if you could do what many billionaires and great minds in history have done but have only hinted at. What if you could move through parallel realities in order to achieve unfathomable greatness. Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Michelangelo, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, John D. Rockefeller and many others all used this quantum mind power that is now available to you. This is one of the most powerful books you shall ever read. With research from quantum physics, psychology, biology and behavioral epigenetics, as well as many great spiritual teachings, 'Moving Through Parallel Worlds' will guide you on a path to achieving your grandest ambitions. The title, 'Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams,' is literal - based on the 'Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics,' and it is also a metaphor suggesting positive life transformation. This very night, you shall be reading and then applying the concepts in this book, and that moment will be the starting point of your mastery of wealth, romance, creation, and mastery of all things in the physical world. 'Moving Through Parallel Worlds' draws on science and timeless wisdom, to guide you on a path to unlimited power and enlightenment. 'Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams' will allow you to bridge the discontinuity in your life from the point where you are at right now, to the point where you dream that you can be. This book shall put you into alignment with all that you have imagined possible for yourself and shall show you a path even to that which you may have considered impossible. This book has emerged so that you may be lifted up, and that you may come to realize the power you have to exist in a world that is exactly as you imagine it should be. This is your moment and this book is here, just for you. Enjoy the journey!

A Treatise on White Magic: The Way of the Disciple

Alice A. Bailey - 1934
    The human being is essentially and inherently divine. The soul is the means whereby humanity evolves a consciousness of divinity, redeems gross matter and liberates the pure flame of spirit. This work talks about White Magic.

The Complete Lenormand Oracle Handbook: Reading the Language and Symbols of the Cards

Caitlín Matthews - 2014
    Their simple, predictive, and non-esoteric nature opens the realm of fortune-telling to all, offering a traditional cartomantic divination where card combinations fuse together to give clear answers. In this complete guide to Lenormand card reading, Caitlín Matthews explains the multiple meanings for each card, providing keywords so the reader can quickly build an interpretive vocabulary for Lenormand fortune-telling. She details how to lay spreads, starting with 3 or 5 cards and building to the Grand Tableau spread, which uses all 36 cards. She explores the significance of the playing card pips and suits on each card and how cards combine to create a variety of meanings. Matthews enables readers to learn the Lenormand card keywords so they can both read for themselves and express their interpretations to clients. Providing real case histories for readers to interpret, she also includes self-tests and practice exercises with answers to check at the end of the book. In addition to her comprehensive practical introduction to the Lenormand oracle, Matthews delves deeply into the history of cartomancy to reveal the mythic blueprint that underlies this simple deck, the key to which lies not in their imagery but in their connection to playing cards.

Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel

William Buhlman - 1996
    . .If you ever wondered what might lie beyond the reality we experience every day, if you've ever thrilled to accounts of out-of-body travel and longer to go alone for the ride, this fascinating, practical guide is for you. America's leading expert on out-of-body travel tells the riveting story of his travels to other realms and offers easy-to-use techniques to guide you on your journey of a lifetime'and beyond.Travel into parallel realities . . .William Buhlman has trained out-of-body travelers in his workshop for more than a decade, teaching people how to project their consciousness outside the limits of their physical bodies and to explore dimensions and worlds beyond everyday life. Now he vividly recounts how own adventures in the parallel universe described in the new-physics theories of Stephen Hawkins, Paul Davies, and Fred Alan Wolf and presents his step-by-step guide to astral travel'including exercises, tips, techniques, and answers to your every question about out-of-body experiences.And discover surprising truths about reality, past lives, the soul, and life after death.Astral travel, Buhlman reveals, not only can expand your conscious'it can help verify the existence of the soul, teach you about past lives, and enhance your daily life. Find out in this compelling handbook for everyone who wants to venture beyond the body and take the ultimate trip.

Liber Null and Psychonaut: An Introduction to Chaos Magic

Peter J. Carroll - 1987
    Liber Null contains a selection of extremely powerful rituals and exercises for committed occultists. Psychonaut is a manual comprising the theory and practice of magic aimed atthose seeking to perform group magic, or who work as shamanic priests to the community.

Mantra Meditation: Change Your Karma with the Power of Sacred Sound

Thomas Ashley-Farrand - 2004
    Mantras are sacred sound syllables that can effect changes to your inner psyche and the external world. Today, Thomas Ashley-Farrand—one of the foremost authorities on Vedic and Buddhist Sanskrit mantras in the West—makes these sacred sounds widely available.According to traditional practice, "When you begin to chant these ancient formulas," teaches Ashley-Farrand, "the petals on the chakras begin to resonate, and they begin to pull in minute amounts of spiritual energy." Over days, weeks, and months, larger and larger amounts of energy accumulate bringing health, radiance, and eliminating karma, which allows desires to be fulfilled. Mantra Meditation teaches: How to use mantras for feng shui to create healing energy flow in your home and workplace Ways to integrate the powers of Kubera—guardian of wealth and keeper of mantras—into your own life

The Flowering of Human Consciousness

Eckhart Tolle - 2002
    What is it about this humble man that has so many seeking his guidance?"They don't come to be with me," he says. "They come to be with themselves, to be themselves more fully." In this profound statement lies the force behind The Flowering of Human Consciousness, Eckhart Tolle's hopeful news of a universal awakening for the human species, what he calls the one thing of absolute importance … the deeper purpose of our lives. In this part of the Power of Now teaching series, Eckhart Tolle invites listeners to unfold the miraculous state of presence they always carry within: our original way of being that is free from the relentless thoughts, fears, and ambitions created by the ego. From using the inner body to put an end to stress and suffering, to insights into the nature of the pain-body and its role in relationship, to accessing a creativity and intelligence far greater than the mind, here is Eckhart Tolle's depiction of a new world that awaits us as we take the next step in our collective evolution, The Flowering of Human Consciousness.Note: originally released as a video program of the same title.

Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot: An Authoritative Examination of the World's Most Fascinating and Magical Tarot Cards

Lon Milo DuQuette - 2003
    With artist Lady Frieda Harris, he condensed the core of his teaching into the 78 cards of the tarot. Although Crowley's own Book of Thoth provides insight into the cards, it is a complicated, dated book. Now, in clear language, Lon Milo DuQuette provides everything you need to know to get the most out of using the Thoth deck.

Magick of Reiki: Focused Energy for Healing, Ritual, & Spiritual Development

Christopher Penczak - 2004
    The history, mythos, variations, and three degrees of Reiki are discussed in depth. Penczak also suggests way to integrate Reiki and magickal practice, such as using Reiki energy for psychic development and with candle magick, crystals, herbs, charms, and talismans.Winner of the 2005 COVR Award (Best Alternative Health Book)

The Master Key System

Charles F. Haanel - 1912
    The Master Key teaching has been published in the form of a Correspondence Course of 24 lessons, delivered to students one per week for 24 weeks. The reader, who now receives the whole 24 parts at one times, is warned not to attempt to read the book like a novel, but to treat it as a course of study and conscientiously to imbibe the meaning of each part - reading and re-reading one part only per week before proceeding to the next. Otherwise the later parts will tend to be misunderstood and the reader's time and money will be wasted. Used as thus instructed "The Master Key" will make of the reader a greater, better personality, and equipped with a new power to achieve any worthy personal purpose and a new ability to enjoy life's beauty and wonder.

Outrageous Openness: Letting the Divine Take the Lead

Tosha Silver - 2011
    After twenty-five years spent consulting and advising tens of thousands of people from all over the world, Tosha Silver realized that almost all of us have similar concerns: “How do I stop worrying? How can I feel safe? Why do I feel so alone?” And often, “Who am I really?” For the passionately spiritual and the bemusedly skeptical alike, she created Outrageous Openness. This delightful book, filled with wisdom and fresh perspectives, helps create a relaxed, trusting openness in the reader to discover answers to life’s big questions as they spontaneously arise.At its heart, Outrageous Openness opens the door to a profound truth: By allowing the Divine to lead the way, we can finally put down the heavy load of hopes, fears, and opinions about how things should be. We learn how to be guided to take the right actions at the right time, and to enjoy the spectacular show that is our life.

Your Soul's Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born

Robert Schwartz - 2009
    Through compelling profiles of people who knowingly planned the experiences mentioned above, Your Soul’s Plan shows that suffering is not purposeless, but rather imbued with deep meaning. Working with four gifted mediums, author Robert Schwartz reveals the significance of each person’s life plan and allows us a fascinating look into the “other side.”Each personal story focuses on a specific life challenge, organized by type for easy reference. Accessible both to those familiar with the metaphysical aspects of spirituality and to the general reader, the moving narratives that comprise Your Soul’s Plan help readers awaken to the reality that they are transcendent, eternal souls. With this stirring book as a guide, feelings of anger, resentment, guilt, and victimization are healed and transformed into acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, and peace. Robert Schwartz is also the author of Your Soul’s Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, which explores the pre-birth planning of spiritual awakening, miscarriage, abortion, caregiving, abusive relationships, sexuality, incest, adoption, poverty, suicide, rape, and mental illness. There’s also a chapter about the pre-birth planning we do with our future pets. Robert Schwartz is a hypnotherapist who offers general Spiritual Guidance Sessions, Past Life Soul Regressions, and Between Lives Soul Regressions. Visit Robert online at

Discover Your Psychic Type: Developing and Using Your Natural Intuition

Sherrie Dillard - 2008
    This groundbreaking guide offers a personalized approach to spiritual development, introducing four different psychic types and revealing how to develop the unique talents of each. Designed for both beginning intuitives and advanced psychics, this book presents a simple, step-by-step plan:Take the insightful quiz to learn whether you are a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual intuitive Discover more about each type's nature, personality, strengths, and potential challenges Develop your psychic abilities with the meditations and exercises designed for your specific intuitive style Throughout the book, Dillard shares remarkable stories from her professional practice to illustrate the incredible power of intuition and its connection to the spirit world, inner wisdom, and your higher self.

Esoteric Christianity

Annie Besant - 1905
    Its first followers guarded them as priceless treasures. After an increasingly rigid hierarchy began to bury these truths in the early centuries A.D., they were known only to a few initiates, who communicated them privately, often in obscure language. In Esoteric Christianity, Besant's aim is to restore the secret truths underlying Christian doctrine. As public interest grows in the Gnostic Gospels and the mystical side of Christianity, Besant's remarkable book, first published in 1901, is attracting new attention.

Care of the Soul: A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life

Thomas Moore - 1988
    Promising to deepen and broaden the reader's perspective on his or her own life experiences, Moore draws on his own life as a therapist practicing "care of the soul," as well as his studies of the world's religions and his work in music and art, to create this inspirational guide that examines the connections between spirituality and the problems of individuals and society.