Gypsy Blood

Kristy Cunning - 2018
    Or uncommon. I'm sure there are a lot of girls with old gypsy blood who see the dead, have killer cults hunting their family, and turn into something that gets scary when they panic. Yep. Completely unoriginal, if I do say so myself. Move along. Nothing to see here. Nope. I'm just an ordinary girl. I wish people would believe that. I've been labeled as one thing or another for most of my life: Death Girl. Crazy Gypsy Girl. Gothic Chick. Monster... It took my mother's death for me to finally start getting answers about what's really been going on. Unfortunately, most of the answers come from men...who aren't just men. Somehow, I've gone and landed myself in a world truly filled with monsters, and I'm starting to think this is where I should have been all along. Only...I don't understand what's going on. I'm walking into the middle of a story that's thousands of years old, and I'm the new girl on the block who doesn't have a clue how this world even works. My only guides happen to be the most lethal of the bunch. They decide who lives or dies. They decide who gets stabbed or tortured. Yeah... I've gone and drawn attention to myself, and the ones paying attention are the ones everyone else seems to fear. How do these things always happen to me? **Reverse Harem **Language warning **Sexual content **Dark Humor

Friends with the Monsters

Albany Walker - 2019
     Late at night, while everyone is sleeping, dreaming of white knights and fairytales. I’m making friends with the monsters. They call to me, like finds like, right? My biggest secret, I’m the scariest monster I know. I think I’m the bad guy. MFMM Reverse Harem novel with adult themes not recommended for those under 18.

City in Embers

Stacey Marie Brown - 2015
    When she is placed in her “last-chance” home, she finds a reason to stay and turn her life around: her foster sister, Lexie, who is paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair. Zoey will do anything to keep her safe. After high school, Zoey is hired by a special government agency, the Department of Molecular Genetics (DMG), where she meets the other reason to remain: Daniel, her co-worker. The man she loves.But there is something unique about Zoey. She can see fae. Because of this, the DMG hires her to work as a Collector: catching, researching, testing, and using the fae to save human lives. The work never registers on her sympathy radar. She was raised to think of fae as beasts that feed on humans and want to destroy them.When devastation hits Seattle, Zoey's whole world is turned upside down. The electric storm connects her to a ruthless fae, a Wanderer named Ryker, whose dealings expose them to even more trouble and danger. They embark on a journey, running and hiding from both the government and fae, both of which threaten their lives and those they love.

Brothers of the Flame

Mary Martel - 2017
    And it’s about to get a whole lot worse. After her mother meets a man online, Ariel is forced to move to a different state, leaving all that she has ever known behind. Any teenager’s nightmare. But Ariel isn’t like most teenagers, she’s different, and she has literally nothing to leave behind. No friends, no nothing. They move next door to a house that remains empty all summer long until the day before the first day of school. A school where the other kids treat Ariel like garbage because of who her mother is and the fact that she’s different from them, save for a few – her neighbors. Tyson, his mysterious Uncle, Quinton, and twins, Abel and Addison. They quickly become her only friends, but Ariel soon finds out they are hiding things from her, keeping secrets from her. And she wants answers. Surprisingly, they give them to her. What do you do when you find out you’re not who you always thought you were and your whole world gets flipped upside down? Ariel Kimber stumbles into a world she didn’t know existed, a world of magic and nothing is as it seems. Thankfully, she has the guys to guide her, to hold her hand along the way and she is going to need a whole lot of hand holding. -This is a Reverse Harem series. - There is adult langue and some mature content so be warned of that.

Wicked Gods

Michelle Hercules - 2019
    I’ve been offered a place at the prestigious Gifted Academy, an opportunity very few Norms get.To survive, I must become invisible. But my hope to get through the academy unscathed goes down the drain when the most powerful boys in school set their eyes on me.They hate me simply because I’m a Norm. If they knew who I truly am, they’d tear me apart limb by limb. But I’m done cowering away from Idols. It’s time for the Norms to fight back, and it all starts with me.*Wicked Gods is a steamy, paranormal academy RH bully romance.

Gifted Connections 1

S.M. Olivier - 2017
    Living in reprehensible conditions, she didn't think she had any hope of getting out anytime soon, with her half sister. It wasn't until she was confronted by her music teacher and series of events that she was forced to face reality. She was gifted with a special power and with the help of the new men that entered her life she would learn to control them. At least she hoped she did before her idealistic new life was torn apart by a man determined to use her powers for his own gain. *Please be advised possible trigger warning.

The Rowan

Stella Brie - 2021
    Until one night, when the latest assassination attempt fails and the third Killian blade makes its appearance.A powerful witch with little knowledge of her heritage, Arden's first step on the path of destiny is The Abbey. A place of sanctuary and power, it's a haven in a sea of unknowns and where she hopes to find an ally. An Elven prince, a Fae lord, the First Vampire, a warlock, and the King of Dragons make up the Imperium Cadre, one of the most powerful cadres in existence. Owning and managing The Abbey for over a thousand years, they're not known for taking in strays. But Lord Theron's life debt paves Arden's entry into the formidable sphere of their protection. As the sweeping winds of change blow, Arden and the cadre will navigate the path of destiny together. Secrets are revealed, heritage found, and alliances forged and lost.Warning: This is a why choose, reverse harem, paranormal, urban fantasy romance, with FMMMMM relationship. 18+ years of age due to mature content.

Touch Of Regret

Autumn Reed - 2018
    I would manage the antique shop she left me and marry a kind, stable man. Most importantly, I would never tell a soul about my psychic abilities.But with a single, intentional touch and a vision of the past, I set events in motion that expose my secret. I’m part of a world I never knew existed, and my new allies are dismantling my carefully constructed walls.Except, those walls had a purpose--they kept me hidden.Now, my abilities make me a target.And my mere existence is endangering everyone I care about. My name is Adele Rose, and I know nothing but regret.

Don't Rush Me

Jackie May - 2018
    They wander through life blissfully ignorant of the supernatural world around them. Nora Jacobs is different. Nora knows exactly what kinds of hellish creatures haunt the streets of Detroit. Thanks to a unique set of psychic abilities, Nora has managed to steer clear of the underworld most of her life. But all that changes the night the most powerful vampire in the city discovers her gifts and decides to use her as a tool to find one of his missing clan members. As if that’s not bad enough, Nora believes she’s cursed. All her life, people, especially men, have been drawn to her—some to the point of obsession and violence. Underworlders, it seems, are not immune to this curse, and now she’s caught the attention of some of the most dangerous monsters in the city. Neck deep in an investigation only she can solve, Nora quickly makes as many new allies as she does enemies. Her biggest problem is staying alive long enough to decide which is which. *This is a slow burn reverse harem romance.

Elemental Fae Academy

Lexi C. Foss - 2019
    Now I've been dragged to the Elemental Fae Academy to control the powers I unlocked that night.So kissing? Yeah, that won't happen again. Nope.Lesson learned.Except, I kind of kissed Titus, too. And well, now, I'm in a world of trouble. I keep burning things down, flooding dorms, and I've attracted the campus mean girl brigade.This Fae Realm is a nightmare come to life. Truly.But there are dreams here, too.Sexy ones.And they're in the form of five Elemental Fae mentors. They're supposed to help me control my powers, but who's going to keep the elements from controlling me?Note: This is a medium burn reverse harem paranormal romance, and book one of the Elemental Fae Academy trilogy.

Kissed by a Dark Prince

Felicity Heaton - 2013
    He’s her chance to redeem herself with her employer, the demon-hunting organisation, Archangel. But when the tall, dark and deadly immortal warrior awakes, she gets much more than she bargained for… Attacked by his enemy in the elf kingdom, the last thing Prince Loren expects when he comes around is a beautiful angel watching over him and medical technology of the mortal realm. Hazy from his injuries, all he can focus on is the pulse ticking in her throat and the sweet allure of her blood.One single bite reveals she is his eternal mate, triggering a bond between them that will leave him weakened until it is complete… or broken, and pulling Olivia into the crossfire of his ancient feud.To protect his people and his mate from the machinations of a madman, Loren must risk everything by working with Olivia at Archangel to find a way to break the bond blossoming between them. But will Loren be strong enough to place duty before desire and give up the one thing he has waited millennia for and craves above all others—his eternal mate? And will Olivia be able to resist the incredible heat that burns between them and the temptation of her dark prince’s kiss?

A Torn Paige

L. Rose - 2019
    A scary but faithful sidekick, and of course, her crazy family.The bad....Everything else.*This is the first in a reverse harem romance trilogy. There's adult themes, course language, humor, and mm scenes, for 18+ only.*Sorry about the cliffhanger, but the second book will be released in early December 2019.*Bestselling author, Lila Rose, writing as L. Rose to bring you a brand-spanking-new reverse harem paranormal romance series. You'll laugh, maybe cry, and hopefully enjoy feisty Paige and her annoyingly hot men.


Auryn Hadley - 2016
    And they’re just about to succeed. Lauded fantasy author Auryn Hadley (The Demons’ Muse romantic fantasy series) compellingly blends heart-stopping action-adventure, heart-breaking ethics, and toe-curling sensuality, all through the lens of a Daenerys Targaryen-esque lead—the likes of which the fantasy genre hasn’t yet seen. When you were once a slave, freed only to become a ruthless warrior, "belonging" seems a trite concept. A pipe dream, the stuff of naive fairy tales. But not for Salryc Luxx. Private Luxx—Sal for short—is iliri, a member of an untamable race surreptitiously dubbed "their kind" by humans and bred thousands of years ago to protect them. Humans consider them expendable, barely more than animals. Freaks. But in a karmic twist of fate, they’re also one of mankind’s most feared predators. Abused and enslaved, the only control Sal has over her life is what military unit she serves with – if she's good enough to be accepted – and the only one to consider her is the best in the land, the Black Blades. Everyone has secrets, and the Blades are no different. But acceptance into the Blades gives Sal something she never expected—the family she’s never had, and with it, the undying protection of seven of the greatest warriors the world has ever seen. It also gifts her a devoted line of potential mates. Many of her fellow warriors will submit to the bloodlust that overtakes her in the heat of battle and can only be quenched by rough, passionate lovemaking (making way for the steamiest of love scenes). Though it’s not all war and sex. Sal very gradually cultivates deeply loving, evolving relationships with each of the Black Blades, which morphs as a unit into a reverse harem as sweet as it is fierce, and as protective as it is impassioned. But belonging has its own price. Each of the Blades would die to protect Sal. And it’s only a matter of time before the enemy moves to use this against her.Author Hadley has crafted a unique epic fantasy—and an absolute roller coaster of emotions. Her heroine, Sal, is as loving as she is ferocious, and the demons she battles—and the way she beats them—underlie a delicate exploration of the ethical and political battles we face in every war we fight. Hadley’s clever takes on racial prejudice are subtle, yet damning—and her idea of sexual politics is a rip-roaring turn-on. Every female reader will want to be Sal… and every male, like the guys in the book, will fall for her. The first book in the Rise of the Iliri series. BloodLust does not end with a cliffhanger. It does contain adult themes, thus may not be suitable for younger readers.

Trying to Live With the Dead

B.L. Brunnemer - 2016
    I’m your average 17-year-old girl. Except I can see the dead. And talk to the dead. And push them away and, well, help them move on. So..okay, I’m not your average 17-year-old girl. For years I’ve been struggling to survive the souls still roaming around. The shitheads always seem to find me. Moving from town to town every few months never helped either. More dead just always find me. But things are changing for me now. I’m moving in with my uncle Rory and cousin Tara. I’m finally going to be able to do normal teenage stuff I’ve been missing out on. Right? Well, if this one bitch of a ghost could leave me alone on campus that would be great. Especially since I haven’t told my new friends about my abilities. Can you believe this? Five good looking guys practically adopt me on my first day of school, and I still think they’re a bit nuts for it. Now if I can only just keep my life with the dead from mixing with my normal life, everything would be great. Yeah...I don’t see that happening either. But I’m going to give it a shot. Who knows? It might work.

Lord of the Fading Lands

C.L. Wilson - 2007
    Once he loved with such passion his name was legend.Once, driven wild with grief over the murder of his beloved, the majestic Fey King Rain Tairen Soul had laid waste to the world before vanishing into the Fading Lands. Now, a thousand years later, a new threat draws him back into the world—and a new love reawakens the heart he thought long dead.Ellysetta, a woodcarver’s daughter, calls to Rain in a way no other ever had. Mysterious and magical, her soul beckons him with a compelling, seductive song—and no matter the cost, the wildness in his blood will not be denied. As an ancient, familiar evil regains its strength, causing centuries-old alliances to crumble and threatening doom for Rain and his people... he must claim his truemate to embrace the destiny woven for them both in the mists of time.